Rings of Discord
Discord Character Status
Wondering who is where and what they're doing? The list below displays which characters are in play, as well as which room they're in and their current status if the player has set it. Hover over a registered user's avatar to see a short form profile, or click it to see the full details. You can also launch a minimized version of the list by clicking here
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- In the Lobby
- Ahni
- Akiko (?)
- Armond Pendragon (?)
- Bakron (?)
- Bane
- BigSmoke57
- Blaze
- Candiedrazor (?)
- Chillaxxin (?)
- Chr.iscord (?)
- Corlanthis
- Crash
- CupCakceyU2DEATH
- Delaney Lovell
- Dorcha (?)
- Droet the Bold
- Dzaka
- Eden Parker
- Edgar Allan Pwned (?)
- Edmar Fecler (?)
- Ekthbjlgke
- ForTheHordeKT (?)
- FoxxDragon (?)
- Gavin (?) (?)
- Goldglo
- GutsyXNinja (?)
- Halloween (?)
- Hatebackwards (?)
- Horam
- Insanity Sketches (?)
- Jade_red (?)
- Jakobi Velenti
- Kain Crystal (?)
- Kattria (?)
- KaylaniXx
- Kazenith (?)
- Khoom Helston
- Kirstina (?) (?)
- Kris (?)
- Lailokken (?)
- Lakilazur
- Larp
- Leori
- Maeralin (?)
- Maeve.Joy (?)
- Mairead Harker
- Mapledaze (?)
- Maranya Valkonan
- Mira Burke
- Nero Zhir
- Nico Strahd
- Nighte (?)
- Ninkasi (?)
- Nosavingthrow (?)
- Noybot (?)
- OMG! It's Roostrr (?)
- Omnilord (?)
- Orakan (?)
- Pizzahandz (?)
- Rachael Blackthorne
- Random McChanse
- Raveneyes (?)
- Reiko Souma
- Rex (?)
- Rohin MacKurn
- Rose
- Rupali
- Rwing99 (?)
- Scarce Rushdown
- Scotty
- Shelomithe
- Silphion
- Skulli
- Soma Bokusiien (?)
- Stellarcyan (?)
- Tahlia Faras
- Takai Masamune
- TecherZ (?)
- Technoiguana (?)
- The Star of Calamity (?)
- Todd (?)
- TrelltorSkellter (?)
- vaulex
- VikiChylde (?)
- Xinyi Lin
- Xune
- Yeasty (?)
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(?) Indicates an unverified member.
In Play status updates every 5 minutes.
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