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Duel of Swords Cycle for 9/1/98 - 11/30/98

Standings for the weekend ending 9/6/98

Duel of Swords Coordinator: RDI Helix
Duel of Swords Assistant Coordinator: RDI Clo
Duel of Swords Standings Keeper: RDI Golden

For information on how to report errors, see the article in the DoS Section of the FFGF Dueling Center.
RDI Duel of Swords can be found in the RDI Duelers Arena at Keyword: FFGF. The times for the duels are listed in The Schedule.

To receive special Duel of Swords announcements via email, subscribe to the FFGF-ANNOUNCE Mailing List (which can be found at Keyword: FFGF).
Preliminary News: Due to an incident involving the DoS archives and a Zippo lighter, the dueling results for this week will be delayed for a few days. My apologies for any inconvenience.
News From the Rings:

Welcome new Warlord Lem AngeIo!

Warlord Wrut is reinstated!

Baron Agrenish makes a decision for himself and switches his alignment from Neutral to Renegade!

The Council of Barons has reached a decision regarding the fate of the Twelfth Baron's Ring: Warlord Str8Clutch is stripped of his peer wins and Loyal Baron Roland Sal maintains possession of his ring.

Renegade Baron Zen 80s successfully defended his ring from the challenge of Warlord Jola Fici, winning by a reported score of 5 - 2.

Warlord OverBorg utilized his tournament prize and challenges Overlord LordovDale for his crown!
The match has been set for Sunday, September 13th, at 9:00 P.M. EDT on The Battlefield.

Warlord Kalamere challenges Loyal Baron Gen Perri for the right to wear the Seventh Baron's Ring.
The match has been set for Wednesday, September 9th, at 11:00 P.M. EDT in the RDI Basement Annex.

Warlord QuickVarMG challenges Renegade Baron Agrenish for the Tenth Baron's
Ring! No date has been set for this match yet.
* = Currently involved in a challenge.

Name W L T LastDuel

OVERLORD (6 Fancies)
LordovDale 120: 3: 0 9/8/98 *

Baron (Loyal) (5 Fancies)
AJaybird2 15: 0: 0 9/2/98
Gen Perri 23: 0: 0 9/2/98 *
Gimmzak 22: 1: 1 9/8/98
J Oaknshld 414: 1: 0 9/8/98
Jakvaltrds 32: 0: 0 8/26/98
MorganFay 17: 1: 0 9/8/98
Roland Sal 35: 5: 2 9/8/98

Baron (Renegade)(5 Fancies)
Agrenish 30: 0: 0 7/29/98 *
Maxim128 16: 1: 0 9/8/98
RLupton 167: 1: 1 9/8/98
SHIV BLADE 36: 0: 0 9/8/98
XvEvan 21: 0: 0 9/2/98
Zen 80s 56: 0: 0 9/8/98

