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Duel of Swords Cycle for 6/1/98 - 8/31/98

Standings for the weekend ending 7/19/98

Duel of Swords Coordinator: RDI Helix
Duel of Swords Assistant Coordinator: RDI Clo
Duel of Swords Standings Keeper: RDI Golden

For information on how to report errors, see the article in the DoS Section of the FFGF Dueling Center.


RDI Duel of Swords can be found in the RDI Duelers Arena at Keyword: FFGF. The times for the duels are listed in The Schedule.

To receive special Duel of Swords announcements via email, subscribe to the FFGF-ANNOUNCE Mailing List (which can be found at Keyword: FFGF).
News From the Rings:

Welcome our newest Warlord Natealmalk!

Three of the DoS's female Warlords retire from the ranks: BekaCavish, one-time holder of the Fourth Baron's Ring, departs for personal reasons. EllisaMrgn, a woman who has worn the Seventh Baron's Ring on two occasions, takes a hiatus from the sport. And RedSonyaXX retires from the ranks with little fanfare.

Baron MoneyBlade is now known as Roland Sal.

Baron XvEvan declares his alignment as Neutral to Overlord LordovDale.

Warlord Gaejin challenges Overlord LordovDale for his crown!
No date has been set for this match as of yet.

Loyal Baron MoneyBlade retained his ring after defeating his challenger, Warlord PKardinal, 5 - 4 in 8 close rounds!

Loyal Baron Zen 80s fought off his second challenger, Warlord Krollon, with a 5 - 3 victory in 6 rounds to maintain his ring!

Warlord RLupton was successful in his challenge to Neutral Baron TinyTopaz, winning 5 - 3 in 8 bloody rounds to claim the Ninth Baron's Ring!
The new Baron has one week to declare his alignment.

* = Currently involved in a challenge.

Name W L T LastDuel

OVERLORD (6 Fancies)
LordovDale 127: 22: 3 7/23/98 *

Baron (Loyal) (5 Fancies)
AJaybird2 14: 0: 0 6/18/98
J Oaknshld 420: 9: 2 7/23/98
Jakvaltrds 50: 18: 3 7/23/98
Perrinis 47: 15: 0 7/23/98
QuickVarMG 45: 15: 3 7/23/98
Roland Sal 54: 38: 9 7/23/98
SHIV BLADE 47: 17: 3 7/23/98
SirCassius 22: 5: 0 7/23/98
Zen 80s 76: 35: 1 7/23/98

Baron (Neutral) (5 Fancies)
DueIer 36: 2: 0 7/15/98
XvEvan 36: 17: 4 7/23/98
VACANT 0: 0: 0 00/00/00

