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Duel of Swords Cycle for 06/10/97 - 07/29/97

Standings for the weekend ending 06/18/97

Duel of Swords Coordinator: RDI Helix
Duel of Swords Assistant Coordinator: RDI Xeno
Duel of Swords Standings Keeper: RDI Golden

For information on how to report errors, see the article in the DoS section of the FFGF Dueling Center.


RDI Duel of Swords can be found in the RDI Duelers Arena at Keyword: FFGF from 8:00 PM - 1:00 AM EST Thursdays & Sundays and 8:00 PM - 3:00 AM EST Fridays & Saturdays.

To receive special Duel of Swords announcements via email, subscribe to the FFGF-ANNOUNCE Mailing List (which can be found at Keyword: FFGF).


With the recent addition of the Warlord's Corner and alternate ranking system, the listing of Warlords in the standings will now be categorized alphabetically instead of by records. This is to allow for convenience in looking up names when necessary.


News from the Rings:

Welcome new Warlords
Alyxz, HumaDragbn, Kayne VI, LrdArkanan, and Marzan!

LordovDale was successful in his challenge to Overlord Athlstan! LordovDale becomes the 28th Overlord of the DoS! Barons NovaShayde and RLupton declare their Loyalty to the new Overlord, while Barons Dex Montoy and Karnafexx align themselves as Renegades. The remaining Barons have one week to declare their alignment.

Rand aITan was successful in defending his ring from the challenge of Warlord Tarl Cab0t!

Xyclone has challenged Renegade Baron Karnafexx for his ring!
The match is scheduled to be Sunday, June 22, at 10:30 p.m. EDT in the RDI Basement Annex.

HALF DWARF has challenged Baroness EllisaMrgn for her ring!
No date has been set for this match yet.

Duke Uziel has challenged Baron AJaybird2 for his ring!
No date has been set for this match yet.

QnLuthien has challenged Baron Ulysses NS for his ring!
No date has been set for this match yet.


* = Currently involved in a challenge.

Name W L T LastDuel

OVERLORD (6 Fancys)
LordovDale 33: 4: 1 6/18/97

Barons (Loyal) (5 Fancys)
NovaShayde 37: 0: 0 6/18/97
RLupton 115: 3: 0 6/18/97

Barons (Renegade) (5 Fancys)
Dex Montoy 31: 1: 0 6/18/97
Karnafexx 81: 0: 0 4/22/97 *

Barons (Unaligned) (5 Fancys)
AJaybird2 23: 3: 0 6/18/97 *
EllisaMrgn 46: 0: 0 6/10/97 *
Rand aITan 29: 2: 0 6/18/97
Ulysses NS 25: 1: 0 6/18/97 *
VACANT 0: 0: 0 00/00/00