Warlord (4 Fancies)
Alais d NS 64: 0: 0 8/20/98
Arlingond 16: 0: 0 8/13/98
Bended Kne 25: 0: 0 8/20/98
Blazn Slow 33: 2: 0 9/8/98
Daegarth 85: 2: 0 9/8/98
Dakich 29: 0: 0 6/18/98
DamonBlack 21: 0: 0 7/15/98
Darkness2 42: 0: 0 9/2/98
DAVESTRO 33: 0: 0 9/2/98
DemCyrax I 26: 0: 1 9/8/98
Dex Montoy 35: 0: 0 9/8/98
DirkRandom 20: 0: 0 7/23/98
Drakewyn I 55: 0: 0 9/2/98
DueIist 27: 0: 0 9/2/98
Duke UzieI 29: 2: 0 9/8/98
DUKELETO1 45: 0: 0 6/18/98
EricSiadek 26: 0: 0 9/2/98
EvanFaline 15: 0: 0 8/26/98
Gaejin 23: 2: 0 9/8/98
Gnimish RW 45: 0: 0 7/29/98
HumaDragbn 29: 1: 0 9/8/98
IainMacKnz 27: 0: 0 6/3/98
II Gold II 17: 0: 0 7/15/98
ILiveinPHX 21: 3: 0 9/8/98
IXDaelinXI 25: 6: 1 9/8/98
JACOBDANDY 28: 0: 0 8/26/98
Jaedun 23: 0: 0 8/26/98
JakeThrash 35: 0: 0 8/13/98
JesseTroyn 22: 0: 0 7/9/98
JHeartMan1 21: 3: 1 9/8/98
Jola Fici 17: 0: 0 9/2/98
Kalamere 77: 1: 0 9/8/98 *
Kingphisch 18: 0: 0 7/2/98
Krollon 15: 0: 0 9/2/98
LeDucBlanc 30: 10: 0 9/8/98
Lem AngeIo 21: 2: 3 9/8/98
LexiGirl1 15: 0: 0 8/26/98
Lyon xx 47: 1: 0 9/8/98
MadDwarf 21: 0: 0 8/26/98
Marzan 30: 9: 5 9/8/98
MidnytBlue 35: 0: 0 9/2/98
Miss LiIy 19: 2: 0 9/8/98
Mornlythe 33: 1: 0 9/8/98
Mr J Ringo 28: 0: 0 1/21/97
Mr Sumgi 16: 0: 0 9/2/98
Natealmalk 15: 0: 0 7/23/98
OverBorg 18: 0: 0 8/26/98 *
PainIsland 17: 0: 0 8/6/98
PKardinal 40: 0: 0 8/20/98
QnLuthien 68: 0: 0 9/2/98
Quan Fei 25: 0: 0 7/9/98
Querylon 16: 0: 0 6/24/98
QuickVarMG 26: 8: 4 9/8/98 *
Qwen Bryon 16: 1: 0 9/8/98
RAGNEROCK 15: 0: 0 7/15/98
Raiyko 20: 0: 0 8/6/98
Rand alTan 23: 1: 0 9/8/98
Rix Favre 62: 1: 0 9/8/98
Sartan Z 87: 3: 1 9/8/98
Shadowsiv 19: 2: 0 9/8/98
SilentCris 17: 0: 0 9/2/98
Sintamyr 23: 0: 0 7/23/98
SirCassius 18: 2: 0 9/8/98
Skyler JC 35: 0: 0 9/8/98
Slider3407 17: 0: 0 8/13/98
SlothShamn 18: 0: 0 9/8/98
Spikushell 24: 0: 0 6/18/98
StatmanRR 17: 0: 0 9/8/98
Str8Clutch 22: 2: 0 9/8/98
SwordsBoy 33: 0: 0 8/26/98
TinyTopaz 77: 7: 1 9/8/98
Unagi M 25: 0: 0 9/8/98
WaIkrBoh 26: 2: 0 9/8/98
WarinRyles 40: 0: 0 7/9/98
WickedDeth 49: 0: 0 7/23/98
Wrut 15: 0: 0 11/19/96
X Gnort X 104: 6: 1 9/8/98
X SteveG X 34: 0: 0 8/20/98
XJaycyndaX 19: 1: 1 9/8/98
XKangAurak 17: 0: 0 7/15/98
XvFarekvX 18: 0: 0 7/15/98
XxDesireex 16: 1: 0 9/8/98
XxLucianxX 30: 0: 0 6/18/98
Xyclone 33: 3: 0 9/8/98

Grand Master (3 Fancies)
ARATH0RN1 13: 0: 0 7/2/98
Avhienda 11: 0: 0 8/20/98
Bane0fEvil 10: 0: 0 9/2/98
ElleMcBrde 12: 0: 0 9/8/98
ErinFaline 12: 0: 0 7/15/98
Falablah 10: 0: 0 9/8/98
Harris4801 13: 0: 0 7/23/98
LordAlamo 11: 0: 0 7/9/98
LrdEvasion 11: 0: 0 9/2/98
LupusCaius 11: 1: 0 9/8/98
SageWlf 14: 0: 0 6/3/98
Takcouma 14: 3: 0 9/8/98
Taylara 19: 8: 0 9/8/98
Xreek 10: 0: 0 7/15/98

Master at Arms (2 Fancies)
Alyxz 7: 0: 0 9/2/98
Andur SaI 7: 0: 0 9/8/98
Arane x 9: 1: 0 9/8/98
Arthona 5: 0: 0 9/2/98
Bacchia DA 6: 0: 0 9/2/98
Bladeswing 6: 1: 0 9/8/98
DevilHntrX 8: 2: 0 9/8/98
DragonIord 9: 2: 0 9/8/98
ElfAssasin 6: 1: 0 9/8/98
Grnbypkfan 5: 0: 0 6/10/98
Gudarien 10: 1: 0 9/8/98
GuntherMas 6: 1: 2 9/8/98
I Banda 5: 0: 0 6/24/98
JStone6591 7: 0: 0 8/6/98
Karye PezD 6: 0: 0 9/8/98
Kenman9696 5: 0: 0 9/2/98
KhrystaWlf 6: 0: 0 9/2/98
KnghtVHonR 11: 2: 0 9/8/98
LaylIaAngl 5: 0: 0 7/15/98
LdyPotion 9: 0: 0 7/29/98
Neris Kyn 7: 0: 0 9/2/98
Nikthanas 5: 0: 0 9/2/98
Occurs 8: 0: 0 9/2/98
OnyxSolari 8: 2: 0 9/8/98
ParkerJoss 8: 0: 0 8/20/98
PeRfEcT099 5: 0: 0 8/13/98
RallathiI 6: 0: 0 6/3/98
RhiDBrock 7: 1: 0 9/8/98
RyanVilify 9: 0: 0 8/26/98
SahrFaline 7: 0: 0 7/15/98
ScarltDuke 11: 2: 0 9/8/98
Shatsoff2 9: 0: 0 6/18/98
Sidartha E 5: 0: 0 8/26/98
Sol Psycho 6: 1: 0 9/8/98
Stump Leg 6: 0: 0 7/29/98
Te1eperien 5: 0: 0 9/2/98
Vadena M 5: 0: 0 8/13/98
Weasl7 7: 0: 0 8/26/98
XvArianaX 5: 0: 0 8/26/98
YTMEIS 9: 3: 0 9/8/98

