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Historical Standings • • Historical Records

Duel of Swords Cycle for 12/1/99 - 2/28/2000

Standings for the dueling week ending Wednesday, 2/9/2000.

Duel of Swords Supervisor: HOST DFC Val
Duel of Swords Assistant Supervisor: HOST DFC Turi
Duel of Swords Standings Keeper: HOST DFC Drake

To report errors, please send your missive, along with an explanation of the error if available, to the office of the Standings Keeper.


The Duel of Swords can be found in The Arena at The Dueling Center. The times for the duels are listed in The Schedule.


News From the Rings:

Don't forget to sign up for the Warlord's Tourney! Only a few spots left! Contact HOST DFC Poison
to enter!

Warlord and former Baron Drey D'erest Sanchez Starke challenges Loyal Baron Zafiroo Turidan for the First Ring!
The match has been set for Sunday, Februrary 20th at 9pm in the Arena!

Welcome back to the Warlord ranks, Tom Evasion!

Up and coming Duelist of the Week this week is not anyone new, it's long time duelist and former Baron Lupton!
Look for him to break the two hundred Wins barrier this week!


Overlord (6 Fancies)
SHIV BLADE 184: 14: 2 2/9/2000

Barons (Loyal) (5 Fancies)
Zafiroo (1st) 19: 2: 0 2/9/2000 *
Zen S Rising (4th) 65: 0: 0 12/21/99
LordGunthr (5th) 37: 11: 0 1/26/2000
Lord Daryl Kyle (6th) 24: 6: 1 2/16/2000
Zamhulem (7th) 31: 3: 2 2/2/2000
OorTael5 (8th) 45: 7: 0 2/9/2000
GnrtDrgoon (9th)132: 15: 2 2/16/2000
QuickVarMG (10th) 75: 29: 8 2/16/2000
Dae Dragonsblade(11th) 48: 7: 0 2/16/2000
Taylara (13th) 34: 9: 0 2/16/2000

Barons (Neutral) (5 Fancies)
Unagi M (3rd) 64: 8: 1 2/16/2000

Baron (Renegade) (5 Fancies)
Cletus Gandrfald (2nd) 29: 13: 1 2/16/2000
ClkdMenace (12th) 32: 1: 0 2/16/2000

