Duel of Swords Official Rules

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Duel of Swords Official Rules

Post by Tippletoe »

Welcome to the Duel of Swords (DoS) Official Rules!

Below is a Table of Contents where you can jump to specific sections as needed. Each section contains the technical official language of the sport and an unofficial layman’s terms summary. The lay terms summary highlights the most important parts for the majority of cases and is intended to help players gain a quick understanding of the rules. Questions about the rules can be directed to the DoS Staff.

Duel of Swords Ranks & Cycles
The Standings, Inactivity & Reinstatement
All Ranks Tournament
Baron Rank, Benefits, Alignment & Council
Overlord Rank & Benefits
Squire Title & Benefits
Universal Terms of Challenge
Baronial Challenge Terms
Overlord Challenge Terms
Retirements, Vacancies & Forfeitures
Saving Clauses
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Duel of Swords Ranks and Cycles

Post by Tippletoe »

Duel of Swords Ranking

Fighters rise in rank according to their success in the duels. Ranks are assigned according to the number of Wins a fighter maintains. Ranks come with Fancy Maneuvers (Fancies).

For those interested in an extra challenge, duelists may opt-out of No Losses and compete using the original Wins over Losses (WoL) system by contacting a member of the Duel of Swords Staff. In Wins over Losses (WoL) your total is the net result of your wins, minus your losses. Example: Duelist A has ten (10) wins and two (2) losses. In the standard ranking, this duelist would have the rank of Grand Master. In the Wins over Losses option, this duelist has a net win record of eight (8), placing them in the Master at Arms category.

*During regulation duels, Barons and the Overlord are restricted to four (4) Fancies versus a dueler ranked Grand Master or below.

Duel of Swords Cycles
There are four cycles a year, each running for three months. Cycle changes occur when the Official Standings are updated at 6PM ET.

1. Winter Cycle will start on the first Sunday of January.
2. Spring Cycle will start on the first Sunday of April.
3. Summer Cycle will start on the first Sunday of July.
4. Fall Cycle will start on the first Sunday of October.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • As you get more wins you increase in rank and that comes with benefits called fancies.
  • We have four cycles a year and they start in January, April, July, and October. Cyclical tournaments, special prizes, and other features are connected to these cycles.
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The Standings, Inactivity & Reinstatement

Post by Tippletoe »

The Standings

1. The DoS Standings will be considered Official on Sunday at 6PM ET, even if they are posted earlier in the day.

2. Title changes are not considered official until they are listed in the standings. This means should a challenge take place on a Friday, and the Baron or Overlord lose their defense, they still gain the benefits of the pre-existing rank and alignment until the new standings are posted on Sunday (i.e. fancies, bestowing grants, and participating in tests of worthiness).

3. Challengers, while they may be considered the new titleholder upon victory, will not gain the benefits of that new title until such time as the posted Official Standings reflect their victory. (e.g. Warlords, should they win a Barony, will maintain their 4 fancies until the new standings.)

4. Duelists must have completed at least one (1) regulation duel in the previous three months (90 days) to be active on the standings.

Inactivity and Reinstatement

1. Duelists who do not complete at least one (1) regulation duel in the past three months (90 days) will be marked Inactive ( I ) on the Official Standings. This includes all titleholders. If a titleholder becomes inactive, their title shall be considered forfeit. (See Retirements, Vacancies and Forfeitures)

2. Duelists who are no longer on the standings due to inactivity or retirement may duel at their last recorded rank as shown on their Historical Record, provided they inform their opponent prior to the start of any duel that they are listed on the Historical Record. The inactive/retired duelist must continue providing any new opponent with this information until such time as they are placed back on the Official Standings.

3. To check a duelist’s Historical Record on Discord, direct message the Nexus Guide with the command ?ranks "Character Name". A duelist’s Historical Record can also be found via a link on DoS Official Standings.

4. The inactive/retired duelist will be moved from the Historical Records to the Official Standings after they have finished a regulation duel. Duelists are not considered active until the Official Standings are updated with at least one regulation duel.

5. There is no requirement to contact the standings keeper for reinstatement unless a discrepancy is found.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • The Official Standings are frequently referenced in the rules. They are always updated on Sundays and are considered ‘official’ at 6PM ET. Things like rank increases and the changing of titles happen when the Official Standings are updated.
  • To be considered ‘active’ in the sport you need to duel once every three months. You have to be active in order to challenge for a title, hold a title, participate in Tests of Worthiness and many other things. Being active is the best way to enjoy the different features of the Duel of Swords sport.
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All Ranks Tournament

Post by Tippletoe »

The All Ranks Tournament

Schedule and Format
1. An All Ranks Tournament (ART) combines and replaces the former Warlord and Talon of Redwin Tournaments. It will be held once every three months before the end of the cycle. At the discretion of the Duel of Swords Staff, an All Ranks Tournament may be split into a Warlord Tournament and Talon of Redwin Tournament.

2. Duelists of any rank (active or inactive) may join the All Ranks Tournament. All duelists, regardless of rank, will fight as a Warlord with four fancies.

3. Format and seeding arrangements for the All Ranks Tournament will be decided upon by the Duel of Swords Staff. The seeding criteria and format will be posted at least two weeks (14 days) prior to the tournament. Unless otherwise specified, the default seeding will be based on Cycle Rankings and early registration, and the default format will be double elimination.

4. There can be no tie results in a tournament duel. The duel will go into overtime until it reaches a conclusion. A minimum of five points must be scored by the winner, and they must have a full point lead.

5. Unless otherwise specified, the results of duels fought in the tournament are not counted in the regular standings, and are not counted towards standings activity.