Swordsman (1 Fancy)
AdmData3 2: 0: 0 8/6/98
Alkiela 3: 0: 0 9/2/98
AnubiKar 2: 0: 0 7/2/98
ArianaJsmn 2: 0: 0 7/2/98
Bagheera00 4: 0: 0 8/6/98
BargosKrak 4: 0: 0 7/23/98
BridgetteD 2: 0: 0 6/3/98
Cas Maxim 2: 0: 0 9/8/98
CloDarwtch 4: 0: 0 7/9/98
CNCrescent 7: 4: 1 8/6/98
Cntrayst17 4: 0: 0 7/23/98
DanRosz 2: 0: 0 7/2/98
DarkAngeIa 4: 0: 0 8/20/98
Deathpinch 3: 0: 0 7/23/98
Doxiduo 4: 0: 0 8/20/98
Erik Thorn 2: 0: 0 9/2/98
Gesselthon 2: 0: 0 8/26/98
Gorkhahn 2: 0: 0 6/10/98
Hautemulle 3: 0: 0 6/18/98
HazeRydr 3: 0: 0 6/24/98
HGroad327 4: 2: 0 9/8/98
Iluvcheese 4: 0: 0 8/26/98
Iuna mask 2: 0: 0 6/18/98
JadedDeath 3: 1: 0 9/8/98
JamesDSage 2: 0: 0 9/2/98
Jazmein 2: 0: 0 7/9/98
JennaShae 4: 1: 0 9/8/98
Jessandrra 2: 0: 0 7/2/98
KailMarken 4: 0: 0 9/2/98
Keirin Elf 2: 0: 0 8/20/98
LdyKlyopie 2: 0: 1 9/8/98
LdyMcKira 3: 0: 0 6/10/98
LexiusS 2: 0: 0 9/8/98
LrdPrefect 2: 0: 0 9/2/98
MeckLord 2: 0: 0 9/2/98
Moordagg 4: 0: 0 9/8/98
MorteDulce 4: 0: 0 8/26/98
MWilke5028 2: 0: 0 6/10/98
Pwrmiami 3: 0: 0 6/24/98
Quilyn 4: 0: 0 6/10/98
Qzarian3 6: 2: 1 9/8/98
RDI Skall 2: 0: 0 7/9/98
Rhaylon11 5: 2: 0 9/2/98
Scadicca 4: 0: 0 8/20/98
Shymon2826 3: 0: 0 9/2/98
Sir Joran 4: 2: 0 9/2/98
SirJust 2: 0: 0 7/29/98
Sparrow SR 2: 0: 0 6/24/98
Talyn Star 2: 0: 0 9/2/98
Tam alTan 2: 0: 0 8/20/98
Tarkane 3: 0: 0 9/8/98
TheAntiEle 3: 0: 0 8/6/98
TristonLkl 2: 0: 0 8/20/98
Tsycal Sol 3: 0: 0 8/13/98
VaI Em 2: 0: 0 7/23/98
VerinChath 3: 0: 0 7/23/98
WksUnSeen 5: 1: 0 9/8/98
Wolf Howl6 2: 0: 0 6/24/98
X lron Man 4: 0: 0 9/8/98
X Piranna 4: 0: 0 9/8/98
XxLadySher 4: 0: 0 9/2/98
Zagaroth 2: 0: 0 6/10/98
Zur030 3: 0: 0 7/29/98