Warlords (4 Fancys)
Alais d NS 60: 0: 1 6/18/97
AlecDamron 24: 0: 1 6/18/97
Alyxz 16: 1: 0 6/18/97
Amaltea 20: 0: 0 5/13/97
Arithon 16: 0: 0 2/04/97
Arlingond 18: 0: 0 6/10/97
AspendaIe 25: 0: 0 5/13/97
Athlstan 116: 0: 0 6/18/97
Bapheloc 22: 1: 0 6/18/97
BekaCavish 18: 1: 0 6/18/97
Bended Kne 25: 5: 0 6/18/97
CatShakira 20: 0: 0 3/25/97
Dakich 16: 0: 0 4/29/97
DAVESTRO 32: 5: 1 6/18/97
Draven Il 19: 1: 0 6/18/97
Duke Uziel 20: 4: 1 6/18/97 *
DUKELETO1 44: 0: 0 6/10/97
Ecore X 203: 4: 0 6/18/97
Eileowyn 24: 0: 0 5/06/97
ExcaIibur 30: 3: 0 6/18/97
Fantasy RC 38: 0: 0 3/04/97
FatherJosh 15: 0: 0 4/08/97
Gavilean 15: 0: 0 6/03/97
Gnimish II 42: 0: 0 5/27/97
GnrtDrgoon 38: 12: 2 6/18/97
HALF DWARF 332: 7: 0 6/18/97 *
Halveric 26: 1: 1 6/18/97
HumaDragbn 20: 0: 0 6/18/97
IainMacKnz 33: 1: 0 6/18/97
JACOBDANDY 23: 0: 0 5/20/97
JakeThrash 32: 0: 0 4/29/97
JAMESDANDY 21: 0: 0 5/20/97
JobyP 25: 0: 0 6/10/97
JSVRamirez 52: 0: 0 5/27/97
Kalamere 77: 0: 0 6/10/97
Kaprielle 25: 2: 0 6/18/97
Kayne VI 16: 1: 0 6/18/97
LadyHelix 15: 0: 0 4/08/97
LrdArkanan 17: 2: 0 6/18/97
Lyon xx 37: 2: 0 6/18/97
Marzan 20: 2: 1 6/18/97
Mathias Wi 18: 3: 0 6/18/97
Merentha 19: 1: 0 6/18/97
Merewyne 15: 0: 0 5/27/97
MharineI 23: 0: 0 6/03/97
MidnytBlue 22: 0: 0 2/25/97
MoraIitor 16: 0: 0 5/20/97
MorganFay 20: 0: 0 6/03/97
MorganRdht 15: 0: 0 6/10/97
Mornlythe 24: 0: 0 6/18/97
Myriddin 20: 0: 0 6/03/97
Percival 132: 0: 0 5/27/97
QnLuthien 65: 0: 0 6/18/97 *
RAGNEROCK 22: 2: 0 6/18/97
Raiyko 122: 3: 1 6/18/97
RandReborn 22: 0: 0 4/29/97
RangerBlue 27: 0: 0 6/10/97
Red zealot 43: 0: 0 6/03/97
RedKillien 16: 1: 0 6/18/97
Rix Favre 30: 5: 1 6/18/97
Sau Bau 46: 4: 0 6/18/97
Shade 9 24: 0: 0 6/10/97
Shadowrun 167: 0: 0 1/24/96
Shea Leahy 16: 0: 0 2/18/97
Sir Cetran 40: 5: 0 6/18/97
Sir Warin 32: 0: 1 6/18/97
SirRobS 18: 0: 0 6/10/97
Skyler JC 25: 5: 0 6/18/97
SlothShamn 16: 1: 0 6/18/97
Spikushell 20: 1: 0 6/18/97
StatmanRR 16: 1: 0 6/18/97
Tarl Cab0t 61: 3: 0 6/18/97
TheDueIist 22: 0: 0 4/01/97
Valmion I 22: 0: 0 5/27/97
Vernick 19: 2: 0 6/18/97
WalkerBoh1 16: 1: 0 6/18/97
WickedDeth 56: 0: 0 5/20/97
Xenograg 26: 0: 0 6/10/97
XxLucianxX 33: 1: 0 6/18/97
Xyclone 32: 1: 0 6/18/97 *
Zaradda 43: 2: 1 6/18/97

Grand Master (3 Fancys)
ARATH0RN1 10: 0: 0 5/13/97
DarkAngeIa 15: 2: 0 6/18/97
Dem Cyrax 10: 0: 0 6/10/97
DevonGoral 14: 0: 1 6/10/97
GIRVIN 10: 0: 0 5/27/97
Karturis 12: 0: 0 6/18/97
Kingphisch 14: 0: 0 6/18/97
Mesruvian 13: 0: 0 4/01/97
Occurs 14: 2: 0 6/18/97
Sir Jerod 10: 0: 0 6/10/97
SirCassius 14: 2: 0 6/18/97
TinyTopaz 19: 5: 1 6/18/97
TonyR6551 10: 0: 0 4/22/97
VaIgar 10: 0: 0 6/10/97

Master at Arms (2 Fancys)
AmberxMyst 7: 1: 0 6/18/97
Ashtonshdw 7: 0: 0 6/18/97
BretenLgsd 5: 0: 0 4/15/97
Corynthius 5: 0: 0 4/29/97
Coynz 6: 0: 0 5/27/97
DarkxAnge1 5: 0: 0 5/13/97
Darnocm 6: 0: 0 6/10/97
Drakewyn x 9: 0: 0 6/18/97
Ec1ipse 5: 0: 0 6/10/97
FireChiId 9: 0: 0 5/20/97
Genian 5: 0: 0 5/20/97
Hannahai 8: 0: 0 4/29/97
HOGFAN6206 5: 0: 0 6/03/97
Jakvaltrds 12: 3: 2 6/18/97
Jazmein 6: 0: 0 5/20/97
KD Snow 11: 3: 0 6/18/97
Khaemin 9: 0: 0 4/15/97
KhouryAhne 6: 0: 0 5/20/97
LdyPotion 6: 0: 0 6/18/97
Legendazna 8: 0: 0 4/22/97
LPan740465 6: 0: 0 4/22/97
Moraxian 6: 0: 0 6/03/97
PaeTwo 5: 0: 0 4/22/97
PJ131981 5: 0: 0 5/13/97
PKardinal 14: 5: 0 6/18/97
QuickVar65 5: 0: 0 6/10/97
Raistlan 3 8: 0: 0 6/03/97
RedSonyaXX 6: 1: 0 6/18/97
Shymon2826 9: 0: 0 6/10/97
Skywalk543 5: 0: 1 6/18/97
SwimPlus45 9: 1: 0 6/18/97
TwlghtGirl 5: 0: 0 6/18/97
XDuchess 6: 1: 0 6/18/97
XioDark 9: 0: 0 6/10/97