Baron (Unaligned)(5 Fancies)
RLupton 172: 9: 0 7/15/98

Warlord (4 Fancies)
Agrenish 39: 8: 1 7/15/98
Alais d NS 64: 1: 0 7/15/98
AlecDamron 24: 0: 0 5/21/98
Arlingond 17: 0: 0 5/28/98
Bapheloc L 57: 13: 0 7/23/98
Bended Kne 23: 0: 0 6/24/98
Blazn Slow 35: 7: 0 7/23/98
Daegarth 94: 7: 3 7/23/98
Dakich 29: 0: 0 6/18/98
DamonBlack 21: 0: 0 7/15/98
Dark Axe 42: 0: 0 5/6/98
Darkness2 49: 5: 0 7/15/98
DAVESTRO 37: 4: 0 7/9/98
DemCyrax I 54: 32: 4 7/23/98
Dex Montoy 35: 1: 0 7/2/98
DirkRandom 21: 1: 0 7/23/98
Drakewyn I 60: 11: 1 7/23/98
DueIist 29: 3: 0 7/15/98
Duke UzieI 41: 13: 2 7/15/98
DUKELETO1 46: 1: 0 6/18/98
EvanFaline 15: 0: 0 5/28/98
Gaejin 36: 14: 0 7/15/98 *
Gavilean 15: 0: 0 6/3/97
Gimmzak 34: 17: 1 7/23/98
Gnimish RW 47: 1: 0 7/15/98
HumaDragbn 36: 12: 1 7/23/98
IainMacKnz 27: 0: 0 6/3/98
II Gold II 24: 7: 0 7/15/98
ILiveinPHX 31: 15: 3 7/23/98
IXDaelinXI 22: 4: 4 6/10/98
JACOBDANDY 28: 1: 0 7/9/98
Jaedun 29: 4: 0 6/18/98
JesseTroyn 25: 3: 0 7/9/98
Jola Fici 19: 3: 0 7/23/98
Kalamere 81: 1: 0 7/23/98
Kingphisch 18: 0: 0 7/2/98
Krollon 24: 9: 1 7/9/98
Lyon xx 55: 2: 0 6/24/98
MadDwarf 22: 0: 0 4/8/98
Mathias Wi 28: 2: 0 6/18/98
Maxim128 15: 0: 0 5/28/98
MidnytBlue 35: 0: 1 7/9/98
Miss LiIy 37: 16: 0 7/23/98
Mornlythe 26: 1: 0 7/23/98
Mr J Ringo 28: 0: 0 1/21/97
Natealmalk 18: 3: 2 7/23/98
OverBorg 19: 4: 0 8/13/97
PainIsland 19: 1: 0 7/2/98
PKardinal 48: 10: 1 7/23/98
QnLuthien 82: 11: 0 7/15/98
Querylon 16: 0: 1 6/24/98
Qwen Bryon 18: 2: 0 7/15/98
RAGNEROCK 18: 3: 0 7/15/98
Raiyko 213: 5: 0 7/23/98
Rand alTan 33: 5: 1 7/23/98
Red zealot 48: 2: 0 6/18/98
Rix Favre 71: 10: 0 7/15/98
Sartan Z 95: 17: 1 7/23/98
Sintamyr 34: 11: 1 7/23/98
Sir Cetran 41: 0: 0 5/28/98
Skyler JC 38: 4: 1 7/23/98
Slider3407 23: 3: 0 7/23/98
SlothShamn 19: 1: 0 7/2/98
Spikushell 25: 1: 0 6/18/98
StatmanRR 17: 1: 0 6/10/98
Str8clutch 40: 21: 1 7/23/98
SwordsBoy 37: 0: 0 4/1/98
Tarl Cab0t 56: 0: 0 5/28/98
Taylara 43: 28: 6 7/23/98
TinyTopaz 70: 10: 1 7/23/98
Unagi M 19: 1: 1 7/23/98
Vear SlVAK 20: 0: 0 6/24/98
WarinRyles 41: 1: 1 7/9/98
WickedDeth 52: 3: 0 7/23/98
X Gnort X 132: 23: 1 7/23/98
X SteveG X 35: 0: 0 7/9/98
Xenograg 29: 0: 0 6/3/98
XKangAurak 17: 0: 0 7/15/98
XvFarekvX 39: 21: 3 7/15/98
XxDesireex 18: 2: 0 7/2/98
XxLucianxX 33: 3: 0 6/18/98
Xyclone 36: 6: 0 6/24/98

Grand Master (3 Fancies)
ARATH0RN1 19: 6: 0 7/2/98
Bane0fEvil 13: 3: 0 7/23/98
DevilHntrX 45: 34: 1 7/23/98
ElleMcBrde 14: 4: 0 7/23/98
EricSiadek 18: 6: 1 7/23/98
ErinFaline 14: 2: 0 7/15/98
Falablah 24: 12: 1 7/15/98
Goldendust 10: 0: 0 5/6/98
Harris4801 17: 4: 0 7/23/98
KnghtVHonR 10: 0: 0 5/6/98
Lem AngeIo 17: 6: 1 7/15/98
LexiGirl1 15: 2: 4 7/23/98
LordAlamo 17: 6: 1 7/9/98
Mr Sumgi 17: 4: 0 7/15/98
Nikthanas 24: 11: 0 7/23/98
RhiDBrock 16: 6: 0 7/23/98
SageWlf 14: 0: 0 6/3/98
SilentCris 25: 11: 1 7/23/98
Takcouma 15: 3: 0 6/24/98
Xreek 18: 8: 1 7/15/98