Warlords (4 Fancies)
Adonai Uziel 27: 3: 0 2/9/2000
AJaybird2 21: 0: 0 8/23/99
Alais d NS 60: 1: 0 2/2/2000
AlecDamron 24: 0: 0 5/21/98
Alkron 20: 2: 0 1/26/2000
Andur Salsinger 16: 1: 0 12/16/99
ANGELDST19 45: 9: 1 2/16/2000
Anthonny I 22: 2: 0 12/21/99
Arlingond 16: 0: 0 9/1/99
Arma Geth 15: 0: 0 7/26/99
Athlstan 116: 0: 0 9/9/99
Baph the WarDrac 42: 0: 0 10/6/99
Bended Kne 23: 0: 0 9/13/99
Caius Cassius 21: 1: 0 2/9/2000
Cas Maxim 109: 43: 3 2/16/2000
CNCrescent 16: 1: 0 12/16/99
Damien Mortis 30: 12: 1 2/2/2000
DAVESTRO 37: 1: 0 2/2/2000
Deluthan 25: 3: 0 2/16/2000
Dex M 39: 1: 1 12/21/99
Drakewyn I 71: 0: 0 1/26/2000
DreyStarke 46: 25: 1 2/16/2000 *
Druid Walker Boh 32: 0: 0 2/9/2000
DUKELETO1 47: 0: 0 9/17/99
Eldar Luthien 75: 0: 0 8/23/99
ErinFaline 15: 0: 0 9/27/99
Falablah 16: 1: 0 1/5/2000
Flavorless Gum 44: 21: 3 2/16/2000
Gimmzak 18: 3: 0 12/16/99
Guild God 24: 0: 0 10/22/97
GuntherMas 21: 1: 0 2/2/2000
HumaDragbn 40: 9: 0 1/26/2000
I Banda 15: 0: 0 9/6/99
In remains 18: 3: 0 1/5/2000
JACOBDANDY 29: 1: 0 2/2/2000
JakeMHeart 16: 0: 0 7/26/99
JakeThrash 38: 0: 0 1/12/2000
Jakvaltrds 32: 4: 0 1/26/2000
JAMESDANDY 28: 0: 0 1/19/2000
Jarfglohn 15: 0: 0 10/11/99
Jeff Oakenshield 483: 7: 0 1/26/2000
JesseTroyn 59: 6: 0 2/16/2000
Kaene the Black 23: 4: 1 2/16/2000
Kalamere 74: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Kaprielle 30: 0: 0 6/8/99
Karen Wilder 21: 3: 0 2/9/2000
Karnafexx 86: 3: 2 1/19/2000
Kingphisch 21: 1: 1 1/26/2000
Knight7044 33: 18: 2 2/16/2000
Leo De Lorenzo 27: 12: 0 2/16/2000
Lily King 15: 0: 0 6/1/99
LrdEvasion 16: 1: 0 2/16/2000
LrdGryHwk 34: 10: 0 2/16/2000
LrdGwydion 19: 0: 0 11/10/99
Lyon xx 46: 2: 0 1/26/2000
M Redheart 27: 1: 0 12/21/99
MadDwarf 18: 0: 0 10/18/99
Marius IX 49: 9: 1 1/26/2000
Marzan 31: 1: 0 12/16/99
Mharinel 25: 2: 0 12/16/99
MidnytBlue 38: 3: 0 1/19/2000
Mornlyth 26: 2: 0 2/2/2000
Occurs 16: 0: 0 10/11/99
PainIsland 32: 8: 0 2/16/2000
PKardinal 38: 0: 0: 7/19/99
PrinceFyre 51: 0: 0 10/4/99
QwendoIen Bryon 16: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Raiyko 222: 0: 0 1/19/2000
Red ur Thorne I 19: 0: 0 10/11/99
Reod Daii 35: 16: 2 2/16/2000
RLupton 204: 12: 1 2/16/2000
Sartan Z 92: 5: 1 1/19/2000
Secondat 39: 6: 0 2/2/2000
Shade 9 22: 3: 0 2/16/2000
Shadowsiv 35: 2: 0 1/19/2000
Sintamyr1 24: 0: 0 1/25/99
Skyler CJ 34: 10: 0 2/16/2000
Spikushell 19: 0: 0 2/9/2000
SteveLGlowacki 39: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Str8Clutch 28: 0: 0 10/18/99
Tarl Cab0t 61: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Tasslehofl 23: 1: 0 12/16/99
TheNmlsOne 32: 0: 0 11/24/99
TinyTopaz 128: 0: 1 2/2/2000
Valmion 16: 0: 0 10/25/99
Verceterix Favre 65: 4: 0 2/2/2000
WickedDeth 55: 9: 3 2/16/2000
X DemCyrax 32: 0: 0 11/1/99
Xericmues 36: 20: 4 2/16/2000
XX LexiBabe XX 16: 1: 0 1/19/2000
Xyclone 33: 4: 0 1/5/2000

Grand Masters (3 Fancies)
Bacchia DAngelo 11: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Bode BoJangles 21: 11: 2 2/9/2000
CalebFeren 10: 0: 0 8/9/99
Dude SmpRd 10: 0: 0 10/25/99
Feral Movement 11: 1: 1 2/16/2000
IAmorphous 11: 1: 0 12/21/99
II Gold II 13: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Jaycy Ashleana 17: 7: 0 1/26/2000
LongWangLo 13: 0: 0 10/11/99
Marguerite Kyle 12: 0: 0 11/1/99
Marit Drgnsblade 14: 3: 0 2/16/2000
Methous45 14: 2: 0 12/8/99
Miz LiIy 13: 0: 0 8/31/99
MurOllavan 12: 1: 0 2/9/2000
Neris Kyn 13: 0: 0 9/8/99
Seraph Seren 15: 1: 1 1/26/2000
Serilious 21: 9: 2 2/16/2000
XHavoickX 26: 16: 3 2/16/2000
XvEvan 13: 1: 0 1/5/2000

