- Settings Intro
- Map of RhyDin
- Inventory & Shops
- Current Live Settings
- Red Dragon Inn
- The Arena
- The Outback
- Twilight Isle
- The Golden Perch
- The Arcade
- The Anchor
- Azifs Garden
- Battlefield Park
- The Bazaar
- Books and Brews
- Courtyard
- Crystal Chasm
- The Deep Wilds
- The Docks
- Gloaming District
- The Great Desert
- Harpers Hearth
- Kaiju Lake
- Last Chance Saloon
- The Marketplace
- Seaside Beach
- The Solarium
- Stars End Bar
- Streets of RhyDin
- Tiamori River
- Twilight Market
- The Undercity
- The Underground
- Uptown
- Yggdrasil

The Settings
Roleplaying on our forums and on our live play server on Discord takes place in a setting known as RhyDin - a convergence of all times and all places where you can be who, or what, you want without restriction. The server currently features eight live play settings, including four dueling venues. The live play settings may be tweaked or replaced over time based on their use and community needs, and we have a seasonal setting that cycles through different options over the course of the year.
RhyDin & The Nexus
RhyDin is a bustling port city, divided by a river that flows into the sea, an eclectic sprawl of old and new buildings that has long since outgrown its city walls. Many roads meet here, pathways that wind through the northern mountains and stretch across the southern plains, but the city is a crossroads in more ways than one: it sits on a convergence of time and space known as the Nexus, where every plane and every reality coincides.
Because of this convergence, RhyDin has a diverse and ever-changing population. Portals, rifts, and anomalies abound in this city, and not all of its denizens arrive here by choice: many simply find themselves here, unable to explain why. A bewildered cowboy might find space at the bar between an alluring vampire and a cybernetic soldier, with a bespectacled gnome pouring the drinks! But many of these wayward souls settle down in RhyDin, changing the face of the city as they make it their home. Ancient shrines and lamp-lit taverns vie for space with shuttle bays and modern homes, serving the needs of the city's diverse denizens.
Other settlements lie beyond RhyDin, though smaller and more disparate, and the vast wilderness can be just as mysterious (and dangerous) as the city itself. The planet of RhyDin, named for the city itself, is orbited by two moons: Arabrab, large and steady, and Trebor, small and swift.