Keeper of Air

Eregor Túr Gairdín

Tower of Air

The Tower of Air 'stands' above the peak of the tallest mountain in the eastern range. It shares the same exterior physical dimensions of the other towers (60' tall, 50' wide at the base and 30' at the top) but as it is made from air, it is nearly invisible. When standing close to the tower, it appears to be nothing more than a shimmering haze in the shape of a tower. The double doors appear as clouds, and the key is a diamond set with a turquoise

Keeper of Air Powers

So long as he has the key, the Keeper of Air has many special powers, the most visible being his ability to fly at will and become as invisible as the air itself. He can turn a hurricane into a gentle breeze, summon a tornado from still air, or anything in between. Winds do not affect this Keeper, nor do poisonous gas or fumes or anything that can be breathed. This control over the air does give the Keeper limited control over the weather, but not complete. He can use the wind to move clouds into or away from an area, but as clouds are made from water, he cannot create them, nor can he control lighting. His control of the air can also be more subtle than creating gusts of wind. For example, more air can be added to a small space, increasing the air pressure, or removed altogether, creating a vacuum. It is also possible to remove the oxygen from a given area, snuffing out flames and causing living things to suffocate. As with the other Keepers, air elementals and air spirits may be conjured or banished at will, and will always obey his commands. Avian creatures will recognize the Keeper of Air and never harm him. The Keeper may transform into vapor and back to his normal form at will.

Earth is the bane of the Keeper of Air. The touch of the earth, itself, will not harm the Keeper of Air, but any attacks which are based on earth or contain earthly elements (stone, metal, etc.) will do increased damage if his defenses are penetrated. Going underground is a bad idea for this Keeper, as his powers will fade if he is confined within the earth. Being completely buried will render him powerless. Earth elementals and other earth-spirits will recognize this Keeper for what he is and most likely attack on sight.

Keeper of Air Unique Ring - Anemoi

The ground within the ring simply falls away, disappearing within the cloudy depths of the domain now ruled by the winds. The clouds prevent the Keeper and his/her opponent from seeing precisely where they step, but the levels it provides allow for multi-tiered dueling of the most frantic manners. Massive gusts of wind allow the duelists to leap from cloud to cloud, creating a sensation similar to flight. Those able to fly will find that in this ring, their maneuverability is hindered by the gusts. The seasons affect this ring, making it unique among those of the Keepers. Spring (March-May) - The West Wind rules and soft, warm winds dominate the ring. Summer (June-August) - The East Wind rules and dry, heated winds berate the ring. Fall (September-November) - The South Wind rules and searing, humid winds saturate the ring. Winter (December-February) - The North Wind rules and chill, violent winds fill the ring.

Reign Summaries

Duelist Name Dates of Reign Days Held Defenses
Eregor Túr Gairdín 2024-09-23 - Present 189 1
(vacant) 2024-08-29 - 2024-09-23 25 0
Colleen MacLeod 2024-05-26 - 2024-08-29 95 0
XanthVanBokkelen 2022-10-30 - 2024-05-26 574 1
(vacant) 2022-10-06 - 2022-10-30 24 0
Gatito Lindo 2022-08-14 - 2022-10-06 53 0
(vacant) 2022-07-31 - 2022-08-14 14 0
Eregor 2021-12-29 - 2022-07-31 214 4
Jackson 2021-11-07 - 2021-12-29 52 0
Szuzak Mos 2021-09-26 - 2021-11-07 42 0
Karma Armstrong 2021-07-24 - 2021-09-26 64 0
Andrea Anderson 2021-04-10 - 2021-07-24 105 2
Jaycy Ashleana 2021-01-28 - 2021-04-10 72 0
Karma Armstrong 2020-11-12 - 2021-01-28 77 0
Ellie Luisante 2020-09-21 - 2020-11-12 52 0
Morgan Chae 2020-06-22 - 2020-09-21 91 1
Michelle Montoya 2020-03-03 - 2020-06-22 111 0
Xanth Van Bokkelen 2019-09-18 - 2020-03-03 167 0
Claire Gallows 2019-06-27 - 2019-09-18 83 0
Matt Simon 2016-08-13 - 2019-06-27 1,048 4
John Cole 2016-05-03 - 2016-08-13 102 0
(vacant) 2016-03-21 - 2016-05-03 43 0
Bile 2015-10-13 - 2016-03-21 160 1
Basil Praetextatus 2015-09-27 - 2015-10-13 16 0
(vacant) 2015-08-31 - 2015-09-27 27 0
Neo Eternity 2015-04-12 - 2015-08-21 131 1
Venalia Dawnblade 2014-08-25 - 2015-04-12 230 1
Jade Alcar 2014-03-05 - 2014-08-25 173 2
(vacant) 2014-03-02 - 2014-03-05 3 0
Vanion Shadowcast 2014-01-08 - 2014-03-02 53 0
Morgan Chae 2013-10-23 - 2014-01-08 77 1
(vacant) 2013-10-14 - 2013-10-23 9 0
Lem DeAngelo 2013-03-14 - 2013-10-14 214 3
Cadence Valentine 2013-01-15 - 2013-03-14 58 1
Mephisto the Red 2012-11-08 - 2013-01-15 68 0
Nayun 2012-08-28 - 2012-11-08 72 0
Vince Smith 2012-07-06 - 2012-08-28 53 1
Seirichi 2012-04-25 - 2012-07-06 72 1
Rachael Wynter 2011-02-16 - 2012-04-25 434 2
(vacant) 2011-01-14 - 2011-02-16 33 0
Xanth VanBokkelen 2010-12-16 - 2011-01-14 29 0
(vacant) 2010-12-12 - 2010-12-16 4 0
Hochi Bird Onyxfire 2010-10-10 - 2010-12-12 63 0
(vacant) 2010-09-09 - 2010-10-10 31 0
Mur Ollavan 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-09 3 0
Misht'Kyeamort'awli 2010-03-24 - 2010-09-06 166 0
Guillermus Iulius Fortis 2010-03-07 - 2010-03-24 17 0
Tormay Eludes 2010-02-21 - 2010-03-07 14 0
Rena A. Cronin 2009-01-12 - 2010-02-21 405 2
(vacant) 2008-11-08 - 2009-01-12 65 0
Soerl Lute 2008-03-11 - 2008-11-08 242 1
Azjah Telyria Danaan Caer 2008-02-12 - 2008-03-11 28 0
Russel A. Strong 2007-04-26 - 2008-02-12 292 1
Vanion Shadowcast 2007-02-01 - 2007-04-26 84 1
Brigath Cedran 2004-06-09 - 2007-02-01 967 9
Pslyder 2003-10-26 - 2004-06-09 227 1
(vacant) 2003-09-22 - 2003-10-26 34 0
Xerzes Maureen 2003-03-25 - 2003-09-22 181 0
(vacant) 2003-01-19 - 2003-03-25 65 0
Tim Enralyte 2002-04-23 - 2003-01-19 271 2
(vacant) 2002-01-13 - 2002-04-23 100 0
Tim Enralyte 2001-04-15 - 2002-01-13 273 2
(vacant) 2001-04-04 - 2001-04-15 11 0
Irus of Masaca 2000-09-21 - 2001-04-04 195 2