Masters at Arms (2 Fancies)
Aerisa 7: 1: 0 12/16/99
Alkiela cN 7: 0: 0 2/2/2000
AnubiKar 8: 0: 0 2/9/2000
Auritan 5: 0: 0 11/1/99
Bane0fEvil 6: 0: 0 8/23/99
Blitz Rainstorm 11: 5: 0 1/26/2000
BryenaT 11: 4: 0 2/16/2000
Cadet Road 5: 0: 0 11/10/99
DarkAngeIa 5: 0: 0 9/20/99
DimitriLan 5: 0: 0 10/25/99
EthanMante 5: 0: 0 10/4/99
Flurion OneEye 6: 1: 2 2/16/2000
Harris4801 8: 0: 0 8/16/99
Jade 4634 13: 4: 2 2/16/2000
Kerrazy6 28: 20: 3 2/16/2000
KillerOfDrachen 9: 3: 0 2/16/2000
LrdArtides 9: 0: 0 11/1/99
LrdBraden 13: 7: 0 2/16/2000
Noelle MG 7: 2: 1 2/16/2000
PyrraMuse 9: 0: 0 11/17/99
SparrowSilverrse 7: 0: 0 11/10/99
Talroon Deadeye 9: 4: 0 2/2/2000
Tarimyth 6: 0: 0 11/1/99
TheHoodedWarrior 12: 6: 2 2/16/2000
Thom Storm 8: 2: 0 12/8/99
TristonLkL 8: 1: 0 1/5/2000
XxLadySher 6: 0: 0 8/23/99

Swordsmen (1 Fancy)
AelricShadowmane 5: 1: 0 2/2/2000
AlexandriaWells 4: 0: 0 1/26/2000
Alyxz 3: 1: 0 12/8/99
Barrett Baldrich 3: 1: 0 12/21/99
BASICTEEN 4: 0: 0 9/20/99
Cmmlla 3: 1: 0 2/2/2000
ConnerOdel 3: 0: 0 9/27/99
D Nevada 2: 0: 1 2/16/2000
DevonGoral 2: 0: 0 11/17/99
Dragen 4: 0: 0 11/1/99
Elizabeth of Plm 3: 0: 0 9/20/99
Elvessoldr 4: 2: 0 2/9/2000
FIikker 2: 0: 0 11/24/99
Ghervat 7: 5: 0 2/2/2000
Havoick the III 6: 3: 0 2/9/2000
HOST DFC Drake 4: 0: 0 11/1/99
HOST DFC Stormi 2: 0: 0 9/6/99
IdySarana 3: 0: 1 12/8/99
IkomaTsanuri 2: 0: 0 9/22/99
Illusia Marcine 3: 1: 0 1/19/2000
Iluvcheese 2: 0: 0 8/31/99
Itharr xx 4: 0: 0 9/13/99
JadedDeath 4: 1: 0 2/16/2000
JmLas918 2: 0: 0 9/13/99
Krusif 3: 0: 0 12/8/99
Lady Illusia M 3: 1: 0 1/12/2000
LaylIaAngl 2: 0: 0 8/23/99
LdyAjaBird 3: 0: 0 8/31/99
Lord Diarmond 3: 1: 0 2/2/2000
LostForgottenSol 3: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Melgarth 9: 6: 1 2/9/2000
MichSummrs 2: 0: 0 8/23/99
MissMetrina 3: 0: 0 1/26/2000
Norstin 2: 0: 1 2/9/2000
Nova GreyS 5: 2: 0 2/2/2000
PolTreidun 3: 0: 0 11/17/99
PrlUnicorn 2: 0: 0 1/19/2000
Pyone X 2: 0: 0 8/31/99
QXZ137 4: 2: 0 1/26/2000
Qzarian3 6: 4: 1 1/26/2000
Rasia Sabine 3: 0: 0 10/18/99
RDI Tyger 2: 0: 0 8/23/99
Silphion S 3: 0: 0 10/4/99
Silver Hawkmoon 2: 0: 0 9/13/99
Sixlet36 11: 9: 2 2/16/2000
StormSayianLord 4: 0: 0 11/24/99
Sweeny Fletcher 4: 0: 0 11/24/99
T3Stooges5 19: 15: 2 2/16/2000
The DueIer 2: 0: 0 9/6/99
Trendrix 2: 0: 0 1/12/2000
ValErastus 3: 0: 0 9/6/99
Vladimir Impaler 2: 0: 0 2/2/2000
Will Freemason 2: 0: 0 11/24/99
X Belarius x 4: 0: 0 1/19/2000
Xar Hadoon 2: 0: 0 1/5/2000
XavierTN 5: 3: 1 1/26/2000
Xelthar 3: 1: 1 12/16/99
Xerzes M 5: 2: 0 1/26/2000
XJason13X 2: 0: 0 11/31/99
ZYNN DETH8 2: 0: 0 10/25/99