Master at Arms (2 Fancies)
Alyxz 9: 0: 0 6/3/98
Arthona 6: 1: 1 7/23/98
Avhienda 9: 0: 0 6/10/98
Darien GT 9: 1: 1 7/15/98
FuzzyTrees 9: 3: 0 7/2/98
GIRVIN 5: 0: 0 4/8/98
Grnbypkfan 5: 0: 0 6/10/98
I Banda 6: 1: 0 6/24/98
KarenWildr 8: 2: 0 7/23/98
Karye PezD 17: 12: 3 7/23/98
Kenman9696 7: 1: 0 7/23/98
KhrystaWlf 14: 8: 0 7/23/98
LaylIaAngl 5: 0: 0 7/15/98
LdyPotion 8: 0: 0 4/1/98
LeDucBlanc 20: 14: 4 7/23/98
LrdPrefect 7: 1: 1 7/9/98
LupusCaius 12: 3: 0 7/23/98
Marzan 59: 51: 9 7/23/98
MorteDulce 6: 1: 0 6/18/98
Neris Kyn 6: 0: 0 6/3/98
Occurs 10: 1: 0 7/23/98
PeRfEcT099 6: 1: 0 7/9/98
Qzarian3 20: 11: 6 7/23/98
RallathiI 6: 0: 0 6/3/98
RyanVilify 15: 9: 2 7/23/98
SahrFaline 13: 6: 2 7/15/98
Scadicca 5: 0: 0 2/12/98
Shadowsiv 28: 19: 2 7/23/98
Shatsoff2 9: 0: 1 6/18/98
Shymon2826 10: 5: 1 7/15/98
Sidartha E 6: 1: 1 7/15/98
Socerflame 7: 0: 0 5/28/98
Sol Psycho 8: 1: 0 6/18/98
Stump Leg 5: 0: 0 5/21/98
Talyn Star 5: 0: 0 7/15/98
Te1eperien 9: 0: 1 7/15/98
WaIkrBoh 10: 5: 1 7/9/98
Weasl7 15: 6: 1 7/9/98
XvArianaX 7: 2: 1 7/23/98
XxLadySher 7: 2: 0 7/2/98
YTMEIS 10: 4: 0 7/9/98