Swordsman (1 Fancy)
Azjah vDW 2: 0: 0 6/18/97
Blak Prinz 2: 0: 0 6/18/97
BloodAxe18 2: 0: 0 6/03/97
BuffySlyr 2: 0: 0 6/18/97
CloDarwtch 5: 1: 3 6/18/97
Degrado 4: 0: 0 6/10/97
DrkShadw13 5: 2: 0 6/18/97
EnVego 3: 0: 0 6/10/97
FathrOTime 3: 0: 0 6/10/97
Firetamr 2: 0: 0 6/18/97
Goldendust 3: 1: 0 6/18/97
Goldglo 3: 0: 0 6/18/97
GuyDrkMoon 2: 0: 0 6/10/97
JadedDeath 2: 0: 0 6/10/97
JamBrain 4: 2: 0 6/18/97
JKS106 4: 0: 0 6/10/97
Katana Zen 2: 0: 0 5/13/97
KatarinaM 2: 0: 0 4/22/97
LadySkylar 2: 0: 0 4/08/97
Lily King 4: 2: 0 6/18/97
Lrd Epee 3: 0: 0 6/18/97
Lylleth 2: 0: 0 5/27/97
MageMyst 4: 0: 0 4/29/97
MasterHand 3: 0: 0 6/18/97
Mercuriett 3: 0: 0 4/15/97
MonTayJr 2: 0: 0 6/10/97
Morgan IW 2: 0: 0 5/13/97
Mystrom 2: 0: 0 6/18/97
Nedtrax666 2: 0: 0 6/03/97
NotSoFst 3: 0: 0 4/15/97
Phoenix577 2: 0: 0 4/22/97
PuckSoladg 2: 0: 0 6/10/97
RFish86833 5: 1: 0 6/18/97
Rolf Wise 4: 0: 2 6/18/97
Ryana Sd 2: 0: 0 4/08/97
SandSkull 2: 0: 0 5/06/97
Scadicca 1 3: 0: 0 6/10/97
Selini 4: 2: 0 6/18/97
Shakar 21 3: 0: 0 4/15/97
Speed87355 2: 0: 0 5/27/97
SrThspian 2: 0: 0 6/10/97
Sumgi31 2: 0: 1 6/18/97
TaverenGai 3: 0: 0 4/29/97
Terminalma 3: 1: 0 6/18/97
UCooool 4: 0: 0 4/01/97
Virtuity 2: 0: 0 6/03/97
WntrTigrss 4: 0: 0 4/22/97
XxLadySher 6: 4: 0 6/18/97
Zamhulam 6: 2: 0 6/18/97
Zarkoff L 2: 0: 0 4/01/97

