Duel of Swords: Official Rules OLD (Expire July 4th 2020)

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Duel of Swords: Official Rules OLD (Expire July 4th 2020)

Post by PC »

These will be the official rules for the Duel of Swords sport.

Duel of Swords Ranking

Fighters rise in rank according to their success in their duels. Ranks are assigned according to the number of Wins over Losses (WoL) a fighter maintains.

During regular dueling only, Barons and the Overlord are restricted to 4 Fancies versus a dueler ranked Grandmaster or below.

Official Dueling Cycle Times:
  • 1. Winter Cycle will start on the first Sunday of January at 6 PM EST.
    2. Spring Cycle will start on the first Sunday of April at 6 PM EST.
    3. Summer Cycle will start on the first Sunday of July at 6 PM EST.
    4. Fall Cycle will start on the first Sunday of October at 6 PM EST.

The Standings
  • 1. The DoS Standings will be considered Official on Sunday, 6PM EST. If they are posted before then, any challenges made before 6PM EST on Sunday will be considered null and void, allowing other challenges to be issued properly.

    2. Title Changes are not considered official until they are listed in the standings. This means should a challenge take place on a Friday, and the Baron or Overlord lose their defense, they still gain the benefits of that rank until the new standings take place.(Fancies, Grants, Testing, etc.)

    3. Challengers, while they may be considered the new titleholder upon victory, will not gain the benefits of that new title until such time as the Standings reflect their victory. (I.E. Warlords, should they win a Barony, will maintain their 4 fancies until the new standings)
The following Tournament rules have been archived and no longer act official DoS Rules. The Warlord and Talon of Redwin Tournaments have been replaced by the All Ranks Tournament. Please see the ChangeLog for further details.

The Warlord Tournament

  • 1. A Warlord's Tournament will be held once every three months near the middle of each cycle. There will be a grace period of fourteen (14) days prior to and fourteen (14) days beginning the day after each Warlord's Tournament during which no challenge may be issued to the Overlord. (With exception to the Warlord Tournament winner, once the WLT is concluded. They may issue a challenge to the Overlord). The Overlord has the option to waive the post Warlord Tournament grace of fourteen (14) days should the Overlord Challenge prize not be awarded. Inactive Warlords may join the Warlord Tournament.

    2. The first place finisher will have the first choice of any prize available. Each subsequent finisher shall then choose their prize until there are no prizes remaining. The list of prizes will include, but not be limited to, an test free challenge to the Overlord, a test free challenge to any Barony, and any vacant Baron's rings. Should a finisher refuse to select a prize, his prize shall default to the next place finisher. ( For winning a prize as an inactive duelist see rule 8 )

    3. The challenges, where applicable, to the Overlord, Barons, and any other prizes given must be made within two weeks (14 days) of the Tournament's conclusion. This challenge is not subject to the "Right of Challenge" and cannot be denied for any reason. This challenge shall follow the "Universal Terms of Challenge" with regard to response and dueling date. The Challenger will not lose any normally accumulated rights of challenge as a result of the Warlord Tournament.

    4. Participants will be seated in the Tournament based upon the discretion of the Official running that Tournament.

    5. The results of duels fought in the tournament are not counted in the regular standings, and are not counted towards standings activity.

    6. The format for the Warlord tournament shall be double elimination style.

    7. There can be no tie results in a Tournament duel. The duel will go into overtime until it reaches a conclusion. A minimum of five points must be scored by the winner.

    8. Inactive grant winners are required to gain one (1) activity duel during the two week (14 day) period, starting after the Warlord tournament, to become active and use their challenge grants. This activity duel will be verified by way of the Shift Reports and does not have to wait for the Official Standings. If an inactive duelist takes a vacant Baron's ring as a prize they will have until the end of the cycle to become active. If this activity is not gained then the title will be stripped.

