Archmage is a unique rank held by the top-ranked Mage. This rank may only be won by a
Mage challenging the Archmage for it. There can be only one Archmage at a time.
As of September 21st, 2000, the Archmage also holds the title of Celestial Keeper.
Citadel of the Stars
The Citadel of the Stars is the lair of the ArchMage, who also bears the title
of Celestial Keeper. This Citadel combines the best and most beautiful of
earth, air, fire and water to create a dwelling worthy of the gods. The
foundation is a large fragment of solid bedrock which floats in the sky
directly above the central node of Twilight Island, forming the apex of a
perfect pyramid with the other Keeper dwellings. The lush vegetation on the
floating isle is fed by abundant water which flows all about the floating
isle; water which vanishes into thin air as it falls over the sides. The
Citadel, itself, resembles an ancient temple, the dome, columns, and steps
made of white marble. Burning within the temple, at the center of a Circle
of Genesis, is a brilliant white flame of pure magic. So great is its power,
that only the ArchMage can approach and draw power from it without being
Celestial Keeper Powers
While many magi are capable of flight and teleportation, none of these powers
will permit anyone to approach the Citadel of the Stars. Only the ArchMage,
bearer of the Celestial Key, may do so in safety. All others suffer an assault
of raw magical force that resembles a sandstorm of tiny stars. The Celestial
Key is made of pure platinum, and set with a large black star sapphire. The
ArchMage may approach the Citadel any way he chooses, but for those with a sense
of drama, a swarm of stars will descend from the Citadel to fly the Keeper home.
The title Keeper of the Stars is somewhat misleading, as the Keeper has no
power over the stars themselves, nor does he draw power from them. His power
is that of the Fifth Element, Quintessence, or magic itself. Stars are merely
a symbolic representation of that element. As the other Keepers can tap directly
into their respective elements to fuel their powers, the ArchMage is able to
tap directly into the source of all magic itself. Those who can sense auras
will see the aura of the ArchMage to be flooded with galaxy of stars, symbolizing
his power. As the strongest of the elements, the powers of the other Keepers,
elementals, and related spirits have no effect on the Keeper of Quintessence.
This Keeper also has no specific
Celestial Keeper Unique Ring - Olympus
From beneath the chosen ring, a rumbling overtakes the Isle. A thunderous sound
precedes the mountain that bursts forth, rising just above all the other rings
as the ground around the peak drops deep into the earth, creating a mountain's
depths all around the ring and casting an ethereal, celestial light across the
others. Clouds and thunder, lightning and wild tempests surround the ring and
fill the pit where earth, air, fire, and water all come into being and play a
part in the overpowering forces that the Archmage and his/her opponent clash
with. Endless tiny, faintly lit stars float listlessly across the battleground
of the Archmage; most powerful of the casters.
While Doran Ilnaren and Colleen MacLeod dueled to see who would retain or claim the title of Celestial Keeper, the Dark Hunter made her presence known. Archmage and Challenger took to the air on winged unicorns, refocusing their attention from each other to aiding the Druids in banishing the being who had darkened the Isle for the previous month. Colleen used her healing abilities to lend strength to Druids as they chanted their spells. It was Doran who landed the final blow on the Dark Hunter. This sealed his right to claim the Citadel of the Stars. (Match officiated by Dris in Olympus. Doran won two successive matches. 5 - 2 in 8 rounds, 5.5 - 3 in 9 rounds)
Challenger Sheridan 'Dris' Driscol, a five time winner of the Archmage tournament, had faced four previous Archmages (Ebon Ilnaren, Gatito Lindo, Eregor Túr Gairdín, and Rachael Blackthorne) since March 2022. In the challenge notices, the competitors were promising dancing and singing. What spectators received was nothing short of a magically musical extravaganza! Eden Parker, a perennial favorite among the dueling officials and two time Archmage, officiated the full scale Best of Three within the Archmage's ring, Olympus. Dris came out strong in the first match with a win of 5-4 in 12 rounds. Doran, who was a long time performer with the Shanachie Theater troupe, pulled out all the stops in the two succeeding matches with scores of 5.5 - 1 in 7 rounds and 5.5 - 3 in 10 rounds securing his right to continue as Archmage.
Despite having challenged a few times for a Tower, Gillette Brooke had yet to earn a title for magical combat. This time, she was taking her shot at the Citadel of the Stars and holding its platinum and black star sapphire key. Magic's Head Coordinator and Chief Warden of the Isle, Gatito Lindo, officiated the full scale Best of Three. Dueling in Ring Olympus, incumbent Archmage Doran Ilnaren was more than ready for the showdown with one of the sport's most dedicated duelists of recent years. With scores of 5.5-0, Doran; 5.5-2.5, Gillette; 5-4, Doran; it was Doran who won the challenge and secured his right to remain as Celestial Keeper.
Incumbent and two time Archmage, Rachael Blackthorne, chose Olympus as the battleground for this challenge. Mage Emeritus, Eregor, was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Both competitors displayed their guile and magical prowess in two matches. The seventh round of match two saw Colleen MacLeod, Keeper of Air, claiming the key to the Celestial Citadel. Scores were 5 - 2.5 in 8 rounds and 5.5 - 4.5 in 7 rounds.
