RhyDin Pride 2022

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Jackie Von Tombs
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RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Jackie Von Tombs »

June 12 – Rainbow Roads! The Roads of RhyDin will be Rainbow!

Starting Midnight June 12 at the Red Dragon Inn, the usual kooks will be boarding up Ethel the Truck and painting the streets. YOU! Are welcome to join in with the paintification! The rollers and paint will be supplied at the starting area outside of City Hall.

Bring your own Truck/large heavy vehicle, or climb aboard one of the trucks ready to roll! AND be prepared for a dimension hop, as the gate to Twilight Island will be open for the road-painters to barge on through!

But what’s this? A couple of shady magey sorts have been induced - or paid - to enchant the rainbow roads to bring a little speed to the word! Go-carts will be available to hop into and go whirring down the rainbow!

All through the Twilight Market shopping district will be pop up Pride shops, where important goodies can be purchased or bartered, like flags and shirts and really cool shoes.

The kickoff party, hosted by Double Dukes Drhys, will begin at 9am at #11 Twilight Lagoon in the Gloaming District. A giant birthday cake dedicated in memory of Ed will be served to celebrate all the people who found freedom to be who they are without fear of discrimination thanks to RhyDin being RhyDin.

As the sun goes down, the Lighted Boat Parade will commence! Starting off with the glorious Riverboat Casino, upon which will host fine dining and dancing and all of the lights and fireworks, the Riverboat will cruise through town to her dock. All of the boats are welcome to come along and bring light and music to the night!

Monday 13

Come wassailing! Groups of happy folks in happy get ups will be strolling street to street, popping through the many portals, singing songs in praise of RhyDin being RhyDin! Songs by Queen, David Bowie, Lily Allen, and more! Will be caroled to the people and streets of RhyDin. The groups will be gathering at City Hall at one pm, and be led out by volunteers to sing for the city. Form your own group or join one in progress!

After wassailing, hop in a car, a truck, a horse, a lizard drawn dray, a bike and come on out to the Thunder Road Drive In Theater! Four theaters, eight features! With an open refreshment stand, serving pizza, hot dogs, chips, nachos, popcorn, candy – all the usual drive in movie fare!

The movies start at sundown.


A play ground with attendants will be open in the Kid's Movie theater.

Documentaries: "The Cockettes" & Rocketman
Romance: Portrait of a Woman On Fire & A Secret Love
Dramady: Dancing Queens and Pride!
Kids: Missing Link and Onward!

Tuesday 14:

The Pride Parade and BBQ! The parade will assemble at 7AM and begin at 9AM. Bring your decorated vehicles, your synchronized moppers, your drag queen pom pom squads, and most importantly! Grab your Support Grandparent, Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, Sibling, Nibling T shirts and give hugs to people that need them!

The parade will end at Battlefield Park, with a free feed for all! Canaan will be Pitmaster, making sure all the BBQ and Grilled Goods are all perfect and delicious! Picnic tables and blankets will be available for all.


Vegetarian and Vegan options, of course.


Watermelon carving will be featured – to make the Summerween Lanterns!

There will be face painting and all of the kooky clothes and costumes for the young and young at heart, so that when the sun goes down...


Summerween Begins!


Get out there and trick or treat through the shops and stands, get your trick or treating in before the last Jack O'Melon goes out or the Summerween Trickster might get you!

Remember, Loser Candy makes the Summerween Trickster Happy!

Weds June 15:

Tea With Family: Come visit the Courtyard at 2pm, where all the tea sets have been brought out to join your family or make some new friends in a huge lovely Cream Tea Party! Take the time to talk and listen, and enjoy the tea and cream and strawberry smothered short cakes.


Forms and paperwork will be available along with legal assistance for the making and blending of legal family units. Get your marriage license and granny grant, get your new self ratified and celebrate love!

Beginning 8PM, Ettyn's hosting Bi&Bi at the B&B – Reading Queer Perspectives. Ettyn has gone through the bookshop to bring out and read from her favorite books with a queer perspective. There will be a posh array of pastries and coffees and teas and hot chocolates along with the reading, comfortable sofas and bean bags to lounge on.

(Live Play at the Books and Brews, hosted by Ettyn)

Thurs June 16:

Starting about 10pm at the Henderson Memorial Park in the Old Temple District, dresses, suits, and other formal wear will be brought out for everyone. There will be hairdressers, make up artists, flowers for bouquets and boutonnieres and headpieces, so many accessories, and shoes!

