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Historical Standings • • Historical Records

Duel of Swords Cycle for 9/1/2000
- 11/30/2000

Standings for the dueling week ending Wednesday, 10/25/2000.

Duel of Swords Supervisor: HOST DFC Mr Rask
Duel of Swords Assistant Supervisor: HOST DFC Turi
Duel of Swords Standings Keeper: HOST DFC Turi

To report errors, please send your missive
, along with an explanation of the error if available, to the office of the Standings Keeper.


The Duel of Swords can be found in The Arena
at The Dueling Center. The times for the duels are listed in The Schedule.


Official duels for the Duel of Swords, as well as the Duel of Fists and Duel of Magic can all be found in The Dueler's Hall at The Community Center
. The times for the duels are listed in The Schedule.


Having received no word from the "Blindfold Proxy" on the status of the Fifth Ring, and no word from the Overlord either, he remains Unaligned.

Cassius Maximius posts another good week and now stands only three wins away from the 100 WoL mark!

Speaking of Cassius Maximius, he's challenged Renegade Baron Var Medici-Giovanni for the Tenth Ring!
The match is tentativly scheduled for Saturday, November 4th at 9pm EST.

Renegade Baron of the Thirteenth Drey Starke challenges Overlord Lucian for the Mantle!
No date has been set for this match.

Up and coming Duelist of the Week this week is Jered Araknicad!


Overlord (6 Fancies)
XxLucianxX 21: 0: 0: 7/19/2000 *

Barons (Loyal) (5 Fancies)
Jeff Oakenshield (6th)486: 0: 0: 10/19/2000
Cpt EllisaMorgan(12th) 51: 2: 2: 10/25/2000

Barons (Renegade) (5 Fancies)
Dae Dragonsblade (1st) 27: 3: 0: 10/25/2000
Maxim128 (2nd) 50: 5: 0: 10/19/2000
Unagi M (3rd) 59: 3: 0: 10/19/2000
Karen Wilder (4th) 22: 3: 0: 10/19/2000
XHavoickX (7th) 55: 13: 2: 10/25/2000
OorTael5 (8th) 43: 2: 1: 10/19/2000
QuickVarMG (10th) 80: 9: 1: 10/25/2000 *
Daegarth x (11th)107: 0: 0: 8/30/2000
DerekLegend (13th) 31: 0: 1: 10/25/2000 *

Barons (Unaligned) (5 Fancies)
In remains (5th) 22: 1: 0: 9/6/2000

..Vacant.. (9th)

