Baron of the 12th Ring
Ring Histories | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 12th | 13th |
The 12th ring is believed lost to the rift in the events of 2004
Reign Summaries

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Name | Date |
Roland Sal Roa | 5/26/98 - 10/13/98 |
Walker Boh | 10/13/98 - 3/12/99 |
Cletus Ganderfald | 3/12/99 - 4/1/99 |
Avery Shiv Blade | 4/1/99 - 10/13/99 |
Long Wang Lo | 10/13/99 - 10/13/99 |
Dexter Montoya | 11/30/99 - 1/4/00 |
Roland Salsinger | 1/4/00 - 4/3/00 |
Xeric Mues | 4/3/00 - 4/18/00 |
Cassius Gaius Maximus | 4/18/00 - 7/6/00 |
Ellisa Morgan | 7/6/00 - 10/10/01 |
Karen Wilder | 10/19/01 - 3/24/02 |
Elijah Basia Uhr | 3/24/02 - 8/4/02 |
Ticallion Carter | 9/3/02 - 10/13/02 |
Nicholas Overton Tyme | 10/13/02 - 3/6/04 |
Jenia Aedroud | 3/6/04 - 4/24/04 |
Roland Sal Roa (5/26/98 - 10/13/98)
Last of the six prize winners from the second-quarter Warlord Tourney, Roland Sal Roa received the third new ring as his prize. Upon receipt of the Twelfth Ring, Roland did declare himself Loyal to Overlord Dalamar Ar'Daumon.
Roland went without challenge for two months before Warlord Philip Kardinal decided to try his hand against the Baron. The match on the Battlefield went eight hard-fought rounds, and at the end it was quick footwork that Roland kept his ring with a 5-4 victory.
Next to challenge the Baron was a Warlord called simply Clutch, but he misunderstood the time given for the match and never showed. The matter was turned over to the Barons Council, who decided that Roland would retain the ring by forfeit.
Last at the Tourney to claim one of the new rings, Roland was also the last to lose it. His defeat came at the hands of Walker Boh, whose early lead in the challenge the Baron was unable to overcome. In nine rounds, the Warlord's 5-2 win made him the Second Holder of the Twelfth Ring and placed a new Renegade on the Baron's Council.
Walker Boh (10/13/98 - 3/12/99)
Several months had passed, and a new Overlord reigned, before Walker stepped into the ring for his first challenge match. His opponent was Warlord Sintamyr. As when he himself took the ring, the Baron set his lead early, and took at 5-3 victory in the ninth round again.
The Baron's rest was not so long this time before challenge was issued from Cletus Ganderfald, Warlord and brother to the Baron of the Thirteenth, Magnus. His last two matches over this ring set the standard of an early lead, but this time Cletus was determined to break that pattern. Walker was never able to extend his lead far, and often Cletus tied the score. In the last three rounds Cletus edged ahead, and a quick, accurate strike in the twelfth round cut under Walker's defense. His 5 - 3 victory secured for Cletus a seat beside his brother at the Baron's Council as Baron of the Twelfth.
Cletus Ganderfald (3/12/99 - 4/1/99)
The brothers were not to share each other's company at the Baron's Council long. Less than a fortnight after Cletus took the Twelfth, Magnus lost the Thirteenth, and it wasn't too long before Cletus stepped into the ring to defend his own recently won seat. His challenger was Warlord Avery Shiv Blade, and the match was a test of skill and endurance for both men. The early lead was taken by the Baron, which he maintained through most of the duel by a narrow margin. But the end came suddenly, when swift action and well-timed defense gave Avery the victory and the Ring with a 5 - 4 win in eleven rounds.
Avery Shiv Blade (4/1/99 - 10/13/99)
Six months passed when Avery decided to issue challenge for the Overlord's seat. A good crowd gathered to watch and witness Avery defeat Long Wang Lo, 5-3 in a nine round match deeming the Baron the reign of Thirty-eighth Overlord. Avery marked the evening as being the first to achieve the highest titled rank in two sports simultaneously: Overlord in the Duel of Swords and Diamond in the Duel of Fists.
Long Wang Lo (10/13/99 - 10/13/99)
The dethroned Overlord Long declined to stand as Baron of the Twelfth, and the ring was set aside against the next Warlord Tourney.
