Duel of Swords Coordinator: RDI Helix
Duel of Swords Assistant Coordinator: RDI Clo
Duel of Swords Standings Keeper: RDI Golden
For information on how to report errors, see the article in the DoS Section of the FFGF Dueling Center.
RDI Duel of Swords can be found in the RDI Duelers Arena at Keyword: FFGF. The times for the duels are listed in The Schedule.
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News From the Rings:
Welcome our newest Warlord Natealmalk!
Three of the DoS's female Warlords retire from the ranks: BekaCavish, one-time holder of the Fourth Baron's Ring, departs for personal reasons. EllisaMrgn, a woman who has worn the Seventh Baron's Ring on two occasions, takes a hiatus from the sport. And RedSonyaXX retires from the ranks with little fanfare.
Baron MoneyBlade is now known as Roland Sal.
Baron XvEvan declares his alignment as Neutral to Overlord LordovDale.
Warlord Gaejin challenges Overlord LordovDale for his crown!
No date has been set for this match as of yet.
Loyal Baron MoneyBlade retained his ring after defeating his challenger, Warlord PKardinal, 5 - 4 in 8 close rounds!
Loyal Baron Zen 80s fought off his second challenger, Warlord Krollon, with a 5 - 3 victory in 6 rounds to maintain his ring!
Warlord RLupton was successful in his challenge to Neutral Baron TinyTopaz, winning 5 - 3 in 8 bloody rounds to claim the Ninth Baron's Ring!
The new Baron has one week to declare his alignment.