On an April evening, Matt Simon, the third DiArchLord in dueling’s history, stepped into Olympus with Rachael Blackthorne, Keeper of Earth and 58th Archmage, to decide who would hold the key to the Celestial Citadel. Eden Parker, 62nd and 65th Archmage, officiated for the pair in a challenge that went the full distance with three matches. The Earth Keeper claimed victory in match one with a score of 6 - 4.5 in 12 rounds. The DiArchLord took the second with a score of 5 - 3 in 6 rounds. The third match, as is often the case, determined the fate of the title and who would retain or be given charge of the platinum and sapphire key. Rachael came out the victor over Matt with a score of 6 - 4.5 in 7 rounds to become the 78th Archmage.
Two time Archmage, Eden Parker, presided over the events in Ring Olympus as incumbent Archmage, Rachael Blackthorne, and Sheridan ‘Dris’ Driscol, who was making his fourth attempt to become Archmage, battled until one either retained or gained the Key to the Celestial Citadel. The challenge went the full distance of three matches. Rachael displayed her masterful control of celestial bodies as she called upon nebulas and glittering starlight. Every inch the musical showman, Dris dazzled spectators with, among other things, his toreador like skill with his cloak. After three grueling matches, it was Rachael Blackthorne that retained the platinum and black star sapphire key. Match 1: Rachael Blackthorne def. BardGallant, 7.5 - 6 in 12 rounds. Match 2: BardGallant def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5 - 3.5 in 8 rounds. Match 3: Rachael Blackthorne def. BardGallant, 5 - 3 in 7 rounds.
Archmage and former Keeper of Water and Air, Eregor Túr Gairdín, faced off with Matt Simon, former Keeper of Water, Air, and Fire in Ring Olympus for a spectacular show of dueling prowess. Claire Gallows officiated for the Best of Three contest that saw Matt Simon taking his place as the newest Archmage in two matches; 5 - 2.5 in 8 rounds, 5 - 3.5 in 12 rounds. This accomplishment also earned the coveted Triple Crown honors for Col. Simon.
A magical night of musical miscief and magical mayhem! Eregor faced off against Archmage Mairead Harker for the right to ascend the steps to the apex of magical might and claim the Celestial Citadel! Singing, dancing, and history making all in one night! The duelists stood atop Olympus as the match begun and the Archmage was quick to gain the starting lead! And one she kept well into the final round of the 8th call of the night for a 5.5 - 3.5 victory in her favor! Match number two started with the Phantom of the Opera himself scoring first, though if only half of a point, which found itself overshadowed by a quick focused fear touch from the Archmage to send the match back in her favor! Yet favor was not kept as lyrics continued to be sung by challenger Eregor as more and more of the lead was taken until finally he took it in the 8th aas well, 5 - 2.5 in his favor! The back and forth scoring continued until the third and final match with both sitting at 4 to 4 sudden death in the 9th.. who would take it? Eregor, that's who! With a solid Mind Whip to stop the Archmage's Wizard Blades! With the 5 - 4 finish in 10 rounds Eregor was crowned the next Archmage of Twilight Isle!
An interstellar collision of a night with Olympus being its battleground! Archmage Tournament winner Sherican Driscol stood as challenger and opposition against reigning Archmage Eregor Túr Gairdín! Dris began the challenge strong with a sudden bolt of magic to keep Eregor from shifting away and doubled up after summoning a fog of obscuring light to catch the Archmage in the second round! Though Eregor was able to rise out from the pit a back and forth between the two duelists saw the first match of the night come to sudden death at 4.5 each; a sudden death in the Archmage's favor after a harp strum of a starry arrow volley caught the challenger off guard to end the first match 5.5-4.5 in 12! The second match began and did so with a bang with both scoring an opening point — and so began the musical struggle for the lead, with both Dris and Eregor gaining until the 7th round with a tie at 3.5 each; though this tie would be broken in Dris' favor with an end score of 5-3.5 in 8. And so the challenge would go to three! First and second round were quick to go to Eregor while Dris shifted the momentum back to tie it 2 - 2 in the 5th round. Eregor regained his lead and moving into match point position, and while he Dris did score another point, it would be his last of the night as the Archmage secured his defensive victory in the 10th round with the final score of 5 - 3.
A couple of weeks after winning the Archmage Tournament, Mairead and Archmage Gatito settled their challenge on the Isle with a delicious catered affair. The pair joined hands prior to entering the ring and Olympus was called forth for this best of three event. They both rocketed out of the gate (figuratively) with a beautiful trade of glistening snow showers and glitter, delighting spectators (and themselves) as the challenge began. As Mairead disappeared into a single star, by round three she reappeared as her and Gatito called for a reversal of the first round with the score coming to 3.5 to 2.5 with Mairead in the lead. With the help of a Winter Court’s shield, she deflected Archmage Gatito’s cold mist and soon sealed her victory in the 5th round with a final score of 5 to 2.5. The second match started out cautiously on both caster’s parts before Mairead was scattering more glitter into the ring and soon followed up with another point as she distracted Gatito being in toddler form with a polar bear. Rawring to disperse the Archmage’s control of the winds, Mairead soon held the score of 3.5 to 0 in round 4. But Gatito would not be shut out, and instead a trade of spells, nearly blinding them both. The Archmage’s grace is second to none in the rings however, and with the score at 4.5 to 2 in round 6 it looked as though they were mounting a comeback. It would be when Mairead blanketed the ring with the scent of winter roses that her victory could be announced, taking the second match with a final score of 5.5 to 2 in 7 and becoming the newest Archmage!