The Talon of Redwin Tournament

  • 1. To be eligible to enter the tournament, the duelist must be ranked below Warlord on the last standings before the tournament.
    • a. Duelists not listed on the standings before the Tournament may join, and will duel at the rank of Commoner in that tournament.
      b. Duelists who would be reinstated as Warlord, but are listed as inactive may not join the Talon of Redwin tournament.

    2. The tournament will be conducted within each cycle in single elimination style with pairings matched at the discretion of the official in charge. It should not conflict with the Warlord Tournament. Instead, it should be attempted to be held one week or two weeks before the WLT.

    3. There can be no tie results in a Tournament duel. The duel will go into overtime until it reaches a conclusion. A minimum of five points must be scored by the winner.

    4. The winner of the tournament will receive:
    • a. The rank of "Talon of Redwin" for the period following the tournament until the beginning of the next tournament as well as a dirk carrying the crest of Siera Redwin.
      b. He or she shall be listed in the standings as both the "Talon of Redwin" as well as under the current ranking that he or she possesses.
      c. The historical record of the Duel of Swords shall also reflect the name of the tournament's winner.
      d. The winner of the tournament would reign as "Talon of Redwin" for the complete cycle until a winner from the next tournament emerges.

    5. Wins gained during participation in the Talon of Redwin Tournament shall be added to the duelists record on the official standings. Losses do not count towards any duelists records.
    • Note: Byes do not count towards wins.

    6. This ranking will come with the bump of one fancy above the winner's ranking unless the winner gets the rank of Warlord, Baron, or Overlord during the cycle of his/her reign as "Talon of Redwin".

    7. If the winner does advance in rank to hold the ranking of Warlord, Baron, or Overlord, the winner is not eligible for the bump in fancies unless he/she drops back below the ranking of Warlord again.

    8. The fancy awarded by holding the Talon of Redwin does, indeed, stack with all other fancies, including that of the Squire rank. But the duelist fancy amount never goes above the number of 4 fancies awarded. e.g. A Grand Master has 3 fancies. As a squire, the GM would have 4. A GM squire with the Talon would still only have 4 fancies instead of 5. The only duelists whose fancy count exceeds 4 are the Barons and Overlord.

More history(Incomplete) on the Talon of Redwin to be found here.
*Note: The rules contained in this post are the most up to date. The rules on the included webpage are officially out of date.
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Re: Duel of Swords: Official Rules

Post by PC »

The Baron Rank
  • The title of Baron can only be achieved by challenge from a Warlord, a recipient of the Overlord Grant, prize in the Warlord Tournament or more rarely by a successful champion. On occasion there may be a tournament where the prize is a grant to issue challenge to a Baron or Overlord, such as the Madness Tournament or another event. Barons receive a ring as a symbol of their station, as well as a manor which resides within the district of that Barony and are considered equal in title.

    1. A challenge is considered issued when a Warlord or Grant Recipient posts their challenge upon the Public Notice Board (Link). This is the only way a challenge will be considered "Officially Issued." Once the challenge has been verified by the Standings Keeper or other Duel of Swords staff, the challenger must contact the Baron to arrange an agreeable meeting time.

    2. It is the responsibility of the challenger to secure an official for the agreed-upon date. The caller chosen must be agreed upon by all parties directly involved in the challenge. DoS Available Callers (Link)

    3. The challenge can be fought in a single or best-of-three format at the Baron's discretion.

    See the Baronial Challenge Terms (Link) for further details.
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Re: Duel of Swords: Official Rules

Post by PC »

The Duel of Swords Overlord

The Overlord is considered the Supreme Duelist of the Arena, higher in stature and fighting skill than any other. The mantle is coveted by many, few last long in the position, a rare handful have done so with the people's approval. The title has a long and vaunted history, which can be viewed at the DoS Historical Center. (Link)
  • 1. A Renegade Baron may challenge the Overlord at any time, with exception of if there is a challenge pending to that Overlord.

    2. Warlords may only challenge the Overlord if they meet certain requirements as outlined below under "Challenges to the Overlord by a Warlord".