Starting at 7pm, Limos and various vehicles, horse drawn and the like, will be waiting to whisk the happy prom goers off to the ball!

Maggie, Amaris, and Desdenova are sponsoring the Everybody Prom at the Tranquility Ballroom – All are Welcome! Come stag, bring your honey, bring your crew, it's all good.

The Theme is Rainbows!

The Prom will end at …2 am-ish.

After the prom, as is traditional… Hit up the IHOP for a pancake brekky! It’s not really an IHOP, it’s the rear grounds of the Tranquility Ballroom. But come have a sit, grab a stack and a cuppa joe while you’re waiting for your taxi or uber.

Friday June 17

Block Party at the Dragon's Gate!

Starting at about 10 am – block party at the Dragon's Gate. Wear White! (and a swimsuit under!) We're bringing on the super soakers and buckets and water balloons and enchanted water wands all loaded with colored water!

Become your own Tie Dye! Sponsored by Double Dukes Drhys, so make sure you get in a few splats for them.
Food and drink provided by all the food trucks. Everything from the plain cheese sandwich to gourmet gackt will be provided.

At 8pm, as the sun goes down, the party heats up as the Barons of Dragon’s Gate open the doors to even more Party Shenanigans!
(Live and board event!)

Saturday June 18:

Flower Power!

Flowers! Everywhere! Starting at 8am in the Solarium, flowers will be everywhere, ready to make bouquets, crowns, floral sculptures – the sky's the limit! Canaan and Aoife will be sponsoring the flowers and craft tables to make flower crowns, and dresses and... whatever your imagination wants!

There will be picnic baskets packed with lunches for four or eight, choose wisely! They will have sandwiches, fruits, chips and other snacks, fruit drinks and cookies and pies. Vegan and vegetarian options, of course!

The RCPA will be performing an open air Dance of the Flowers, featuring aerialists, tightrope, swings, water and lighting effects, surrounded by the beauties of spring and summer.

The show will run: Olde King Frost strides to the center ring, followed by ice and chill. There he is challenged by the Parade of Flowers, and flowers of all kings promenade around the Frost King, tossing warm droplets and nectar as they walk – and some are lifted above by warming winds, and spin and twirl in delight.

But old King Frost is not done, and a harsh blast of cold dashes the Flowers to the ground. As he laughs at his blight, having cast down the queen of may, the knights of summer and all their warriors of beauty, Dandelion steps in. The weedy little creature creeps and crawls, and no matter how the Frost King swings at the Dandelion, it only returns – with more! Until the dandelion patch overwhelms the Frost king.

May Queen calls all the flowers to celebrate Dandelion's victory and they return to their play, dancing in the sky and ground to lights and music and finally, the Dandelions shake out their Wishes to fly and here and there to all.

Take home a Dandelion Wish to finish off this year's Pride Week!

Running for the week is donations through Kitten's Confections, Bakery and Cafe for the Rhydin LGBTQ Youth Outreach Center

(Okay! As the days happen, I'll throw in, or you can throw in, images, ideas, actions, everything! For instance, there's a ton of cool images for the Prom! There will be a few Pride threads, we'll post them here and you'll find them as well! Pride's HUGE this year so have a great time with it!) (Also, don't take my times very seriously because though I may play a master of time, I actually do not know what time it is. SO go by the times that are posted by the people having the events! :D )
Last edited by Jackie Von Tombs on Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:48 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by BardGallant »

Day 1: Fresh from the Tower of Water Challenge on the Isle, but decidedly much more dry, Dris arrived at the Governor's Mansion with Rhys to meet up with their friends to paint the town in rainbows right on time, after the stroke of midnight on June the 12th.

They hopped aboard Ethel, and in addition to dumping buckets full of colored paints on the streets, they flung fliers out into the air and plastered them to poles here and there, reminding everyone to stop by their Gloaming District mansion for the big Kickoff Party starting first thing in the morning.


Knowing that they had a big day ahead of them, Dris made sure to take off from the painting early so that he and Rhys could catch a few Zs before the partying actually did, in fact, kick off for the day. However, he also absolutely dragged Rhys into a go-kart alongside him so that they could race!

