Standings for the weekend ending 6/14/99. Revision 1.
Duel of Swords Supervisor: RDI Golden
Duel of Swords Assistant Supervisor: RDI Scad
Duel of Swords Standings Keeper: RDI Gryphn
For information on how to report errors, see the article in the DoS Section of the FFGF Dueling Center.
RDI Duel of Swords can be found in the RDI Duelers Arena at Keyword: FFGF. The times for the duels are listed in The Schedule.
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News From the Rings:
Special congratulations to Commoner Ron Strude and Swordswoman KhrystaWlf for placing first and second, repectively, in the Tourney sponsored by Baron Oakenshield. For the next two weeks, Ron becomes the temporary custodian of the 8th ring and Khrysta becomes the temporary custodian of the 12th ring. For all you Warlords out there... yes, that does make them peers. Meanwhile Jeff gets to try out life as a Commoner again and Alex gets to play Swordsman.
Both the temporary Barons apply for Loyal alignment, and receive the Overlord's blessing!
Renegade Baron J Oaknshld is successful in his latest defence of the 8th ring!
In a quick series of events, Warlord EagleEcore challenges Neutral Baron IXDaelinXI for the 7th ring!
The duel took place soon after, and EagleEcore was successful in his challenge!
The new Baron declares himself Neutral to the Overlord!
Overlord Unagi M is successful in his defence of the crown against Tourney winner Kaprielle!
Warlord Carnage669 challenges Neutral Baron Zafiroo for the 1st ring!
No date has been set for this challenge!
Just after becoming Warlord, Antidueler retires!
Congratulations go to Gudarien for making it back to the Warlord ranks, and XHaviokX for reaching Warlord as well!