Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024) — EVENT FINISHED

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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Doran Ilnaren »

Participate in 2 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle - +250 points

Duel ID : 10623
Sport : dom
Ring : War
Date : 2024-10-18 21:31:38
Status : complete
Doran Ilnaren (1) vs. Through the Door (5)

Duel ID : 10630
Sport : dom
Ring : Starlight
Date : 2024-10-18 22:28:16
Status : complete
PrlUnicorn (3.5) vs. Doran Ilnaren (6)

Participate in a Twilight Isle Event +500 points

Both of the above matches were part of Full Moon Madness

Also Doran on a Dinosaur:
“From the direction of The Gloaming, shrouded by the shadows, came a hissing roar and the stamp of large feet. Then a large saurian beast charged into the fray, roughly 10 meters from end to end. Its arms ended in talons that slashed at the shadow beasts, seeking to shred them, while crocodilian jaws snapped to and fro.

Atop his mount, Doran rode with spear in hand, stabbing left and right, Once they reached the heart of the chaos, he leapt down and joined the defenders. “Goose! Remember, just the shadows!” The dinosaur roared, conveying its understanding, and set upon a dark beast that was charging towards a hapless goblin. Meanwhile, Doran looked to see if anyone else needed aid.”

Fight in the October 2024 Archmage Tournament +1000

Doran fought in (and won) said tournament.

—Gatito (10/23/24)
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Partly Cloudy »

(( Thread updated with Events list additions, Scoreboard updates, and ticking off tasks!

(( Please let me know if I’ve made any mistakes on the scoreboard. And if you don’t see something you’ve completed tallied there, please claim it in a new post in this thread! ))
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Partly Cloudy »

(( The Dark Hunter has now arrived on Twilight Isle and can now be encountered!

(( Once again, I thank everyone for your patience with this storyline!

(( Thread updated to include a bit of new Dark Hunter lore (with more to come), plus new spell components and new tasks to complete!

(( Please DM me if you have any questions or want to hash something out! ))
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Partly Cloudy »

(( Little bit of an awkward update here. Below is a description of the Dark Hunter that I gave to someone to help them with their story writing for this event. I’m pasting it here, as is, so everyone who wants to interact with her can get started.

(( Later, when I have a little more time, I will add description and perhaps some “at a glance” notes for her to the main lore post. Until then, I hope this helps. And as always, please feel free to DM if you have any questions. ))

I’d originally planned for the Dark Hunter to be a figure of smoke and shadows, but to give you some more specificity … the first thing a person might notice about her is her size. She and her steed are massive; maybe 14 ft. tall with her in the saddle. She had a darkness about her that is more than mere coloration; she seems to absorb light and bleed shadow. Here and there, one might catch a glimpse of ash-streaked burnished skin, but much of her is obscured by her horned helm and mask, her riding leathers (of dubious origins), and her heavy cape with furred mantle. Her hair is black, like the shadows.

If she returns fire, I’m leaving it up to the player to determine how her spirit arrows affect them. In my mind, they can either strike flesh, or they can strike the mind/spirit, or both. She steals a person’s light and spark, robbing them of energy, joy, and will. So, she can cause a host of issues for a person struck. She also has magic of her own, like maybe shadow bolts and the likes.
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Vincent Veneficus »

Fought the Dark Hunter

Collected banishment materials for the druids

Created an event in Twilight Isle (updated with new event)

Added this to my original post too, you can delete it once the points are updated again. ❤️

—Gatito (11/01/24)
Last edited by Vincent Veneficus on Mon Oct 28, 2024 3:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

Participate in Duel of Magic regulation matches
Participate in 2 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle (win or lose) - 250 points

Duel ID : 10612
**Ring Chaos 14: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MW / AB | 6 - 4.5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Amaris, 6 - 4.5 in 14 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10622
**Ring Vixxenish 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (NR / MW | 5 - 4, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Marcella Brooks, 5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Participate in 4 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle (win or lose) - 500 points
Win 4 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle - 1000 points

Duel ID : 10612
**Ring Chaos 14: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MW / AB | 6 - 4.5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Amaris, 6 - 4.5 in 14 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10622
**Ring Vixxenish 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (NR / MW | 5 - 4, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Marcella Brooks, 5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10628
**Ring Calla 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MB / MS | 4 - 5.5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Takai Masamune, 5.5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10635
**Ring Order 11: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MS / FFF | 4 - 5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5 - 4 in 11 rounds. - dom*