This one goes down as the Archmage Challenge between Doran the Daring and Mairead the Magical! The Archmage opted to kick things off in the special ring Olympus and so the pair entered the ring to cast things out. Keeping the score close, the two danced in time with each other for most of the match, one with Doran taking the lead in round 7 and then closing out the match in round 8 with a final score of 5.5 to 4.5. When match two began, Mairead held her ground and kept Doran from scoring in the first two rounds. While Doran attempted to close the gap of Mairead’s lead, she’d continue her stead climb up the scoreboard and close out the second match in her favor with a final score of 5 to 3 in 7. So, things would all come down to the third and final match. Doran opened strong, but when Mairead got on the board in round 3 she continued building momentum and never looked back until she was victorious with a final score of 5 to 1.5 in 9. With a simple and magical Cinderella twirl, Mairead disappeared in stardust and reappeared with her win and earns her first defense as Archmage!
With the four elements deliciously represented on the buffet table, Archmage Mairead and challenger Phil took to ring Olympus to decide who would gain or keep control of the Celestial Citadel for the upcoming cycle! Mairead kept Phil off the scoreboard until round 4, where she had previously managed to freeze him out, but Phil is resourceful and leaped forward with a focused cast to close the gap and put the score to 2 – 1.5 in round 4 (with Mairead’s lead). Staying the path and with his eyes on the prize, Phil scored again and took a slim lead, holding it till round 7 where Mairead tied things up at 2.5 each. The Archclover as she is fondly called, focused up and hit match point first in round 8, only allowing Phil to gain another half a point until she closed the match with a final score of 5 to 3 in 10! The following match, Mairead was again first to score, but both casters followed up in round 2 to tie the score at 1.5 each. From there it seemed that Mairead would make a steady climb up higher on the board, hitting match point in round 5, but Phil stalled out Mairead’s spells for two more rounds before she successfully closed the match out once more, this time with a final score of 5 to 2.5 in 9! Thus marking down Mairead's second defense of the top title on the Isle!
The sixth night of October came and with the command of "I do desire Olympus for this challenge" from Archmage Xanth Van Bokkelen did the special ring of Olympus take form to act as center stage for the theater known as the Archmage Challenge. The laughing Lich stood across from the champion of the Archmage Tournament and now challenger Gatito and under the veil of Twilight did the challenge for the Celestial Citadel begin. It would be the second round of the first of two matches that saw the challenger gain ground, and gain he did as it wouldn't be until the sixth round that Archmage Van Bokkelen scored a direct hit of his own to bring the score to 2.5 - 1. This gain would only be momentary as the challenger continued with his own flurry of spell-work which saw 2.5 extend to 3, then 3.5 to 4, and finally the first win of the challenge with a 5 - 1 finish in 10. The play within Olympus continued and the second match begun! Challenger Gatito, Keeper of Air, was the first to score and the Lich soon countered in the third round to bring it to a tie. This tie continued in the 5th even as Archmage Van Bokkelen was able to gain a single point over Gatito in the 4th, and when the call of the 6th round echoed across the dueling zone of Twilight Isle it would be the challenger who took the lead once more. The dance of ties and gained leads continued until the 13th round where 4.5 - 4.5 turned to 5.5 - 4.5 in the challengers favor! With his second victory of the night gained the chapter of his time as Keeper of Air came to an end and the start of his reign as Archmage begun!
Bringing out Olympus to fight within, the Governor Dris tried to (figuratively) knock out Gatito with some powerful spells starting off, and the two were tied at 1 point for rounds 2 and 3. Gatito managed a slim lead in round 4, but it was Dris who would take a half a point lead in round 5 at 2.5 to 2. Round 7 is when Gatito began to make the steady climb to take both the lead and the first victory of the night with a final score of 5 to 2.5 in 10 rounds. Each spell slinger stunned spectators with their beautiful lights and sounds in the ring, making all eager for the next matches to come. The second match of the evening also started with Gatito taking the lead, but Dris was quick once again to tie things up. Then for 3 straight rounds of unanswered points Dris was sitting at a lead of 3.5 to .5 before Gatito would score again in round 6. The Archmage started to build up on a comeback train, but Dris pumped up the volume on his spells and closed the match in his favor with a final score of 5.5 to 4.5 in 11 rounds, giving each caster a win for the night. Thus, they continued on to a third match to decide it all! Just like the previous matches, Gatito would score first, but Dris was not held off the scoreboard for long and even took the lead 1.5 to 1 in round 5. With both welcoming a little snow and cold air for a round, it was then Gatito who would take the lead only for them both to tie things up in round 9 at 2.5 apiece. Gatito edged ahead in a half point lead before the pair traded spells in round 11, but the Archmage would seal a victory and first defense of the top title in the following round with a final score of 5.5 to 3.5 in 12.