1. The first-place finisher will have the first choice of any prize available (see exceptions below). Each subsequent finisher shall then choose their prize until there are no prizes remaining. The list of prizes may include, but is not limited to, a test-free Overlord Challenge Grant, a test-free challenge to any Barony, any vacant Barons’ rings, etc.
  1. Only a duelist ranked Warlord/Baron can choose the test-free Overlord Challenge Grant prize. If the winner of the tournament is not a Warlord/Baron, the prize may be selected by the first subsequent finisher who is ranked Warlord/Baron. Should that duelist select another prize, the Overlord Challenge Grant may be chosen by other subsequent Warlords/Barons in order of finishing place.
  2. Barony prizes may not be chosen by current title-holders.
  3. Barony prizes may be selected by someone ranked below Warlord, but that individual is not awarded the Talon of Redwin (see below).
  4. If an inactive duelist takes a vacant Baron's ring as a prize they will have until the end of the cycle to become active. If this activity is not gained then the title will be stripped.
2. The Talon of Redwin is awarded to the highest placed tournament duelist ranked below Warlord after calculating any wins gained throughout the night or titles gained as prizes.

Overlord Grace Period & Challenge Grants
1. Overlord Grace Period: The Overlord receives a grace period during which no challenge may be issued to the Overlord, excepting the test-free Overlord Challenge Grant prize, and from banished loyal barons.
  1. The grace period starts two weeks (14 days) prior to the All Rank’s Tournament and extends until two weeks (14 days) from the day after the All Rank’s Tournament. Grace periods begin and end at 6PM ET on the appropriate dates.
  2. If the test-free Overlord Challenge Grant is not awarded, the Overlord has the option to waive the post All Rank’s Tournament grace of two weeks (14 days).
2. Challenge grants must be issued within two weeks (14 days) of the Tournament's conclusion. These challenges shall follow the "Universal Terms of Challenge".
  1. The challengers will not lose any normally accumulated challenge rights as a result of the All Ranks Tournament prize grants.
  2. Challenge Grant recipients are exempt from waiting for the 14-day “Cool Down” period described in the Universal Terms of Challenge in order to issue a challenge with their Grant. They must, however, wait two weeks (14-days) to challenge again if they lose.
3. Inactive grant winners are required to become active on the Official Standings to use their Challenge Grants. Please remember that the Official Standings are updated on Sundays at 6ET.

Note: Extenuating circumstances (such as challenge scheduling overlap) from two test-free Overlord Challenge Grants (e.g. Madness and the ART) will be resolved by DoS Staff.

Note: Barons do not receive a challenge grace period in connection to the ART. Duelists who select a barony as a prize can be immediately challenged with a prize grant.

The Talon of Redwin
The Talon of Redwin is named in honor of one of the Arena's most illustrious and well known duelers, Siera Redwin, past Overlord and Baron of the rings. "...the dirk, had a fine blade it did. Bluish steel, with a razor's edge. Had a signet mark on it. Red and gold. Reminded me of a claw, or a raptor's talon." You can learn more about the Talon of Redwin here.

1. The winner shall be listed in the standings as both the "Talon of Redwin" as well as under the current ranking that he or she possesses. The historical record of the Duel of Swords shall also reflect the name of the tournament's winner. The winner of the tournament will reign as "Talon of Redwin" for the next complete cycle. Example: If you win the Talon of Redwin during the Spring Cycle you will reign as the Talon of Redwin for the Summer Cycle.

2. This title will come with the bump of one fancy above the winner's current rank up to a maximum of four fancies.

3. The fancy awarded by holding the Talon of Redwin stacks with all other fancies, including that of the Squire rank up to and including four fancies. Example: A Grand Master (GM) has 3 fancies. As a squire, the GM would have 4. A GM squire with the Talon would still only have 4 fancies instead of 5.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • We have at least four tournaments a year, and they are held once during each cycle. This cyclical tournament is usually called the All Ranks Tournament, but is sometimes split into two: a Warlord Tournament and Talon of Redwin Tournament.
  • Unless stated otherwise, everyone is welcome to participate in our cyclical tournament —that includes inactive duelists.
  • Special prizes are offered during this tournament, including a test-free Overlord Challenge Grant. Many tournament prizes (such as grants or winning a Barony) require you to be active in order to use them.
  • The Talon of Redwin is a unique prize given to duelers that are below the rank of Warlord, and gives you an extra fancy.
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Baron Rank, Benefits, Alignment & Council

Post by Tippletoe »

Baron Rank, Benefits, Alignment & Council

Baron Rank & Benefits
1. Baron is a titled rank; you do not need to earn or maintain a certain number of wins or wins over losses to become or remain a Baron. The title of Baron can only be achieved by challenge from a Warlord, a recipient of the Overlord Grant, prize in the All Ranks Tournament, via a Barony Challenge Grant, or more rarely by a successful Advocate.

2. When a Baron retires, abdicates, or is unseated they are placed in the ranks, from commoner to warlord, based on their current record.

3. The Baron rank affords each Baron with five fancies. In regulation dueling, Barons are restricted to four (4) fancies versus a dueler ranked Grandmaster or below.

4. There shall be 8 Barons who are awarded a Ring as a symbol of their station, and they are considered equal in title. Each Baron shall be granted liberal use of a Baronial Manor. Barons also enjoy other benefits related to their station, please see this post for more details.

5. Each Baron may choose an active duelist as a Squire. Squires can be selected in any format deemed suitable by the Baron including requests on the forum, a squire tournament, by application, etc.

Baron Alignment
A Barons alignment to the Overlord has significant consequences for both the Overlord and the Baron; there are many nuances to consider. For example, Loyal Barons receive a grace period after a successful defense while Renegade Barons can challenge the Overlord at any time. While the scope of these nuances is not limited to the rules, Barons are encouraged to read the Baronial Challenge Terms and Overlord Challenge Terms regarding the differences between Loyal and Renegade Barons.