Ace5484 1: 0: 0 8/9/99
Ackros 1: 0: 0 8/16/99
Adventure3 1: 0: 0 11/24/99
Aiodanne 1: 0: 0 11/10/99
Alastair Ainsley 0: 1: 0 1/12/2000
Alien492 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
Amaltea 0: 1: 1 2/9/2000
Anfir 6: 6: 0 2/16/2000
Angel of mercy 0: 1: 0 12/21/99
Arabella Lvovna 1: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Arane G 1: 0: 0 12/21/99
Arhes Aeluna 5: 6: 1 3/2/2000
Artea Kalanin X 0: 1: 0 2/9/2000
Arthona 1: 2: 0 2/9/2000
AstoriaTeller 1: 3: 0 2/9/2000
Atheil Morasher 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
AvolonDarkshield 2: 1: 0 1/19/2000
Bargos McConahue 5: 9: 2 1/19/2000
Barrett 0: 1: 0 12/8/99
Belle Corpus 0: 1: 0 1/5/2000
Ben Synister 1: 0: 0 2/16/2000
BenvilioFeste 0: 1: 0 12/8/99
Bizarosefiroth 2: 1: 1 12/21/99
BlackDog Ventore 1: 0: 0 11/3/99
BloodLust Cavern 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
BreadStick101 0: 1: 0 12/21/99
BrennaSueDaring 0: 1: 0 1/12/2000
BuffStuf6 3: 8: 0 1/12/2000
BULLAFETT 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Calennon Ridry 0: 1: 0 12/21/99
Casey Shiv Blade 1: 3: 0 1/12/2000
Caspian Caspanos 0: 2: 0 1/12/2000
Cawe Saybos 1: 2: 1 1/5/2000
CelesFyre 1: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Charity036 6: 10: 1 2/16/2000
Chemical Incubus 1: 2: 0 1/19/2000
Chris Lafayette 0: 1: 0 1/5/2000
Chufa716 1: 1: 0 2/9/2000
CianiRooks 0: 0: 1 2/2/2000
CloakenGry 3: 6: 1 2/9/2000
CUTCHINS17 3: 3: 0 12/21/99
CWeintz1 1: 8: 0 1/19/2000
CWilkeKlaus 0: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Cyran the Red 1: 1: 0 12/16/99
Cyrano Li Jun 0: 1: 0 1/12/2000
Daeron Morgalla 2: 6: 1 1/26/2000
DeahQuon 0: 1: 0 2/9/2000
Deneathor 1: 0: 0 8/31/99
DevilHntrX 1: 6: 0 2/16/2000
DKaldahl 1: 2: 0 12/8/99
Dr Abelina 1 0: 0 2/9/2000
DRBilboe 7: 18: 0 2/2/2000
DrGalamore 1: 2: 0 1/12/2000
DrkKniht13 0: 1: 0 12/16/99
DudeSmpRd 0: 1: 0 12/8/99
DukeThrash 1: 0: 0 9/28/99
Dwrdduler 1: 0: 0 12/8/99
El Ninbo 1: 0: 0 10/28/99
Elezara 1: 0: 0 10/6/99
Ellidis 1: 0: 0 11/17/99
Eros DeBurgo 2: 1: 0 12/16/99
Esperwind 0: 2: 0 1/26/2000
Face2Loran 3: 3: 0 2/9/2000
FaerieLass 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Fairmir 1: 0: 0 2/16/2000
Fatalwound999 1: 0: 0 1/26/2000
Feacuivie 1: 0: 0 2/16/2000
Fetisha Candy 0: 4: 0 1/19/2000
Foxxgrrl 0: 1: 0 12/8/99
Fragile Fury 3: 3: 0 2/2/2000
Fyn Mctege 0: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Genou567 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
GoHan499 0: 1: 0 12/8/99
GoldenCupJeremy 4: 6: 1 2/16/2000