    3. A challenge is considered issued when a WLT Prize Winner, Warlord or Renegade Baron posts their challenge upon the Public Notice Board. (Link) This is the only way a challenge will be considered "Officially Issued." Once the challenge has been verified by the Standings Keeper, the challenger must contact the Overlord to arrange a suitable meeting time.

    4. It is the responsibility of the challenger to secure an official for the agreed-upon date. The caller chosen must be agreed upon by all parties directly involved in the challenge. DoS Available Callers (Link)
For more information on the rights and possibilities of an Overlord challenge, read the Universal Terms of Challenge (Link) below.

The Overlord's Grant

As the Supreme Duelist, the Overlord's opinion is the most highly regarded as to which duelists are showing the most promise within the Arena. For this reason, the Duel of Swords officials honor a challenge to a Baron by an individual appearing on the standings of any rank (Warlord to Commoner), as decided by the Overlord, once per cycle. (See the Overlord Terms for details on how the Overlord grants this right to challenge.)

The endowed duelist has two weeks (14 days) following the Overlord's public declaration upon the Public Notice Board to challenge a Baron. This challenge will not supersede any outstanding challenges, cannot be denied for any reason, and will follow the "Universal Terms of Challenge" with regard to response and dueling date.

If a challenge is not made within the allotted time, the duelist forfeits his or her right to challenge. The same Overlord may not grant a challenge right to another duelist for the remainder of the cycle, but if he or she is dethroned prior to the cycle's grace period, the new Overlord may grant a challenge right before said grace period begins.
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Re: Duel of Swords: Official Rules

Post by PC »

Universal Terms of Challenge

  • 1. Where not specifically addressed all challenges are first come - first served. With the exception of challenges to Renegade Barons, or from multiple banished Loyal Barons (see below), only the first challenge is considered vital and all others are void based on the order in which letters of challenge are posted on the Public Notice Board/received by the Standings Keeper and the dueler challenged. This means there are no queues of challenges.

    2. All challenges and answers to challenge must be posted on the Public Notice Board for purposes of notification and validation. It is a requirement that when a challenge is issued for a title, that you must place the name of the Barony in the subject line of the post. You must also indicate it is a Challenge.

    I.E. "Challenge to Dockside!" "I Challenge for New Haven!" or "Marketplace Challenge!" etc.

    This is to make it easier for everyone involved to know who is being challenged, as well as for standings keepers and any Historians to do research.

    3. A challenge is not considered complete until the results are posted in the Standings. Standings are considered official at 6 pm EST on Sundays. Where not specifically addressed all challenges must be answered within one week of validation (by the date and time the validation notice is sent out) and dueled within two weeks of the response. It is the responsibility of the challenger to secure an official for and to post the agreed-upon date before the challenge takes place. The caller chosen must be agreed upon by all parties directly involved in the challenge. DoS Available Callers (Link)

    3a. Any form of response to the challenge thread by the title holder is considered acceptance.

    3b. The date a challenge is fought will be considered the official date of defense of that title and is not subject to the date of the Standings to become official.

    4. Challenges, if not properly served, will be voided by the Standings Keeper. In the case of a voided challenge, the Challenger will have that right to challenge stripped for the remainder of the cycle as a penalty. This penalty will *not* take effect if the challenge is withdrawn before voided.

    5. Challenges issued via rights and grants may be rescinded and the right/grant returned to the duelist to be used in accordance with their original terms. (eg: a grant for a challenge to be issued within 14 days, still only has those same 14 days, so rescinding after 10 have passed leaves 4 to issue a new challenge). Once a challenge duel has begun or the challenge itself has triggered an administrative action in regard to the title (such as a declaration of forfeit against the challenged title holder), the right or grant is considered spent.

    6. There can be no tie results in a Challenge duel. The duel will go into overtime until it reaches a conclusion. A minimum of five points must be scored by the winner.

