- Settings Intro
- Map of RhyDin
- Inventory & Shops
- Current Live Settings
- Red Dragon Inn
- The Arena
- The Outback
- Twilight Isle
- The Golden Perch
- The Arcade
- The Anchor
- Azifs Garden
- Battlefield Park
- The Bazaar
- Books and Brews
- Courtyard
- Crystal Chasm
- The Deep Wilds
- The Docks
- Gloaming District
- The Great Desert
- Harpers Hearth
- Kaiju Lake
- Last Chance Saloon
- The Marketplace
- Seaside Beach
- The Solarium
- Stars End Bar
- Streets of RhyDin
- Tiamori River
- Twilight Market
- The Undercity
- The Underground
- Uptown
- Yggdrasil

Many of RhyDin's finest boutiques, cafes, and restaurants are found on the city's high streets, the centers of business in its more well-to-do neighborhoods. These locales cater to the city's more affluent citizens, the social elite, and those who aspire to join their ranks. Much of New Haven in the northeast of RhyDin falls under this category, but RhyDin's "Uptown" follows the intangible borders of wealth more than the physical walls that divide the districts.