GreySharq2 1: 0: 0 9/6/99
Grok Manus 1: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Guill I F 4: 13: 0 2/16/2000
Gunner Celwolfe 0: 1: 0 12/8/99
Hairyson1985 0: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Heath MacCormik 4: 3: 0 1/26/2000
HOST DFC Nevada 1: 2: 1 2/16/2000
I800BadGal 1: 0: 0 8/23/99
Imina B 0: 2: 0 2/16/2000
Isabella Archer 0: 1: 0 1/19/2000
Isis A Shalani 2: 2: 0 12/16/99
Jace Soliyu 2: 1: 0 2/2/2000
Jack ODonnely 1: 1: 0 2/16/2000
JamesDSage 0: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Jack ODonnely 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
Jameson AC 0: 1: 0 12/16/99
Jarred Morgan 0: 0: 1 12/8/99
Jaysa Noel 1: 0: 0 11/10/99
JckBlades 1: 0: 0 9/14/99
Jeff N Hardy 1: 0: 0 12/16/99
Jonothon Shaw 0: 1: 0 2/9/2000
Josey Chanard 1: 1: 0 1/12/2000
Kalanin Artea 1: 0: 0 12/16/99
Kale Blade 1: 0: 0 11/24/99
KamaIa 0: 0: 1 2/16/2000
Kantolin99 3: 2: 0 12/21/99
Kian dav Leydon 1: 0: 0 9/6/99
Kirin Fand 1: 1: 0 2/16/2000
KnghtVHonR 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
Knight4077 1: 0: 0 12/8/99
Knight9910 0: 1: 0 2/9/2000
Kruk Lord 1: 0: 0 9/28/99
Kyian Aliser 0: 1: 0 1/19/2000
KyleGaryth 1: 0: 0 12/31/99
L0RD Mason 0: 1: 0 1/19/2000
Lady Ceridwin 6: 7: 0 2/2/2000
LadyKattya 2: 5: 0 2/2/2000
LadyThesbe 2: 2: 0 12/21/99
Lafa05 0: 2: 0 1/19/2000
LdyGracyen 0: 1: 0 2/9/2000
LdyRavnWlf 1: 0: 0 11/10/99
LeDucBlanc 1: 0: 0 2/9/2000
LegolasofRhuDaur 6: 5: 0 2/16/2000
Limroma 1: 0: 0 12/21/99
Locke R Cole 1: 0: 0 9/6/99
LqdForest 1: 0: 0 9/22/99
Lucretia Lysia 0: 2: 0 1/12/2000
Lumarious 0: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Lura Frost 0: 1: 0 12/21/99
Mage Duran 0: 2: 0 1/19/2000
Magewar1111 0: 1: 0 1/12/2000
MagnusHigh 1: 0: 0 1/12/2000
Maloria 1: 0: 0 11/10/99
MasterHand 1: 0: 0 10/28/99
Mathia Shamrock 0: 3: 0 12/21/99
Maximillian Rex 1: 1: 0 2/16/2000
MeticulousAsylum 1: 0: 0 2/16/2000
MikaelRnhr 1: 1: 0 12/21/99
Miniature Evil 1: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Morgan IW 2: 2: 1 1/19/2000
Mornalome 5: 11: 0 1/5/2000
Mygaerra 1: 0: 1 12/16/99
ND DJZ 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
NebReyhecs 3: 13: 0 2/2/2000
Neerisynt 0: 2: 0 1/12/2000
NeoWrath3 1: 0: 0 10/28/99
NessaRavn 1: 0: 0 1/12/2000
NetSpawn81 0: 2: 0 12/8/99
New 420 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Nitestealth 0: 0: 1 1/19/2000
Norstin 0: 0: 1 2/2/2000
ODustin 0: 1: 0 1/12/2000
OnyxSolare 3: 3: 0 1/19/2000
OutlawLeadr 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Panther8910 1: 5: 0 1/12/2000
