Viewing profile - Neo Eternity

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Expert Adventurer
Expert Adventurer
Neo Eternity
Neo Eternity
Custom Title:
Seraphim Knights Leader
Character Race:
Prismite Angel
New Prism
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Art Credits:
Avatar by Lydia Loran's player; plushie portrait by Sivanna Cyredghymn's player
Place of Origin:
Captain of the adventurer's guild, Seraphim Knights
Neo has light skin, black hair, and ocean blue eyes. He stands 5 foot 10, and looks to be in pretty good shape. His body is very well toned and muscular, but not bulky, very well suited to the kind of combat he prefers. He favors clothes of light, breathable material, and favors a blue and black color scheme in a lot of his wardrobe. He's experimenting with more colors here and there, but usually not when he goes out to something he actually cares about. He's not a fan of tucking his shirts in. He's also not a fan of boots or laces, but he also doesn't want to skimp on protecting his feet, so he has a few pairs of slip-on shoes that look to be of strangely solid construction. A very interesting gem hangs from a gold chain around his neck: it is blue and purple, and very sparkly in even the faintest of light.

He is too busy and too old (except not really, he just likes to act it) to go chasing after every injustice that could possibly take place in this morally ambiguous city. Or planet, rather. The fact still remains that it's strength that enforces moral truths, and he's a pretty strong guy, but he can't put out every fire by himself, and he no longer has the youthful spunk or naivete to think he's remotely capable of so doing. So he's decided to give the name of his former three-man team to something bigger and more meaningful: an adventurer's guild. He'll pass his knowledge, skills, and power to like-minded budding adventurers from his new home in New Prism.
Exceptionally skilled in real-world combat in all variety of situations one might find as a seasoned adventurer, and very confident in his power and skills. A blade singer; combines swordsmanship and magic. In terms of regulated single combat, still very comfortable with just magic, but struggles making decisions when left with just his sword. Also a magical researcher, searching for ways to make his race's latent power available to anyone before it goes well and truly extinct. No longer has the Elemental Armagus, but the gem he wears on his necklace gives off a strange power similar to his own.

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Fri Jul 08, 2005 4:36 pm
Last active:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:32 am
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678 | Search user’s posts
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Twilight Isle
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White Flag
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-- Neo Eternity
Seraphim Knights, Leader
Retired DoM Coordinator