    7. There is a 30 Minute leeway given to duelists in a challenge to arrive after the scheduled time. (I.E. Challenge is scheduled at 8pm, you have until 8:30.)

    8. If an Overlord, Baron, or Challenger fail to arrive to at the scheduled challenge time, they are given 7 days from the scheduled challenge date and time to complete the challenge. No extensions beyond this will be given. Should one fail to show at the second appointed time, the missing party or parties will be stripped of their title/grant.

    9. The wins and losses occurred in all Challenge Matches do not apply to the regular standings.

    10. A duelist must appear on the standings in order to issue a challenge. This includes any special grants issued as well as the Overlord Grant.
Challenge Rights for Warlords
  • 1. Each Warlord, upon achieving the rank of Warlord on the standings, is awarded 2 Challenge Rights per cycle.

    2. At the time of issuing a challenge, the challenger must have recorded at least ONE regulation duel within the last TWO calendar months (eg: a challenge issued April 9th must have a standings last duel date of no less recent than February 9th). Being awarded WoL as a prize or for any other reason does not take the place of regulation dueling. Tournament duels do not take the place of regulation dueling.

    3. Upon return from the inactivity list, a Warlord must wait 14 days following their first duel for eligibility to challenge (provided a longer wait time has not been imposed due to Title Forfeiture, see below).. This duel will be verified by way of the Shift Reports and does not have to wait for the Official Standings.

    4. Warlords, should they fail in their challenge, must wait 14 days before they can issue another.
    • *14 day count begins when the standings become official on Sunday at 6 pm Eastern time.

Challenges to the Overlord by Warlord
  • 1. In order to issue a challenge to the Overlord, the cost is (2) Challenge Rights.

    2. Warlords are unable to appoint a champion for any tests.

    3. Warlords may use the prize from a quarterly Warlord Tournament in order to issue challenge to the Overlord.
Regaining Challenge Rights
  • 1. A Warlord may regain Challenge Rights by way of regulation dueling should they fall below the maximum of two (2) Challenge Rights.

    1a. To regain Challenge Rights a Warlord must duel in regulation Duel of Swords matches. For every five (5) duels won a Challenge Right will be awarded to the Duelist.

    2a. Warlords may regain Challenge Rights the night following a failed/won challenge. Title holders may regain any used Challenge Rights through the same process as well.

    2. To use these regained Challenge Rights the challenging Warlord must list their winning regulation matches in the challenge thread (Please see the example below).

    Thread Subject: Challenge for Dockside!
    I'm challenging for Dockside!

    Proof of Regained Challenge Right
    PC .def. Lisa Takamine, 5-2 in 10, DoS
    PC .def. Hope, 5-4 in 8, DoS
    PC .def. Claire Gallows, 5-4 in 9, DoS
    PC .def. Goldglo, 6-5 in 12, DoS
    PC .def. Nat Candle, 5-3 in 14, DoS

    Important Note: Please remember that a challenge isn't officially finished until the standings are updated, so keep that in mind before you challenge with any regained challenge rights.

    3. A maximum of two (2) Challenge Rights can be held at a time.
Alignment of Higher Ranks
  • 1. The Overlord shall be set as the Supreme Dueler of the Duel of Swords.

    2. There shall be 7 Barons, each with their own Rhydin District, awarded a Ring as a symbol of their station.

    3. There will be any number of Warlords who maintain a record of 15 wins over losses.

    4. Overlord and Barons are NOT subject to maintaining a 15 wins over loses record.

    5. There are two alignments that may be chosen by a Baron. Loyal and Renegade.

    6. Upon obtaining the title, a new Baron must declare alignment to the Overlord within (7) Days from when the standings become official.

    7. When a new Overlord is crowned, Barons must declare alignment within (7) days from the standings becoming official. If no declaration is made, the Barons alignment will be set by the new Overlord.