Swordsman (1 Fancy)
A Deicide1 2: 0: 0 7/23/98
Andrea1235 3: 0: 0 4/23/98
AnubiKar 2: 0: 0 7/2/98
ApolloMara 2: 0: 0 6/24/98
ArianaJsmn 3: 1: 0 7/2/98
Bacchia DA 4: 0: 0 6/3/98
Barackk 7: 4: 0 7/9/98
BargosKrak 9: 5: 0 7/23/98
Big Duel 2: 0: 0 7/2/98
BridgetteD 2: 0: 0 6/3/98
BudgerBoy 2: 0: 0 4/23/98
CasyWIdEye 2: 0: 0 6/24/98
CeIest 3: 0: 1 6/18/98
CloDarwtch 4: 0: 0 7/9/98
Cntrayst17 9: 5: 2 7/23/98
DanRosz 3: 1: 0 7/2/98
DarkAngeIa 4: 0: 0 5/6/98
DarkIord 6: 4: 0 7/9/98
DawnShadws 2: 0: 0 6/3/98
DE in PA 3: 0: 0 5/28/98
DeaQuon 8: 5: 0 7/15/98
Deathpinch 4: 1: 0 7/23/98
DEGREY 2: 0: 0 4/1/98
DJL 1138 3: 0: 0 5/28/98
DragonIord 12: 10: 2 7/23/98
DuelDude 3: 1: 0 6/18/98
Eon Scribe 2: 0: 0 5/28/98
Etain Echo 8: 4: 1 7/9/98
Force l 2: 0: 0 6/3/98
Fungi2BWth 3: 0: 0 4/30/98
GARGANTIS 4: 2: 3 7/2/98
Gorkhahn 3: 1: 0 6/10/98
Hautemulle 3: 0: 0 6/18/98
HazeRydr 3: 0: 0 6/24/98
HeIls AngI 14: 10: 6 7/15/98
IsisAster 3: 1: 0 7/2/98
Iuna mask 4: 2: 0 6/18/98
JacCorban 2: 0: 0 4/1/98
JadedDeath 6: 3: 0 6/24/98
Jedi7385 4: 0: 0 5/21/98
JennaShae 3: 1: 0 6/10/98
Jessandrra 4: 2: 2 7/2/98
JT IceFire 3: 0: 0 4/1/98
Kefiv 3: 0: 0 5/14/98
Khaos Tide 3: 0: 0 7/23/98
Lab Rat989 2: 0: 0 4/30/98
LadyMarisa 8: 6: 3 7/23/98
LdyMcKira 4: 1: 0 6/10/98
Leper1595 8: 6: 0 6/10/98
LordFestus 3: 1: 1 6/10/98
LoserTyler 3: 0: 0 5/21/98
Lt Dametus 3: 0: 0 5/21/98
MeckLord 3: 0: 0 4/8/98
MelkarGrey 3: 0: 0 4/23/98
Misshapen 2: 0: 0 6/24/98
OnyxSolari 21: 19: 5 7/15/98
Pelar Yurt 2: 0: 0 4/30/98
Pwrmiami 4: 1: 0 6/24/98
Quilyn 4: 0: 0 6/10/98
Raptor502 6: 3: 0 7/15/98
RDI Skall 2: 0: 0 7/9/98
Rhaylon11 15: 13: 1 7/23/98
Sage Tiam 4: 0: 0 4/1/98
Sand Noble 7: 5: 0 7/15/98
Sir Singer 9: 7: 1 7/2/98
Slverrose1 2: 0: 0 6/24/98
SteveH999 4: 0: 0 4/1/98
Tarimyth 11: 9: 4 7/9/98
Te1eperien 2: 0: 0 4/8/98
TorinaI 5: 2: 1 7/23/98
TristonLkl 3: 1: 0 7/2/98
Tsycal Sol 3: 1: 0 7/15/98
Vadena M 5: 2: 0 7/15/98
VaI Em 2: 0: 0 7/23/98
VerinChath 3: 0: 0 7/23/98
Will Leher 4: 0: 0 5/28/98
Wolf Howl6 2: 0: 1 6/24/98
YaneraWest 5: 2: 0 7/2/98
Zagaroth 2: 0: 1 6/10/98
Zur030 4: 0: 1 7/15/98