Eregor Túr Gairdín     2024-09-23 - Present   ( 189 days )

♦ 09-23-2024 Colleen MacLeod's ascension to Archmage in August left the Tower of Air vacant. After going undefeated in a single elimination contest with ten other participants at the Fall 2024 All Ranks Tournament with Wardens Lindo and Driscol officiating, Mage Emeritus Eregor chose the Tower of Air as his prize. This was his second time to have stewardship of this elemental tower. The first having been 12-29-2021 to 07-31-2022.
♦ 12-06-2024 First Defense. In a bid to hold a title in all three sports concurrently, Gillette Brooke challenged Eregor for the Tower of Air. She held the Opal, ShadoWeaver, and the Barony of Dockside. Under the watchful eyes of Gatito Lindo, Coordinator of the Duel of Magic, the pair matched magical skills in Anemoi, the Keeper of Air's ring. It was not yet Gillette's time to hold the diamond and turquoise key. Eregor won two duels in succession with scores of 5 - 3.5 in 9 rounds and 5 - 3 in 12 rounds to secure his right to retain the key and title, Keeper of Air.

(vacant)     2024-08-29 - 2024-09-23   ( 25 days )

Colleen MacLeod     2024-05-26 - 2024-08-29   ( 95 days )

♦ 05-26-2024 The winds of Anemoi played host to the current Keeper of Air, Xanth VanBokkelen, and Colleen MacLeod, former Keeper of Earth. The match was officiated by Eregor, former Archmage and Keeper. The Archlich and his challenger entertained the spectators with three full matches. Xanth employed a Laughing Lich special in round five of the first match which helped to secure his victory of 5 - 2 in 7 rounds. The second and third matches went in the challenger’s favor with scores of 5 - 2 in 6 rounds and 6 - 2 in 6 rounds, respectively. While the diamond and turquoise key to the Tower of Air was now in the hands of its newest Keeper, Colleen MacLeod, Xanth’s impressive and unprecedented record of 1,832 total days as a Keeper of the four elemental towers has yet to be surpassed.
♦ 08-29-2024 Ascended to Archmage.

XanthVanBokkelen     2022-10-30 - 2024-05-26   ( 574 days )

♦ 10-30-2022 The Ride of the Headless Horseman event saw three duelists in a tie! It was the lich Xanth Van Bokkelen who held the higher percentage in the end and not only claimed the Tower of Air but also the Staff of Seasons as well!
♦ 7-13-2023 First Defense. A challenge of might and magic! It had been quite some time since the Lich found himself within the challenge ring as even his reign as Keeper of Air was won from an event.. Though perhaps that was for the best, as it can only be assumed that Xanth enjoys the quiet as he continues his pursuit of being the bane of all libraries within the Twilight Isle and Rhydin City boundaries! Kruger disturbed this quiet though by issuing challenge and brought the Lich forth to the rings to extract his retribution! The two met upon the Isle and retribution is what Xanth gained as both first and second match of the night ended in his favor with a 5 - 3 victory and a 5 - 3.5 victory; twice in only nine rounds! With his defense gained Xanth can return to his library solitude while he waits out the days in a hope and goal to surpass Matthew Simon's longest reign. Olaf von Trunk officiated the match.

(vacant)     2022-10-06 - 2022-10-30   ( 24 days )

Gatito Lindo     2022-08-14 - 2022-10-06   ( 53 days )

♦ 08-14-2022 Riding a mirage wind, Gatito won the right to claim the Tower of Air with the final result of a 71.43% win rate after fighting in the 8 required Duel of Magic matches.
♦ 10-06-2022 Gatito's time as Keeper of Air came to an end after defeating Xanth Van Bokkelen to become Archmage.

