Viewing profile - Jaycy Ashleana

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Expert Adventurer
Expert Adventurer
Jaycy Ashleana
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Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Richard Goldschmidt,, ... r_2012.jpg, color edited
Place of Origin:
Retired from whatever she did in the past, supposedly. Currently also socialite, flirt, former Governor and Minister of Magic (under Karma Armstong).
She stands a very small 4'11", her frame slender. Green-gold eyes tend to sparkle when catching the light. Long silver-streaked red hair is more often curled in a controlled tangle, artful but intending to manage it for her active life and easily exposing the gently pointed ears. During social events, she often wears it loose, curls flowing to mid-back. A single white beaded and crystal-adorned feather is woven into the red locks.

Except for the very occasional social event, she wears one of three types of outfits. She can sometimes be found in fighting leathers, black in color -but not regularly. More often she can be found in jeans, a t-shirt (usually some form of Real Rhydin brand) - her typical "working" wear. Finally, for professional and social events where she doesn't have to fight, she has taken to wearing dresses or pantsuits, depending on the occasion.

There are a multitude of scars that criss-cross her body (edged weapons, whips, and fire are all to blame) and are usually mostly covered by a t-shirt. Sometimes, though, the remnants of a violent life can be seen from breast to knee on both sides. A curious subtly-patchworked sleeve of skin covers her right arm from tips of fingers to nearly the elbow.

She has several tattoos in varying degrees of visibility, depending on her state of dress. A white tiger, shaded with blues, roared on her left side. Lovingly inked, it went from a head just under the swell of her breast and curved with her form down to the top of her hip. Her right thigh sported another tattoo, a slick and sleek serpent in blue, coiled twice. Its tongue flicked on the inside of her leg while the tail ended just under her rear end. The monster curled around and commanded ten blades as it traced around her leg. A stylized, feminine phoenix curved between her breasts with its head resting over her heart, lines black except at tips and loops that colored emerald. A deep, red and velvety rose (with echoes of black in the petals) adorned the side of her left leg, blood falling in rivulets down the side and past her ankle. On the nape of her neck was a small peacock feather capped by a jauntily-tilted top hat.

She carries only one visible weapon and almost never; an old short sword at her left hip, held in place by a simple leather sword belt. A long chain hangs from her neck and usually is hidden under her shirt. On it are two pierced disks that appear to be coins, though one is smaller than the other, and a small key with the number 13 engraved upon it. A silver dragon charm rests at the juncture of neck and chest, held in place by a shorter silver chain. There are several rings she wears, though - first, a platinum band with a sparkly bit attached and a plain, white gold band. Not too surprisingly, she wears them on the left-hand ring finger. Second, a slim jade band on her right-hand ring finger.

12th Triple Crown

43rd Overlord
Baronies: 3rd, 4th, Seaside (2), Old Market, Dockside (2), Dragon's Gate (2), Old Temple
WLT Wins: Summer 2011, Winter 2014

57th, 63rd, 67th, 100th, 104th Diamond
Opals: FireStar, PathFinder (2), ShadoWeaver (3), IceDancer, MoonBeryl

71st Archmage
Towers: Air
AMT Wins: August 2020, September 2021

Real Rhydin, 2020, 2023 Champions
2021 Kiowa Belt
2022 Kiowa Belt

Governor, elected 2020

RoH Achievements


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