Duel of Fists
DoF Histories

Diamond Quest #7
The seventh Diamond Quest took place on October 25, 1996. What follows is the historical recap of the tournament as written by Jake Thrash in Dueling Today Volume 3, Issue 12.
Gamelord | Lord Rannos | Results |
Fancy Dodge | Flip | <--- Gamelord sneaks away from Rannos for a Point, 1-0 Gamelord |
Jab | Feint Hook | <--- Rannos Feints and pulls back to leave both with Adv's |
Dodge | Feint Spinkick | <--- Rannos could have scored but "Percy's" instead |
Jab | Jab | <--- Rannos and Game close and slug away, 2-1 Gamelord |
Fancy Dodge | Fancy Leap | <--- Adv's to both for their Fancy style |
Legsweep | Jab | <--- Rannos tags Gamelord with a fast punch, 2 all |
Snapkick | Fancy Dodge | <--- Rannos dodges around Game's punch, 3-2 Rannos |
Fancy Dodge | Duck | <--- Rannos ducks, Game dodges but gets an Adv |
Armblock | Feint Hook | <--- Rannos feints his hook and steals the Adv from Gamelord |
Dodge | Jab | Dodge - Jab <--- Gamelord returns the favor! Converting Adv to Point, 4-3 Rannos |
Fancy Armblock | Snapkick | <--- Gamelord stops the kick cold, 4 all |
Dodge | Jab | <--- Gamelord evades Rannos' attack for the Adv |
Feint Armblock | Fancy Dodge | <--- Gamelord converts by stealing the Adv, 5-4 Gamelord |
With his defeat of Lord Rannos, Gamelord became the 7th to hold the title of Diamond.
Asked after the event for comments, the following duellers replied:
<#FFFF00>From Gamelord#FFFF00>
"Well, to tell you the truth, I was completely overwhelmed with the entire Diamond Quest. First of all, I was in a room with many other Emeralds that have a whole lot more experience than me. Most of them have double my wins in the standings. I thought that the DQ was run rather smoothly, but I haven't been to prior DQ's to compare it with.
As for my win, I was totally shocked. For one thing, I had somehow gotten myself in a tie with LordRannos at 3-1 and then I actually won! I came into this DQ thinking that I didn't really have a chance. I figured that showing up and getting beat would help me prepare for the next DQ. I did have somewhat of a strategy, although I didn't stick to it fully. I basically went in and tried to go for as many adv. as I could and I didn't go for direct points that often. I used my Fancies and stuck to reliable moves, in other words, I didn't take that many risks.
All the duels I was in were challenging. Obviously the one that I lost against Goldy and the final duel were the most challenging. I'd like to tell Sharise that as a lower rank, to get in there with us Emeralds and sticking it out took a lot of guts and that she was really competitive in a couple duels. Good Job Sharise!!
The main thing that led to my success was the great help I had early on in my DoF career from AndersStof, Aragorn, Jake, and several others. I also had wonderful support from Kelli, DR and Coynz.
It was a pleasure to compete in the DQ, and I hope to be competing next time.. "
<#FFFF00>From Lord Rannos#FFFF00>
"I always thougt that I had a fair shot at becoming the Diamond. So I wasn't surprised that the I made it to the final round. I was surprised that Gamelord was my opponent for the title. I expected Jake to be the one to beat... ::chuckles:: Of course, he did beat me in round 4... Breaking my right hand in the process....
Even with the broken hand, I felt that I could beat Game... I even took a 4-2 lead... But I couldn't put him away... And in the 14th he finally nailed me for the win...
I gave everyhting I had, but it wasn't enough... My hat's off to Gamelord..."
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