1. Barons can either be aligned with the Overlord (Loyal) or against the Overlord (Renegade). The Overlord benefits from a grace period if there is a Loyal Majority. In the case of a tie, the Senior Baron’s alignment will act as the tie-breaker.

2. Barons challenged while Unaligned shall follow the same challenge rules as a Renegade Baron with the exception of having a challenge queue.

3. Upon obtaining the title, a new Baron must declare alignment to the Overlord within one week (7 days) from when the standings become official. This can be declared to the Standings Keeper, the Caller officiating their Challenge Match, or on the Public Notice Board. If they fail to do so, their alignment will be set at the discretion of the Overlord.

4. When an Overlord is dethroned all Barons must declare alignment within one week (7 days) from when the standings become official. This can be declared to the Standings Keeper, the Caller officiating the Overlord Challenge Match, or publicly on the Public Notice Board. If they fail to do so, their alignment will be at the discretion of the Overlord.

5. Renegades may petition in writing on the Public Notice Board for Loyal alignment pending approval of the Overlord.
  1. This alignment change becomes official immediately after the Overlord approves the petition in writing on the Public Notice Board and is not restricted to the standings being official.
  2. The Overlord may refuse the realignment for any given reason. This is not the same as a banishment.
6. Loyal Barons may change their alignment at any time, in writing on the Public Notice Board.
  1. This alignment change becomes official immediately and is not restricted to the standings being official.
  2. A Loyal Baron who switches their alignment to Renegade in this way is unable to petition for Loyalty for a minimum of two weeks (14 days) after the standings (with their Renegade alignment) are considered official.
Example: Loyal Baron declares Renegade on a Monday night challenge. They may not petition for Loyalty until two weeks (14 days) have passed from the Official Standings update on the following Sunday night.

7. A Baron who loses their title in a challenge maintains the benefits of their current alignment until the challenge is considered complete (when the official standings are updated). An outgoing Baron cannot change their alignment.

8. When an Overlord is defeated, all Barons maintain their current alignment to the outgoing Overlord until the Official Standings are updated. Barons may not change their alignment to Renegade or petition for Loyalty to an outgoing Overlord.

Barons Council
1. The Barons Council is composed of all the duelists who hold the Baron rank and title. Members of the council are ranked by seniority, based upon how long they have held their current title.

2. The Barons Council is sometimes called upon to make decisions, most often in the case of title retirements and vacancies. These decisions are made through a majority vote. In the event of a tie, the Senior Baron shall decide.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • 'Baron' is a titled rank that usually comes by either challenging a current Baron or winning a tournament with a Barony prize.
  • The Baron title comes with both sport perks (such as fancies and squires), and role-play perks (such as manor houses).
  • Barons choose whether they are ‘for’ or ‘against’ the current Overlord by declaring themselves either Loyal or Renegade respectively. There are different features to both alignments, and choosing an alignment has significant consequences for the Baron, the Overlord, and any potential challengers.
  • All of the Barons form a Barons Council. This council is sometimes asked to make decisions about titles that become vacant through retirement or forfeiture.

    For Baronial Challenge Terms click HERE.
    For Baron Retirements & Vacancies click HERE
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Overlord Rank & Benefits

Post by Tippletoe »

Overlord Rank & Benefits

The Overlord is considered the Supreme Duelist of the Arena, higher in stature and fighting skill than any other. The mantle is coveted by many, few last long in the position, a rare handful have done so with the people's approval. The title has a long and vaunted history, which can be viewed at the DoS Historical Center.

1. Overlord is a titled rank; you do not need to earn or maintain a certain number of wins or wins over losses to become or remain the Overlord. However, there are benefits to having at least 15 Wins or 15 WoL*. The title of Overlord can only be achieved by challenge from a Warlord or Baron, or more rarely by a Barons’ Tournament.

2. When an Overlord retires, abdicates, or is unseated they are placed in the ranks, from commoner to warlord, based on their current record. The exception is when an Overlord loses a challenge to a Baron, in this case, they swap titles.

3. The Overlord rank affords the Overlord with six fancies. In regulation dueling, Overlords are restricted to four (4) fancies versus a dueler ranked Grandmaster or below.

4. The Overlord shall be granted liberal use of Overlord Isle. There are additional benefits related to their station, please see this post for more details.

5. The Overlord may choose an active duelist as a Squire. Squires can be selected in any format deemed suitable by the Overlord including requests on the forum, a squire tournament, by application etc.

The Overlord’s Grant
As the Supreme Duelist, the Overlord's opinion is the most highly regarded as to which duelists are showing the most promise within the Arena.

1. Once per cycle, the Overlord may grant to a duelist active on the standings of any rank, Commoner through Warlord, the right to challenge any Baron of the duelist's choosing.
  1. The Overlord must declare his or her choice of duelist on the Public Notice Board.
  2. The Overlord may not grant the challenge right during the period starting two weeks (14 days) prior to the All Ranks Tournament (ART) and ending with the challenge match between the Overlord and the tournament winner.
2. The endowed duelist has two weeks (14 days) following the Overlord's public declaration upon the Public Notice Board to challenge a Baron. This challenge will not supersede any outstanding challenges, and follows the “Universal Terms of Challenge”. If a challenge is not made within the allotted time, the duelist forfeits his or her right to challenge. The same Overlord may not bestow an Overlord Grant to another duelist for the remainder of the cycle, but if he or she is dethroned prior to the ART’s grace period, the new Overlord may bestow an Overlord Grant before said grace period begins.

Banishing Loyal Barons
The Overlord can, at any time, switch the alignment of a Loyal Baron with reason given in writing on the Public Notice Board provided they have 15 Wins or a 15 WoL record is maintained. Exception: An outgoing Overlord cannot banish a Loyal Baron.

1. If the Overlord should banish a Loyal to a Renegade alignment, then the Overlord must accept an immediate challenge of title if issued by that Baron within one week.