    8. Barons challenged while Unaligned shall follow the same challenge rules as a Renegade Baron with exception of having a challenge queue.(Unaligned cannot have a challenge queue.)
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Re: Duel of Swords: Official Rules

Post by PC »

  • 1. Challenges to the Overlord are subject to the "Universal Terms of Challenge" (Link) and may only be made once per cycle per Duelist where not specifically addressed within these rules.

    2. Has the right to select any duelist, with the exception of a Renegade Baron, as champion to test any Challenger the Overlord deems unfit to a "Test of Worthiness". This may be done only once per challenge. The selected champion may refuse.
    • *If refused, no new Champion may be chosen.
      *Champion must be listed on the standings.
    3. Except in specific circumstances, as outlined in the rules to follow, the selected champion is at no risk of losing their title or rank.

    4. If the Challenger is successful in the test then the challenge to the Overlord seat will proceed in a single match format following the "Test of Worthiness".

    5. If the Overlord's Champion is successful in the test AND
    • a. the Champion is not a Loyal Baron and
      b. the Challenger is a Renegade Baron, the Champion shall have the immediate right to challenge the Renegade Baron for their title, regardless of the Champion's rank.
    6. The Overlord may offer the Challenger a Best of Three duels. This is an alternative to the "Test of Worthiness" and may not be used in conjunction with it. All three duels must take place within the time specified by the "Universal Terms of Challenge" and the first to win two duels shall be victorious.

    7. Overlord may test on behalf of challenged Loyal Barons without risk of any kind. If the Overlord is successful, the Challenger must concede defeat.

    8. Can, at anytime, switch the alignment of a Loyal Baron with reason given in writing on the Public Notice Board (Link) provided a WoL record of 15 is maintained.
    • a. If the Overlord should banish a Loyal to a Renegade alignment, then the Overlord must accept an immediate challenge of title if issued by that Baron within one week.
      b. This challenge will supersede any other challenges, including that of a WLT winner, except those issued by similarly re-aligned barons. In the event of multiple banished barons, a challenge queue may be formed where the first challenge issued shall follow the Universal Terms of Challenge and each additional challenge fought within one week of the last until the queue is exhausted.
    9. When an Overlord is unseated by a Baron, both duelists shall swap titles with each other, with the exception listed below under Rule 8 of Renegade Barons.

    10. When an Overlord is unseated by a Warlord they are placed in the ranks, commoner to Warlord, based on their wins to losses record.

    11. Should the Overlord retire a tournament of all Barons will be held to determine the new Overlord. The impending Baron vacancy is filled by the winner of the next scheduled Warlord's Tournament or a tournament determined by Duel of Swords staff depending on the length of time until the next WLT.

    12. Once per cycle, the Overlord may grant to a duelist appearing on the standings of any rank, Commoner through Warlord, the right to challenge any Baron of the duelist's choosing.
    • a. The Overlord must declare his or her choice of duelist on the Public Notice Board (Link).
      b. The Overlord may not grant the challenge right during the period starting 14 days prior to the Warlord tournament and ending with the challenge match between the Overlord and the tournament winner.
Overlord Grace
  • Should an Overlord have a Majority of Loyal Barons then the Overlord will be given a 30 day grace period after successfully defending their title against a Warlord. No other duelist of the Warlord Rank will be able to challenge them (Please see special cases below). The grace period will end should there be a change to a Renegade majority.

    1. Renegade Barons will still be able to challenge for Overlord, and their challenge will supersede this 30 day grace period.

    2. The rules for banished Loyal Barons will be the same as they are written now -- in other words, a challenge made by a banished Loyal Baron will supersede all other challenges.

    Special Cases: Warlords who win an Overlord Challenge Grants from the Warlord Tournament, Madness, or any special events, will supersede wait periods. This will also count as a normal Warlord challenge and the grace period will be rewarded to the Overlord for successfully defending. Should the Overlord have been within grace, and the grant user supersede it, then grace will reset back to 30 days once the challenge process is complete should the Overlord defend.