Warlords (4 Fancies)
Adonai Uziel 28: 7: 0: 9/19/2000
Alais d NS 60: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Alkron 21: 4: 0: 10/19/2000
Andur Salsinger 15: 0: 0: 8/9/2000
AnubiKar 17: 1: 0: 10/19/2000
Ariadne Angeles 49: 5: 1: 10/19/2000
Avery Shiv Blade 178: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Baphelocutis L 42: 0: 0: 10/6/1999
Caius Cassius 20: 4: 0: 10/19/2000
Cas Maxim 114: 17: 1: 10/25/2000 *
Cletus Gandrfald 54: 7: 0: 10/25/2000
CNCrescent 17: 0: 0: 8/9/2000
Deluthan 24: 0: 0: 7/19/2000
Damien Mortis 15: 0: 0: 8/10/2000
Daryl Kyle 21: 2: 0: 10/4/2000
Dem Cyrax Avatar 39: 10: 0: 9/27/2000
Drakewyn I 75: 0: 0: 6/14/2000
Druid Walker Boh 33: 0: 0: 5/24/2000
Elijah Basia Uhr 225: 2: 0: 10/25/2000
Flavorless Gum 62: 3: 1: 10/25/2000
Gimmzak 19: 2: 0: 9/13/2000
Guild God 22: 0: 0: 7/12/2000
GuntherMas 21: 1: 0: 10/25/2000
Gunthr ODW 26: 2: 0: 10/4/2000
HumaDragbn 31: 0: 0: 3/22/2000
Ian MacKenzie 25: 0: 0: 6/14/2000
JACOBDANDY 29: 0: 0: 8/9/2000
JakeMHeart 15: 0: 0: 5/24/2000
JakeThrash 39: 0: 0: 8/30/2000
Jakvaltrds 35: 8: 0: 10/25/2000
JAMESDANDY 28: 0: 0: 5/10/2000
Jaycy Ashleana 15: 0: 0: 7/26/2000
JesseTroyn 74: 4: 0: 10/19/2000
Jo Lathadoscia 27: 0: 0: 8/16/1999
Kaene the Black 15: 0: 0: 8/23/2000
Kalamere 77: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
Kingphisch 22: 0: 0: 8/1/2000
Knight7044 25: 3: 1: 10/25/2000
LeDucBlanc 23: 0: 0: 7/19/2000
Leo De Lorenzo 31: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
LordZephyr 25: 0: 0: 7/5/2000
LrdEvasion 15: 0: 0: 8/16/2000
LrdGryHwk 19: 2: 0: 9/19/2000
Lyon xx 46: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
Mathias Wi 25: 0: 0: 8/9/2000
Mharinel 23: 0: 0: 8/30/2000
MidnytBlue 37: 0: 0: 9/27/2000
MurOllavan 15: 0: 0: 9/6/2000
Neris Kyn 16: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Occurs 17: 0: 0: 8/23/2000
PKardinal 36: 1: 0: 10/19/2000
PyrraMuse 16: 1: 0: 10/19/2000
Reod Daii 25: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
RLupton 210: 11: 0: 10/25/2000
Sartan Z 89: 0: 0: 8/23/2000
Sau Bau 32: 0: 0: 6/28/2000
Secondat 50: 13: 0: 10/25/2000
Shadowrun 165: 0: 0: 6/14/2000
Shadowsiv 34: 0: 0: 5/24/2000
Sir Cetran 42: 0: 0: 8/30/2000
Sir Joranthiel 20: 0: 0: 8/18/1999
Song of the Eve 19: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
Spikushell 17: 0: 0: 8/16/2000
SteelDethV 20: 0: 0: 5/24/2000
Tarl Cab0t 57: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
Tasslehofl 20: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
TinyTopaz 136: 2: 0: 10/19/2000
Ulysses NS 19: 0: 0: 7/26/2000
Verceterix Favre 56: 3: 0: 9/13/2000
WickedDeth 51: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
Xericmues 20: 4: 0: 10/25/2000
XvEvan 30: 6: 0: 10/4/2000
Xyclone 31: 6: 0: 10/25/2000
Zamhulem 29: 0: 0: 5/10/2000
Zenith I 68: 0: 0: 8/2/2000

Grand Masters (3 Fancies)
AelricShadowmane 13: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Anfir 34: 21: 0: 10/25/2000
Bacchia DAngelo 10: 0: 0: 8/2/2000
BadBadBadBadMax 10: 0: 0: 6/14/2000
Bode BoJangles 15: 1: 0: 10/19/2000
GimIi Gloinson 11: 0: 0: 6/28/2000
JuguIa 11: 0: 0: 7/5/2000
Kato Heian 13: 0: 0: 6/28/2000
Kerrazy6 13: 2: 0: 10/4/2000
Lady Ceridwin 15: 3: 0: 10/4/2000
Miz LiIy 13: 0: 0: 5/17/2000
RingWraith08 22: 9: 0: 10/25/2000
Serilious 14: 0: 0: 10/4/2000
SgtSneggle 26: 14: 1: 10/25/2000
Sporksaint 12: 0: 0: 12/6/1994
Stefen Tiralis 15: 1: 0: 9/27/2000
StrallenV 16: 2: 0: 10/4/2000
Victor Malvoisin 12: 0: 0: 3/27/1995