2. This challenge will supersede any other challenges, including that of a ART winner, except those issued by similarly re-aligned barons. In the event of multiple banished barons, a challenge queue may be formed where the first challenge issued shall follow the Universal Terms of Challenge and each additional challenge fought within one week of the last until the queue is exhausted.

*By maintaining 15 Wins or 15 WoL the Overlord can banish Loyal Barons (see above), and is not subject to challenges from Loyal Barons (see the Overlord Challenge Terms).
Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • 'Overlord' is a titled rank that usually comes by challenging the current Overlord.
  • The Overlord title comes with both sport perks (such as fancies and a squire), and role-play perks (such as Overlord Isle).
  • Once every cycle an Overlord may give a duelist the Overlord Grant. This allows an active duelist of any rank to challenge a current Baron.
  • The Overlord can ‘banish’ or change a Loyal Baron’s alignment to Renegade. There are often role-play reasons for banishing a Loyal Baron. Banishment can result in a challenge from the banished Baron to the Overlord.

    For Overlord Challenge Terms click HERE.
    For Overlord Retirements and Vacancies click HERE.
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Squire Title & Benefits

Post by Tippletoe »

Squire Title & Benefits

Squire Appointment
1. The Overlord and Barons are permitted to appoint an active duelist of any rank beneath Warlord as their squire. A duelist is not considered a squire until they are officially listed as such on the Standings.
  1. The Overlord and Barons who wish to appoint a Squire may do so in whichever manner they choose. This means they may outright name a squire, hold a tournament, invite applications etc.
  2. If a Squire reaches Warlord rank, then the Baron/Overlord can appoint a second Squire. A Baron cannot have more than two Squires.
  3. The Overlord and Barons may only release a Squire in order to name a new Squire once every other cycle. This does not apply should the Squire achieve the Rank of Warlord, or fail to maintain active status*.
2. Squires will continue to be Squires upon hitting the rank of Warlord. They will only cease to be Squires by their own decision, being removed by their titleholder, or in the event their titleholder loses the title. Squires may resign from their post for any reason.

Squire Weapon & Fancy
1. Squires receive a weapon as listed below, and with that, one fancy above their normal amount up until they achieve the rank of Warlord. While not required, Squires are encouraged to use their squire weapon while dueling.
  1. If a Squire wins the Talon of Redwin tournament, the fancies will stack up to four fancies. So, if a Squire is a Commoner, and wins the Talon, they would have two fancies.
  2. If a Squire achieves Warlord rank, they no longer get the benefit of the Squire fancy. Warlords can only have four fancies.

Squire Test
1. Squires can test a challenger (see Challenge Terms below) on behalf of their Baron/Overlord under the following conditions:
  1. If a Squire is ranked Grandmaster or below, they must have logged ten duels on the cycle standings. These ten duels will need to be regained each new cycle for this perk to work. These ten duels are linked to the current ongoing cycle and not when a Squire is appointed.
  2. If a Squire is ranked Warlord, they may test a challenger without logging ten duels a cycle as long as they maintain active status on the standings.
2. Unlike the Overlord Test of Worthiness (or grants that may award such privileges), the Squire's request to test a challenger can be denied by their Baron/Overlord.

3. When it comes to Loyal Barons the Overlords test will supersede the Squires request to test for their Baron. There is only one test.

Symbols of Station
Each squire is granted use of a weapon as a symbol of their rank. These are weapons of special abilities that hold a benefit as well as a drawback. The glow and power pros/cons are meant as a starting point, feel free to adapt the squire weapon to your character. See the chart below.

*While squires who lapse into inactivity will not be stripped of their title, we do encourage Barons and the Overlord to consider dismissing inactive squires and appointing an active duelist in their stead.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • The Overlord and Barons can appoint an active duelist who is below the rank of Warlord as a Squire.
  • Squires receive certain benefits, such as an extra fancy and the squire weapon.
  • Squires can help their Overlord/Baron during a challenge match in something that is called a “Test of Worthiness”.
  • Squires can voluntarily step down from being a squire or be removed by their titleholder. If the titleholder loses a challenge, the Squire also loses their position.

    For Baronial Challenge Terms click HERE
    For Overlord Challenge Terms click HERE
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Universal Terms of Challenge

Post by Tippletoe »

Universal Terms of Challenge

The Universal Terms of Challenge provide the general outline for eligibility, procedure, format etc. regarding challenges for Duel of Swords titles. When in conflict with other specific rules (such as the Overlord or Baron sections) those terms will override the Universal Terms of Challenge. Specific terms of challenge override general terms of challenge. For specific guidelines on challenging Renegade Barons, Loyal Barons, and the Overlord please see those sections linked below.

Challenger Eligibility
Please read this section to determine if you are eligible to challenge a DoS Titleholder.

General Requirements
1. A duelist must be active on the standings, by completing at least one (1) regulation duel within the last three months (90 days), in order to issue a challenge. This includes any special grants issued as tournament prizes, as well as any Overlord Grants.

2. A duelist can only participate in one challenge process at a time as a challenger or defender. A challenge process begins with validation and ends when the Official Standings are updated. Exception: Renegade barons may be under challenge by multiple challengers at a time. See Renegade Barons, item 2.

3. When you lose a challenge (either as the Challenger or as the Titleholder) you must wait two weeks (14 days) before you can issue another challenge. This 14-day “Cool Down” begins when the standings are posted on Sunday at 6pm ET. Exception: Recipients of a Challenge Grant prize are exempt from this rule for the purposes of issuing a challenge with their Challenge Grant.

Grant Recipients
1. Unless otherwise noted, grant recipients have two weeks (14 days), starting from when the grant is received (e.g. the conclusion of a tournament, when a gifted grant is posted to the forums etc.), to use their challenge grant.

