Viewing profile - MurOllavan

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Expert Adventurer
Expert Adventurer
Mur Ollavan
Custom Title:
Triple Crown of Beatdown
Character Race:
Tuatha d'danaan(children of Irish goddess Danu)
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Eire. (Ancient Ireland)
Collecting random objects on, about and in his pillar on Twilight Isle....
The 14' pillar currently displays several magical glyphs, several hundred of Chris's dollars, a TDL championship ring, a sash Syous wore in AM tournies of old, the celtic knot Klytus married him and Kat in, a spattering of blood from a fight with his brother and a photo of PJ. The pillar holds within it a few pounds of raisins the ferret left him, a supply of booze stolen from the Outback's bar, a shot glass from Eros and a huge mug from Bear. Some of the first flowers planted in Anne's memorial garden grow around the pillar.
Mur is like meeting your favorite sports star, and finding out in person he's not quite as nice as you thought.

Several millenia ago Mur was different. Living a quiet and normal life at home with his first family and scholarly work to occupy him. After losing his family in a war and a failed suicide, Mur discovered his true nature.

Pure Magic. A gift from Danu gives Mur all the cheat codes to the game of life. Wishes come true, though as Mur has found out after the first few hundred years wish ideas run out.

Nihilistic, crazy, drunk and careless Mur lives out his agonizingly immortal life searching for the next thing he hasn't done a million times already.

When he isn't dueling or drinking he can be found at home in Sektor with his wife Kat and their son Caeron.

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Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:46 pm
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((or Sean, as the thread may be))