Aaryn Zero 2: 2: 0 7/23/98
ACE223344 2: 6: 1 7/15/98
Ad1ar2ja3 12: 18: 5 7/23/98
AdmBaralu 0: 3: 0 7/9/98
Aeolus W 7: 7: 0 7/15/98
AjaQuistgd 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
AlannaRowe 1: 0: 0 4/23/98
AlbertiasX 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
AlexSargnt 0: 2: 0 7/23/98
Alsainder 1: 0: 0 4/23/98
AlThorRand 1: 0: 0 6/18/98
Amaltea 1: 3: 0 6/24/98
AnomWho 3: 3: 1 7/23/98
ANTNev 3: 4: 0 7/2/98
AphazeI 1: 3: 0 6/18/98
ArisKalzar 0: 2: 0 6/10/98
AshDragoon 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
Astroc6969 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Athlstan 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Ayaar 0: 2: 0 7/2/98
Azhur 1: 4: 0 7/2/98
Azjah vDW 1: 1: 0 5/14/98
AzuzaMina 1: 0: 0 6/10/98
BacchiaDA 1: 2: 0 7/9/98
Balakoth 2: 1: 0 6/3/98
Bandio 1: 1: 0 6/10/98
Bash0gre 0: 2: 0 7/15/98
BashOgre 8: 8: 1 7/9/98
BASICTEEN 1: 2: 1 6/24/98
BatleShip 1: 0: 0 5/14/98
Beatle6666 0: 4: 0 7/23/98
BenFV 0: 2: 0 6/18/98
BillKelso 1: 0: 0 7/15/98
Bjb1413 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
BlackShade 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Bladeswing 13: 18: 0 6/24/98
Blenton 1: 0: 0 5/28/98
BlizzardAA 1: 0: 0 6/10/98
BlkHwk1002 2: 15: 1 7/2/98
Bluel3eard 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
BluesNinja 2: 2: 0 7/23/98
BMXJump 1: 0: 0 6/24/98
BoogeymanX 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
Brandirk I 5: 5: 0 7/23/98
Brataqua 0: 4: 0 6/18/98
Bremen89 1: 2: 0 7/9/98
Briaredos 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
BrightMorn 0: 0: 1 7/9/98
BRlGHTM0RN 0: 3: 0 7/9/98
Brujah1331 1: 2: 0 6/18/98
BuffStuf6 15: 15: 1 7/23/98
Bustaflare 0: 2: 0 6/18/98
CadetKuhn 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Calenmir L 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
CalisCE 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
Camerion 0: 2: 0 7/2/98
Carnage669 5: 8: 0 6/24/98
Cas Maxim 5: 8: 1 7/15/98
CasioitanX 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Catlaen 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Celloman83 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
Cgwenutt 1: 1: 0 6/18/98
CheapFox2 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
ChezeMstr 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Chillin07 2: 1: 1 7/15/98
CianiRooks 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
Cid HighW 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
CLUTZKPB 3: 2: 0 7/9/98
CoIdSmoke 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
CrashNBrn9 0: 4: 0 6/10/98
Crazyp 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
CygnetSera 1: 5: 0 6/10/98
D Nevada 1: 1: 0 6/3/98
DaemonNght 1: 0: 0 6/18/98
Dan Rosz 1: 2: 0 6/24/98
Danielwhiz 2: 6: 0 6/18/98
Dare Ltan 1: 1: 0 7/2/98
DarkTruth2 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
DaSportNut 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
Delphius J 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
DemonLnce 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
Dershia 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
Deuce Mack 3: 2: 2 7/9/98
Dexter8306 1: 1: 0 6/10/98
Dexter8360 0: 2: 0 7/9/98
DickWithim 2: 1: 2 7/15/98
Disco92 5: 9: 1 7/9/98
DkPaladinX 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Doxiduo 1: 0: 1 6/10/98
Dragon1166 6: 9: 1 6/10/98
Dragon234 2: 1: 0 7/2/98
DragonSRB1 1: 0: 0 4/8/98
DraikeAlun 4: 7: 0 6/24/98
Drakenn 1: 0: 0 4/16/98
