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Morgan Chae
Character Race:
Rhy'din's Alleyways
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
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Place of Origin:
Little Korea, Rhy'din
Laborer, Brawler, Criminal
The Youngest Chae was outclassed by many, in many ways. Short (5'6") and barely able to call himself a welterweight, what success he has had has been fought for tooth and nail. From stealing, brawling and pickpocketing enough money to help his older sisters in providing a home for the three of them, to laboring his days away at multiple jobs, just to make ends meet: it had shaped him.

Scars and remnants of fights and injuries lingered across the man's body, including lines jaggedly left across his forehead from a particularly nasty accident at the workplace. By the time of his return, he had forged himself a tough exterior, athletic muscles built through training and day laboring. Not particularly savvy when it comes to book knowledge, he makes up for it with wisdom that comes from failing, time and time again.

Notable scars include his left hand covered up half of his forearm in scar tissue, mostly from sustained burned damage and (should it ever be seen) a large lightning scar running from the right side of his lower abdomen to the right pectoral muscle.
Theft, Pickpocketing, Sleight of Hand, burglary: Morgan learned the tricks of the trade from spending his time on the streets, often to the dismay and frustration to his older sisters. This also meant he learned how to fend for himself when things got hairy. Claiming no particular skill in martial arts, his fighting style is rough and tumble, filled with cheap shots and wild blows.

Magically Morgan is attuned to the Air, using it in a multitude of ways when pressed to do so, though he doesn't make a habit out of it. When things escalate, anything can be made a weapon, though it would be hard-pressed to see him without his trusty Crowbar or sidearm on him.

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