After being undefeated in the July Archmage Tournament, Xanth took his tournament victory to the ring of Olympus against Archmage Ebon to challenge for the coveted top title on the Isle! The pair gathered in the Celestial ring for the evening’s events, and it was Xanth who cast the first stone and scored first for the night! Ebon however was quick to tie things up in the following round and held the lead over the Lich for the rest of the initial match with a final score of 5 to 2 in 6. Not looking to allow for the reigning Archmage to make a quick victory over him, Xanth then followed up the second match with an impressive shut out against Ebon with a final score of 5.5 to 0 in 5! With each caster holding a win for the best of three challenge, things all boiled down to the outcome of the third and final match in Olympus, leaving spectators on the edge of their seats. Xanth opened the match with a small defense, but Ebon was quick to begin slow but steady lead again until Xanth tied things up in round 5! A sea saw battle began with the Lich taking a brief lead over Ebon before they were tied up on the scoreboard in round 8 at 3.5 each. From there, Xanth broke into the lead once more and would go on to win the match with a final score of 5.5 to 3.5 in 11 and thus becoming Archmage Xanth for a third time!
By virtue of winning the January 2022 Archmage Tournament from a field of 11, present Overlord Ebon Ilnaren was given the ability to challenge incumbent Archmage Jaycy Ashleana for the right to the Celestial Citadel. It seemed there was some debate as to whether Jaycy intend to defend at all, but after waiting with baited breath, it was decided that the fight would occur after all. The two met beneath the Twilight Isle's stars under the watchful eye of former Archmage Mallory Maeda. Ebon was fresh from his first defense of Overlord and clearly looking for the next piece of the Triple Crown puzzle. The match occurred in the wondrous Ring Olympus but it ultimately would only take two matches to decide the fate of the Citadel. Ebon scored to open the first match with a volley of stars, but Jaycy countered with a rock-slide and took the lead! By the fourth round Ebon had the lead back, and by the seventh managed to close the distance with Jaycy and take the first match. The second match saw Ebon open in the lead again and keep it throughout. Jaycy nearly closed the gap in the third round, but Ebon had three scoring rounds including a trade in the fifth and took the second match - and with it, the Celestial Key!
It was a friendly night of jamming musicians, of dueling family and former governors in the ring of Olympus! Spectators and duelers were supplied with a nacho and margarita bar and Max helped herself to lots of melted cheese and cherry churros! (Not together of course.) Settling in for a spectacular show, Archmage Tournament Winner Dris arrived with a magical guitar and Archmage Ebon was strapped with a bass in tow while friends and family listened with open ears and watched as their magic dazzled us all. While Dris started things off with the first point of the night, Ebon was ready to keep the beat and set a steady scoring pace for the rest of the match. Though Dris was able to trade notes with the Archmage, it was Ebon who secured victory first with a final result of 5 to 3.5 in 6 rounds. The second match started with an enchanting solo by Dris who managed to mesmerize the audience and Ebon with dancing roses amongst his music before Ebon found his muse and started playing along with the Bard once more. Once Ebon started scoring in round 4, he managed to keep Dris off the board until a final trade in round 9, but at that point the match was in the Archmage’s victory. With a final score of 5.5 to 4 in 9, Ebon continues his reign as Archmage, but to quote Mairead Harker, Dris might not be Archmage, but he is “the bard of our hearts!”
The dimming month of May saw both victory in the Archmage Tournament for Droet, as well as his first defense of the Barony of Seaside. All that was left was the outcome of the Archmage Challenge proper.. both Archmage Ilnaren and challenger Droet met on the second night of the newly arrived June and perhaps the buzzing of victory was still fresh in the heart of Droet as the challenger was quick to start off the Archmage Challenge with both the first point -and- the first victory of the night. With a 5 - 2.5 win under his belt this meant that the challenger would only need to best the Archmage one final time before wresting the title and Celestial Citadel from him... Yet, it appeared that Archmage Ilnaren had other ideas in mind. Control was what the Archmage kept in the second match. Point after point the lead was his until the 10th round saw a slice of victory grasped by his own hand. Within Olympus did the challenge stand at a one to one tie — so it all came down to the final match. Ebon held firm with his last match victory by scoring first and extending into the 5th round with a 3.5 - 1 lead, no doubt many thought the match to be soon won, yet Droet turned the ride and fought back to the point of 4 - 4 in the 10th. Ebon once more pressed in the 11th, but a half-point could easily spell disaster should Droet land a clear hit to take the lead.. Though this would not come. In the end Archmage Ilnaren proved once more his magical prowess and in the sport of magic as he extended with one final defensive spell to end the match 5 - 4 in his favor after 12 rounds.
"If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again." would be the motto of Jaycy Ashleana's second challenge to the Archmage Trial. While unable to best former Archmage Bailey Raptis in her first attempt, her second would be where she found success. Jaycy, after achieving victory in the September 2021 Archmage Tournament, faced off against then Archmage Mallory Maeda in a best of three match that carried through all three matches. Victory looked to be strongly in Mallory's favor after the first of three was won for her corner and even moreso when the second of the matches saw a 4 - 4 tie in the 14th round; yet Mallory was unable to close and the best of three turned to a tie as well. It came to the third and final match and it seemed Jaycy had found her much-needed push as she reached out and claimed the coveted title of Archmage for herself after besting Mallory 5 - 0.5 in 8 rounds. With the title of Archmage now firmly held she achieved something only a few can ever claim — Jaycy became a Triple Crown in dueling history.