(vacant)     2022-07-31 - 2022-08-14   ( 14 days )

Eregor     2021-12-29 - 2022-07-31   ( 214 days )

♦ 12-29-2021 It was a night of cocktails and fashion as restless cold winds took over the special ring of Anemoi when challenger Eregor and Keeper of Air Jackson stepped in to settle things. With the match opening and no score getting off the ground, one might wonder if the two were simply catching their breath at first and settling into their current awe-inspiring surroundings of ring Anemoi. It would be Eregor who would get a handle on things first, steadily moving up the scoreboard and keeping Jackson from scoring for the first 5 rounds. The former Keeper of Water would make quick work of a victory then, taking the match 5.5 to .5 in 8 rounds, leaving spectators impressed with the time-traveler’s skills. The following match however showed that Jackson is not a caster to be trifled with and the Keeper opened with the power of the Tower itself and kept a lead over Eregor up until round 5 when Eregor tied the score at 2 for each. Jackson then continued to score, taking the lead and eventually the win of 5 to 2 in 8 rounds. So, things pressed on to a third and final match, and while the previous fights showed one caster favoring over the other, this match was an exception. Though Jackson held a point lead over Eregor for most of the third match, things took a surprising turn when in round 6 the score was tied up at 3.5 and then Eregor followed up with a focused spell and took the win, and the Tower with a final score of 5 to 3.5 in 7 rounds. It just once again proves that the winds of change can happen when one least expects it!
♦ 02-29-2022 The cycle of air was within its fourth week when challenger and Keeper met within the special ring of Anemoi. Round one of the first match saw the challenger score unopposed, yet this was quickly reversed by the Keeper in the following round; and extended into the 4th. The 5th round saw both challenger and keeper stand at a 2.5 tie but Eregor broke past and kept on the path until he achieved the first win of the night. Possibly rallied by this victory, Eregor caught the early lead in match two and held strong to it.. and while the Gatito did try to play catch up, he was unable to in the end. With two matches won Eregor continued his reign as the Keeper of Air.
♦ 03-26-2022 Once again under the Twilight Skies of the Isle, Gatito and Eregor met to fight in the ring of Anemoi to decide whose claim of the air would either begin or continue. In the warm spring winds and amongst flying shards of light from Eregor, Gatito kept up the pressure and extended his lead before trading winds brought spectators to the edge of their seats. Gatito used his Tiger’s edge and his skills to take the first win of the night with a final score of 5 to 4 in 8 rounds. The second match continued the neck and neck scoring, but when Eregor unleashed a tornado into the ring in round 6 the end looked to be in sight. Gatito however didn’t go out easily and closed in on the gap of the Keeper’s lead before Eregor was able to finally close the match out with a final score of 5.5 to 4.5 in 9. With a win apiece for each caster, they were sent to a third and final match. The “traitorous cur” Keeper and last year’s Champion of Madness continued on with another tight match on the score board, leaving everyone holding their breath as sudden death showed on the score board in rounds 7 and 9! But with a reach into the air, it was Eregor’s drawing of some winter winds and colder air to counter the gusts from Gatito and secure his second defense of the Tower of Air!
♦ 05-28-2022 A third challenge to the Tower of Air came from Mira Burke. Fire, Water, and then to Air. The Elemental Towers seemed to be eluding Mira's grasp yet she continued to stand firm and challenge yet again, this time against Eregor and his claim to the Tower of Air. It would seem that this could have very well been time for a change of fate as round 9 within the winds of Anemoi saw the Keeper and his challenger stand at a 5-5, yet it was Eregor who broke through the barrier and achieved the first victory of the night. Hard fought and hard won, this would be the motto of the night and one carried into the second match as both Mira and Eregor clashed; first with Eregor taking charge and Mira catching a shift in the winds currents to bring them to yet another tie.. 3.5 to 3.5, 5 to 5.. 6 to 6, 7 to 7.. Within the vortex the final round came in the 13th at 7 to 8 — and there stood Eregor in triumph.
♦ 07-09-2022 It was Family Feud and Taco night on the Isle when challenger Mairead Harker took Keeper of Air Eregor to the rings. Enjoying the winds of Anemoi, the two flew into the matches of the evening hoping for a whirlwind of spells so they wouldn’t miss out on the fireworks in town for the Tanabata festival! Starting out with an opening trade, it would be Eregor who broke into a two-point lead before Mairead was able to score once more. But Eregor used the power from the tower to strike match point and then closed out the match with a delicious smelling cloud, reminiscent of apple pie, with a final score of 5 to 2 in 6 rounds. In the second match, Mairead scored first, but Eregor looked to be gaining momentum in the following rounds to take another lead, this time 3 to 1.5 in Eregor’s favor. Draped in bear fur to keep her from Eregor’s windy spells, bear Maggie released a powerful roar that deflected the Keeper’s Elemental Fury from harming her and took a slim lead over him. With the warm air at his beck and call, Eregor used the aid of the East winds to take back the lead and stop Mairead’s come back attempt, closing out the match with a final score of 5 to 3.5 in 9 rounds and securing another defense in the history books.
♦ 07-31-2022 Due to inactivity the title was removed as the custodian of the Tower of Air.

Jackson     2021-11-07 - 2021-12-29   ( 52 days )

♦ 11-7-2021 Jackson seeking a fun fight, and still after a Tower, decided to challenge Szuzak for Air, and Szuzak was certain to deliver as he chose to hold the matches in the special ring of Anemoi. The pair took to the air, lifted by gusts of wind into the cloud filled ring and began casting. Utilizing smoke and shadows they went an extensive 17 rounds in the first match, tying the score three times before Jackson managed to reach through the fog and close out his first win for the night with a final score of 6.5 to 5.5. If Jackson was winded, he didn’t let that show in the second match as he kept Szuzak to a mere point and half. The young Minister of Public Safety soon added a new title to his resume as he won the second match 5 to 1.5 in 6 rounds and became the newest Keeper of Air!