Participate in 8 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle (win or lose) - 500 points
Duel ID : 10612
**Ring Chaos 14: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MW / AB | 6 - 4.5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Amaris, 6 - 4.5 in 14 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10622
**Ring Vixxenish 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (NR / MW | 5 - 4, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Marcella Brooks, 5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10628
**Ring Calla 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MB / MS | 4 - 5.5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Takai Masamune, 5.5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10633
**Ring Claymore 8: Julia Winters gains position. (MW / DS | 2 - 5, Julia Winters leads.)***FINAL: Julia Winters def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5 - 2 in 8 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10635
**Ring Order 11: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MS / FFF | 4 - 5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5 - 4 in 11 rounds. - dom*


Duel ID : 10679
**Ring Guardian 6: Gillette Brooke scores! (AB / FGF | 2.5 - 5.5, Gillette Brooke leads.)***FINAL: Gillette Brooke def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5.5 - 2.5 in 6 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10680
**Ring Warriors 7: Lost Valkyrie scores! (MB / FFT | 0.5 - 5, Lost Valkyrie leads.)***FINAL: Lost Valkyrie def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5 - 0.5 in 7 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10686
**Ring Sunset 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (GF / MB | 2.5 - 5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Rhiannon Brock, 5 - 2.5 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Participate in 2 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle (win or lose) - 250 points
Duel ID : 10679
**Ring Guardian 6: Gillette Brooke scores! (AB / FGF | 2.5 - 5.5, Gillette Brooke leads.)***FINAL: Gillette Brooke def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5.5 - 2.5 in 6 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10680
**Ring Warriors 7: Lost Valkyrie scores! (MB / FFT | 0.5 - 5, Lost Valkyrie leads.)***FINAL: Lost Valkyrie def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5 - 0.5 in 7 rounds. - dom*

Participate in 2 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle (win or lose) - 250 points
Duel ID : 10686
**Ring Sunset 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (GF / MB | 2.5 - 5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Rhiannon Brock, 5 - 2.5 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10712
Ring Gin 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (FFF / NR | 4 - 5.5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Lost Valkyrie, 5.5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom*

—Gatito (11/01/24)
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

Participate in Duel of Magic events, challenges, and Tournaments
Participate in a Duel of Magic Challenge (as a Caller or Spectator) - 500 points
Tower of Fire challenge
Chat log for 10/05/2024
[21:43:21] Nexus Guide: Rachael Blackthorne has entered.
[21:46:51] Rachael Blackthorne: She dipped her raven haired head to *everyone* who was currently present on the Isle proper before she settled in to spectate nearby the new Governor.

Participate in the 2024 Archmage Tournament (as a Caller or Spectator) - 500 points
Chat log for 10/20/2024
[19:51:55] Nexus Guide: Rachael Blackthorne has entered.
[19:53:38] Rachael Blackthorne: Over in Number Six Willow Way in the Canopy District of the Gloaming, Rachael along with the rest of the Blackthorne Household settled in to watch the broadcast of the Archmage Tournament from the comfort of their home.
[23:39:31] Rachael Blackthorne: Within the living room of Number Six Willow Way, Rachael continued to observe the broadcast of the tournament and now the final matches of Doran and Marcella on the big screen television with her sleepy grandkittens and her husband Ian. “Fascinating,” she murmured, her tone not unlike that of a certain blue shirt wearing Science Officer.

Participate in a Twilight Isle Event - 500 points
Participated in the Full Moon Madness event on 10/18/2024
Duel ID : 10612
**Ring Chaos 14: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MW / AB | 6 - 4.5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Amaris, 6 - 4.5 in 14 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10622
**Ring Vixxenish 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (NR / MW | 5 - 4, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Marcella Brooks, 5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10628
**Ring Calla 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MB / MS | 4 - 5.5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Takai Masamune, 5.5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10633
**Ring Claymore 8: Julia Winters gains position. (MW / DS | 2 - 5, Julia Winters leads.)***FINAL: Julia Winters def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5 - 2 in 8 rounds. - dom*

Duel ID : 10635
**Ring Order 11: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (MS / FFF | 4 - 5, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)***FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Ebon Ilnaren, 5 - 4 in 11 rounds. - dom*

—Gatito (11/01/24)
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Lost Valkyrie »

Task Complete:
- Write a story about encountering the Dark Hunter
- Write a story about gathering banishment materials
Story post here.