    The Overlords 30 day grace period will begin when the Official Standings are updated to reflect the challenge results (Sunday's at 6 PM EST). Should the Official Standings be late, the 30 day grace period will still begin at 6 PM EST on the Sunday after a successful challenge. Challenges to the Overlord by Barons or special grant holders will still need to follow the challenge process in those rare times standings are updated late (a challenge isn't considered officially over until the official standings are updated).
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Re: Duel of Swords: Official Rules

Post by PC »

  • 1. Each Baron shall receive a ring as a symbol of their station and are considered equal in title.

    2. Barons can either be aligned with the Overlord or not and respectively titled Loyal or Renegade.

    3. New Barons must proclaim their alignment within (7) seven days of accepting the ring. If not it is at the discretion of the Overlord.

    4. When an Overlord is dethroned all Barons must declare alignment within one week(7 days), to the Standings Keeper, or their alignment shall be set by the new Overlord.

    5. When a Baron is unseated they are placed in the ranks, from commoner to Warlord, based on their current record.

    6. Should a Baron retire, the vacancy shall be placed:
    • a. As a prize in the next scheduled Warlord's Tournament or
      b. In a tournament format decided by the Duel of Swords administration, depending on length of time until the next WLT.
    7. If the Baron retires and is under challenge:
    • a. The Barons Council may convene and choose an active Warlord to act as their champion against the challenger. The Barons Council will have seven (7) days to choose their champion. Should the Warlord Champion be successful in defending the title, they will take the ring for themselves and become the newest Baron.
      b. If the Barons Council do not choose a champion then the senior most baron shall be called upon to defend the title. If the senior most baron is successful in defending the vacant Barony, See Rule #6.
    8. May choose to fight a challenge in a Best of Three format. The Challenger may NOT refuse the Best of Three format offered by a Baron. However, if the Overlord tests on behalf of a Loyal Baron, the Best of Three format may not be used.

    9. Titleholders (Barons/Overlord), should they fail to defend their challenge, must wait 7 days before they can issue a challenge.
    • *7 day count begins when the standings become official on Sunday at 6pm Eastern.
    10. Titleholders (Barons/Overlord) who lose their challenge are eligible to issue a challenge for that Title they failed to defend following the 7 day wait. (I.E. The Former Baron of Seaside may challenge to Seaside after 7 days)
    • *7 day count begins when the standings become official on Sunday at 6pm Eastern.
Loyal Barons
  • 1. Loyal Barons may test challengers on behalf of the Overlord, provided the Overlord accepts the intercession.

    2. Loyals who test may lose their title if:
    • a. Defeated by a Renegade Baron's champion in a "Right of Challenge." (see below)
      b. The Renegade Baron goes on to defeat the Overlord
      c. There are no currently empty baronies and
      d. The Renegade Baron(Now Overlord) chooses to award his/her champion the Loyal's ring as a reward for services.
    All four conditions must be met for the Loyal Baron to lose their title as a result of interceding.

    3. Loyal Barons may change their alignment at anytime, in writing on the Public Notice Board.
    • a. This alignment change becomes official immediately and is not restricted to the standings being official.
      b. A Loyal Baron who switches their alignment to Renegade in this way is unable to petition for Loyalty for a minimum of (14) fourteen days after the standings are considered official.
      c. These Barons may not petition for Loyalty between the time they declare Renegade status and the time the next immediate standings are posted.
      • *e.g. Loyal Baron declares Renegade on a Monday night challenge. They may not petition for loyalty at any point of time until 14 days have passed from the standings updating.
    4. Any Loyal may challenge an Overlord whose standings record falls below 15 wins over losses. Loyals cannot otherwise challenge the Overlord.

    5. Loyal Barons need only defend their title once per calendar month. The Loyal Baron can waive this option.

    6. Loyal Barons may not refuse a test from the Overlord against the Loyal Baron's challenger.
Renegade Barons
  • 1. Renegade Barons cannot be appointed to test challengers by the Overlord.