2. Inactive grant winners are required to become active on the Official Standings to use their challenge grants. Please remember that the Official Standings are updated on Sundays at 6PM ET.

Warlord Challenge Rights
1. Each Warlord, upon achieving the rank of Warlord on the Official Standings, is awarded two (2) Challenge Rights per cycle. A maximum of two (2) Challenge Rights can be held at a time.
  1. To issue a challenge to the Overlord, the cost is two (2) Challenge Rights. To issue a challenge to a Baron, the cost is one (1) Challenge Right.
2. A Warlord may regain Challenge Rights by way of regulation dueling should they fall below the maximum of two (2) Challenge Rights. Regulation duels must be recorded on the Official Standings to count towards challenge rights.
  1. To regain Challenge Rights a Warlord must duel in regulation Duel of Swords matches. For every five (5) duels won a Challenge Right will be awarded to the duelist.
  2. Warlords may regain Challenge Rights immediately after a failed/won challenge. Titleholders may regain any used Challenge Rights through the same process as well.
3. To use these regained Challenge Rights the challenging Warlord must list their winning regulation matches in the challenge thread (Please see the example below).

Thread Subject: Challenge for Dockside!
I'm challenging for Dockside!

Proof of Regained Challenge Right
PC .def. Lisa Takamine, 5-2 in 10, DoS
PC .def. Hope, 5-4 in 8, DoS
PC .def. Claire Gallows, 5-4 in 9, DoS
PC .def. Hope, 6-5 in 12, DoS
PC .def. Nat Candle, 5-3 in 14, DoS

Note 1: You can regain challenge rights as soon as your regulation duels are posted on the standings. If you are defeated in a challenge you must wait 14-days before you can issue another challenge.

Note 2: A Warlord may hold both Challenge Rights (max of 2) and Challenge Grants at the same time.

Challenge Procedures
General Rules
1. All challenges, the waiving of a grace period, and answering challenges must be posted on the Public Notice Board for purposes of notification and validation.

2. Before issuing a challenge, please check to see if the titleholder is entitled to a grace period (this applies to Loyal Barons and the Overlord) Note: All grace periods end at 6PM ET on the appropriate date.

Issuing a Challenge
1. It is a requirement that when a challenge is issued for a title, that you must place the name of the Barony in the subject line of the post. You must also indicate it is a Challenge.

Example: "Challenge to Dockside!" "I Challenge for New Haven!" or "Marketplace Challenge!" etc.

This is to make it easier for everyone involved to know who is being challenged, as well as for Standings Keepers and any Historians to do research.

2. In the body of the challenge, you must clearly indicate if you are issuing a challenge using a Challenge Grant/Cyclical Prize (such as the King's Decree, a Barony Challenge Grant, a test-free Overlord Challenge Grant etc.) Otherwise, we will assume you are using your Challenge Rights.

3. Challenges issued via rights and grants may be rescinded and the right/grant returned to the duelist to be used in accordance with their original terms. (e.g. a grant for a challenge to be issued within two weeks (14 days), The challenger still only has those same 14 days, so rescinding after 10 have passed leaves 4 to issue a new challenge). Once a challenge duel has begun or the challenge itself has triggered an administrative action in regard to the title (such as a declaration of forfeit against the challenged titleholder), the right or grant is considered spent. Exemption: A right or grant may be rescinded after a challenge is validated.

4. Where not specifically addressed all challenges are “first come, first served”. Only the first challenge is considered valid and all others are void based on the order in which letters of challenge are posted on the Public Notice Board. This means there are no queues of challenge except against Renegade Barons, or to the Overlord in the case of multiple banished barons.

5. Challenges, if not properly served, will be voided by a Duel of Swords Official. In the case of a voided challenge, the Challenger will have their challenge rights stripped for the remainder of the cycle as a penalty. This penalty will *not* take effect if the challenge is withdrawn before voided.

Challenge Acceptance and Scheduling
1. A challenge MUST be answered, or it is an abdication of title.
  1. All challenges must be answered within five days of validation and dueled within two weeks (14 days) of validation. Both deadlines will be at the end of the day, 11:59pm ET.
  2. If you are waiving a grace period in response to a challenge, you may do so in the challenge thread but it must be done before the challenge is validated by the Duel of Swords staff.
  3. Any form of response to the challenge thread by the titleholder, after validation, is considered an acceptance.
2. It is the responsibility of the challenger to secure an official.The caller chosen must be agreed upon by all parties directly involved in the challenge. DoS Available Callers

3. The challenger must also respond to the challenge thread and post the following information: the day and time of the match, and the name of the official calling.

Example: Michelle Montoya and Hope Naharis will be fighting this challenge match on Saturday, June 6th at 8:30ET. Mallory Maeda will be calling.

Challenge Format and Completion
1. There is a 30 minute leeway given to duelists in a challenge to arrive after the scheduled time. (e.g. Challenge is scheduled at 8pm, you have until 8:30.)

2. If an Overlord, Baron, or Challenger fails to arrive at the scheduled challenge time, they are given one week (7 days) from the scheduled challenge date and time to complete the challenge. No extensions beyond this will be given. Should one fail to show at the second appointed time, the missing party or parties will be stripped of their title/challenge rights/grant.

3. The challenge can be fought in a single or best-of-three format at the discretion of the challenged party, unless there is a Test of Worthiness. (See below)

4. There can be no tie results in a Challenge duel. The duel will go into overtime until it reaches a conclusion. A minimum of five points must be scored by the winner, with a one point lead.

5. The wins and losses that occur in Challenge Matches do not apply to the regular standings, and do not count towards activity.

6. A challenge is not considered complete and official until the results are posted in the Standings. Standings are considered official at 6PM ET on Sundays.
  1. For historical purposes, the date a challenge is fought will be recorded as the defense/victory of that title.
  2. The caller officiating the match is required to post the results of the Challenge in the appropriate challenge thread before the next Official Standings are posted.

