Dris emerged from a nap after a long night of
painting the Rainbow Roads, wearing exactly the same clothes he had been wearing then and at his
challenge the night before. They were a bit cleaner now. Not quite so ink-stained, but definitely splattered in other multiple colors. The bard was the first to step up on the rainbow colored podium Sunday morning to address the crowd.
Naturally, he was all smiles.

“Good morning, guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Welcome to the Gloaming and the first day of Rhydin Pride Week! Rhys and I are elated to have you all here at our home here on Twilight Isle. I see some of you are still paint splattered from last night’s sanctioned citywide graffiti. As am I.”
With a laugh, Dris gestures down at himself. There are still some ink stains on his shorts as well as colorful splotches on his white tank top. After taking a moment to pose and smile, he leans back into the podium.
“So we set up this podium here, and that’s as clear a sign as any to expect some speeches. This podium is for you, all of you. We’ll be leaving it up all day and night should any of you muster up the courage and fancy taking a turn at telling us what makes Pride special and important to you. That’s why I’m here. Someone has to be the first, am I right?”
Quiet laughter rolls through the crowd. Dris clears his throat, and smiles broadly as he leans casually on the podium, but after a moment his expression turns more serious.
“I hear a lot of talk about how ‘this is Rhydin,’ the world of acceptance. Gay, straight, crooked, or bent. Every person is warmly embraced for who they are here, no matter what. ‘Why do we even need a Pride?’ people ask.
“‘Let’s not forget,’ I tell them, as I am telling you now. Let’s not forget that Rhydin is a realm of immigrants, too, many of whom have come here from much less accepting worlds. Worlds where they were persecuted, threatened, abused, and yes even killed for daring to be who they are instead of who their worlds told them they should be.
“I am one of those people. I am a Rhydin immigrant. The world I came from many years ago was not at all as welcoming and supportive as this realm is to me. Where I came from I could not openly hold my partner’s hand or kiss him in public the way I do here.”
Dris reaches back and Rhys steps up to clasp his hand. The bard looks over his shoulder with a warm smile, his eyes shining with an abundance of love reflected from deep within his soul. To further demonstrate, he pulls Rhys forward to share a sweet, chaste kiss with him. There are
awws from the crowd, and he looks back at them with a smile that starts to turn a little sad.
“I could not have done that in the world where I came from. Strange circumstances brought me here, to Rhydin, as I have heard is the case for many of our other citizens as well. It took me a while to realize that my life was not at risk here, and over time I blossomed and opened up. The man I am on the inside is now happily and proudly the man I reveal to you on the outside, and I am grateful every day that I live for fate bringing me here, to Rhydin. Where I am safe to be the man I am and free to love the man I love.
“And yet I never forget. I look out on the faces here today and I can see the same haunted eyes I once had mixed among you. Some of you, like me, have come from less accepting worlds. Look beside you to your neighbors, your friends and family, those both of blood and those we have found to make as our own. Look in those eyes, and remember.
“Life for us was harder once. Many of us lived lies every single day, pretended to be what we are not, just to survive, to get by, to last one day longer until eventually we found our way here. To Rhydin. A freer and more accepting world. A world full of love as much as its own share of different dangers. But at least here the dragons are only going to eat you because you are tasty, and pair well with ketchup, not because of the person you were born to be.
“Thank you all for coming, for embracing yourselves as you are and supporting your loved ones as they are. May you live long, loud, and proud as
you, safe and free. Happy Pride Week, Rhydin! Never forget! You are loved!”
Dris brings his hands together, kisses his fingertips, and throws his love out into the crowd. Then he turns and steps down from the podium to make way for the next speaker.

The bard was of course seen throughout the rest of the day, mingling with the crowds and making merry, always in the company of his life partner Rhys Germain. Whenever an opportunity to indulge in a photo occurred, he was definitely there. Occasionally one might have spotted him nibbling on some of the fare, but he hardly stopped to take the time to eat, passing off have gnawed snacks to Rhys to finish for him. He drank many of the rainbow slushies, especially with alcohol. He shook hands, shared hugs, and happily gossiped with anyone who came his way. He also made certain to remind
everyone about the upcoming
Dragon's Gate Block Party scheduled for Friday evening, in addition to all the other magnificent Pride events scheduled for the week.
At some points here and there he had slipped off to go shopping in the Twilight Market, returning to show off his finds before stowing them away in the mansion. He made sure also to remind everyone that they were welcome to stay the night. #11 Twilight Lagoon had plenty of rooms! The last thing he made sure to remind people about before making himself scarce from the property was that the Duel of Magic
Summer 2022 All Ranks Tournament was about to get started. Dris disappeared promptly at 7:30 to make his way over to the dueling rings so that he could participate, promising to drop back in afterward to continue partying and that he would of course see people throughout the week elsewhere at other events.