Here are the official Standings for the thirteenth week of the Winter 2003/2004 cycle in the Duel of Swords. The Winter 2003/2004 cycle began on December 1st, 2003, and will end on February 29th, 2004. It is currently in the second month of three.
General Information:
If you find a mistake in these standings, please report them to me, Chastity De'Everlon, care of this address: DUEL Chastity
The history of our great bloodsport is chronicled at this address: DoS Histories. Chris Graziano(DUEL Christopher) is our current historian, and he's doing a great job of it so far, so stop by and see how he's doing. Someday, your name may be recorded in those histories! (Or, it may be recorded again)
If you want to know how to get started here, or what the political rules are for the titled ranks, go here: The Rules. Your dueling experience will be all the richer for it.
If you want to let us all know about your opinion on matters, or let the community know you've challenged/been challenged...that's why we have the infamous corkboard.
It can be found here: Duels and Arena.
The Annex and Arena can be found in this direction: DoS Rooms
All the News that's Fit for Print:
All the News from the Arena and Annex that is worthy of print!
The Overlord Challenge was completed. Overlady Shakira still retains the mantle. Successfully defending her title against Warlady Karen Wilder.
Warlord Anubis beat Baron Ticallion Carter, the Third Baronial ring now has a new holder. Welcome Baron Anubis Karos, the new Baron of the Third.
Changes in ranks and additions: Jenia and Roban make Warlady and Warlord this week. Methous drops to Master at Arms, Temple makes Swordswoman. Please welcome Chance and Chase.
Be sure to attend Fight Night, every Sunday in the Annex!!!!
Standings(*=challenged, **=challenging) (Baron and Overlord reigns are calculated to the first day of dueling of the following week.)
58th Overlord of the Duel of Swords--Reigning for 3 months and 27 days(Oct 30, 2003):
Shakira: 21-1-0(20 WoL) 10/2/03
Three successful defenses: Against Ticallion Carter, Cletus Ganderfald and Karen Wilder
Baron of the First--Reigning for 1 year and 6 months and 29 days days(July 28, 2002):