Tests of Worthiness
The following terms outline the basic criteria and format of a Test of Worthiness. Nuances exist for Barons and Overlords, please see the specific challenge terms linked below.

  • Defender (titleholder being challenged)
  • Challenger (the duelist issuing the challenge)
  • Champion (duelist stepping in to issue a “Test of Worthiness”)
  • Advocate (a duelist stepping in to counter a “Test of Worthiness”)

1. To participate in a “Test of Worthiness” as a Champion or Advocate the duelist must be listed as active on the DoS Official Standings.

2. All Challengers/Defenders may have a Champion/Advocate by voluntary intervention. Please see the specific challenge terms for guidelines on who may intervene. Under the Overlord Challenge Terms, appointments can also be made.

3. A “Test of Worthiness” must be announced by the Defender/Champion before the first round of a Challenge Match is called.

4. Once a “Test of Worthiness” is announced, the official will ask to see if there are any duelists intending to counter the test as an “Advocate” in the “Test of Worthiness”.
  1. If an Advocate steps forward, they will duel the Champion in a single match. Should the Advocate win, then the Challenger will go on to face the Defender. If the Advocate loses, the Challenger will then face the Champion as if there was no Advocate (see below).
  2. If an Advocate does not step forward, then the Challenger must face the Champion in the “Test of Worthiness” in a single match. Should they succeed, they will go on to face the Defender in a single match. If the Challenger fails, they have lost the challenge.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • To challenge the Overlord or a Baron, the challenger must be a) active on the standings and b) have either a Challenge Grant or enough Challenge Rights.
  • Challenge Grants come in various ways (Tournaments, the Overlord, Cycle Prizes), and need to be used within two weeks (14 days).
  • Challenge Rights are given to every Warlord at the beginning of a Cycle. Every Warlord starts with two (2) Challenge Rights. These initial Challenge Rights allow you to challenge the Overlord once OR challenge for a Barony twice, within a cycle.
  • Before making a challenge, check to see if the duelist you are challenging (the Overlord or a Loyal Baron) has a ‘grace period’. Renegade Barons do not have grace periods.
  • To issue a challenge, make a forum post in The Arena, and include the words “Challenge” and the name of the title you are challenging for (e.g. ‘Seaside’ or ‘Overlord’) in the subject of your post. Make sure you declare if you are using a Challenge Grant.
  • There are strict deadlines for accepting (one week) and scheduling challenges (two weeks), please be familiar with them.
  • It is the responsibility of the challenger to schedule the challenge match, find a caller, and post the arrangements (time and date of the match) on the forums in advance.
  • Challenges can happen in a single match or in a best-out-of-three format. The titleholder (Overlord/Baron) decides the format.
  • Sometimes a Test of Worthiness occurs before a challenge match has begun. There are special rules for a Test of Worthiness, including who can intercede and who can counter. These rules are different for Loyal Barons, Renegade Barons, and the Overlord.

    For Baronial Challenge Terms click HERE
    For Overlord Challenge Terms click HERE
    For Squire Test Terms click HERE
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Baronial Challenge Terms

Post by Tippletoe »

Baronial Challenge Terms
Before reading this section, please review the Universal Terms of Challenge on how to officially issue and arrange a challenge.

Loyal Barons
1. Grace Period: Loyal Barons need only defend their title once per calendar month. The Loyal Baron can waive this option by posting a thread on the Arena forum. If you are waiving a grace period in response to a challenge, you may do so in the challenge thread but it must be done before the challenge is validated by the Duel of Swords staff.

2. The Overlord and a Loyal Baron’s Squire can issue a “Test of Worthiness” on behalf of a Loyal Baron. There is no risk of any kind to the Overlord or the Squire.
  1. Loyal Barons may not refuse a test from the Overlord (acting as “Champion”) against the Loyal Baron's challenger.
  2. Squires must meet the conditions noted under the Squire Test, found in the Squire Title & Benefits section. Loyal Barons may refuse a test from their Squire (acting as “Champion”) against the Loyal Baron’s challenger.
  3. Renegade Barons may intervene on a “Test of Worthiness” (acting as “Advocate”) by Squires or the Overlord. By doing so, the Renegade Baron must duel the appointed Champion at the designated time of the challenge. If the Renegade wins, then the original challenge must go forward. If the Renegade is defeated then a "Test of Worthiness" will proceed immediately.
Renegade Barons
1. Renegades are open to any and all challenges from Warlords and Overlord Grant recipients. Renegade Barons are also open to challenge by an Overlord’s Champion should they fail a “Test of Worthiness” (see below).

2. A Renegade Baron can receive more than one challenge at a time, this is called a “Challenge Queue”.
  1. In the event of a Challenge Queue, the first challenge must follow the "Universal Terms of Challenge" with regard to response and dueling date.
  2. Additional pending challenges MUST be fought at a rate no less than one per week (7 days) until the pending challenges are depleted. The week begins once the challenge is officially completed i.e. when the Official Standings are Updated.
Example: The first challenge is happening on July 21st, 2019 (Sunday). The official standings aren't updated until the following Sunday, July 28th at 6 PM ET. That night (Sunday, July 28th), along with the remainder of the week it started, is open and meant to be used for the Renegade queue challenge to take place. The final night that the challenge would need to be fought in this example is Saturday the 3rd of August (since the next day, Sunday, would be used to update the standings).

This isn't to say the second challenge can't be done back to back on the same night, or within the same week before the standings are updated to reflect the first challenge (in this example, during the period of July the 21st - 27th).