Masters at Arms (2 Fancies)
ADaRkNeSsWiThln 8: 0: 0: 9/27/2000
Aerisa 9: 2: 0: 9/27/2000
Alkiela cN 6: 0: 0: 5/10/2000
Auritan 5: 0: 0: 6/21/2000
Bane0fEvil 7: 0: 0: 7/19/2000
Dragen 6: 0: 0: 6/21/2000
Face2Loran 8: 1: 3: 10/19/2000
Ghervat 7: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Havoick the III 6: 0: 0: 4/5/2000
JadedDeath 8: 0: 0: 10/19/2000
Lilly Hyde 9: 0: 0: 9/13/2000
LrdBraden 6: 0: 0: 10/19/2000
Mahrtun 14: 5: 0: 10/25/2000
Melgarth 9: 0: 0: 10/4/2000
Nadia Romano 7: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
Qzarian3 5: 0: 1: 9/13/2000
Ramsus Tidewater 9: 3: 1: 10/19/2000
Riddick Diesell 6: 0: 0: 8/23/2000
RingWraith13 12: 3: 1: 10/19/2000
RingWraithO7 5: 0: 0: 10/4/2000
RobinELee 8: 0: 0: 8/23/2000
TristonLkL 10: 3: 0: 10/4/2000
Tropher Gopher 5: 0: 0: 7/26/2000
ValErastus 5: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
Vladimir Impaler 7: 0: 0: 8/10/2000
Wulfson 5: 0: 0: 8/10/2000
Xerzes M 7: 1: 0: 10/25/2000
Xx Max Blue xX 8: 2: 0: 10/25/2000

Swordsmen (1 Fancy)
Aeron Champlain 2: 0: 0: 8/16/2000
AlexandriaWells 3: 0: 0: 5/3/2000
Annala Eriu 6: 4: 0: 9/13/2000
Araknicad 3: 1: 0: 10/26/2000
Arane G 4: 0: 0: 7/26/2000
Chadwick Vesmont 2: 0: 1: 9/7/2000
Charlie Girl Ray 2: 0: 0: 8/16/2000
Clone112040 4: 2: 0: 10/25/2000
Don F89878 4: 1: 1: 10/25/2000
Genian 2: 0: 0: 5/3/2000
GOOSE4003 2: 0: 0: 6/14/2000
Guill I F 4: 0: 0: 8/16/2000
Hawk Gryphith 2: 0: 0: 8/30/2000
Itharr xx 4: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
LrdArcanum 8: 6: 1: 10/25/2000
Mysteryman00769 3: 0: 0: 6/21/2000
NebReyhecs 2: 0: 0: 8/2/2000
PikeDAngul 2: 0: 0: 8/30/2000
QXZ137 2: 0: 0: 10/4/2000
RingWraith10 2: 0: 0: 10/4/2000
Scadicca 3: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Shymon2826 6: 3: 1: 9/13/2000
SvProdigy 3: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
Talina Meridian 2: 0: 0: 5/31/2000
The Jade Knight 4: 0: 0: 7/26/2000
Will Freemason 3: 0: 0: 8/16/2000
X Belarius x 3: 0: 0: 6/28/2000
ZYNN DETH8 2: 0: 0: 9/13/2000

