Subject: Winter Cycle Week One
Date: 12/11/02 10:47 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: HOST Game Riever
Message-id: <>
Duel of Swords Cycle for 12-04-2002 - 03-02-2003: Winter Cycle
Standings for the beginning of the first dueling week of the Winter Cycle, ending Sunday, March 2, 2003.
General Arena Information:
The Duel of Swords Commission is represented by the following officials:(HOST Game Riever, HOST Game Fish, HOST Game Stormi )
Any deficiencies found in these standings should contact Nych
The history of the Duel of Swords may be found in the Arena Chronicles.
The rules discussion has ended. The results will be taken to committee where the ideas will be gleaned and implemented where warranted,
Arena Events of Interest:
A new cycle has begun for the Duel of Swords. Inactive and missing duelists have been removed from the standings. Reinstatement of those records is available upon request.
Journey002 becomes VanionShadowcast
"The Fall Finale" AKA the Warlords Tournament was held on Sunday the 8th and Monday the 9th of December. Up for grabs were the free shot and the Overlord and the Fifth's ring.
The Overall winner of the Tournament Andur Salsinger opted to accept the 5th ring as his prize He chose the Renegade alignment.
The Second place finisher, The Sorceress Dahlia has issued challenge to the Overlord Details yet unknown,
A hearty Huzzah to Altara,Stormi,Celes and Rhen for thier work on the two nights of dueling.
A thirteen round battle was fought by Gnort Dragoon Talanador, baron or the First and Cletus Ganderfald for said ring on December 10, 2002. In a 5.5-4.5 defense, G remains the Baron of the First. Well dueled Gentlemen.
The Standings:
Duelist W - L - T Date of Last Duel
50th Overlord - Reigning since September 23, 2002
Blindfold proxy 26 - 0 - 0 10/17/2002
Barons Aligned Loyal to the Overlord:
Baroness of the Fourth Ring - Held since April 10, 2002
Jaycy Ashleana 21 - 0 - 0 11/14/2002
Baron of the Thirteenth Ring - Held since January 9, 2002
TheAce0fSpades 25 - 0 - 0 10/02/2002
Barons Aligned Renegade to the Overlord:
Baron of the First Ring - Held since July 28, 2002
GnrtDrgoon 135 - 0 - 0 12/11/2002
- Challenged by Cletus Ganderfald
Baron of the Second Ring - Held since June 4, 2002
Tasslehofl 17 - 0 - 0 10/10/2002
Baron of the Third Ring - Held since September 9, 1999
Unagi M 53 - 0 - 0 11/07/2002
Baron of the Fifth Ring - Held since December 9, 2002
Andur Salsinger 16 - 1 - 0
Baron of the Sixth Ring - Held since June 25, 2002
Ramsus Tidewater 30 - 0 - 0 08/28/2002
Baron of the Seventh Ring - Held since August 16, 2002
HarristheHeckler 26 - 1 - 0 12/11/2002
Baron of the Eighth Ring - Held since November 12, 2002
Aya Hayashibara 36 - 0 - 0 12/04/2002
Baron of the Ninth Ring - Held since October 29, 2002
Cassius Maxim 127 - 3 - 0 12/11/2002
Baron of the Tenth Ring - Held since September 17, 2002
QuickVarMG 127 - 1 - 0 12/11/2002
Baron of the Eleventh Ring - Held since March 13, 2001
Verceterix Favre 53 - 0 - 0 08/21/2002
Baron of The Twelfth Ring - Held since October 13, 2002
Nick0vTyme 35 - 2 - 0 12/11/2002