Winterfest 2024 - Schedule & Main Thread

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RP PR Dude
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Winterfest 2024 - Schedule & Main Thread

Post by RP PR Dude »


It's time once more for fun in the snow, lights on the trees and buildings, and music in the air! It's time for]Winterfest! The spirit of the season is moving across the entire city and beyond! Need a guid for where to go and what to see? Don't worry, we've got it all here for you!

Dates: Friday, 13 December through Sunday, 22 December

Scheduled Events

- Magic Mistlefoe (Friday 12/13): Sprites flit about with sprigs of mistletoe. See another duelist under the mistletoe and challenge them to a match!

- Holiday Karaoke (Saturday, 12/14: Join Tenball at the Red Dragon Inn starting @ 8pm for singing (not necessarily good singing), egg nog (with or without whiskey), and holiday pies.

- Duel of Magic All-Ranks Tournament (Sunday, 12/15): Come out to the Isle to see spellslingers of all sorts compete to see who is this cycles rising star! The casting starts at 8pm!

- 2nd Annual Winterfest Polar Plunge (Wednesday 12/18): Head over to Spike's Landing Marina on the shores of Kaiju Lake for the return of Winterfest's newest tradition. Charge into the icy waters, heedless of the freezing temperatures, and then emerge to warm back up with hot chocolate by a warm fire before doing it all over again!

- Duel of Swords All-Ranks Tournament (Friday, 12/20): Head down to the Arena to witness some of the finest duelists in Rhydin battle it out to see who gets to claim the top prize! Weapons out at 8:30p.

- Governor's Winter Ball (Saturday 12/21): Governor Aristotle Kruger Allen invites all of Rhydin to join him at The Golden Pearl in Seaside starting at 8pm. Get your gowns and tuxedos out and be ready to dance the evening away!

- Duel of Magic Archmage Tournament (Sunday, 12/22): Wrap up Winterfest with a magical night as the top ranks amoutn Rhydin's magical duelists compete to see who will win the right to challenge the Archmage!

Charity Drives
Donation stations will be available across the city and at all scheduled events. All donations are welcome!

- Winter Coat & Clothes Drive: Bring your old coats and clothes to share a bit of warmth and comfort with those who need some. Help shield your fellow Rhydinians against Winter's chill!

- Toys for the Children: Pass on your family's old toys to spread the love and give am orphasn or foster child a little extra reason to smile this season!

- Canned Food Collection: While many of Rhydin's restaurants, bakeries, and other establishments donate their daily excess to their local food pantries, the Rhydin Food Depository is always looking for additional non-perishable donations, especially in the colder months.

Events Happening Throughout Winterfest

- Festival of Lights: See homes, businesses, and public buildings all decked out in holiday lights!

- Snow & Ice Art Celebration: Do you enjoy building a snowman? Or a snow monster? Perhaps you always wanted to carve something out of ice? Well, this is the time to unleash your wintery muse and show all of Rhydin what you can do!

- Caroling in the Commons: Common areas across the city, from the pier at Seaside Beach to the Marketplace stage and Four Points, and in neighborhoods throoughout every district, the music of the season will be in the air!

- Hot Cocoa & Mulled Cider Stations: On many a street corner, pop-up canopies will be found where passing folk can stop to get a cup of something warm to help fend off the chill.

- Ice Skating in the Plaza: The pool in front of the Courthouse & Town Hall (located in Old Market) will be frozen for use as an ice skating rink.


((Scheduled events are all live, and all times are ET. The charity drives and other events are forum-based or vapor play. More info/links will be added to this post once available.

Thanks to Gatito's player for the logo!))
Last edited by RP PR Dude on Fri Dec 13, 2024 12:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Winterfest 2024 - Schedule & Main Thread

Post by Tenball »

Holiday Karaoke with Tenball!

Come out to the Red Dragon Inn this Saturday for Holiday Karaoke! The fun starts at 8pm and goes until all the songs have been sung! There will be free egg nog (with or without whiskey or brandy) and mulled wine, along with holiday cookies courtesy of the young folk at Sarengrave House and a charcuterie spread provided by the RDI's own Chef Gerardo.

Hope to see everyone there!


((Saturday 12/14 starting at 8pm ET in the #red-dragon-inn channel on the Discord server))
RP PR Dude
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Re: Winterfest 2024 - Schedule & Main Thread

Post by RP PR Dude »

Winterfest Charity Drives

The holiday spirit that fills the air during Winterfest and beyond is a spirit of giving, and nothing embodies this spirit more than donating to charity for the benefit of those going through lean times during this season. While Rhydin as a whole is a fairly prosperous city, fortune is fickle and some folk find themselves and their families facing unexpected hardship in these times. So as part of Winterfest, Rhydin Promotions--with the support of the Governor's Office and the Rhydin Chamber of Commerce--has organized three charity drives.

First we have the Winter Coat and Clothes Drive, to assist those who find themselves lacking in protection against the bitter winter winds or having to deal with ragged, threadbare clothing. If you have any old coats that you never wear anymore but are still in good shape, or clothes that don't fit you (or your current style) anymore, bring them in for someone who needs them.

Next is Toys for the Children, taking all donations of toys and games to be given to the orphanages and foster homes of Rhydin. Children left without blood kin, who have lost so much that they once had, need a chance to play as much as any other child. This is a chance to give something that will bring a smile to young faces.

Finally, for the benefit of the Rhydin Food Depository, there will be a Non-Perishable Food Drive. While many of the city's eateries donate their daily leftovers to food pantries in their neighborhoods, those amounts vary and there is always a need for staple foods that can last. So the Depository is looking for donations of dried and canned goods that can be stored until needed during leaner seasons.

Donation stations for all three charity drives will be available at public buildings and many other establishments throughout Rhydin, and also on Twilight Isle. Please give what you can!
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