ACE223344 2: 2: 0 9/8/98
AjaQuistgd 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
Alekaalasa 1: 4: 0 9/8/98
Andrew000 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
Andur Sal 2: 1: 0 9/8/98
ApolloMara 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
AshDragoon 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
Avarre 1: 0: 0 9/2/98
Beatle6666 1: 0: 0 8/13/98
BillKelso 1: 0: 0 7/15/98
BladeAcidX 0: 3: 1 9/8/98
BluesNinja 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
BMXJump 1: 0: 0 6/24/98
BoogeymanX 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
BoShek UZ 0: 3: 0 9/8/98
BullFrog73 1: 0: 0 8/26/98
Bulls13 1: 1: 0 9/2/98
Carnage669 1: 1: 0 9/8/98
CasyWIdEye 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
Cid HighW 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
Cisi Pente 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
CLUTZKPB 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
CNCrescent 0: 0: 1 9/8/98
CoIdSmoke 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
CryptKillr 1: 1: 0 9/8/98
DaemonNght 1: 0: 0 6/18/98
DeadSonOne 2: 1: 0 9/8/98
DeaQuon 1: 1: 0 9/2/98
Debi OoXx 0: 2: 1 9/8/98
Derivon 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
Dershia 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
Deuce Mack 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
Dragon2464 1: 0: 0 8/13/98
Dragonfyr8 1: 1: 1 9/8/98
Draile 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
DustiDiamd 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
Enkl Rain 1: 0: 0 6/24/98
Envec 5 1: 0: 0 8/26/98
EthanMante 2: 3: 0 9/8/98
EvrPresnt2 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
Fantasy RC 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
Faxlor 1: 2: 1 9/8/98
Foxxgrrl 2: 1: 1 9/8/98
Frazzica 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
FryGuy9000 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
Genian 0: 0: 1 9/8/98
Gigadagon 0: 0: 1 9/8/98
Glacius 7 0: 0: 1 9/8/98
GoHollow 1: 1: 0 9/8/98
Grundy Ny 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
GunterMas 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
GypsyDancr 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
HarIequynn 1: 1: 0 9/8/98
HyPeR455 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
Infern0 99 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
Jaguar5140 1: 0: 0 8/26/98
JBear66 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
Jinx11 1: 0: 0 9/2/98
Kefiv 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
KelTainer2 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
KJC415 1: 0: 0 6/18/98
Kurukaze 1: 0: 0 8/13/98
LadyAIibus 1: 0: 0 9/2/98
Ldy Salem 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
LiquidKaos 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
Lisi Fair 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
Lrd Gondar 0: 0: 1 9/8/98
LrdAubrey 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
LrdPerfect 1: 0: 0 8/20/98
MadMax8811 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
MagicBoy57 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
MaGuSonite 1: 0: 0 8/26/98
Menlie 0: 2: 2 9/8/98
Mistearia 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
Mystwind 1: 4: 0 9/8/98
NCrusader 3: 2: 0 9/8/98
NightSet 1: 0: 0 7/15/98
NovaShayde 1: 0: 0 7/15/98
Obilyth 3: 4: 0 9/8/98
Oeoshorty 1: 0: 1 9/8/98
Pherghus 1: 1: 0 9/8/98
PPomykal 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
PyroPunk23 1: 0: 1 9/8/98
QXZ137 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
Rabbi Vole 0: 2: 0 9/8/98
Raptor502 1: 0: 0 8/6/98
RDI Gryphn 1: 0: 0 8/6/98
RDI KID 1: 0: 0 7/29/98
RDI Tyger 1: 0: 0 8/13/98
ReddogS 1: 0: 0 8/20/98
Reno Chou 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
RichardBue 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
Rowan hy 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
ScaltDuke 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
SCARY987 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
Seregill 2: 2: 0 6/3/98
Shadow808 0: 2: 0 9/8/98
ShaidarDyn 1: 1: 0 9/8/98
Shokeno 1: 0: 0 9/2/98
SitaMaylin 1: 0: 0 9/8/98
Skywalk543 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
SLiDer989 1: 0: 0 8/26/98
SpdrStrikr 1: 0: 0 8/6/98
SpifyMcBng 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
SteveH999 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
Syphire 1: 0: 0 6/10/98
Talnion 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
Tarimyth 1: 2: 1 9/8/98
Tasslehofl 2: 1: 0 9/8/98
Thinman80 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
TINDERF00T 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
TREM0R 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
TristonLkL 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
UnclNastyX 1: 0: 0 8/13/98
VangalDrgn 1: 0: 0 8/6/98
Velmendon 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
VGenovese1 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
VSouIStorm 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
WalkrBoh 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
Wulfson 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
YogiBera8 1: 0: 1 9/8/98
ZachryWulf 0: 1: 0 9/8/98
Zebra lIl 1: 0: 0 8/26/98
ZelenaMoon 1: 0: 0 7/15/98
Zifnab Nlr 1: 0: 0 9/8/98

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