It was a match between teammates, both Archmage Jaycy and Tournament winner Michelle being on Royal Rhydin, and spectators were looking forward to a magical showcase between the pair. Opening and holding the matches in the special ring of Olympus, the match started off with Jaycy ahead by 3 points before Michelle would half that lead in a single round in round 4. From there, Michelle started inching her way higher to close the gap, and even took a slight lead in round 6 of 3.5 to 3. Round 7 however showed that it would be anyone’s win as both casters tied up the match past sudden death with a score of 4.5 each. Michelle reached through with a smokey touch and closed the first match in her favor, 5.5 to 4.5 in 8 rounds. While the second match opened with a null round, it soon looked as though it was going much like the first with Jaycy in a solid lead over Michelle. In round 4 the score was 3 to 1 in favor of Jaycy, and though Michelle more than doubled her score in round 5, Jaycy still held the lead and hit match point with a score of 4 to 2.5. Michelle showed that she was a force to be reckoned with, dug deep, and made things look to be like the first match, even tying the score at 4.5 each in round 7. This time however, Jaycy took the opportunity to reach through and claim the victory for herself, pushing the challenge to a third and final match! If the first two fights were keeping spectators on the edge of their seats, the third match would send them anxiously to their feet in heavy anticipation! Michelle opened strong and kept Jaycy from scoring in the first two rounds, and the former Keeper of Water kept the Archmage from scoring until the third round. Keeping the scores close, these teammates tied 3 to 3 in round 6, and then again at 5.5 each in round 11. It would be round 12 with a final score of 6.5 to 5.5 that closed Jaycy’s victory and continued her reign as Archmage!
In a night of fighting proxies, Mallory and Bailey faced off for the top Magic title and both used their summons to battle instead of stepping into the ring officially themselves. But both crafted magical specimens are powerful and controlled by these respective mages, so it was still quite the show to see! Initially the ring of Olympus was not called upon and Bailey’s summon wished to start things off in a normal ring, where Mallory’s summon wished to start things off in a dance off! It was this first match that after a tight beginning, Mallory appeared to dominate and then closed things out with a score of 5 – 2.5 in 9! Things thing looked to be in Bailey’s favor when Olympus was brought forth and these two fought their way through 12 rounds in the second match with Bailey taking the win with a score of 5 – 2.5, a reversal of the previously won match! But fate would be decided with the third and final match of the evening, where Mallory gained the lead in the third round and never looked back till things were finished with a score of 5 – 3.5 in 8! This sealed the deal for the blood witch and she successfully wrestled the key from Bailey’s impressive reign and signed her name in the book with other Archmages and even the Triple Crowns!
After Mairead Harker won her first Archmage Tournament, it would still be a week and a couple days before she set up a time to face off against Mallory for the Celestial Tower. Mallory decided to start things off in Olympus and since she is expecting Baby Maeda in a couple of months or so, a new summons, Starglass entered the rings to cast against Mairead! It was a match that heavily favored Mallory and Starglass, with Mairead only managing to score two points, one of them with her utilizing the power of the Key to the Tower of Water! It was neat to see all that water, but it was Mallory who won with a final score of 5 to 2 in 7 rounds. The follow up match started off similar to the previous one, but when Mairead doubled up her score in round 5, she focused on scoring to get herself a win. Mallory made her work for it however, as they tied things up at sudden death, 5 to 5 in the 8th round, but it was Mairead’s well timed mage spell, Nether Ray that sealed the deal for her. With the two of them tied one win each, it was on to the third and final match in Olympus! Both casters opened with a trade, leaving no possibility for a shut out here! The slow and steady climb of points continued, and with Mallory being only a half a point away from her first defense in the 5th round, things looked to be in the Bloodwitch’s favor. In the end, Mallory kept Mairead at bay with a final score of 5.5 to 3.5 and continues her reign as Archmage!
With the looming possibility of not only a triple crown but a true lord of the rings hanging over the May 2021 Archmage Tournament it fell upon Anya de la Rose to play spoiler and dash the dreams of breath holding onlookers by defeating Hope Naharis. With that win in hand Anya continued onward with the right and privilege to test her magical prowess against Archmage Mallory Maeda. The two met on the night of Tuesday, May the 18th and out of the gate was Anya in control, besting the Archmage 5.5-1.5 in 7, though soon after did the tables turn as Archmage Maeda countered with a 5.5-3 finish in 8 rounds. The third and final match would take place in Olympus — and poetic as it was that Anya's dreams of achieving the coveted title would be lost in the heavens as Archmage Mallory took the victory with a five round shut out. It should be noted for the histories that challenger de la Rose was wed that night to Ettyn Gedda at the Twilight Pavilion, with the latter taking on Anya's surname.