Szuzak Mos     2021-09-26 - 2021-11-07   ( 42 days )

♦ 9-26-2021 Dressed in shimmery black and some stunning killer heals, Karma announced that she was not ready to give up the Queen of Air and Darkness schtick just yet and decided that her matches against Szuzak (who was not dressed as lovely as Karma – but that’s something perhaps only Koyliak Simon can top), would be all be held in Anemoi. Szuzak, holding the Keeper’s Blessing he’d just won in the Archmage Tournament just two weeks prior, looked uncertain, but followed Karma into the ring for the pair of them to get things started. Though the first round was a standoff, Karma made quick work of a significant victory over Szuzak, besting him 5 to 1.5 in 6 rounds. The second match however, Karma would only hold a small lead in the very first round before Szuzak managed to find his footing in the ring and mad a steady climb on the scoreboard before taking the win 5.5 to 2.5 in round 7. With each caster winning a match, we were pushed to a third and deciding match to see who would become the victor! As the castors looked to be discussing knowledge, both stolen and learned, the score stayed close and tied twice, first in round 3 and again in round 5 before Szuzak steadily scored and kept Karma to only two points in the final match. Winning 5.5 to 2 in round 8, Szuzak obtained the Key to the Tower of Air for himself while Karma looked to pocket a new spell from the newly crowned keeper.

Karma Armstrong     2021-07-24 - 2021-09-26   ( 64 days )

♦ 7-24-2021 With Andrea waiving grace throughout her reign, Karma decided she wanted to try and get a hold of the key to the Tower of Air once more. Then with Andrea’s deference to Karma, the former keeper was allowed to decide if they would utilize the special ring Anemoi. Karma excitedly selected to open the challenge with the warm summer winds of the ring and the pair were whisked up into the vortex to fight things out! While Andrea opened the first match with the elemental fury of the Air, Karma soon took a small lead in the following round. The match stayed close, and they were tied at 2.5 points in the 4th and 5th rounds, but Karma focused on and closed the first match in her favor at 5 to 3.5 in 7 rounds. When the first match looked like a sprint, the second match took on more of a look of a marathon, and this time in the Keeper’s favor. Andrea started off very strong and kept Karma to a mere half a point in the first 5 rounds. Karma then looked to sway the course of the battle, quickly jumping to match point in the following 3 rounds and taking the lead in round 8. It wasn’t enough in the end however as Andrea managed to tie things up in the 11th and then would eventually close out the second match with a score of 7 to 5.5 in round 14. With both casters tied 1 to 1, we moved on to the third and final match! Once again Andrea opened with the power of the tower, but Karma was ready for her and edged into a slim half a point lead. Andrea then looked to be ready to close the challenge in her favor, steadily climbing the scoreboard and hitting match point in round 5. Karma wasn’t one to give up though and mounted a comeback train, managing to tie up the match in round 10 and then taking the lead, the victory and the tower in round 11 with a final score of 5.5 to 4.5! Shortly afterwards, Karma could be heard proclaiming herself to be the Queen of Air and Darkness, as she had recently obtained hold of the opal, ShadoWeaver! (But don’t tell Mab!)

Andrea Anderson     2021-04-10 - 2021-07-24   ( 105 days )

♦ 4-10-2021 Before the match started Jaycy asked the challenger Andrea what her preference was on using the special ring Aneomi and Andrea wanted to wait to use it for the third and final match! Only as it turned out, there was no third match! Andrea swiftly made use of her strength and won two matches in a row, sealing her victory and becoming the newest Keeper of Air! The official score notes are that Andrea won 5 - 2 in 5 rounds and then 5 – 4 in 6. Fun fact: this marks the 4th elemental tower that Andrea has held.
♦ 06-17-21 It was a challenge between two holders of the four elemental towers, and Xanth was eager for a challenge. Andrea had waived grace for some time, but no one dared the challenge for the breathtaking Tower of Air before the Lich stepped up. Andrea, boldly stating that she would not be using her Keeper Powers in the ring against Xanth so they would both be on “even ground”, even though they were both up in the air in ring Aneomi! In the first match, both casters were keeping things very close with three separate ties up to round 8. But as they were tied 3 – 3, Andrea focused on fear and took a strong lead before following up with more offense over Xanth’s armor and taking the first win of the night, 5.5 – 3 in 10. For the second match, Xanth wasted no time and brought the use of cold winds even though the Easterly Warm and dry winds were swirling about in ring Anemoi this time of year. Though Andrea took away Xanth’s lead in the 4th round, Xanth tied things up with his big spell, Nether Ray and never looked back, taking the win 5 to 2.5 in 7. With each caster having a win under their belt, it was still anyone’s game and so we moved on to the third match. The last match for Air had spectators holding their breath as the casters kept the score close and even unmoving at 3 – 2 for several rounds. In the end, it was Andrea who blew Xanth away and sealed her first defense of the tower with a win of 5 – 2.5 in 11. After the challenge was completed, Andrea announced that she would again be waiving grace and was open to any challengers who wished to give it a go.
♦ 07-07-21 Eager to visit the Tower of Air’s library, Sylista challenged Keeper Andrea for the Tower and library access, only to discover after the challenge itself that Andrea would willingly open the doors to any inquiring minds seeking knowledge from the Keeper library. Nevertheless, they took to a normal ring and Sylista began her first challenge. In the first match, both casters score, but it was Sylista who took the healthy lead with a focused meteor shower. The match looked to be in the challenger’s favor, keeping the lead through to the sixth round, but Andrea soon kept Sylista at match point and closed the match out in the Keeper’s favor with a final score of 5 – 4 in 8. In the following match Andrea opted to roll out with the power of the Tower and scored first, but soon Sylista was keeping Andrea to 2.5 on the score board as she made a steady climb ahead. However once Andrea moved ahead with a fear touch in the sixth round, the Keeper then kept Sylista from being able to score again and closed the second match out (as well as her second defense) with a final score of 5 – 3 in 8. At the conclusion of the Keeper's defense she once again declared that she was waiving grace.