Dexter Montoya (11/30/99 - 1/4/00)
By virtue of a most impressive performance in the Warlord's Tourney Dexter Montoya, who had previously held the eighth Baronial Ring and had been seated as the thirty-first Overlord, won the right to wear the Twelfth Ring. He declared himself Neutral to Overlord Avery Shiv Blade.
The most eventful part of Montoya's reign was quite likely its end, when the original Bearer of the Twelfth sought to reclaim what he'd once held. Warlord Roland now went by the name Salsinger instead of Sal Roa, but the change of name did not mean a change of skill. In eight rounds he had defeated Montoya by 5 - 2 and declared the Twelfth to be Renegade.
Later that evening, word was received that Dexter Montoya had suffered fatal injuries caused by an unknown assailant, unrelated to the duels. The Warlord's contributions to and presence in the duels will be keenly missed.
Roland Salsinger (1/4/00 - 4/3/00)
It did not take long for the new Baron to set his sights higher. Less than two weeks after taking the Twelfth, Salsinger stood in challenge against Overlord Avery Shiv Blade. Though the duels in the Best-of-Three match were close, the Baron was never quite able to gain the advantage over the Overlord. He was defeated by 5 - 4 in the first two matches, in ten and seven rounds respectively.
Three months after Salsinger took the Ring, Warlord Xeric Mues became his first challenger. The challenge itself was heavily criticised, for the Warlord had previously and inaccurately challenged a different Baron, and then withdrawn the challenge when the mistake was pointed out. The outcome of a duel does not always fall to the favored, however, and Mues became the eighth bearer of the Twelfth with a 5 - 3 victory in seven rounds.
Xeric Mues (4/3/00 - 4/18/00)
Before the first botched challenge made by Mues, Warlord Cassius Gaius Maximus swore that he would take the Ring from Mues should he ever acquire one. It was therefore no surprise when just two weeks after gaining the Ring, the new Baron stood facing Cas in challenge. The Warlord was in his finest form on that night, taking the lead from the swinging of weapons. In the end, Cassius was named the Baron of the Twelfth with a 5 - 2 win in nine rounds.
Cassius Gaius Maximus (4/18/00 - 7/6/00)
Three months later, Cas entered the challenge ring opposite Warlady and oft-time Baroness Ellisa Morgan. Ellisa's goal was to remove a Loyal Baron from Overlord Taylara, and opted for Cas as "the devil you know". An uncommon occurance in these days, the two settled the particulars and the match itself with honor and respect on both sides. It might have even been considered a no-lose situation, except both could not walk away victors. The match was tight throughout, and after twelve rounds only a single point separated the two. That point was in favor of Ellisa, who became the tenth Bearer of the Twelfth Ring.
Ellisa Morgan (7/6/00 - 10/10/01)
Shortly after, Ellisa would press challenge to Taylara. In response, Taylara opted to test the Baroness using an unknown commoner. After Warlord Jesse Troyan defeated this unknown man, Ellisa and Taylara stepped into the ring. Taylara went on to take the match, and keep her position as Overlord by a 5.5-3 margin.
After going another eight months without a challenge, Ellisa once more decided to make a run at becoming Overlord. Her target this time was the 44th Overlord, Cletus Ganderfald. With mutual respect, the two met in a best of three matchup. The first duel belonged entirely to Ellisa, overpowering the Overlord and winning 5-0 in six rounds. The next two matches would test both fighter's endurance and prove to be a fine display of skill on both sides. Ellisa would come up just a tad short however and continue her reign as Baron of the Twelfth.
Her reign would continue for quite a while without even the threat of it ending. The lack of challenges over the entirety of Ellisa's reign was what caused former Baroness Karen Wilder, to challenge. Perhaps it was all that time without challenge, or perhaps it was something else, but regardless, Ellisa failed to respond to Karen's challenge in the allotted one week time period, and the matter was sent to the Baron's Council. The Baron's Council proceeded to strip Ellisa of the Twelfth and appoint Baron of the Tenth, Var Medici-Giovanni, to champion the ring.
When the two met, Karen opened up to a quick four-point lead. A lead Var was never able to overcome. After a quick nine round match, Karen walked out of the ring with the Twelfth in her possession by delivering Var a 5 - 2 pounding.