From a pool of 8 contenders, only one could walk away from the July 2021 Archmage Tournament with the right to challenge standing Archmage Mallory Maeda for the highest title in Duel of Magic. After sweeping the winner's bracket and beating out Mage Emeritus Eden Parker, who even forced a reset in the finals of the tournament, Mairead Harker ultimately came out on top. After a short reprieve to reset and to give new mom Mallory plenty of time as well, Maggie and Mallory met on a pleasant Saturday night under the watchful eyestalks of Tenball to decide the fate of the Celestial Citadel. Olympus served as their battleground and thus, amongst the drifting stars, did the two fight. In the first match, Archmage Maeda took an early lead and held it the entire match, never letting Maggie take the lead before deciding the outcome with an end score of 5.5-3 in 6 rounds. The second match was almost a reversal of the first, with Maggie claiming the first point. It was close in the early rounds before Maggie broke away, only for Mallory to reclaim the lead in round 6. That was the last time Mallory scored in the match, with Maggie notching four unanswered scoring rounds that saw the ultimate outcome end at 5-3.5 in 10 rounds. With one last match to decide it all, the pair opened up with opposing mage spells, giving just the slightest of advantages to Mallory. She climbed all the way to a three point lead before allowing Mairead to score. Then it was Maggie's turn to rack up three points, finally bringing them to even keel in the 8th round. Alas, from there it was all Mallory, with the Archmage scoring the final points needed to secure a third defense during this reign as Archmage. Final score, a grueling 5-3 in 11 rounds
Two amazing matches for two excellent duelists! Gloria seemed poised to take the first after defensively (and offensively defensively) gaining 2.5 points with an inch-by-half-point-inch strategy into the 5th round and it wasn't until the 6th that Bailey found his way onto the board with a well timed and rather focused foul fog! The back and forth continued, yet Gloria appeared to be in control as she reached match point with 4.5 points in the 11th, but Bailey wasn't done! Bit by bit, round by round, he clawed his way out of the hole and eased into the drivers seat with a 5-4.5 lead in the 14th before finishing the match in his favor in the 15th! It seemed that boost of morale was all that Bailey needed. With the taste of victory still on his lips Bailey entered the second match of the challenge, took off, and never looked back. 5 rounds was all the challenger needed to end the match in a 5 - 0 in 5 victory to end Archmage Gloria's reign of 198 days! This marks the beginning of Bailey's third reign as Archmage.
Three exciting matches made up the Archmage Challenge. The trio of matches started off with an escaping Karma in the first round and an explosion of traded blows in the second. Bailey took the lead in the third round and extended right into match point by the fifth.. but Karma wasn't out yet! With a combo of focused spells she pushed her way to 4.5 to Bailey's 4 before securing the first match by a defensive obscuring of the ring. A change of scenery came in the second match with the summoning of Olympus — and perhaps that is what Bailey needed to turn the tide. Favor shined brightly on the Archmage in the second round as he was able to bounce back and score a 5 - 2.5 victory in 7 rounds; though that light soon turned a little dim. The third match saw Karma gaining 3 - 1 in 4 rounds and she sought to turn it to match point as she sent the sky raining on top of Bailey — at least that was the plan, until the Archmage reversed the spell and had it reflecting back. Karma put up some defenses during the following round that gave her an edge of an advantage, but Bailey snuck in a massive blow in the 7th before finally blasting his way to victory in the 9th with an ending score of 5 - 3.5.
With another Archmage Tournament coming to an end we were introduced to our next challenger for the title of Archmage. Jaycy Ashleana, who joined the Archmage Tournament the very night of her attaining the rank of Mage, bested all challengers throughout the night to gain the right to face Archmage Bailey Raptis. The challenge itself would go to the full three, with the Archmage taking the win in the first match 5 - 3 in 7, while the challenger fought back for 7 rounds in the second match to gain the win with a score of 5 - 4. With one victory each it would be the third and final match that decided the fate of the Celestial Citadel.. and fate leaned heavily on Bailey that night. As the rounds pressed on the Archmage's lead grew more and more, while the challenger was unable to gain any sort of footing in the final match — until finally Bailey gained the final point he needed by catching Jaycy's mage bolt with a fiery immolation. With his shut-out victory in the third match complete, Bailey once again continues his reign as Archmage for another cycle.
Mart Di'luna, winner of the Novermber 2020 Archmage Tournament, issued challenge to Archmage Bailey. While the first of the three matches started in Marts favor with a 2 - 0 lead, Bailey was able to turn the tide and gain both the lead and the win in the 11th round with a score of 5 - 3.5. In the second match Mart found his footing and within five rounds pushed through with speed to tie the challenge one to one with a 5 - .5 finish against the Archmage. The third and final match looked to be in the challengers favor after he gained 3 points while the Archmage himself held none, yet much like the first match of the night it seemed that Bailey was well prepared to climb out of the hole and did just that after gaining 5 unanswered points in return and took the final match! With a 5 - 3 finish in 8 rounds marking his second victory of the night Bailey Raptis once more defended his right to the Celestial Citadel for another cycle.
After resetting the brackets in the finals of the October 2019 Archmage Tournament tournament, Keeper of Fire, Gloria Blaze, achieved the prestigious rank of Archmage for the second time.
Gloria defends her right to the Citadel against Eden Parker. The Archmage started the challenge with a 5.5 - 3 in 9 victory, but Eden was able to recover by ending the second match 5 - 4 in 14. Gloria secured her defense in the end with a 5 - 1.5 in 7 victory in the third and final fight.
Gloria's second defense was against then Keeper of Water and Archmage Tournament Winner Eregor Túr Gairdín. The long and grueling matches, where both Archmage and Keeper found themselves neck and neck throughout, came to an end with a duo of victories in Gloria's favor. The end results were 7 - 5.5 in 11 rounds and 7 - 5.5 in 14 rounds.