Jaycy Ashleana     2021-01-28 - 2021-04-10   ( 72 days )

♦ 01-28-21 Enjoying their fights in the most recent Diamond Quest, Jaycy challenged Karma for her key to the Tower of Air, this time testing their magical abilities against each other as opposed to their fists. Karma, eager to use the elemental of Air to her full advantage opted to start out their best of three challenge in the Keepers Unique ring, Aneomi. The wintery air and her skill favored Karma largely in the first match, where she held a lead of 4 to 0.5 over Jaycy in the 6th, and though the Diamond began to close the gap, it would be Karma’s victory with a final score of 5.5 to 3 in 12. This seemed to be the warm up that the 5 time Diamond needed as in the second match she never allowed Karma to hold a lead and evened up the challenge tally one to one with a final score of 5 to 2 in 9. The last and final match in this challenge was where Karma opened up to unleash all the power and fury of the element of Air, but the cold didn’t seem to bother Jaycy. She stuck to a slow and steady scoring till rounds 8 through 10 where Karma forced the woman to stay half a point away from victory until an elusive and rather calm side of Jaycy appeared and sealed the match in her favor. Scoring 5 to 2.5 in 11 rounds, Jaycy was then able to add her first Keeper Title to her long list of accolades as the newest winner of the key to the Tower of Air.

Karma Armstrong     2020-11-12 - 2021-01-28   ( 77 days )

♦ 11-12-20 Ellie's hopes for a first defense of the Tower of Air came to an end with the challenge from Karma Armstrong. While the Keeper was able to do more than hold her own in the first round with a clear 5 - 2.5 victory in 6 rounds — the second match of the challenge would begin to show some wavering thoughts on who just might come out in the end. Even with Ellie losing 5 - 4 in 10 to Karma in the second round, such a close match may have seemed to favor her in the end.. and a close match would be how it would end in the third and final match. Karma and Ellie both stood on the precipice of victory yet it would be Karma who broke past the 5 - 5 tie and finally achieved victory in the 14th and final round with the sixth and final point of the challenge.

Ellie Luisante     2020-09-21 - 2020-11-12   ( 52 days )

♦ 09-21-20 After winning the Ring of Klytus Ellie Luisante set her sights on the Tower of Air and its Keeper Morgan Chae. The challenge was an uphill battle for Ellie as in both matches Morgan had the upper hand — with a 4 - 0 score in his favor in the first and a 3 - 0 lead in the second. While many would look at this overwhelming show of force as a sign of coming defeat, Ellie did not. With a solid spell strike in the third round of the first match she'd begin her climb to finally edge ahead 4.5 - 4 in 7 — and though Morgan did tie it 4.5 - 4.5 in the following round, it would be Ellie's spell work that saw her take the full point lead and win the first match 5.5 - 4.5 in 9. The second started much like the first, as you would have read above, but Ellie's comeback began after Morgan gained his third point. What started as half a point in the fifth round became a tie in the ninth as both Ellie and Morgan both sat with 3.5 points in their favor, until Ellie edged ahead... only to have Morgan return the favor — and it wouldn't be until round thirteen that the duel came to an end with a score of 5.5 - 4 in 13. With her second come back victory behind her Ellie became the newest Keeper of Air.

Morgan Chae     2020-06-22 - 2020-09-21   ( 91 days )

♦ 06-22-20 The "Worst Chae", so lovingly dubbed by his siblings, was in the market for an Elemental Tower once more. Having been both the Keeper of Water and Keeper of Air in the past it appeared he only felt it right to venture back to one of his old stomping grounds and challenged for the Tower of Air. The duel itself was an amazing spectacle as Michelle Montoya wouldn't simply let the diamond key fall into the youngest Chae's hands without putting up a fight, though some might have thought the Keeper weakened by the first of the three matches. Michelle lost to the younger Morgan in 7 rounds with an end score of 5.5 - 0.5, but perhaps Michelle was luring Morgan into a false sense of security as they battled a full 16 rounds in the next with Michelle taking it 8 - 6.5. The third and final match for the fate of the Tower of Air began with Morgan quickly catching Michelle in the first round for an opening 1.5 points in his corner — though this soon turned back to Michelle as she regained what was lost in the second round and extended into the third.. yet this was where Morgan rallied and began his sprint to the finish; first by bringing the match back to a draw in the fifth and then continuing from the sixth to finally the ninth. With an ending score of 5.5 - 2.5 in 9 rounds Morgan defeated Michelle claim the Tower of Air as his own once more!
♦ 08-05-20 It didn't take long for Morgan to find himself under challenge (Well, as long as a thirty day grace and a few days can give you!) — and just who sought the Tower of Air for themselves? Jaycynda Alexander! Even though the challenger was listed at the rank of Sorcerer she didn't allow this from stopping her attempt to reach out and take the Key of Air... and she almost achieved just that! A 5 - 1.5 victory in 10 rounds in her favor may have caused fans of the Keeper to break a sweat in fear, though the second match may have relaxed them somewhat after Morgan took a win for his side with a 5.5 - 2 in 8 finish. It was down to the wire though in the third and final match of the challenge as both Jaycy and Morgan fought tooth and nail well into the 16th round with a tied score of 5.5 - 5.5! The Keeper of Air was able to break ahead though in the final round of the 17th after bringing in the flames with a clutch immolation! With the third and final duel finished Morgan claimed his first defense of his second reign.