Druss xx 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
Durangos77 0: 0: 1 7/2/98
EarlFaline 1: 1: 0 6/10/98
EatAcoW1 0: 2: 1 6/10/98
Elvndstyr 0: 2: 0 6/10/98
Enforcer K 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Enkl Rain 2: 1: 0 6/24/98
Ens jaycpa 1: 3: 0 6/18/98
Envidia12 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
Equinoxx 0: 0: 1 7/2/98
EricSiadek 0: 0: 1 7/2/98
EthanMante 1: 2: 0 6/24/98
Evilbeava 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Fabruzia 0: 0: 1 6/24/98
Fantasy RC 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
Febee14934 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
FiireAngel 1: 2: 0 7/9/98
Filhala D 4: 4: 0 7/15/98
Filhala T 1: 1: 1 7/9/98
FJALAR 69 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Foxxgrrl 17: 16: 3 7/23/98
Frazzica 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
FryGuy9000 14: 14: 1 6/24/98
G 0rt 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Gazioparri 0: 5: 1 6/24/98
Gilean13 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
Gilkarith 2: 2: 0 6/10/98
Glaiveist 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
Goldie3535 1: 1: 0 6/18/98
Goopster84 1: 0: 1 6/10/98
Gracie PHX 2: 3: 2 7/9/98
Gracie TD 8: 11: 1 6/10/98
GrannyDuel 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Greagor X 1: 4: 1 7/9/98
Grim84 3: 3: 0 6/18/98
Grundy Ny 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
Grynix 0: 3: 1 7/15/98
GTalanador 7: 8: 1 6/24/98
GwanOne 1: 2: 0 7/2/98
GypsyDancr 1: 3: 0 6/10/98
Han546 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Hashkar 0: 2: 0 6/10/98
Haylee 0: 3: 0 7/9/98
Hermit1082 0: 3: 0 6/24/98
HGroad327 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
HH Tempus 7: 11: 1 7/2/98
Hodase US 0: 2: 0 7/9/98
HOGFAN6206 1: 0: 0 5/21/98
I Your God 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Ian MacL 2: 5: 0 6/10/98
IceHawk13 1: 0: 0 4/30/98
IceWyvernX 3: 4: 1 7/9/98
Ichyray 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
IdySarana 5: 9: 0 6/10/98
Indallah 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Infern0 99 20: 21: 1 7/15/98
Ironwyng 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Ithar xx 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
Itharr xx 1: 0: 0 4/23/98
JacieDilon 1: 0: 0 5/28/98
JADE2000F 1: 0: 0 5/21/98
Jazmein 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
JeasusFrk 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
JediNite79 0: 1: 0 6/18/98
JenniFoxxy 1: 2: 0 7/15/98
JennyFntsy 1: 2: 0 7/23/98
Jessandrra 0: 1: 2 7/15/98
JeStEr9842 3: 6: 0 6/10/98
JHeartMan1 0: 3: 0 7/15/98
JimGreen14 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
JoeCool92 0: 1: 0 6/18/98
JohnMchl 2: 2: 1 7/2/98
Kaldan 1 1: 0: 0 5/14/98
KaneRPG 0: 2: 0 6/10/98
Kaosia1 1: 0: 0 7/15/98
Katonahl 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
Katya xx 1: 0: 0 5/6/98
Kayne Rune 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
KEBNMB 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
KeirinElf 2: 4: 0 6/10/98
Kelium 0: 2: 0 6/24/98
Kestryl Hk 1: 2: 0 6/10/98
KhrystaWIf 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
Killah Ash 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Kilroywxhr 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
KJC415 1: 0: 0 6/18/98
LanDragonX 1: 4: 0 6/24/98
Larzin GTJ 1: 1: 0 7/9/98
LCdrBruels 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
LdGraysong 1: 2: 0 4/30/98
LdySary 0: 1: 0 6/18/98
