Tanabata in Kabuki Street - July 9th!

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Ebon Ilnaren
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Re: Tanabata in Kabuki Street - July 9th!

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

With Doran and Sylva keeping a watchful eye on the Manor children in the late afternoon and evening, Phen and Ebon had one of those rare opportunities for a night on the town. And where better to spend it than Kabuki Street and the Tanabata festival? They couldn't think of any other place more suitable, and had even purchased new attire!

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Winter Pearl
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Re: Tanabata in Kabuki Street - July 9th!

Post by Winter Pearl »

After a long day of seeing patients, Pearl caught up with Velen at the festival. She opted for a floral patterned yakuta.

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Rhiannon Brock
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Re: Tanabata in Kabuki Street - July 9th!

Post by Rhiannon Brock »

Rhi would be out on the Isle later in the evening. In the meantime, she enjoyed the food and other things the festival had to offer. Rhi and the younger pair of Túr Gairdín children met up with Eregor at the shrine. Brian had a hundred questions to ask about rabbits! Gale was fascinated by the live creatures that looked like one of her favorite plushies.

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Suki Oshiro
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Re: Tanabata in Kabuki Street - July 9th!

Post by Suki Oshiro »

Suki did her best to play it lowkey at the festival, spending a fair amount of time waiting in snack lines to slip stuff over to Meru and Jin after hanging with her friends in the parade, but when she spotted Princess Mariah walking around she actively fangirled to get posters signed.

It was a pretty good day on all accounts.

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Penny Escobar
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Re: Tanabata in Kabuki Street - July 9th!

Post by Penny Escobar »

Penny spent most of her time in the background of the events, assisting at the Shrine as needed which seemed to be mostly as the translator and caretaker of the very popular Shi-chan and Ma-chan. Enjoying the company of the pilot and her niece was part of the highlight of her day, but her favorite part may have been admiring the fireworks at midnight with Patrick at her side. It was no surprise that her yukata was red with peonies on it.

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Rhys Germain
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Re: Tanabata in Kabuki Street - July 9th!

Post by Rhys Germain »

Searching for the perfect haori with Dris had become a pleasure Rhys looked forward to over the past few years. This time around, he chose one that featured a kitsune seated in front of a torii, a traditional doorway that opened into the sacred heart of a shrine. The symbolism felt right in ways he couldn’t explain. He paired it with jeans and a plain, black t-shirt.

Since they had evening engagements, he made sure he and Dris arrived at Tanabata early so they would have plenty of time to enjoy all of the festivities. After the parade, he immersed himself in the games and sampled most of the snacks on offer. At least two watermelons met their end thanks to him, and a couple of goldfish (including the one Dris tried to leave behind) found a new home in his and Dris’ garden pond.

The pair disappeared briefly later in the evening, but they returned to Kabuki Street afterward, right on time to enjoy the fireworks. They curled up on a roof with friends and family to watch the night bloom with color and light, and they shared quiet words with one another, words they would cherish for a long time to come.

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