Viewing profile - Gren Blockman

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Expert Adventurer
Expert Adventurer
Gren Blockman
Gren Blockman
Character Race:
The forest, the woods, the trees
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
(Portrait Art by of Tom Hiddleston, edited by Izira-mun)
Character Age:
Place of Origin:
Gren is dressed in a long grey cloak with a hood, that he normally has to pull back when he tries to be sociable. His shirt, pants, and boots are either brown or grey. His eyes are ice blue, and he has long black hair, along with a beard and mustache.

Gren's RoH Titles and Achievements:

9th Triple Crown Winner
All-Title Holder in Duel of Fists
73rd, 80th, 83rd, and 96th Diamond
97th Overlord
66th ArchMage
Held the Opal IceDancer
Held the Opal ShadoWeaver
Held the Opal PathFinder
Held the Opal MoonBeryl
Held the Opal FireStar
Former Baron of Dockside
Former Baron of Old Temple
Held the Ring of Klytus
Summer 2014 Warlord Tournament Winner
Ragnarok 2015 Co-MVP
IFL Playoffs MVP 2020 & 2023
Member of IFL 2013 Championship Team, Badside Brawlers
Member of IFL 2015 Championship Team, Team Fist
Member of IFL 2017 Championship Team, Real RhyDin
Member of IFL 2020 Championship Team, Real RhyDin
Member of IFL 2023 Championship Team, Real RhyDin
Member of Ragnarok 2015 Championship Team, Pugno Gentes
Member of Hydra 2016 Championship Team, Hydra Foils
Gren is a Ranger, so he is skilled with the staff, bow, and sword. His duties as a soldier of the forest means he has seen his share of battles. He has a bleeding heart; a desire to care for people, animals, and plants.

Engaged to Izira Nyte

(Avatar is Tom Hiddleston)

RoH Achievements


Contact Gren Blockman

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