Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

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Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

Post by Jackie Von Tombs »

Thursday June 16 --

Maggie, Amaris, and Desdenova are sponsoring the Everybody Prom at the Tranquility Ballroom – All are Welcome! Come stag, bring your honey, bring your crew, it's all good.




Pastel Pastries and Ariana's Divine Delights Bakery collaborated to bring these lovely yummies in rainbow flavors (raspberry/strawberry, orange, lemon, lime, blueberry, grape milk and dark chocolate)
Kitten's Confections, Bakery and Cafe will bring all these in amazing flavors of coffee, chocolate, mint, lavender and honey, orange, cherry, boysenberry and more!

The Theme is Rainbows! Our Lovely Gubner Karma will choose the Rainbow Rulers Image
Image, so bring your A game!


The Prom will end at …2 am-ish.


After the prom, as is traditional… Hit up the IHOP for a pancake brekky! It’s not really an IHOP, it’s the rear grounds of the Tranquility Ballroom. But come have a sit, grab a stack and a cuppa joe while you’re waiting for your taxi or uber.


(The main thread's getting pretty crowded so, moving the Prom here. Woo! Post here or on the main thread, it's all good!
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Re: Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

Post by Amaris »

Amaris came dressed in her finest for her first prom

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Re: Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

Post by Haru Jeong »

Haru showed up stag, slipping through the doors to the ballroom. He spent the evening avoiding couples when he could, making casual conversation, and avoiding questions. He would seem to those who he chatted with a bit nervous, and avoiding most questions if they were asked.

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Re: Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

Post by Mairead Harker »

Maggie opted for something simple and comfortable. By the end of the night, the shoes were off and she was making the rounds of the dance floor.
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Re: Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

Post by Delahada »

Somebody very sweetly asked Salvador to attend the Prom with them, and he said yes. Of course, he refused to wear an actual tuxedo or be shoved into anything with buttons, and thankfully nobody had asked him to try. The two buttons that had come on the blazer he did put on over a new t-shirt had been removed before they even got there. He arrived in the company of two stunning beauties, one on either arm, and their presence plastered a lasting, soft smile upon his face the entire evening. Though he spent most of his time attached to the wall, every once in a while his companion got a dance out of him. Though they disappeared with some measure of frequency here and there to take breaks from the crowd, they stayed late and long after for pancakes, then trudged home to change and nap before heading to the block party.

Outfit concept with actual shirt on right. Exclude buttons on blazer, belt and watch and add nicer, cleaner boots.
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Re: Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Prom was more or less a foreign concept to the gatito, given where and when he had grown up, but once it had been explained to him, he was ready and eager to immerse himself in the experience. He arrived at the prom in the company of a handsome Spaniard and a beautiful Wildling, practically vibrating with happy energy.

He wore an understated dress of pastel rainbow ruffles and delicate beadwork with a tastefully plunging neckline and an open back. At the head of the week, his usually-dark curls had been transformed into a riot of pastel rainbow corkscrews, and for this event, he wore them brushed out and soft, pushed forward toward his brow. He even dabbled in a little bit of eye makeup for the occasion, wearing a slender rainbow of color beneath each of his dark eyes.

He spent much of the evening chatting with friends and could often be seen twirling around the dance floor with Rekah and others who wanted to dance with him. He even managed to coax Sal onto the dance floor a time or two, and during those times, he could be seen shining a soft, private smile up at the Spaniard and sharing quiet words with him.

When he wasn’t dancing, the gatito could typically be found with one of the rainbow mimosas in his hand. Over the course of the evening, he worked his way through each of the flavors and colors. He also worked his way through several of the pride flag cookies, discussing and sharing them with his companion and good friend.

There were times during the night when he seemed to vanish from the crowd, gone away to someplace quieter to decompress with his companion, but he always returned. And he made sure he was on hand for midnight pancakes and good company. Those were the sorts of moments that made nights like this truly magical.

His beautiful friend, Rekah, arrived wearing a dress much like this one.

(( Posted with permission from Rekah’s player. ))
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Re: Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

Post by BardGallant »

The Minister of Culture made absolutely certain to attend the Everybody Prom! Dris spent many hours perusing the suit options available. It took him forever to decide on just the perfect look. When he found a pink suit with peacock feather accents, he knew it was the one for him. The bard wore a black shirt underneath to let the suit itself shine, but added a splash of gold at his throat with a bowtie. Of course he was not alone. He dragged his life partner, Minister of Technology, Rhys Germain along with him. They were a stunning pair, as always, and hardly very far apart.

Dris mingled and socialized all night long, stopping to chat with all and sundry, sincerely complimenting everyone and telling them how fabulous they looked. Though most of the evening was spent drinking and dancing with Rhys specifically, he made certain to keep spots open on his dance card for everyone else he could sweep off their feet as well. Having a big day ahead of them the next morning, they did not stay long afterward, but were certain to snag some pancakes to-go before dashing back out into the world together.

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Re: Everybody Prom! (Pride 2022)

Post by Rhys Germain »

As the Mister to the current Minister of Culture, Rhys’ social calendar tended to be full these days. So it was no surprise when he turned up at the Prom on Dris’ arm. In a change from his usual black, he chose a midnight blue, three-piece suit for the evening, which he paired with a violet shirt and pocket square. The jacquard pattern in his chosen tie matched that of his sportcoat.

Before leaving the house, he had gotten a glimpse of Dris and himself in the mirror and had announced that they looked like a Bi Pride Flag when taken together. This became a mild joke that he used as an ice breaker for the rest of the night.

Though he was not the social butterfly that his partner was, Rhys held his own when it came to socializing. He worked the crowd at a relaxed pace, stopping to have a conversation with each friend he ran across. He also worked the sweets tables now and again, unable to resist the siren call of sugar. When he wasn’t chatting, snacking, and drinking, he could probably be found on the dance floor with his beloved Dris, or possibly with another friend who had agreed to take a few turns with him.

When it came time to head home, he was all too happy to get some rainbow pancakes to go. And maybe a slice or two of rainbow cake, too.

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