Michelle Montoya     2020-03-03 - 2020-06-22   ( 111 days )

♦ 03-03-20 Michelle — without the Old One corruption (Hopefully) — challenged Xanth Van Bokkelen for the Tower of Air. In two matches, both in the challengers favor, Michelle claimed the elemental key of Air as her own. The match results were: 5.5 - 4.5 in 9 rounds and 5 - 3.5 in 11 rounds.

Xanth Van Bokkelen     2019-09-18 - 2020-03-03   ( 167 days )

♦ 09-18-19 It took all three matches, and the first two were sudden death, but Xanth walked away with the key to the tower after taking the last two matches with 5 – 4 in 11 rounds in the second match and 5.5 – 3.5 in 15 rounds in the last match!

Claire Gallows     2019-06-27 - 2019-09-18   ( 83 days )

♦ 06-27-19 Claire ended Matt's historic reign of 1,048 days. After two duels with scores of 6 - 5 in 7 and 6-5 in 12, Claire gained the key to the Tower of Air. In doing so she became the first female All Tower Holder within the Duel of Magic sport.

Matt Simon     2016-08-13 - 2019-06-27   ( 1048 days )

♦ 08-13-16 Defeats John for the key
♦ 10-09-16 Wins two straight in defense vs Claire Farron.
♦ 11-01-17 Matt defends after winning the first and third match of the best of three challenge, 5-3.5 in 9 and 5-3 in 11, while Eden took the second match with a score of 5-.5 in 7.
♦ 10-25-18 After almost a year Matt finds himself finally challenged again and faced off against newly ranked mage Mallory St. Martin. Mallory won the first of three but Matt came back in the final two to gain his third defense. The ending scores were: 5-3 in 10 in Mallory's favor while 5.5-4.5 in 7 and 5-2.5 in 10 in Matt's.
♦ 05-11-19 Claire Gallows (Formally Farron) challenged Matt once more. The challenge went the full 3 duels. Claire took the first with a score of 5.5 - 4 in 8 rounds, to which Matt responded with a 5 - 0 shut out in five rounds in the second before finishing the third match of the challenge with a 5 - 1.5 in 12 round victory in his favor.

John Cole     2016-05-03 - 2016-08-13   ( 102 days )

♦ 05-03-16 Wins the Blessed Beltane Tower event.

(vacant)     2016-03-21 - 2016-05-03   ( 43 days )

Bile     2015-10-13 - 2016-03-21   ( 160 days )

♦ 10-13-15 Defeats Basil to claim the key.
♦ 11-29-15 Defends against Matt Simon.
♦ 03-21-16 Relieved of the title due to inactivity.

Basil Praetextatus     2015-09-27 - 2015-10-13   ( 16 days )

♦ 09-27-15 Basil won the key in an all ranks tournament after Neo retired.

(vacant)     2015-08-31 - 2015-09-27   ( 27 days )

Neo Eternity     2015-04-12 - 2015-08-21   ( 131 days )

♦ 04-12-15 Takes the tower from Venalia
♦ 06-29-15 Defends against Matt Simon in 2 duels.
♦ 08-21-15 Neo retires

Venalia Dawnblade     2014-08-25 - 2015-04-12   ( 230 days )

♦ 08-25-14 Wins the tower from Jade.
♦ 03-03-14 Defends against Claire Farron winning 2 in a row.

Jade Alcar     2014-03-05 - 2014-08-25   ( 173 days )

♦ 05-05-14 Defeats Shadow who championed the key in Vanion's absence.
♦ 03-11-14 Three duel defense against Apple.
♦ 06-30-14 Defends vs Gren in 2 straight.

(vacant)     2014-03-02 - 2014-03-05   ( 3 days )

Vanion Shadowcast     2014-01-08 - 2014-03-02   ( 53 days )

♦ 01-08-14 Vanion claims the tower in 3 duels.
♦ 03-02-14 Declared dead and unable to defend.

Morgan Chae     2013-10-23 - 2014-01-08   ( 77 days )

♦ 10-23-13 Defeated Collie who championed the key after Lem's retirement.
♦ 11-30-13 Defends against Jacen winning 2 out of 3

(vacant)     2013-10-14 - 2013-10-23   ( 9 days )

Lem DeAngelo     2013-03-14 - 2013-10-14   ( 214 days )

♦ 03-14-13 Lem won 2 of 3 to claim the key.
♦ 05-07-13 Defends against Nayun
♦ 07-03-13 Sends Xanth back to the library.
♦ 09-02-13 Defends against Vinny in 2 duels.
♦ 10-14-13 Lem retires.

Cadence Valentine     2013-01-15 - 2013-03-14   ( 58 days )

♦ 01-15-13 Takes the tower from Mephisto
♦ 02-28-13 Defends against Xanth in 2 duels.

Mephisto the Red     2012-11-08 - 2013-01-15   ( 68 days )

♦ 11-08-12 Defeats Nayun in 2 straight.

Nayun     2012-08-28 - 2012-11-08   ( 72 days )

♦ 08-28-12 Wins the key from Vinny

Vince Smith     2012-07-06 - 2012-08-28   ( 53 days )

♦ 07-06-12 Vinny wins 2 of 3 to claim the tower.
♦ 08-14-12 Defends against Rachael in 2 duels.