Karen Wilder (10/19/01 - 3/24/02)
First to challenge Karen was many time Baron, Elijah Basia Uhr. Before the challenge was issued, Elijah had entered into a bet with Cassius Maximius. For losing that bet, Elijah was forced to challenge a Baron of Cassius' choosing. That baron was Karen Wilder. Though he was forced to challenge, Elijah was not deterred when the two stepped into the ring. In two matches, Elijah was able to wrest the Twelfth ring away from Karen. The two matches he won were by scores of 6.5-5 in fifteen rounds, and 5-3 (the number of rounds was not reported). Elijah declared himself loyal to Dalamar Ar'Daumon.
Elijah Basia Uhr (3/24/02 - 8/4/02)
Five months later, Cassius Maximius issued his own challenge to Elijah to, as Cassius put it, correct what he had brought upon the community. Cassius felt it was his fault that Elijah was a Baron, due to the bet the two had made. Cassius accomplished what he set out to do because Elijah failed to respond to the challenge within the week's timeframe. The council promptly stripped the Baron of the ring and, ironically enough, appointed Karen Wilder to champion the Twelfth.
In a very quick seven round duel, Karen successfully defended the ring by defeating Cassius, 5-2.
Ticallion Carter (9/3/02 - 10/13/02)
One month later, Warlord Ticallion Carter placed second in the third quarter Warlord Tournament of '02. He claimed the Twelth ring as his prize and declared renegade to Overlord Ganderfald.
Ganderfald was removed when Ticallion met his first challenge. The challenger was Nicholas Overton Tyme. The first match of the best of three format was a quick 5-2 victory in eight rounds for the defender. That would be the extend of his good fortune however. The second match was close, but Nick was able to squeak ahead in the final round to take the 5-4 in seven round win and tie the series at one. The final match stretched a grueling thirteen rounds. Nick finally took the match, and the Twelfth ring, with a 6-4.5.
On a side note, Nycholas DeGyrlington reported the following about the match. "The combatants seemed to be feeling the effects of their wounds more that I have seen in the past. We relocated the third match to the Basement Annex in hopes it would change the effects of the blows. It seemed to lessen their injuries..." He also suggested an investigation be launched.
Nicholas Overton Tyme (10/13/02 - 3/6/04)
Nick's first challenge came nearly nine months into his reign. The WarFairy, Topaz Eludes, challenged Nick in a friendly and amiable challenge. Nick wanted to make an event of the challenged, and opted to use the best of three. The three matches it took for this challenge to be resolved was far from friendly, however. The first two matches were complete routs. The opening match went to the challenger in a quick seven rounds by a score of 5-2. The second match was even more lopsided, going to the Baron 5-1 in the same number of rounds.
The final match tested both combatants to the limit and was much closer than the first two duels. Topaz was in control throughout the first seven rounds, but Nick rallied to tie the score shortly thereafter. Nick finally closed the match out in the thirteenth round, defending his ring with a score of 5-4.
Nick's second challenge also came from a female duelist. This time the challenge was from Warlord Lydia. This was Lydia's first attempt at a title and that may have contributed to the final outcome. Perhaps not used to the pressure of a challenge, Lydia dropped the first three points and after five rounds, Nick had secured his second defense. The final score was 5-1.
On the evening before the first Warlord tournament of 2004 was scheduled, Nick Tyme retired the Twelfth ring for personal reasons. The ring was turned over to Duel of Swords officials to be used as a prize in the upcoming tournament.
Jenia Aedroud (3/6/04 - 4/24/04)
By virtue of placing second in that tournament, Jenia Aedroud claimed the Twelfth ring as her prize. This was the first tournament Jenia had entered into since she only became a Warlord a mere two weeks before. Her quiet rise through the ranks was swift.
On the morning of April 24th, Jenia Aedroud's brutally mangled corpse was found in the Arena. Although nobody ever accepted responsibility for the murder, it was rumored Overlady Shakira had a hand in it after a confrontation between herself and the Baroness. Former Overlord, Xenograg, did not recover the Twelfth Baronial ring until the beginning of June.
However, the ring was soon lost again. During the epic battle between Xenograg and Shakira over the fate of the Ward of Gondar, the Twelfth ring was one of the many victims of the carnage and confusion that ensued. Although the ring has never been officially recovered, it is believed to have crossed through the rift to the other side of the Ward. This assumption is based on the fact that the Ward would not have stabilized had the ring remained on this side of the rift. The Duel of Swords can only hope the ring has found a safe holder and will continue to stabilize the Ward from the other side.