Ace5484 2: 5: 1: 10/4/2000
AceoSwords 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
Adventure3 1: 0: 0: 9/27/2000
Aerenth 0: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Alaric1999 1: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Alec Deveraux 0: 0: 1: 9/13/2000
Ambra Naerth 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
Angels Madness 3: 3: 0: 10/25/2000
Arjivahk 1: 0: 0: 6/21/2000
Arthona 1: 0: 0: 9/27/2000
AshtonGriffin 1: 0: 0: 5/10/2000
BaDbUzZsAw 1: 0: 0: 5/3/2000
BattleRaven 1: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
Bella0226 1: 0: 0: 5/31/2000
BKCBoy12 1: 0: 0: 9/27/2000
BMWergs 1: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
Bobcat990 0: 2: 0: 9/27/2000
Casey Shiv Blade 0: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
Cauthan Atwin 1: 0: 0: 8/10/2000
Celyn Marie 1: 0: 0: 10/19/2000
ChadwickVesmont 3: 8: 1: 9/19/2000
ChanceMorgann 1: 9: 2: 9/13/2000
Chang Finn 1: 0: 0: 7/26/2000
Channa Happ 0: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
ChrisGraziano31 0: 1: 0: 10/25/2000
Cole Nightshade 1: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
D00MHAIL 1: 0: 0: 8/23/2000
Danielwhiz 1: 3: 0: 9/27/2000
Dare Ltan 0: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
DARK ZELSE 4: 4: 0: 9/19/2000
DeahQuon 0: 1: 1: 9/6/2000
DevilHntrX 0: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
DieraFaeShadow 0: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
Ditoua Met 1: 0: 0: 7/19/2000
Doug Lee Johnson 1: 0: 0: 6/28/2000
Elle de Fortenza 1: 0: 0: 10/4/2000
Fyn Mctege 4: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Gavin Nausikaa 0: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
GnrtDrgoon 2: 1: 0: 9/19/2000
Gokurakumaru7 0: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Gourzial 2: 1: 1: 9/6/2000
Grayratty5 0: 1: 0: 10/25/2000
Greitoch 1: 0: 0: 9/27/2000
GUNDAMWEAPON 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
HalfDead13 4: 7: 2: 10/19/2000
IKingofDiamondsl 0: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
IdySarana 1: 0: 0: 10/25/2000
ImitationTim 0: 5: 0: 9/13/2000
Iridala Tearth 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
Irus of Masaca 5: 4: 1: 10/25/2000
Jabene Taron 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
Jakes49591 0: 1: 0: 10/19/2000
Jakob Arturo 0: 2: 0: 10/19/2000
JMSJunior86 0: 1: 0: 10/19/2000
Julian Trevalion 1: 0: 0: 10/4/2000
Kaji Mistuhiro 1: 0: 0: 8/16/2000
Kal Malefestra 1: 0: 0: 5/31/2000
Kantolin99 0: 1: 0: 9/27/2000
Kemroyn Fallntyr 1: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
King de Fortenza 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
Knight of Fear 6: 23: 5: 10/25/2000
Lady Klyopie 1: 0: 0: 5/24/2000
LadyKattya 2: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
LdyGracyen 1: 0: 0: 6/7/2000
LostForgottenSol 1: 2: 0: 10/4/2000
LrdArgus 0: 1: 0: 9/27/2000
Matafleur9 0: 1: 2: 10/19/2000
NB Wrestler140 1: 0: 0: 8/2/2000
Noelle MG 4: 5: 1: 10/25/2000
NoLimmit76 0: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Nova GreyS 5: 4: 0: 9/13/2000
NytePoetry 0: 0: 1: 9/27/2000
OgdenVeil 0: 3: 0: 10/4/2000
OneLostVagabond 1: 1: 0: 10/25/2000
OpUs694 1: 1: 0: 9/6/2000
Palakron 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
Paragon Nights 0: 3: 0: 10/4/2000
Qenuul Fatesbane 1: 2: 1: 10/4/2000
Quixlo Kneebiter 1: 3: 0: 10/4/2000
Rakanth 1: 0: 0: 7/5/2000
RapierOfGod 0: 1: 0: 9/19/2000
RasOps 1: 0: 0: 7/26/2000
Reymdyn 1: 0: 0: 9/27/2000
Rhiannon D Brock 1: 0: 0: 7/19/2000
RingWraith03 0: 0: 1: 9/13/2000
RollTide751 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
Sephiroth172 0: 2: 0: 10/4/2000
Seregill 3: 2: 0: 9/27/2000
Shymon2826 0: 0: 1: 9/6/2000
Sidartha x 1: 1: 0: 9/19/2000
SilverSwrd 1: 1: 0: 9/27/2000
Sir Locklear 1: 0: 0: 6/28/2000
Sir Mclain 3: 4: 3: 9/19/2000
Sixlet36 2: 1: 0: 9/13/2000
Skalrat 1: 0: 0: 6/14/2000
Sojourner Creed 2: 3: 2: 10/4/2000
SuperMike0190 0: 2: 1: 10/4/2000
T3Stooges5 3: 2: 1: 10/4/2000
Tajara 0: 0: 1: 10/19/2000
Talon Warhawk 0: 2: 1: 9/6/2000
Talroon Deadeye 1: 0: 0: 5/3/2000
TarkStormBringer 1: 2: 0: 9/6/2000
The Judgement 1: 0: 0: 7/5/2000
The Mighty Zed 1: 0: 0: 9/6/2000
TheGreatDarkLord 1: 1: 0: 9/27/2000
TroyCstllo 1: 0: 1: 10/25/2000
Trrwnny 3: 2: 0: 9/13/2000
Vashna Ash 5: 5: 4: 9/19/2000
ViperMaster645 0: 1: 0: 9/27/2000
WeirDueler 1: 0: 0: 8/16/2000
Wirt Durdin 1: 0: 0: 9/27/2000
WZBarnard 3: 6: 0: 10/25/2000
Xelthar 0: 1: 0: 10/4/2000
Zephskurian 1: 0: 0: 5/10/2000
Zur030 11: 10: 1: 10/25/2000

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