Leareth316 0: 2: 0 6/10/98
LeonaiDrm 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
Lightni6 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
Lisi Fair 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
Lord Azhag 1: 1: 0 7/15/98
Lord TEK 18: 25: 0 7/9/98
LordFestus 0: 0: 1 6/18/98
LordOdin01 3: 6: 1 6/24/98
LordSmada 1: 0: 0 5/28/98
Lordzeus20 4: 13: 1 7/9/98
Lore147 1: 1: 0 7/9/98
Lrd Epee 1: 0: 0 4/8/98
LrdAndFrcr 4: 9: 1 6/18/98
LrdAurbrey 2: 1: 0 6/18/98
LrdJoust 1: 1: 0 4/23/98
Lrdnick 1: 1: 0 6/24/98
LrdoRavens 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
LrdSoulWnd 0: 3: 0 7/15/98
Luna Mask 1: 0: 0 5/28/98
Luoscious 1: 2: 0 7/2/98
Lythian II 1: 2: 0 7/9/98
MadMax8811 3: 2: 0 5/14/98
Malcom H 3: 2: 0 6/10/98
Maniac002 1: 0: 0 4/8/98
Marc Rodin 0: 1: 1 6/10/98
MarvelWhim 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
Marzan Drd 24: 29: 8 7/2/98
MastaPauly 3: 8: 1 7/15/98
Mattman150 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
Max Craven 0: 2: 1 6/18/98
Max Kanyon 1: 2: 0 7/23/98
MCSkid4321 0: 2: 0 7/15/98
MEilbracht 0: 2: 1 7/23/98
Menlie 2: 6: 1 7/23/98
MercanyinV 1: 0: 0 4/16/98
Meshmakahn 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
MidaiLevey 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
Mistearia 2: 1: 1 7/9/98
Mithrahn 0: 0: 1 6/24/98
MlTHGAR 7: 12: 2 7/15/98
MnM2000 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
Moonpnther 3: 4: 1 7/15/98
Moraxian 1: 1: 0 6/10/98
Morhgun 4: 5: 0 6/24/98
MPD Zombie 1: 0: 0 4/8/98
Mr Case ll 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
MR TOOT 01 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
MWilke5028 5: 4: 1 6/10/98
Mystero555 0: 0: 1 6/24/98
Mystwind 14: 23: 3 7/9/98
N Harhti M 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
NFLDJ01998 0: 2: 1 7/2/98
NightSet 1: 0: 0 7/15/98
Niteygirl 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Noinim 3: 2: 0 7/23/98
Nomad Nemo 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Norrittt 10: 10: 1 7/23/98
NovaShayde 1: 0: 0 7/15/98
NyteWind7 1: 3: 1 7/23/98
Oeoshorty 3: 6: 0 6/10/98
OnyxShdw 0: 3: 0 7/15/98
OrknSmegma 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Osy Oz Oz 1: 1: 0 7/2/98
Ouphs 0: 2: 0 6/24/98
OutLaw1Ash 1: 0: 0 4/23/98
OutlawLdr 1: 1: 0 5/14/98
OzZyPhReAK 2: 3: 0 7/2/98
Panzer VI 1: 1: 0 6/24/98
PaulySpiff 0: 2: 0 6/10/98
Peace 8D 1: 1: 0 6/10/98
Pedael 1: 0: 0 5/28/98
PFDBacks98 6: 9: 0 6/24/98
Phlag XXX 6: 9: 1 7/23/98
Phreak0 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
PinkHorror 0: 0: 1 6/18/98
PinnerKing 1: 1: 0 4/23/98
Pooka3711 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Prc Eldred 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
PrlUnicorn 5: 5: 0 7/2/98
Prothos 0: 1: 0 6/18/98
Psi Shroud 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
PSmithlatn 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
PuckRobn 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Pwrmiame 0: 1: 0 7/2/98
Quan Fei 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
Quote 2 2: 1: 0 7/2/98
QXZ137 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
RACE4W 2: 5: 0 6/10/98
RapierRuby 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
RDI Clo 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
RDI Cygnet 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
RDI Daemon 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
RDI Heath 1: 0: 0 5/28/98
RDI Reiver 1: 0: 0 4/8/98