3. A Renegade Baron’s Squire can issue a “Test of Worthiness” (acting as “Champion”) on behalf of a Renegade Baron.
  1. Squires must meet the conditions noted under the Squire Test, found in the Squire Title & Benefits section. Renegade Barons may refuse a test from their Squire.
  2. Loyal Barons or the Overlord (the “Advocate”) may intervene on a “Test of Worthiness” by the Renegade Baron’s Squire. By doing so, the Advocate must duel the Squire at the designated time of the challenge. If the Advocate wins, then the original challenge must go forward. If the Advocate is defeated then a "Test of Worthiness" will proceed immediately.
Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • Loyal Barons only have to defend their title once per month. After they successfully defend, a Loyal Baron gets a ‘grace period’ until the start of the next calendar month.
  • Loyal Baron Challenges: The Overlord and the Loyal Baron’s Squire can intercede as a ‘Champion’ in a Test of Worthiness. A Renegade Baron can counter as an ‘Advocate’.
  • Renegade Barons do not have grace periods and must accept all challenges.
  • Renegade Baron Challenges: The Renegade Baron’s Squire can intercede as a ‘Champion’ in a Test of Worthiness. A Loyal Baron or the Overlord can counter as an ‘Advocate’.
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Overlord Challenge Terms

Post by Tippletoe »

Overlord Challenge Terms
Before reading this section, please review the Universal Terms of Challenge on how to officially issue and arrange a challenge.

General Terms: Challenges to the Overlord are subject to the "Universal Terms of Challenge" and may only be made once per cycle per duelist where not specifically addressed within these rules.

Overlord Grace Period
1. If an Overlord has a Majority of Loyal Barons (see Alignment above), then the Overlord will be given a 30 day grace period after successfully defending their title. No other duelist of the Warlord Rank will be able to challenge them (Please see special cases below).
  1. The Overlord’s 30 day grace period will begin when the Official Standings are updated to reflect the challenge results (Sunday at 6PM ET). Should the Official Standings be late, the 30 day grace period will still begin at 6PM ET on the Sunday after a successful challenge.

    Example: If a challenge is completed on Sunday, October 13th the standings would be updated on Sunday, October 20th at 6PM ET, so the 30-day grace period lasts until Tuesday, November 19th at 6PM ET

  2. The grace period will end should there be a change to a Renegade Majority. This happens at 6PM ET when the Standings are updated.
  3. The Overlord may waive the grace period at any time by posting on the Arena forums. If you are waiving a grace period in response to a challenge, you may do so in the challenge thread but it must be done before the challenge is validated by the Duel of Swords staff.
2. Renegade Barons can still challenge for Overlord, and their challenge will supersede this 30 day grace period.

3. The rules for banished Loyal Barons will supersede all other challenges.

Special Cases: Warlords who win an Overlord Challenge Grant from the All Ranks Tournament, Madness, or any special events, will supersede wait periods. This will also count as a normal Warlord challenge and the grace period will be rewarded to the Overlord for successfully defending. Should the Overlord have been within grace, and the Grant user supersedes it, then grace will reset back to 30 days once the challenge process is complete should the Overlord defend.

Challenges from Barons
1. Loyal Barons may challenge an Overlord whose standings record is below 15 Wins or 15 WoL. Loyals cannot otherwise challenge the Overlord.

2. Renegade Barons may challenge the Overlord at any time, but only once per cycle, and MUST follow the "Universal Terms of Challenge".

Tests of Worthiness in an Overlord Challenge
1. Loyal Barons and the Overlord’s Squire may volunteer to test challengers in a “Test of Worthiness” on behalf of the Overlord, provided the Overlord accepts the intercession. Squires must meet the conditions noted under the Squire Test, found in the Squire Title & Benefits section.

2. The Overlord has the right to appoint any active duelist, with the exception of a Renegade Baron, to test a Challenger the Overlord deems unfit in a "Test of Worthiness". This may be done only once per challenge. The appointed Champion may refuse. If refused, no new Champion may be chosen.

3. Renegade Barons may choose to intervene as an Advocate for any challenger subject to a “Test of Worthiness”. The first Renegade Baron to state intention to intervene shall have precedence.

4. Loyal Barons who test a Challenger to the Overlord may lose their title if ALL of the following conditions are met:
  1. The Loyal Baron (Champion) is defeated by a Renegade Baron's Advocate in a "Right of Challenge." (see below)
  2. The Renegade Baron goes on to defeat the Overlord
  3. There are no currently empty baronies and
  4. The Renegade Baron (Now Overlord) chooses to award his/her Advocate the Loyal's ring as a reward for services.

“Right of Challenge”: Renegade Barons Challenging the Overlord
1. Renegade Baron Challengers may appoint a Warlord or their Squire as Advocate, if the Overlord elects to use the "Test of Worthiness" against them. The appointed Advocate may decline and the Renegade must then fight the Overlord’s Champion.

2. If a Renegade Baron's Advocate fights the Overlord's Champion in a "Right of Challenge" and:
  1. Is successful, the Renegade shall go on to fight the Overlord.
  2. Is defeated, the Renegade must then fight the "Test of Worthiness" as if no "Right of Challenge" had been declared.
3. If the Renegade's Advocate wins the "Right of Challenge" AND the Renegade goes on to defeat the Overlord, then the Renegade Baron (New Overlord) MAY or MAY NOT grant the Advocate a barony as a reward for services rendered.
  1. The first choice must be a Barony not currently occupied.
  2. If all Baron seats are filled, the Renegade Baron (New Overlord) may grant the Advocate either:
    1. The Barony of the ex-Overlord's Advocate or
    2. The Barony that the ex-Overlord would otherwise inherit from the Renegade Baron.
Champion’s Challenge: Renegade Baron Fails a “Test of Worthiness”
The “Champion’s Challenge” only applies if the Champion is NOT a Loyal Baron AND the Challenger is a Renegade Baron.