Seirichi     2012-04-25 - 2012-07-06   ( 72 days )

♦ 04-25-12 Takes the key from Rachael winning 2 of 3.
♦ 06-07-12 Defends against Rachael in 2 duels.

Rachael Wynter     2011-02-16 - 2012-04-25   ( 434 days )

♦ 02-16-2011 Rachael won the key in an All Ranks Tournament.
♦ 09-22-11 Defended from Nayun in 2 duels.
♦ 11-04-11 Defended from Nayun in 2 duels, again.

(vacant)     2011-01-14 - 2011-02-16   ( 33 days )

Xanth VanBokkelen     2010-12-16 - 2011-01-14   ( 29 days )

♦ 12-16-2010 Wins the key in an All-Ranks Tournament
♦ 01-14-2011 Retired the tower to advance to Archmage.

(vacant)     2010-12-12 - 2010-12-16   ( 4 days )

Hochi Bird Onyxfire     2010-10-10 - 2010-12-12   ( 63 days )

♦ 10-10-2010 Hochi won the key in an All Ranks Tournament, becoming DoM's first ever Apprentice Keeper.
♦ 12-12-2010 Unable to achieve Enchanter rank, Hochi lost the title.

(vacant)     2010-09-09 - 2010-10-10   ( 31 days )

Mur Ollavan     2010-09-06 - 2010-09-09   ( 3 days )

♦ 09-06-2010 Defeated Misty to claim the key. Results reported by Wyheree Ravenlock g'Ark'Hiradan. Dueling in Anemoi, Mur won the right to hold the key in two successive matches with scores of 6-4.5 in 13 rounds and 8.5-7 in 14 rounds. He waved grace to allow challenges.
♦ 09-09-2010 Retired to become Archmage.

Misht'Kyeamort'awli     2010-03-24 - 2010-09-06   ( 166 days )

♦ 03-24-2010 Defeated Guill for the key. Results reported by Topaz Datrazanov. Scores: Misty 5-2; Guill, no score noted; Misty, 5-3. Rounds not noted.

Guillermus Iulius Fortis     2010-03-07 - 2010-03-24   ( 17 days )

♦ 03-07-2010 Defeated Tormay for the key. Sai Kurou officiated. Tormay opted to not duel in Anemoi or call on the assistance of the Elementals in the Tower to aid him in the challenge. Scores: 5.0 - 3.0 in 12 rounds; 5.0 - 3.0 in 8 rounds.

Tormay Eludes     2010-02-21 - 2010-03-07   ( 14 days )

♦ 02-21-2010 Awarded the key by default when Rena was unable to answer challenge. He immediately waved grace.
♦ 02-23-2010 Grace waived, Locke D'Vestavio-Smith challenged for the Tower. The parties were informed by Neo Eternity that the challenge would not be valid until the current standings were posted. Locke opted to withdraw his challenge. He cited being unable to meet the expected requirements..

Rena A. Cronin     2009-01-12 - 2010-02-21   ( 405 days )

♦ 01-12-2009 Rena won the key in a round robin keeper tournament officiated by Topaz Datrazanov.
♦ 08-25-2009 Challenge issued by Tormay Eludes. It was rescinded on 08-26-2009. He cited the reason as Rena already being under challenge for the Barony of Battlefield Park and not wanting to impose a second challenge upon her.
♦ 09-24-2009 First Defense vs Pslyder. Officiated by Sai Kurou, the duels took place in Anemoi. Scores: 5-2.5; 5-4 ( total rounds not recorded).
♦ 11-13-2009 Second Defense vs Tormay Eludes. Challenge was officiated by Tasslehofl Momus. Rena won two duels in succession to retain the key. Scores: 5.5-1.5 in 10 rounds; 5.5-4.5 in 15 rounds.
♦ 02-21-2010 Rena had been granted a leave of absence, but failed to get in touch with DoM management within 7 days of the end of that leave. Notification was posted by Neo Eternity, a member of the Duel of Magic Management, that Rena was declared to be in forfeit and the key was granted to Tormay Eludes, who had challenged for the Tower before Rena's leave was announced,.

(vacant)     2008-11-08 - 2009-01-12   ( 65 days )

Soerl Lute     2008-03-11 - 2008-11-08   ( 242 days )

♦ 04-11-2008 Defeated Azjah to claim the tower. Etherean Esperwind officiated. Scores: 5-1 in 7 rounds; 5-3 in 9 rounds.
♦ 09-05-2008 First Defense vs Azjah. Officiated by Etherean Esperwind. Scores: 5.5-1 in 5 rounds; 5.5-3 in 9 rounds.
♦ 11-08-2008 Retired the key. Soerl posted the notification.

Azjah Telyria Danaan Caer     2008-02-12 - 2008-03-11   ( 28 days )

♦ 02-12-2008 Awarded the key by default when Russel failed to answer challenge. Notification was posted by Topaz Datrazanov, DoM Coordinator.

Russel A. Strong     2007-04-26 - 2008-02-12   ( 292 days )

♦ 04-26-2007 Defeats Vanion for the key after needing to reschedule due to the Keeper being a no show after thirty minutes. Officiated by Brigath Cedran. Scores: 5-0.5 in 9 rounds; 5-0 in 10 rounds.
♦ 09-27-2007 First Defense vs Azjah Telyria Danaan Caer in three duels. Officiated by Etherean Esperwind. Scores: Azjah, 5-2.5, in 10 rounds; Russel, 5-2.5, in 8 rounds; Russel, 5-2.5 in 10 rounds.
♦ 01-27-2008 Russel was stripped of the title when he failed to answer Azjah's challenge. Notification was posted by Topaz Datrazanov, DoM Coordinator.

