- Settings Intro
- Map of RhyDin
- Inventory & Shops
- Current Live Settings
- Red Dragon Inn
- The Arena
- The Outback
- Twilight Isle
- The Golden Perch
- The Arcade
- The Anchor
- Azifs Garden
- Battlefield Park
- The Bazaar
- Books and Brews
- Courtyard
- Crystal Chasm
- The Deep Wilds
- The Docks
- Gloaming District
- The Great Desert
- Harpers Hearth
- Kaiju Lake
- Last Chance Saloon
- The Marketplace
- Seaside Beach
- The Solarium
- Stars End Bar
- Streets of RhyDin
- Tiamori River
- Twilight Market
- The Undercity
- The Underground
- Uptown
- Yggdrasil

The Red Dragon Inn
The Red Dragon Inn is a traditional-looking tavern located on a cobblestone street in the middle of the Dragon's Gate district. A small front yard separates it from the road, and a large porch lines the front of the building, with a swing to one side of its heavy double doors.
Left of the entrance is a stage for performers, while booths with privacy curtains line the left hand wall. To the right is a massive stone hearth, surrounded by comfortable old couches and plush armchairs. An abundance of tables and chairs fills the center of the room, and up above are rafters made with heavy timbers, concealing a small hatch that leads up to the gabled roof.
Across the room from the front doors is the bar, an impressive stretch of sturdy oak that has weathered decades of abuse. The long mirror behind it allows wary patrons to watch their backs as they order, while the mounted head of a red dragon looms over the hoard of bottles and kegs that line the shelves and cabinets. On the right side of the counter sits a lost and found box, bursting with the belongings of countless visitors, and a ledger brimming with records of room stays and unpaid tabs. A rack with dozens of room keys hangs on the wall behind it, above a cluster of mailboxes and cubbies.
The kitchen door is on the back wall to the left of the bar, and to the right is the hallway for the office and bathrooms. The stairs are in the right corner, leading up past the labyrinth of rooms for rent to a balcony that overlooks the common room from the back wall.
On the main level, crossed swords hang above a door on the right wall leading to the basement Arena, while a strangely shaped door beneath the stairs contains the portal to the Twilight Isle. Behind the Inn stands the Outback, a large domed building dedicated to unarmed combat.
But you needn't leave the common room to find excitement or a chance encounter. The Red Dragon Inn is the crossroads of the multiverse... and the start of your next adventure.