Viewing profile - Mallory

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RoH Admin
Mallory Maeda
Character Race:
The Lyceum or Kabuki Street, most of the time
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Erika Linder, edited by Crispin
Character Age:
Place of Origin:
Teacher, shopkeeper, bartender
Mallory is skinny and rather long-limbed, average height though her figure makes her seem taller. Her vibrant green eyes are usually ringed in black eyeshadow, and narrowed in wary suspicion as often as mischief or play. She has two black horns, like those of a ram, starting near her brow and curling behind her ears. Her throat, fingers, and wrists are usually adorned with a variety of trinkets that serve both practical and symbolic purposes.

She has a growing collection of tattoos, at least a few of them visible at any given time:
* A rooster-headed deity with snakes for legs on her upper chest
* A spike-ridged kaiju on the outside of her left breast, with its long tail running underneath
* An anatomical heart, crowned with ram horns, just left of center of her chest
* A pair of dice, two sixes, on her right breast
* A red cloaked specter on the left side of her stomach, holding a great blue axe over its head, its withered feet chained to a boulder
* An inverted triangle around her navel, with the head of a red-eyed hound at each point
* A crow in flight on the upper right of her stomach, red string clutched in its beak, with a five yen coin dangling from one end and a horse-crested key on the other
* Knotted red rope around her left ring finger, down her left outer forearm, and around her elbow
* A small sprig of holly above the knotted red rope on her left ring finger
* Brambles winding through a broken mirror on her left inner forearm
* Medieval-style linework of a knight decapitating a serpent on the outside of her left upper arm
* The wind deity Notus, framed in wind and fire, on the inside of her left upper arm
* A wallaby silhouette on the base of her right thumb
* A Ya, a Japanese arrow, on her right middle finger
* A blue crescent behind a triangular ruby on the inside of her right wrist
* A black imp mid-shriek on her right outer forearm
* A lantern with a three-pointed golden star on her right inner forearm
* Four broken wakizashi on the outside of her right upper arm
* A horned masquerade-style mask on the inside of her right upper arm
* Rabbit tracks between the three scars on her throat
* Three blackthorn flowers between her neck and left shoulder
* Two goblets on the nape of her neck, one inverted, each flanked by the Roman numerals XIV, with water flowing between them
* A flying Walkman on the left side of her neck, with belladonna buds for headphones
* A forked tongue curled behind her right ear
* A Greek motto, πύξ λάξ δάξ, along her right shoulder
* A skull on her left shoulderblade with flowers blooming from its eye sockets and a carpet of ivy flowing from its mouth
* Two narrowed green eyes between two parallel black blades on her left lower back
* A comet with a long blue tail across her left side
* "NIHIL OBSTAT" encircling a small diamond on her right shoulderblade
* A Gorgoneion, a snake-haired and boar-tusked face in black, green and violet, between her shoulderblades
* RhyDin's smaller moon waxing, its larger moon waning, on her right mid-to-lower back
* A field of forty stars, beginning at the tail of the comet on her left side and ending among and below the moons on the right side of her back
* A simple uppercase lambda on the small of her back
* A spectral face howling in agony zigzagging around the scars on her right side
* A Japanese ice castle on her left hip
* Two four-pointed sapphire-colored stars on the left side of her waist
* A green rose on the center of her waist, below her navel
* Three red mullet fish circling a wheel of bones on her left upper thigh
* A double-tailed lion on the back of her left thigh
* A crooked golden tree wound above her left knee, spilling leaves of green flame down her shin
* A red imprint of a skeleton key on her left calf, suspended by threads that follow her blood vessels
* An emerald ring, wreathed in shadows, around her left ankle
* Four drachma (coins), starting on her right hip and ending on her right upper thigh, depicting Alexander, Taurus, Hecate, and Leo
* Gears turning the alchemical symbol for gold on the right side of her waist
* A stag with bluebirds perched in its antlers on her right upper thigh
* Three clawed hands wound together, clutching a skeletal ouroboros and forming a triskelion, above her right knee
* Two swords, one green, the other red and inverted, on the back of her right thigh
* A salient silver, green-eyed fox on her right shin
* Thin belladonna vines winding around her right calf
* Three pink, blood-ringed bubbles on her right ankle
The power that Mallory wields is the result of years spent learning the rules that govern black magic and countless hours of practice, though it was an infernal pact that provided the spark, and her own blood now serves as its focus. She has memorized dozens of spells, suited to a wide range of tasks that include simple cantrips, vicious hexes, and ancient rituals. Her body has changed a great deal after a year of blood magic rituals, and most of her wounds heal quickly, while her blood itself has become both potent and sweet.

She has been both schooled and self-taught in a variety of ancient languages, history, and mythology, gleaning the secrets of esoteric knowledge from the generations of scholars, magicians, and dabblers that preceded her.

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"I am goddess, neverborn,
Touching magick, wielding power,
I wear the crescent, wear the horn,
I am a witch at every hour."
- Amber K