
Requesting Custom Icons
The shops obviously don't cover everything when it comes to personalizing your character inventory, plus we know there are times you may want to give out party favors or some special occasion items; so here we'll outline the process for having your own custom items made.
The process is simple: create an icon (specs to follow) and send it with the following information in a direct Discord message to either Kalamere or Jake. In most cases I expect we'll turn it around the same day, but let's say you'll have it in a week - just in case we're off on vacation or something. Here's what we need:
- Item Name: These have to be unique. We might have to rename it for you to accomplish that, but give it your best shot.
- Item Description: Mouse over text in inventory displays as [item name]: [item description] - so try not to be overly verbose or redundant.
- The Image: File must be a gif, jpg or png and exactly 50px by 50px. Subtle animations are ok, but please don't go overboard.
- Item Count: How many do you want? Once the icons are made we'll transfer them into your inventory so you can use the transfer tool and give them away (or just keep them if you like), but we'll need to know how many to give you and, in turn, figure out how many nobles to deduct from your account.
- Cost: Custom icons will run 100 nobles per instance. If you order 10+ we'll do them for 90 nobles per.
- Rejection Policy: Item rejection will be rare - we want you to have fun with the option and be able to create things you and others will enjoy. That said, we do reserve the right to reject your submission. If this comes up we'll let you know and hopefully be able to work to a compromise.