    2. Renegade Barons may intervene on tests to challengers made by Loyal Barons OR in a "Test of Worthiness" by the Overlord. By doing so the Renegade must duel the appointed champion at the designated time of the challenge. If the Renegade wins then the original challenge must go forward. If the Renegade is defeated then a "Test of Worthiness" will proceed immediately. Renegades may intercede at anytime up to but not after the first round of a "Test of Worthiness" has been called.

    3. Renegade intervention takes priority over a Renegade Baron's champion. The first Renegade Baron to state intention to intervene shall have precedence.

    4. Renegades may petition for Loyal alignment pending approval of the Overlord. The Overlord may refuse the realignment for any given reason. This is not the same as a banishment.

    5. Renegade Barons can challenge the Overlord at any time, but only once per cycle and MUST follow the "Universal Terms of Challenge".

    6. "Right of Challenge": Renegades may appoint only a warlord or a Renegade Baron as champion IF the Overlord elects to use the "Test of Worthiness" against them. The appointed champion may decline and the Renegade must then fight the Overlords Champion.

    7. If a Renegade Baron's champion fights the Overlord's champion in a "Right of Challenge" and:
    • a. Is successful, the Renegade shall go on to fight the Overlord.
      b. Is defeated, the Renegade must then fight the "Test of Worthiness" as if no "Right of Challenge" had been declared.
    8. If the Renegade's champion wins the "Right of Challenge" AND the Renegade goes on to defeat the Overlord, then the Renegade Baron MAY or MAY NOT grant the champion a barony as reward for services rendered.
    • a. The awarded Barony shall be any Barony not currently occupied.
      b. If all Baron seats are filled, the Renegade Baron may grant the champion either:
      • i. The Barony of the ex-Overlord's champion or
        ii. The Barony that the ex-Overlord would otherwise inherit from the Renegade Baron. This decision is at the Renegade Baron(New Overlord's) discretion.
    9. Renegade Barons are open to immediate challenge by the Overlord's champion, regardless of queue's, if they are defeated in a "Test of Worthiness." The Champion Must declare their intent to challenge within One Week of their victory over the challenging Baron. This challenge will supersede any other challenges upon that Baron.

    10. Renegades are open to any and all challenges from Warlords or Overlord Grant recipients. In the event of a Challenge Queue, the first challenge must follow the "Universal Terms of Challenge" with regard to response and dueling date, and any pending challenges MUST be fought at a rate no less than one per week until the pending challenges are depleted.
Test of Worthiness duels
  • 1. In order to be eligible to be used to test a challenger or be a champion for a challenger, the duelist *must* be listed on the current Duel of Swords Standings.
Title Forfeiture
  • 1. Any duelist to forfeit a title, either voluntarily via retirement or abdication, or involuntarily as a ruled forfeit, shall be ineligible to exercise warlord challenge rights for 1 month from the date of occernce. This supersedes the 14 day wait applied to duelists returning from inactivity should the 14 days fall within this one month period. Should a second title forfeiture occur within a calendar year the duelist shall also become ineligible to participate in any event that may award a title or challenge grant (eg: Warlord tournaments, Right to Challenge fights where the challenger is a baron, etc.)

    2. If the Overlord is stripped while under challenge, the Senior most Baron will defend it.
    • a. If defended, the Overlord title will go to a Baron's Tournament. This is the only tournament allowed to decide the Overlord.
      Note: If the Senior most Baron is unavailable, the Champion shall be the next most Senior Baron, and so on down the line.
    3. If a Baron is stripped while under challenge there are two options.
    • a. The Barons Councils chosen Warlord Champion defends it, the Champion becomes the newest Baron.
      b. The Senior most Baron defends it, the title will go to the next Warlord Tournament or a Tournament to be decided by the Administrative Staff, dependant on the length of time until next WLT.
      Note: If the Senior most Baron is unavailable, the Champion shall be the next most Senior Baron, and so on down the line.
Retirements and Inactivity
  • 1. If a duelist goes through a cycle without a duel you will be taken off the standings. This includes all title holders.
    • a. If a title holder is inactive for an entire cycle, their title shall be considered abdicated and that title shall be placed in the appropriate tournament as a prize. (See specific titles for the type of tournament.)
    2. Duelers who are no longer on the standings due to inactivity or retiring may duel at last recorded rank as shown on their Historical Record, provided they inform their opponent prior to the start of any duel that they are listed on the Historical Record.

