Tag Team Tournament!

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Alasdair Galloway
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Tag Team Tournament!

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

Tag Team Tournament

Find a partner and get ready, because on Saturday, January 29th at 8:00pm eastern, the Duel of Swords will be bringing tag team action back to the Arena! The prize? The winning team members will both be crowned new Barons, with the Barony of Seaside going to one member, and the Barony of Old Temple to the other!

Get your matching gear and sign up below, and we'll see you there!

-The Duel of Swords Staff

  • 1. Salvador Delahada and Gatito
    2. Great Name Pending (King and Reign)
    3. N.B.A. (Mairead Harker and Doran Ilnaren)
    4. Bold. Beautiful. (Myria and Droet)
    5. Anor Aran and The Hunter, Herne

OOC Tag Team Tournament Rules


There will be a maximum of eight two-duelist teams, for a total of sixteen duelists. Sign-ups begin Saturday, January 8th at 8pm eastern and last until all spots are filled or until Saturday, January 22nd at 8pm eastern. If all spots are filled, teams may still sign up and will be added to the alternate list to fill spots in case any team does not show. First round matchups will be determined prior to the first night of the tournament via random drawing and the brackets will be set. The tournament will be handled dependent on turnout with preference given to Single Elimination unless participation is low. Each duelist will have the number of modifiers (fancies) available in each duel corresponding to their rank in the standings.


At the start of each match, all participating duelists will have zero points scored against them and will be able to use all of the modifiers that their individual ranks allow. Each team will choose which team member will begin the match. The maneuvers will be the same ten that are used in regular DoS competition.

The duel will begin in normal fashion (1 vs. 1). Whenever a duelist wishes to tag out to their partner, the duelist must inform the caller at the same time that a maneuver is sent in - as the dueling bot doesn't allow this option, all duels will take place through DMs to the caller. The caller of the match will report the results of the round in and also announce that a duelist is tagging out (if the tag was successful).

Example: A DM sent to a caller could look like this: 6. Low Cut, Tag

This means that during round six, that duelist will attempt a Low Cut and afterwards, the duelist will also attempt to tag in his/her partner.


A tag is only successful if the duelist attempting the tag is not scored upon (i.e. their opponent does not gain either an advantage or a full point in that round). If a duelist attempts a tag and is scored upon, the tag will fail and the next round will continue with the same duelist in the ring, assuming the duelist isn't eliminated at that point in the match.

In the above "6. Low Cut, Tag" example, if the tagging duelist's Cut fails and the duelist is scored upon (ex. Thrust for a full point or Parried for an advantage), the tag will not be successful and the same duelist will have to continue the match in round seven.

If the tag is successful, the duelist entering the ring cannot use the same maneuver that his/her partner used in the previous round. In the "6. Low Cut, Tag" example, if the tag was successful, the tagged-in partner would not be able to use the Low Cut maneuver in Round 7.

Each duelist may only use their allotted number of fancies throughout the entire match, regardless of the number of tags or how many rounds there are. If necessary, the duel will extend past fifteen rounds. The match continues until one duelist has at least five points scored upon them. Tagging out will not diminish the number of points that are scored on a duelist.

Example: Duelist X, a Warlord, duels until three points are scored against him, using two fancies in the process. He then successfully tags out to his partner, Duelist Y. Duelist Y duels several rounds, and then she successfully tags out to Duelist X. Duelist X then returns to action in the duel, still having three points scored against him and two out of his four fancies available for the remainder of the match.


A full point difference is not necessary for a duelist to be eliminated, only reaching the five point mark. Once a duelist is eliminated, their team is defeated, and the match ends. If both duelists in the ring are eliminated simultaneously (they both have five or 5.5 points scored against them in the same round), then the two partners will continue the match. In this situation, regular DoS rules will apply for the final two duelists: at least five points scored against the opponent and a full point margin are necessary for a duelist to win.

Example: Duelists X and Y are on the same team, as are A and B. In any given round, X has 5.5 points scored against himself, and A has five points scored against himself. Both are eliminated. Y and B then enter to continue the match. At one point, Y has 5 points scored against herself and B has 4.5 scored against herself. Since a full point margin is necessary to win the match, the dueling continues. A few rounds later, Y has 7 points scored against herself and B has 6 points scored against herself. This would signify the elimination of Duelist Y, and the victory of Duelists A and B.

Tag Team Champions!

The winning team members will have their choice of vacant Baronies. In the case that the team members cannot come to an agreement on which Barony they want, a single non-regulation duel will be fought and the winning duelist will select first, followed by the losing duelist.

Registration Requirements

Tag Teams may have Team Names, but it is not required.

Duelists participating must be listed as active on the current standings, or have had a regulation duel in the week of the tournament so they appear and are active on the next standings update.

There are no rank requirements for teams. I.E. A Warlord can team up with a Master at Arms, two Warlords may team up, two Commoners may team up, etc.

Title-holders at the time of the tournament are not eligible to join.
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Re: Tag Team Tournament!

Post by Delahada »

Salvador Delahada and Gatito will fight as a team for this tournament.
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Re: Tag Team Tournament!

Post by King »

King and Reign. She said we should be called "Great Name Pending".

- King
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Re: Tag Team Tournament!

Post by Doran Ilnaren »

Mairead Harker and Doran Ilnaren

Team Name: N.B.A. 1

1 - Not Babies Anymore
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Re: Tag Team Tournament!

Post by Myria Graziano »

Myria and Droet are signing up.

Team: Bold. Beautiful.

Myria G.
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Re: Tag Team Tournament!

Post by Anor Aran »

Anor Aran and The Hunter, Herne, will be attending this tournament. They will not be fighting under a team name.
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Alasdair Galloway
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Re: Tag Team Tournament!

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

Registrations are now closed!

As a reminder, if you have signed up for this tournament, you must be active on the standings posted on Sunday, January 30. This means you must have a regulation duel by end of regulation time on Saturday, January 29th. However since that is the night of the tournament, it is highly recommended to have a regulation duel before the tournament begins.
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Alasdair Galloway
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Re: Tag Team Tournament!

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

After many hours of dueling, Bold. Beautiful. (Droet and Myria) were crowned the winners!

Droet chose the Barony of Seaside and declared himself Loyal.

Myria chose the Barony of Old Temple and declared herself Renegade.

Thank you to everyone who participated and showed up to cheer our teams on!

Alasdair Galloway
Duel of Swords Head Coordinator

(( Please see the challonge bracket for full results! Thank you to everyone for hanging in there! ))
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