1. If the Overlord's Champion is successful against the Renegade Baron (Challenger), the Champion shall have the immediate right to challenge the Renegade Baron for their title, regardless of the Champion’s rank.
  1. The Champion must issue the challenge within one week (7 days) of their victory over the challenging Baron (NOT one week from when the Official Standings are updated).
  2. This challenge will supersede any other challenges upon the Renegade Baron, including challenge queues.

Challenges from Banished Loyal Barons (now Renegade):
An Overlord can, at any time, switch the alignment of a Loyal Baron with the reason given in writing on the Public Notice Board provided a record of 15 Wins or 15 WoL is maintained.

1. If the Overlord should banish a Loyal to a Renegade alignment, then the Overlord must accept an immediate challenge of title if issued by that Baron within one week of being banished (NOT one week from the Official Standings being updated).

2. This challenge will supersede any other challenges, including that of a tournament winner, except those issued by similarly re-aligned barons.

3. In the event of multiple banished barons, a challenge queue may be formed where the first challenge issued shall follow the Universal Terms of Challenge. Additional pending challenges can be validated immediately and must be fought at a rate of no less than one per week (7 days) until the pending challenges are depleted. The week begins once the challenge is officially completed i.e. when the Official Standings are Updated.

Defeated Overlords
1. When an Overlord is unseated by a Baron, both duelists shall swap titles with each other, with the exception listed above under “Right of Challenge”.

2. When an Overlord is unseated by a Warlord they are placed in the ranks, commoner to Warlord, based on their dueling record.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • Overlord Grace Periods: There is a grace period two weeks (14-days) before/after the cyclical tournament. If the majority of Barons are loyal, the Overlord also receives a 30-day grace period following a successful defense.
  • Renegade Barons can challenge the Overlord at any time. Active Warlords can challenge using Challenge Rights. All active duelists can challenge the Overlord with an Overlord Challenge Grant.
  • Overlord Challenges: In a Test of Worthiness the Overlord’s Squire, a Loyal Baron, or any appointed active duelist can intercede as a ‘Champion’. Renegade Barons can counter as the ‘Advocate’.
  • Renegade Baron Challengers: If a Renegade Baron challenges the Overlord, they can ask an active Warlord or their Squire to counter as ‘Advocate’ in a Test of Worthiness.
  • If the Overlord loses a challenge to a Baron, they usually swap titles. If the Overlord loses to a Warlord, they return to their normal rank.
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Retirements, Vacancies, and Forfeitures

Post by Tippletoe »

Retirements, Vacancies, and Forfeitures

General Terms: Any duelist who forfeits a title, either voluntarily via retirement or abdication, or involuntarily as a ruled forfeit, shall be ineligible to exercise warlord challenge rights for one month from the date of occurrence.

Should a second title forfeiture occur within twelve months of the first occurrence the duelist shall also become ineligible to utilize challenge rights or participate in any event that may award a title or challenge grant (eg: All Ranks Tournaments, March Madness, Right to Challenge fights where the challenger is a baron, etc.) for a period of three months from the date of the second occurrence.

Any duelist who forfeits a title a third time, regardless of the time from the second forfeiture, may have further restrictions placed upon them at the discretion of the Duel of Swords staff.

Baron Retirements and Vacancies
1. Should a Baron retire/be stripped, the vacancy shall be placed:
  1. As a prize in the next scheduled All Ranks Tournament (ART) or
  2. In a special tournament format decided by the Duel of Swords Staff, depending on the length of time until the next ART.
2. If the Baron retires/is stripped, and is under challenge the Barons’ Council must convene and choose a Champion to defend the Barony within one week (7 days) of the title being forfeited. Traditionally, the Senior Baron acts as Champion. However, if the Senior Baron declines or defers, then the Barons’ Council may select a different Baron or an active Warlord to act as their Champion against the Challenger. If the title is defended it will be considered vacant and offered as a tournament prize (see #1 above).

Overlord Retirement and Vacancy
1. Should the Overlord retire, the vacancy will be filled by someone who is currently of Baron rank through a Barons Tournament.
  1. The Barons’ Council is required to make a decision within seven (7) days of the retirement/forfeiture upon the date, time, and format of the Barons Tournament (single or double elimination, round robin, etc).
  2. Should no decision be made by the Barons’ Council, the title of Overlord shall be placed as a prize in the upcoming All Ranks Tournament.
  3. A resulting Baron vacancy will be filled by the winner of the next scheduled All Ranks Tournament or a special tournament determined by the Duel of Swords Staff depending on the length of time until the next ART.
2. If the Overlord is stripped or retires while under challenge, but before the challenge is fought, the Senior Baron will defend it.
  1. If the Senior Baron is unavailable, the Champion shall be the next most senior Baron, and so on down the line.
  2. If defended, the Overlord title will go to a Barons Tournament. This is the only tournament allowed to fill an Overlord vacancy.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
  • If you retire or forfeit a title you cannot use your Challenge Rights for a full month.
  • If a title is retired/forfeited while under challenge, then it will be defended by either the Senior Baron or someone appointed by the Barons’ Council.
  • Vacant baronies will be offered as tournament prizes, usually in the cyclical tournament.
  • A vacant Overlord title will be offered as a prize in a Barons Tournament.
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Saving Clauses

Post by Tippletoe »

Saving Clauses

1. Interpretations of rules that are not clearly covered shall be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Duel of Swords (DoS) Head Coordinator and DoS Assistant Coordinator(s).

2. Any dispute that is not clearly covered under the preceding rules shall fall under the jurisdiction of the DoS Head Coordinator and DoS Assistant Coordinator(s). In extreme circumstances, disputes may be addressed by the Membership Board.

Synopsis in Lay Terms:
If you have a question about something in the rules, please contact either the Duel of Swords Head Coordinator or a Duel of Swords Assistant Coordinator.

Rule Changes, Updates, and Clarifications can be found :arrow: Here!

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