    3. To check a duelists Historical Record: Direct Message the Nexus Guide with the command ?ranks "Character Name". A duelists Historical Record can be found on the standings as well.

    4. The inactive / Retired Duelist will be moved from the Historical Records to the Active Standings after they have finished a single duel. Reinstatement does not apply until the Standings are updated.

    5. The Inactive / Retired Duelist must continue providing any new opponent with this information until such time as they are placed back on official Standings.

    6. There is no requirement to contact the standings keeper, unless a discrepancy is found.
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Re: Duel of Swords: Official Rules

Post by PC »

  • 1. The Overlord and Barons are permitted to appoint any duelist of any rank beneath Warlord as their squire.

    2. Squires receive a weapon as listed below, and with that, one fancy above their normal up until they achieve the rank of Warlord Only Providing They Are Wielding The Squire's Weapon! This means if the Squire is using any weapon that is not the squire's, they do not get the fancy.

    3. If a Squire achieves the Warlord Rank, they shall automatically lose the title of Squire.

    4. The Overlord and Barons who wish to appoint a Squire may do so in whichever manner they choose. This means they may outright name a squire, or hold an approved tournament if they wish in order to gain a squire.

    5. Squires may be kept for as long as the Overlord or Baron holds the title.

    6. The Overlord and Barons may only release a Squire on their own in order to name a new Squire Once every other cycle. This does not apply should the Squire achieve the Rank of Warlord. Squires may resign from their post for any reason and being removed from the standings will be viewed as voluntary resignation.

    7. If a Squire wins the Talon of Redwin tournament, the Fancies will stack up to Four Fancies. So, if a Squire is a Commoner, and wins the Talon, they would have 2 fancies.

    Symbols of Station

    There may be no more than 7 Squires at any time. Each squire is granted use of a weapon as a symbol of their rank. These are weapons of special abilities that hold a benefit as well as a drawback.
    • Barony Manor type--Weapon--Glow--Power Pros/cons
      Overlord Island: Lighthouse - Shield - Orange - Light Bending and Reflecting, Changes appearance to reflect the holder / Not always how the holder intends.
      Dockside: Warehouse - Sickle - Grey - Levitation / No more than a foot off the ground
      New Haven: English Manor - Rapier - White - Only intelligent Weapon / Snooty, believes itself to be smarter than the holder always and lets holder know.
      Battlefield Park: Haunted Armory - Spear - Blue - Ability to turn incorporeal / Rumors of the original owners met untimely demises.
      Old Market: Cardinal Inn Tavern - Axe - Green - Luck / Not always good.
      Old Temple: Old Church - Scepter - Gold - Tranquility / Only when not in combat.
      Seaside: Fortified Stone Manor - Glaive - Purple - Teleportation / Questionable accuracy.
      Dragons Gate: Dueling School - Staff - Red - Empathy - Good for out of ring / Bad when fighting in ring.
      Cadentia: Villa - Khopesh - Smoke - Ability to Find Water / Makes the wielder always thirsty.
Saving Clauses
  • 1. Interpretations of rules that are not clearly covered shall be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Duel of Swords Coordinator and Assistant Duel of Swords Coordinator.

    2. Any dispute that is not clearly covered under the preceding rules shall fall under the jurisdiction of the Duel of Swords Coordinator and Assistant Duel of Swords Coordinator. This Judgment shall be considered final and may only be overturned by the Forum Supervisor.
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Re: Duel of Swords: Official Rules

Post by PC »

Rule Changes/Updates and Clarifications can be found :arrow: Here!

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