Rhana Tora 4: 3: 0 6/10/98
RichardBue 2: 1: 0 7/2/98
Ricola28 2: 3: 1 7/9/98
Riftwars 15: 17: 3 7/15/98
Rilow2 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Ripark 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
RJ Winstn 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
Road troll 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Rockeye574 1: 1: 0 6/10/98
Roland Sal 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Sabah XvX 1: 1: 0 7/23/98
Sabin1936 1: 2: 0 7/9/98
Sanityy 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
Sanuruu 1: 1: 0 6/24/98
SassyVeils 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
SCARY987 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
SephyrothS 0: 2: 0 7/2/98
Seregill 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
Shanay124 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
ShaunLnkfd 0: 6: 2 7/2/98
ShrpShtr55 1: 0: 0 4/8/98
Sim Fyr 1: 0: 0 4/8/98
Siphon888 0: 2: 0 6/18/98
Sir Antara 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
Sir KK1278 1: 1: 0 7/15/98
Sir Lunar 2: 1: 1 6/10/98
SirJust 0: 3: 1 7/23/98
SirRobS 1: 1: 0 6/24/98
SixTniners 0: 1: 0 7/9/98
Skippy978 1: 2: 0 7/2/98
Skywalk543 1: 3: 0 6/18/98
Snyperz102 2: 1: 0 6/10/98
Soarell 1: 0: 0 4/30/98
Sol Jezta 1: 3: 0 6/18/98
SolPsycho 1: 0: 0 4/8/98
Sonray2703 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
SouthWnnd 1: 0: 0 4/30/98
SpifyMcBng 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
Starf94038 0: 2: 0 7/23/98
Stevyboy13 4: 8: 2 7/9/98
Stormworld 1: 0: 0 5/21/98
Strider432 12: 30: 4 7/15/98
Suave69786 0: 0: 1 7/23/98
Surfer990 1: 1: 0 5/28/98
Sword81238 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Syphire 1: 0: 0 6/10/98
TaeTiger15 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
Tanarin 1: 2: 0 6/10/98
Tardis9597 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
Tarkane 0: 2: 0 7/9/98
Tasslehofl 7: 9: 0 6/24/98
TatewkiKno 5: 5: 1 7/23/98
TCPine 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
TerrorStrm 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
ThdrStrike 1: 1: 0 6/10/98
Thinman80 1: 0: 0 7/23/98
TiKaine 1: 1: 0 7/23/98
TINDERF00T 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
TLazlowP 1: 0: 0 4/30/98
Torinthian 1: 1: 1 7/9/98
TorniaI 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
TreeFellr 2: 1: 0 5/14/98
TREM0R 1: 0: 0 7/9/98
TRRWYKOFF 2: 5: 1 7/9/98
Tyranelle 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
UndalSarat 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
User941628 1: 1: 0 7/2/98
UthenGrunt 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
UthrLtbrng 1: 3: 1 6/10/98
Vagrunt 1: 0: 1 6/18/98
VBobPotato 0: 2: 0 6/18/98
Velmendon 1: 0: 0 7/2/98
Viiper 3 3: 3: 0 6/10/98
Warfenix 1: 1: 0 7/23/98
Wennietot 11: 12: 0 7/23/98
Whatnoaaa 1: 0: 0 4/23/98
WnstnWlf 1: 1: 1 7/15/98
Wolfboy27 0: 0: 1 7/2/98
WolfHowl6 1: 1: 0 6/10/98
WoLfpAkRnB 0: 1: 0 6/10/98
Wulfson 1: 0: 0 6/3/98
WW2AIRFAN5 0: 4: 0 7/15/98
X lron Man 1: 2: 0 6/18/98
XeonStorm 3: 2: 0 7/23/98
XJaycyndaX 11: 10: 4 7/23/98
XKorikX 1: 2: 0 7/9/98
XLdyMorgan 0: 1: 0 7/15/98
XMaximusXx 1: 1: 0 5/14/98
XRenoTurk 0: 1: 0 6/24/98
XShadeASHA 1: 1: 1 6/24/98
XxGrothxX 0: 1: 0 7/23/98
YogiBera8 3: 2: 0 7/15/98
ZachryWulf 2: 3: 0 6/10/98
Zamhulam 31: 33: 3 7/15/98
ZelenaMoon 2: 1: 2 7/15/98
ZemhulEm 21: 20: 2 7/23/98
ZHOZH1 0: 1: 0 6/18/98
Ziporath 3: 6: 0 6/10/98
Zokranian5 1: 0: 0 7/2/98

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