It took three duels but Bailey defeated Gren with the end scores of 5.5-4 in 11 in the second and 5.5-3.5 in 11 in the third. ( Gren won the first match 5 - 3 in 7 rounds. ) This was the beginning of Bailey's second reign as Archmage.
Bailey continues his Archmage reign after defending against Jin Chae in two duels. 5.5 - 3 in 11 rounds and 5 - 3.5 in 10 rounds being the final scores.
Bailey's third challenge came from Archmage Tournament winner and Keeper of Water, Michelle Montoya. Bailey defeated the challenging Keeper in two duels; the first ending with a score of 5 - 3.5 in 10 rounds and the second finishing 5 - 2 in 7 rounds.
Bailey earned his third defense of Archmage by defeating Rachael Blackthorne in two straight, but closely contested matches. The first ending with a score of 5 to 3.5 in 10 rounds and the second ending with a final score of 5 – 4 in 9 rounds, after Rachael had made an incredible comeback from only half a point in round 5 to sudden death in round 8.
Bailey chose to retire the title instead of defending it once more. Gloria Blaze won the October 2019 Archmage Tournament and Bailey was there to hand the title to her.
Gren Blockman defeats Eden Parker in 3 duels. Eden was victorious in the first of the three matches with the ending score of 6.5-5.5 in 12 but Gren found his strength in the second to take it 5-3 in 7. The third match looked to be in Gren's corner after scoring 4 points to zip, but Eden wouldn't go down without fighting! Eden dragged it to 4-4.5, still in Gren's favor, before the Archmage found herself unable to get past challenger Gren's foul fog. With the end score of 5.5-4 in 11 Gren became the newest Archmage of Twilight Isle.
Eden entered the Summer 2018 Archmage Tournament and faced off against Claire, the only other participant. It was decided that best of three would determine the newest Archmage of Twilight Isle and Eden won both the first and second match with an end score of 5.5 to 4 ( the first being in 8 rounds and the second in 9 ). This was Eden's second time to hold the title of Archmage.
Defeated John after three duels. The Archmage won the first bout 5.5-4.5 in 10 but Nayun won the following two 5-2.5 in 8 and 5-1 in 6 to end John's 308 day reign.
Defended against Lilith in three duels. Lilith won the first match by defeating Nayun 5-2 in 6 rounds, but the Archmage countered with two victories of her own after with the end scores of 5-2.5 in 5 and 5-3.5 in 10.
A letter from the Archmage was read before the 2018 Archmage Tournament after the final bell for entry was rung. Archmage Nayun stated she would be unable to defend the title due to injury and retired so that the title could be won by those who entered the tournament.
Defeated Eden in two out of three duels to begin his second reign as Archmage. Eden won the first match 5-3.5 in 8 but John came back in the last two with scores of 5-2.5 in 7 and 6-4 in 8.
Defeats Gren in two out of three duels. John took the first match 5-2.5 in 5, Gren the second with 5.5-4 in 10, and John the last with 5-2 in 8 to defend.
It took all three matches but John prevailed against Vinny and thusly retains the Celestial Citadel for another cycle. Historic Note: John won the first of the three matches with a perfect shut out against Vinny (5-0 in 5 rounds).
Lem won the key from Vinny under the watchful eye of Sai Kurou in Olympus. Lem's third reign began by winning two successive duels with scores of 5.5 - 2.5 in 11 rounds and 5.0 - 3 in 12 rounds.
Vinny, Keeper of Earth, won the key from Harris and began his eighth reign as Archmage! Mur Ollavan officiated. Scores: Harris, 5-4 in 11 rounds; Vinny, 5 - 1.5 in 7 rounds; Vinny, 6 - 5 in 12 rounds.
Harris, Keeper of Earth, won the key from Xanth in the first ever Archmage challenge outside the AMT, completing his triple crown. Matches were fought in Ring Olympus with Sai Kurou officiating. Scores were 5.0 - 1.5 in 12 rounds; 6.5 - 5.5 in 14 rounds.
1st Defense: Neo Eternity. Ajia Bird officiated as Harris won two successive matches to retain the title of Archmage and possession of the key to the Citadel,
Xanth, Keeper of Air, defeated Mur on the 2nd attempt. Pslyder officiated the matches. Xanth took over the Citadel by winning two successive matches with scores of 5.5-3 in 9 rounds and 5-3 in 7 rounds,
Mur, Keeper of Air, defeated Vinny for the title and started his second reign. Ajia Bird officiated the challenge which placed the competitors in Ring Olympus. Mur won two successive matches with scores of 5.5-3.5 in 8 rounds and 5.5-3.5 in 12 rounds.
1st Defense against Xanth VanBokkelen was officiated by Ajia Bird. Mur won in two successive matches with scores of 5.0 - 3.0 in 10 rounds and 5.0 - 4.0 in 10 rounds.
Vincent won the key from Sivanna to begin his seventh reign as Archmage. The challenge was overseen by Lem DeAngelo and took place in Ring Olympus, the Archmage's ring. Vincent won two successive matches with scores of 5.5-4.5 in 14 rounds and 5-4 after 12 rounds.