Pash I Cracken 1: 0: 0 1/5/2000
Peace 8D 1: 0: 0 9/28/99
PikeDAngul 1: 0: 0 12/16/99
Pirm Copernicus 2: 2: 0 12/16/99
PuckRobn 0: 2: 0 12/21/99
PvtSneggle 4: 16: 2 2/16/2000
Radred18 2: 4: 0 2/9/2000
RagnaSeljug 2: 1: 0 1/12/2000
Random Dueler 1: 0: 0 10/19/99
Raven of Sands 0: 1: 0 2/9/2000
RconBBrat 0: 1: 0 1/19/2000
RDI Skall 1: 0: 0 8/23/99
Rhaylon11 0: 1: 0 1/19/2000
Rhiannon D Brock 3: 3: 0 2/16/2000
Ri Fohin 0: 1: 1 1/12/2000
Romulus Darkstar 0: 2: 0 1/26/2000
Ron Strude 1: 0: 0 11/17/99
RowenofStrata12 1: 1: 0 2/2/2000
Rune Kalus 1: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Sabastian GldRvn 1: 0: 0 10/6/99
Sabu Yhagoro 1: 0: 0 2/2/2000
SaRandal 1: 1: 0 1/5/2000
Scooter4567 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
Seregill 2: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Shadow Arkose 0: 0: 1 12/21/99
Shadow808 1: 0: 0 10/28/99
Shatsoff2 0: 2: 0 1/5/2000
ShdwBlad01 0: 0: 1 12/8/99
Sidartha x 1: 0: 0 2/2/2000
SierriaDwn 0: 1: 0 1/5/2000
Silverscle 1: 0: 0 9/6/99
Simini 2: 4: 1 2/16/2000
Simon Reyn 0: 1: 0 12/16/99
Simon SeyZ 0: 0: 1 12/16/99
Sintamyr1 0: 1: 0 12/16/99
Sir Bladehand 1: 1: 0 12/8/99
Smurdo69 0: 2: 0 12/21/99
Snowfire Valadon 2: 4: 0 2/16/2000
Soarell 1: 0: 0 2/16/2000
SylverKat 0: 1: 0 1/19/2000
Taelsin apT 1: 4: 0 12/21/99
TarethThrn 1: 4: 0 2/2/2000
Tdogt10 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Te1eperien 1: 1: 0 2/2/2000
The Kurganess 0: 1: 0 1/12/2000
Thorcinian 0: 1: 0 12/21/99
Tobias H Andrion 1: 0: 0 2/2/2000
Trendrix 2: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Trystan Lyonesse 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Two Headed Troll 1: 1: 0 1/26/2000
Tyraxis 0: 1: 0 1/26/2000
UnderT4976 1: 1: 0 2/2/2000
VaNiTy ShAtTeReD 0: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Vashna VV 4: 6: 0 12/21/99
VDragons2002 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
VI Rune 1: 5: 0 2/2/2000
Violatir12 0: 1: 0 1/12/2000
Whitesqual 1: 0: 0 9/6/99
WhsprdEchoes 1: 1: 0 1/5/2000
Wolf Chivalry 1: 0: 0 9/14/99
Wrath Reactor 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
X Stone Golem X 1: 1: 0 1/5/2000
X Tika x 0: 1: 0 2/16/2000
Xelthar 3: 2: 1 1/5/2000
XLisanaColestaeX 6: 10: 1 2/2/2000
XvJack RudyvX 1: 0: 0 1/12/2000
Xx Alpha I 0: 1: 0 2/2/2000
XxCourt JesterxX 1: 0: 0 9/22/99
ZanduraB 1: 0: 0 8/23/99
Zephyer 1: 1: 2 12/16/99
ZiaMaria 1: 1: 0 2/2/2000
Zolkara 1: 7: 0 2/16/2000
Zur030 11: 11: 3 2/16/2000

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