Viewing profile - Eregor

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Seasoned Adventurer
Seasoned Adventurer
Eregor Túr Gairdín
Custom Title:
"You Traitorous Cur"
Character Race:
He looks human, although a bioscan will reveal otherwise.
Gardenhome Tower, RhyDin
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Dennys Ilic (via IMDB) - original photo for character scene also by Ilic, edited by Haru-mun
Character Age:
older than some, younger than others
Place of Origin:
Gallifrey, originally
Time Lord, actor, musician, vintner, duelist
Lean in body, Eregor tends to dress casually, usually wearing a dark buttoned shirt over a lighter-colored t-shirt and black or grey pants; the one constant is his elegant grey longcoat. His short, dark hair and deep brown eyes give him a serious appearance that is often at odds with his usual good humored nature.

He resides in Gardenhome, a seemingly small tower in the forests south of RhyDin, just off the road leading to Stars End Spaceport. This suits him well, as he seems equally comfortable whether in the magical sections of RhyDin or the high-tech starfarers' haven.
Though he rarely speaks of his past, Eregor has let slip a few things. He was once a Time Lord, but fell through a rift between worlds and ended up somewhere with... different rules. Upon imitially finding himself unable to return to his native universe, he adapted to his new reality. By the time he was able to return home, he had become a true denizen of the multiverse.

His experiences have changed him, perhaps more than he cares to admit. Where once he relied on entirely on science, now he is equally familiar with magic. Before he travelled time and space in his fantastic vessel; now he can step between moments as easily as one might walk across a room. Ebon Ilnaren once described him as having "the Nexus in his blood" and perhaps that is as good a description as any.

Love found Eregor in RhyDin, leading him to wed Rhiannon Brock, and they have a trio of children (so far): twins Alinar and Colleen, and then Brian. While he spends much time with his family, he still manages two careers (as an actor at the Shanachie Theater, and as an instructor in life sciences at Kabuki Street Community School) and occasional dueling as well. Fortunately, he doesn't need much sleep.
Character Scene:

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