Task Complete: Win 4 Duel of Magic matches on the Isle
Links are to the specific Discord messages.
- FINAL: Lost Valkyrie def. Delahada, 5 - 2 in 8 rounds. - dom
- FINAL: Lost Valkyrie def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5 - 0.5 in 7 rounds. - dom
- FINAL: Lost Valkyrie def. Rhiannon Brock, 5 - 3.5 in 9 rounds. - dom
- FINAL: Lost Valkyrie def. Myria Graziano, 5.5 - 4.5 in 11 rounds. - dom

Task Complete: Participate in 2 Duel of Magic matches on the Isle (x2)
See above.

—Gatito (11/01/24)
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Marcella Brooks
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Marcella Brooks »

500 points: participate in a Duel of Magic Challenge as a spectator

250 points: participate in 2 Duel of Magic regulation matches on the Isle
Ring Vixxenish 10: Rachael Blackthorne scores! (NR / MW | 5 - 4, Rachael Blackthorne leads.)
FINAL: Rachael Blackthorne def. Marcella Brooks, 5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dom
Ring Foxtrot 7: Marcella Brooks scores! (MW / FFF | 3 - 5, Marcella Brooks leads.)
FINAL: Marcella Brooks def. Luna Sanguinem, 5 - 3 in 7 rounds. - dom

500 points: Participated in Full Moon Madness (10/18/2024)

1000 points: Competed in the October 2024 Archmage Tournament

—Gatito (11/01/24)
(( Currently counting only one set of duels because the match on 10/21 took place in the Arena. Please grab one more on the Isle, so I can award you the points! ))
Last edited by Marcella Brooks on Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Hailey Winters »

500 points: participate in a Duel of Magic Challenge as a spectator - 500 points

—Gatito (11/01/24)
Last edited by Hailey Winters on Tue Oct 29, 2024 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Julia Winters »

250 points: participate in 2 Duel of Magic regulation matches on the Isle
Ring Claymore 8: Julia Winters gains position. (MW / DS | 2 - 5, Julia Winters leads.)
FINAL: Julia Winters def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5 - 2 in 8 rounds. - dom
Ring Blood 5: Takai Masamune scores! (SH / FDS | 1.5 - 5, Takai Masamune leads.)
FINAL: Takai Masamune def. Julia Winters, 5 - 1.5 in 5 rounds. - dom

500 points: Participated in Full Moon Madness (10/18/2024)

—Gatito (11/01/24)
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Tiger Lily Singh »

500 points - participated in Bruises at the Beach (10/29/2024)

—Gatito (11/01/24)
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Faeryl Tsarran »

Task Complete: Write a short story about encountering the Dark Hunter on the Isle - 1000 points
Write a short story about helping the Celestial Druids collect the banishment spell components - 1000 points
(Both in the same story. Not sure if one story can count for both )

Task Complete: Participate in a Twilight Isle Event (excluding those mentioned above) - 500 points
Participated in Bruises on The Beach 10/29/2024

Task Complete:Participate in 2 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle - 250 points
**Ring Urchin 8: Faeryl Tsarran scores! (SH / MS | 1.5 - 5.5, Faeryl Tsarran leads.)**
*FINAL: Faeryl Tsarran def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5.5 - 1.5 in 8 rounds. - dom

**Ring Whisky 8: Jakobi Velenti gains position. (AR / GF | 2.5 - 5, Jakobi Velenti leads.)**
*FINAL: Jakobi Velenti def. Faeryl Tsarran, 5 - 2.5 in 8 rounds. - dom*

—Gatito (11/01/24)
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by BardGallant »

Task Complete: Participate in 2 Duel of Magic Regulation Matches on the Isle - 250 points
Tuesday, October 8 (on the standings)
BardGallant def. Amaris 5 - 3 in 11 DoM
Gillette Brooke def. BardGallant 6- 5 in 11 DoM

Task Complete: Participate in a Duel of Magic Challenge (as a Caller or Spectator) - 500 points
Chosen to officiate the Challenge for the Tower of Water.

Task Complete: Fight in the October 2024 Archmage Tournament - 1000 points

Task Complete: Create an Event on Twilight Isle (forum or live play) - 1000 points
Gloaming District Perpetual House Parties V: the Return

—Gatito (11/01/24)
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Re: Shadows Of the October Moon (Halloween 2024)

Post by Partly Cloudy »

(( The thread has been updated with Events additions, Rewards additions, Scoreboard updates, and ticking off tasks!

(( Please let me know if I have made any errors in the points tallies on the scoreboard. If you don’t see something you’ve completed listed beneath your picture and name, please claim it in a new post in this thread!

(( Thank you, everyone, for your continued patience throughout this event. And as always, thank you so much for your participation! ))
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