Viewing profile - Jade Alcar

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Jade Alcar
Jade Rose Alcar
Character Race:
Demi-goddess...half's an odd mix, don't ask
Currently? In this Rhy'Din...which is really weird.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Place of Origin:
Nosgoth, but in a different time.
Warrior & Shepherd
Of a future never to be, she embodies the choices her parents could have made differently.

The shortest of the family, she stands only 5'3" tall. On a good day. 130 pounds is distributed into an hourglass figure, cinching and swelling in all the right places. Despite the pleasantly feminine frame, she lacks any sort of confidence to go along with it and many a time ends up blushing profusely and tripping over her words at any hint of positive attention. Alabaster pale skin, pale pink lips, and vibrant aquamarine eyes edged in violet are framed by a wild mane of stark black that stops at her hips. It is near impossible to tame her locks, so much of the time she simply doesn't try or resorts to a high bun piled atop her head. Her attire is fairly girly, favoring dresses and leggings and cardigans rather than jeans and shirts. A bit shy when compared to the rest of her family, when she's around those familiar to her, she sometimes has the tendency to be a bit of a loud mouth. She's also a touch bossy and has a temper that nearly rivals Claire's. The prominent scar on the otherwise porcelain skin of her back runs from her right shoulder diagonally to her left hip and was caused by a rather unfortunate run in with a dragon slayer while in her draconic form. The only other scar on her body is a still healing an pink scar on her abdomen, a reminder of things much much greater than her.

Her draconic form, seldom used, is an opalescent white, small even when she's full sized. The same scar that mars her back in human form is visible when she's a dragon, a jagged break in scales and flesh from right shoulder to left haunch.

33rd Ring of Klytus Holder
27th Keeper of Air
Able to traverse both of her realms with ease, both this one and the timeline from which she was created. Halfway proficient armor forger. Powerful mage, particularly talented with Chaos, lightning, and shadows. Speaking of shadows, is able to travel by shadow so she has the tendency to pop up in the strangest places.

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Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:47 pm
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Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:30 pm
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Through the Never
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