- Settings Intro
- Map of RhyDin
- Inventory & Shops
- Current Live Settings
- Red Dragon Inn
- The Arena
- The Outback
- Twilight Isle
- The Golden Perch
- The Arcade
- The Anchor
- Azifs Garden
- Battlefield Park
- The Bazaar
- Books and Brews
- Courtyard
- Crystal Chasm
- The Deep Wilds
- The Docks
- Gloaming District
- The Great Desert
- Harpers Hearth
- Kaiju Lake
- Last Chance Saloon
- The Marketplace
- Seaside Beach
- The Solarium
- Stars End Bar
- Streets of RhyDin
- Tiamori River
- Twilight Market
- The Undercity
- The Underground
- Uptown
- Yggdrasil

Seaside Beach
Seaside Beach is a popular spot for RhyDin's discerning surfers and beach bums, touting a broad swath of soft sand and myriad activities for any lifestyle. A wide wooden boardwalk follows this stretch of shoreline, with shops and shacks as eccentric and colorful as their year-round denizens. Splitting the beach is a pier that juts out into deeper water, covered in rides and entertainment for all ages and levels of bravery. At the very end are docks for smaller boats, seaplanes, spacecraft, and a booth for rentable submersibles for deep sea activities. Anglers can be seen casting from whatever space they can find in all seasons and nearly all weather.
An old lifeguard tower, inhabited by a cadre of helpful yet distractible lifeguards, stands at the top of the weathered wooden steps down to the water's edge, where a tiki bar bobs in the waves. The floating bar features snacks, snow cones, and a Sunset Cerveza happy hour for deals on drinks.
Near the ruins of an ancient stone temple further down the beach is a pulsating red meteorite half-buried in the sand, usually covered by a smoldering driftwood bonfire. Locals will tell travelers that the meteorite has not cooled since it fell, and use its heat for marshmallow and weenie roasts without trepidation.
Sharks, sirens, and poisonous jellyfish are known to inhabit these waters, but plenty of swimmers can be found enjoying the surf -- even werebears and selkies in the colder months.