At some point in the middle of their own party, Dris and Rhys snuck away to get some extra shut-eye. Later that evening they were seen doing some shopping in the Twilight Market, and in particular the bard walked away with his very own brand new rainbow cloak from Robert's shop. After returning back to their mansion for a while, they then took off again to attend the lighted boat parade, waving their flags proudly from the casino's deck.
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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Mairead Harker »

After the Tower of Water challenge, Maggie had help from the Rockin' Ronin staff to pack up two large shopping bags of snacks for those that were going to be painting the streets of Rhydin. She had help to carry the haul from Max Lager, who was also on her way to help paint. Max's suggestion of painting the tires reminded Maggie of the stencil rollers she used in art classes. Maggie painted one of Ethel's tires and let it roll!
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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Mist Gul »

Mist was waiting and ready to go at the stroke of midnight, and he'd given a fresh paint job to an old carriage. A paint sprayer towed from the back would lay down all the colors. He borrowed a pair of white horses to make over into unicorns, then decorated himself in a rainbow suit.

For those that preferred a slower pace, the carriage was open and waiting!

Then he was on to the big kickoff party!

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Jackie Von Tombs
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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Jackie Von Tombs »

Jackie, and her little red Tiger, were rarin' to go! Towing a rainbow sprayer and with a few of her chums in the car with her, they commenced the evening with all the hooting, hollering, and loud music.

Once they got to the go-carts, though, Jackie would happily chauffeur anyone that needed some speed but weren't confident handling the carts.


But Monday, Jackie joined in a team of wassailers, singing as they strolled along through the city.


Come nightfall, she and her friends piled into the Tiger and headed for the Movies! They parked in to watch 'the Cockettes' and 'Rocketman'.

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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Death Knell »

More information for Bi&Bi at the B&B has become available, and the reading list is open for your recommendations!
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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Give A Little Love: Throughout Pride Week, Kitten’s Confections will be accepting donations on behalf of the Rhydin LGBTQ Youth Outreach Center.
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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Jackie Von Tombs »

Prom Day!

Little Desdenova teamed up with Maggie and Amaris to welcome everyone to the Everyone Prom! The Tranquility Ballroom has been transformed into a colorful and whimsical rainbow wonderland. Glow sticks of all sorts were handed out, light up toys and spinners were ready to go, and the ballroom floor was open! DJs were ready to throw cake and fire confetti cannons and to play your fight songs along with your love songs!

The Prom Royalty chairs waited for the crowning, but everyone was welcome to take a crown and sit in the colorful seats for photos.

Enjoy the rainbow drinks and snacks and have a great time!

Lil Des stood out with Maggie and Amaris to greet the guests as brightly as you'll ever see the young teen.


Meantime, Jackie was making sure that everyone was getting to and from the prom safely, and looked amazing doing that.

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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Amaris »

On June 12 Amaris was ready to go paint the town in rainbows

For the movie night, Amaris was dressed comfortably

Next came the BBQ
and pride parade

And for the Prom Amaris decked out might be better than when she was old enough for her ACTUAL prom
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Re: RhyDin Pride 2022

Post by Delahada »

On June 12th, Salvador was spotted at the Rhydin Pride Kickoff Party in the company of his gatito.

On Monday he was nowhere to be seen until the evening, where he met Eregor in the Arena to steal his barony from him in the Challenge for New Haven, where rumors circulated that he revealed having a soft spot by agreeing to keep the pool open for visitors through the summer, so long as he held the ring. Later that evening, the legendary Ferrari he was known to terrorize the Rhydin streets with was spotted parked at the Drive-In in front of the documentaries screen, possibly even with him inside.

On Tuesday the 14th, some people claimed to have spotted him perched high atop the roof of a building with his companion the gatito. They watched the parade go by together, and then vanished for the day. Until later, where his laughter was actually heard while he rolled undecorated watermelons around, which were then chased by a little clouded leopard. He presented one such mauled fruit as their joint Summerween Lantern. It was not pretty, but he was proud of it.

On June 15th, he showed up late to the Books & Brews and sadly missed out on Ettyn's reading. However, he bought the gatito as many of the books on display that he wanted. After getting some coffee for themselves, they disappeared together into the night.

On Thursday, believe it or not he showed up to the Everybody Prom in the company of his gatito and their good friend Rekah.

And finally on Friday the 17th, he ended the week hanging out with friends and family at the Dragon's Gate Pride Block Party. After which he spent a long Saturday resting and mentally preparing himself for his next upcoming challenge against Kira for the Tower of Earth.
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