Sivanna, Keeper of Fire, won the key from Lem in a full Best of Three in Olympus, the Celestial Keeper's Ring,. Sai Kurou officiated and the scores were: Sivanna, 5.0 - 2.5 in 11 rounds; Lem, 5.5 - 3.5 in 13 rounds; Sivanna, 6.0 - 5.0 in 13 rounds.
1st Defense: Soerl Lute. Sai Kurou officiated the full Best of Three with scores of: Sivanna, 5 - 2.5 in 11 rounds; Soerl, 5.5 - 3.5 in 14 rounds; Sivanna, 6.5 - 5 in 13 rounds.
Lem, Keeper of Earth, defeated Vinny for the title. This was his second reign. The full Best of Three challenge was officiated by Sai Kurou in the Celestial Keeper's ring, Olympus. Scores: Vinny, 5.0 - 2.5 in 8 rounds; Lem, 5.0 - 3.5 in 10 rounds; Lem, 5.0 - 1.5 in 11 rounds.
Vinny recaptured the key from Bran and started his sixth reign. Officiated by Topaz Datrazanov. Scores: Vincent, 5-3.5 after 13 rounds; Bran 5-3.5 in 8 rounds; Vincent, 5-3 (no rounds recorded). Topaz Datrazanov officiated. Scores: 5-4 (rounds not recorded); 5-1 in 5 rounds.
3rd Defense: John Tasslehofl Momus. Sai Kurou officiated this full on Best of Three in Ring Olympus. Scores: 6.0 - 5.0 in 19 rounds; 5.0 - 4.0 in 14 rounds, 5.0 - 2.0 in 8 rounds.
On his second attempt, Bran, Keeper of Water, claimed the key from Vinny.. Officiated by Topaz Datrazanov. Scores: 5-3.5 in 8 rounds; 5-2 in 10 rounds.
Vinny took the key back from Topaz and started his fifth reign as Archmage. Full best of three; officiated by Rena Cronin. Scores: Topaz, 5-3 in 11 rounds; Vinny, 5-4 in 13 rounds; Vinny, 5.5-4 in 11 rounds.
Defeated Vinny for the title and started her third reign. Three matches, officiated by Azjah von Drachen Walde and Rena Cronin. Scores: Vinny, 9-8 in 18 rounds; Topaz, 5-4 in 11 rounds; Topaz, 5-3.5 in 13 rounds.
Defeated Vinny for the key in a three match challenge. Azjah von Drachen Walde officiated. Scores: Will, 5-1.5 in 7 rounds; Vincent, 5-1 in 5 rounds; Will, 6-4.5 in 10 rounds. This started his seventh reign.
3rd Defense: Vincent V.M. Smith. Officiated by Topaz Datrazanov. Scores: Will, 5-4 in 12 rounds; Vinny, 5.5-2.5 in 9 rounds; Will, 5.5-4.5 in 13 rounds.
Won the title from Will and started his third reign as Archmage. Challenge officiated by Topaz Datrazanov. Scores: 5.5-2 in 9 rounds; 5.5-4.5 (rounds not recorded.)
Defeats Topaz for the title. Officiated by Rena Cronin. Will won two successive duels to begin his 6th reign as Archmage. Scores: 5-.5 in 9 rounds, 5-4 in 12 rounds.
Defeated Will for the title and started her second reign as Archmage. Officiated by Rena Cronin. Topaz won two duels in succession. Scores: 6-4.5 in 16 rounds; 5-4 in 11 rounds.
Won the title from Vinny and started his fifth reign as Archmage. Officiated by Topaz Datrazanov. Will won two duels in succession. Scores: 5.5-3.5 in 7 rounds; 5-2.5 in 8 rounds.
4th Defense vs Topaz Datrazanov. Results reported by Will Wulfson and Brigath Cedran (presumed to have been the officiant). Scores: Will, 6.5-5.5 in in 18 rounds; Topaz, 5-4 in 12 rounds; Will, 5-5-2 in 6 rounds.
Won the title from Mur and started his second reign as Archmage. Officiated by Topaz Datrazanov. Scores: Vincent - 5-2.5 in 12 rounds; Mur, 6-4.5 in 12 rounds; Vincent, 5-3.5 in 9 rounds.
Defeats Topaz for the title by winning two of the three matches fought. Scores: Xerzes, 7.5-6 in 14 rounds; Topaz, 5.5-1 in 8 rounds, Xerzes, 5-4 in 7 rounds,
Will won the key from Flora to start his fourth reign as Archmage. Wulfson won two successive duels. Scores were: 5.5-4 (rounds not noted), 5-0 in 5 rounds. Officiated by Topaz Datrazanov.
Tim Enralyte, Keeper of Earth, won the key from Vinny. Etherean Esperwind officiated. Scores: Vincent won the first match, 5-0 in 7 rounds. Tim won the second, 5-3 in 7 rounds and third, 5.5-2.5 in 8 rounds.
Avery won the title from Cas. Part of this reign overlapped with Avery's time as DiArchLord. Challenge officiated by Mystik Silverhand. Scores: 7.5 to 6.5 in 17; 5.5 to 3.5 in 12.
Syous won the title from Dans. Officiated by "The Phantom." Scores as follows: Dansantes, 8.5-7 in 23 rounds; Syous, 5.5-4.5 in 9 rounds; Syous, 5-4 in 10 rounds.