Vanion Shadowcast     2007-02-01 - 2007-04-26   ( 84 days )

♦ 02-01-2006 In his 5th attempt, defeats Brigath for the key. Officiated by Azjah von Drachen Walde. Scores: 5.5-2.5 in 13 rounds; 5.5-3 in 11 rounds. Rules at the time allowed the incumbent Keeper to retain the key until the next standings were posted. Etherean Esperwind, part of Duel of Magic management, was on hand to confirm this. Vanion was required to wait to receive the key.
♦ 02-24-2007 First Defense vs Will Wulfson. Officiated by Gnimish Gnimoi. Scores: Vanion, 5.5 - 3.5; Will, 5-4; Vanion, 5-4 (rounds not recorded).

Brigath Cedran     2004-06-09 - 2007-02-01   ( 967 days )

♦ 06-09-2004 Defeats Pslyder to claim the key. Officiated by Topaz Datrazanov. Scores: 6-5 in 13 rounds, 5-3 in 10 rounds.
♦ 04-15-2005 Vanion Shadowcast issued a challenge which was declared invalid as it had not been 60 days since he issued challenge (as per rules at the time).
♦ 05-11-2005 First Defense vs Vanion Shadowcast. Officiated by Xerzes Maureen. Brigath won two duels in succession. Scores: 5-3; 5.5-4.rounds not recorded.
♦ 07-21-2005 Second Defense vs Random McChanse. Officiated by Azjah von Drachen Walde. Scores as follows: Brigath 5.5-4.5 in 13 rounds; Brigath 5-2.5 in 10 rounds; Brigath, 5-3.5 in 10 rounds
♦ 10-17-2005 Third Defense vs Cory Havoick. Officiated by Rena Cronin. Scores: 6-5 in 13 rounds; 5-2 in 8 rounds
♦ 11-29-2005 Fourth Defense vs Mur Ollovan. Officiated by Shard. Scores: Mur 7-6 in 11 rounds; Brigath, 5.5-4 10 rounds; Brigath, 6-4.5 in 14 rounds.
♦ 02-28-2006 Fifth Defense vs Vince Smith. Officiated by Farek. Scores: Brigath, 5.5-1.5 in 10 rounds; Vincent, 6.5-5.5 in 18 rounds; Brigath, 5-1.5 in 10 rounds.
♦ 04-25-2006 Sixth Defense vs Azjah von Drachen Walde. Officiated by Farek. Scores: Azjah, 5.5-3.5 in 14 rounds; Brigath, 5-2 in 9 rounds; Brig, 5-3.5 in 13 rounds.
♦ 06-15-2006 Seventh Defense vs Vanion Shadowcast. Vanion's initial challenge was invalid due to not having activity on the standings in the appropriate time period. Once that was rectified, the challenge was determined to be valid and proceeded with Azjah von Drachen Walde officiating. Scores: 5.5-4.5 in 17 rounds; 5.5-4.5 in 16 rounds.
♦ 08-24-2006 Eighth Defense vs Vanion Shadowcast. Match was officiated by Azjah von Drachen Walde. Scores: 7-6 in 14 rounds; 5-2.5 in 10 rounds.
♦ 11-18-2006 Ninth Defense vs Vanion Shadowcast in two duels. Officiated by Rena Cronin. Scores: 7-5.5 in 18 rounds, 5-3 in 8 rounds.

Pslyder     2003-10-26 - 2004-06-09   ( 227 days )

♦ 10-26-2003 Wins the key in a keeper tournament.
♦ 02-17-2004 First Defense against Tim Enralyte. Scores: 7-5.5, in 12 rounds, 7-6, in 17 rounds. Officiated by Etherean Esperwind.

(vacant)     2003-09-22 - 2003-10-26   ( 34 days )

Xerzes Maureen     2003-03-25 - 2003-09-22   ( 181 days )

♦ 03-25-2003 Won the key in a Keepers' Tournament which offered the Towers of Air, Fire, and Earth as the prizes. Xerzes, undefeated, finished first. Tournament was officiated by Aylysia d'Etoile Lute.
♦ 07-07-2003 Challenged by Mur, but challenge was rescinded. Date is a guess.
♦ 09-22-2003 Vacates Tower to challenge Archmage Tim Enralyte.

(vacant)     2003-01-19 - 2003-03-25   ( 65 days )

Tim Enralyte     2002-04-23 - 2003-01-19   ( 271 days )

♦ 04-23-2002 Tim won the key in the Keeper Tournament.
♦ 04-28-2002 Defends key, opponent unrecorded.
♦ 08-12-2002 Defends key, opponent unrecorded.
♦ 01-19-2003 Vacates tower, reason unrecorded.

(vacant)     2002-01-13 - 2002-04-23   ( 100 days )

Tim Enralyte     2001-04-15 - 2002-01-13   ( 273 days )

♦ 04-15-2001 Tim won the key in the Keeper Tournament.
♦ 04-22-2001 Defends key, opponent unrecorded.
♦ 08-26-2001 Defends key, opponent unrecorded.
♦ 01-13-2002 Vacates tower, reason unrecorded.

(vacant)     2001-04-04 - 2001-04-15   ( 11 days )

Irus of Masaca     2000-09-21 - 2001-04-04   ( 195 days )

♦ 09-21-00 Irus placed in the top four in the first Keeper tournament, choosing the Air Key.
♦ 10-12-00 Defense vs Imitation Tim
♦ 12-20-00 Defense vs BMWergs
♦ 04-04-01 Vacates tower, reason unrecorded
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