AceoSwords 2: 2: 0 6/18/97
Alex Star5 2: 4: 1 6/18/97
Arcacio 1: 5: 0 6/18/97
Ares2099 1: 1: 0 6/18/97
Arrriahh 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
Avatar6572 1: 0: 2 6/18/97
Avatar69 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
BeIkram 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
BelIeDame 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Belkram 0: 0: 1 6/18/97
BINZO 1: 0: 0 5/27/97
BowenBlade 1: 0: 0 4/01/97
Boys0822 1: 0: 0 4/15/97
Brat Gnat 1: 1: 0 5/27/97
Bryarmote 1: 0: 0 4/01/97
Brymit 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
BuffySIyr 2: 5: 1 6/18/97
BuzzVampyr 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Catlaen 4: 6: 0 6/18/97
Catlien 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
ChrisK22 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
CIoakedOne 1: 0: 0 4/29/97
Cool 94446 1: 0: 0 5/27/97
Cydin 1: 1: 0 6/03/97
Daemon102 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
DakRan 1: 0: 0 5/20/97
DanorMcKil 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Darkwolf1 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
DE in PA 2: 3: 0 6/18/97
DeathBane 1: 0: 0 5/20/97
DOMINUS I 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Domminik 0: 0: 1 6/18/97
Dr GoMaB 1: 0: 0 4/22/97
DragoWolf 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Draxxx 1: 0: 0 5/20/97
DRegan32 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
Ekthbjlgke 0: 3: 0 6/18/97
ElricKin 1: 0: 0 5/27/97
Endervikin 3: 2: 1 6/18/97
Enya31 2: 3: 0 6/18/97
Eques21 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
ERNSCOT 1: 0: 0 4/01/97
Estelllah 1: 0: 0 4/15/97
Faitaccom 1: 1: 0 6/18/97
FeathrfalI 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Fiataccom 0: 0: 1 6/18/97
Foxxgrrl 2: 1: 0 6/18/97
Freya1065 3: 2: 0 6/18/97
Fungi2BWth 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Gathdar 1: 0: 0 4/22/97
Gazioparri 2: 1: 0 6/18/97
Gilean 0: 0: 1 6/18/97
Griffinz7 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Gybrush 2 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Haliam 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Havue 1: 0: 0 6/03/97
HAYDOCKI 0: 0: 1 6/18/97
HazeRydr 1: 1: 0 6/18/97
HRM Marcus 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
ILoveKoosh 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
ImpishLass 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
JaideWulf 1: 0: 0 5/13/97
Jareth SB 1: 0: 0 4/22/97
Jedi M4527 1: 1: 1 6/18/97
JerodKainX 0: 3: 0 6/18/97
Jevin 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
JLRifts711 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
JoeCalumet 1: 0: 0 4/08/97
Jonalyn 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
JRshadow 1: 0: 0 6/03/97
Jus Me2163 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Justin468 0: 4: 0 6/18/97
K CastIe 1: 0: 0 5/20/97
KangMatiar 1: 1: 1 6/18/97
Karadana 1: 0: 0 4/01/97
KarenWildr 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Kat 911X 1: 0: 0 4/15/97
Kataryanna 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
KatWyrick 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
KCP Gort 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
KnghtVHonR 7: 7: 1 6/18/97
Knight1865 2: 2: 0 6/18/97
KSCallinU2 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Kultiris 1: 0: 0 4/08/97
Ky Rdwng 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
LazerDyn 1: 0: 0 4/15/97
Ldycontani 0: 4: 0 6/18/97
LOGANDANTE 0: 3: 1 6/18/97
Loikju 1: 1: 0 6/18/97
LordSmada 3: 5: 0 6/18/97
Lura Frost 1: 0: 0 6/03/97
Mac Crimon 1: 0: 0 5/20/97
Magickid9 1: 0: 0 5/06/97
Magus Knyt 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Malefestra 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
MANDIDANDY 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Marikotor 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Mattman150 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
MAX667 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
MDROSKO 1: 0: 0 5/06/97
Milamber13 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Mileena261 1: 1: 0 6/18/97
Mirrorsaw 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
MissXastur 2: 1: 0 6/18/97
Mit rahn 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
MoonRiderr 1: 0: 0 6/03/97
MorteDulce 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
Mother N 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Ms Anita V 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
OnyxKitten 1: 0: 0 5/13/97
Pickwick 1: 0: 0 5/06/97
PrlUnicorn 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
PuckRobn 1: 1: 0 6/18/97
Pyros Silv 1: 0: 0 5/13/97
Quynn II 2: 3: 0 6/18/97
RadecalRic 0: 2: 1 6/18/97
RAGNATZ 1: 0: 0 4/15/97
RandiDon 1: 0: 0 6/03/97
Ravenwulff 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
Razdyn 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
RBLWarrior 1: 0: 0 4/22/97
RDI Knight 1: 0: 0 4/08/97
Redevil923 1: 0: 0 4/08/97
Reignfyre 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
Rick6022 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
RM PORSCHE 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
ROBJPUB 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
RsaAsbruan 1: 2: 1 6/18/97
Sabin1936 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
Sabin24601 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
SAHermit 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
Samleanus 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Samurai F 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
SamuriCHKN 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
Scud1000 1: 0: 0 5/27/97
SheRa00001 1: 0: 0 5/06/97
SHIKEI 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Shumira 1: 0: 0 5/13/97
Sidartha E 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Silminor 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
SmadaHT 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
SomeDueler 1: 1: 0 6/10/97
SorchaByrs 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
SpoonEF 1: 0: 0 5/13/97
SrThspian 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
StoneyWrld 1: 0: 1 6/18/97
Strider432 0: 5: 0 6/18/97
Tan LocX 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Tasslehofl 3: 6: 0 6/18/97
TeriSheska 1: 0: 0 5/27/97
TimAsbruan 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
Tiny Topaz 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Toddadam1 2: 1: 0 6/10/97
Ty Wolff 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Uther006 2: 1: 1 6/18/97
Valaria 1: 1: 0 6/03/97
Venom25491 0: 1: 0 6/18/97
Verceterix 1: 0: 0 6/18/97
VGA125 1: 0: 0 5/20/97
Virgo669 1: 0: 0 5/20/97
VisionPool 1: 0: 0 5/13/97
WakefieldX 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
WarGodZne 1: 0: 0 5/13/97
WeeWiggles 1: 0: 0 4/22/97
Wisharder 1: 0: 0 5/20/97
XAmeliaX 1: 0: 0 6/03/97
XBobPotato 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
XCorbo 1: 0: 0 5/13/97
Xear 1: 5: 0 6/18/97
Xerxeis 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
Xiranth 0: 2: 0 6/18/97
Xyeco 1: 0: 0 6/10/97
YZeranne 1: 0: 1 6/18/97
Zandor13 1: 0: 0 4/15/97

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