Pride Finale 2022 - Flower Power!

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Jackie Von Tombs
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Pride Finale 2022 - Flower Power!

Post by Jackie Von Tombs »

Flower Power!

Flowers! Everywhere! Starting at 8am in the Solarium, flowers will be everywhere, ready to make bouquets, crowns, floral sculptures – the sky's the limit! Canaan and Aoife will be sponsoring the flowers and craft tables to make flower crowns, and dresses and... whatever your imagination wants!


There will be picnic baskets packed with lunches for four or eight, choose wisely! They will have sandwiches, fruits, chips and other snacks, fruit drinks and cookies and pies. Vegan and vegetarian options, of course!


The RCPA will be performing an open air Dance of the Flowers, featuring aerialists, tightrope, swings, water and lighting effects, surrounded by the beauties of spring and summer.

The show: Olde King Frost strides to the center ring, followed by ice and chill.


There he is challenged by the Parade of Flowers, and flowers of all kings promenade around the Frost King, tossing warm droplets and nectar as they walk – and some are lifted above by warming winds, and spin and twirl in delight.


But old King Frost is not done, and a harsh blast of cold dashes the Flowers to the ground.


As the Frost King laughs at his blight, having cast down the queen of may, the knights of summer and all their warriors of beauty, Dandelion steps in.


The weedy little creature creeps and crawls, and no matter how the Frost King swings at the Dandelion, it only returns – with more! Until the dandelion patch overwhelms the Frost king.


May Queen calls all the flowers to celebrate Dandelion's victory and they return to their play, dancing in the sky and ground to lights and music and finally, the Dandelions shake out their Wishes to fly and here and there to all.


Take home a Dandelion Wish to finish off this year's Pride Week!


(Thank you all for participating in this huge Pride Week! I pray you all have the love and comfort and safety you need to be you, no matter who you are, and thank you all, too, for making our RP site a safe place for everyone. This Pride Week RP means a lot to me, to be able to support others and model loving and accepting behavior, to accept each other as people, is wonderful. <3 I love you all, whether you like it or not.)
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