Birthday at the Rathskeller

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Beatrice Thompson
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Re: Birthday at the Rathskeller

Post by Beatrice Thompson »

Betty had offered to monitor the feud between Tori and Lici while greeting and socializing with who she knew or said hello to her. Any time it looked like there might have been some kind of catfight between the two girls, the necromancer would be right there, greeting them both with sugary sweetness.



Last edited by Beatrice Thompson on Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Viktor Ravenwood
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Re: Birthday at the Rathskeller

Post by Viktor Ravenwood »

Viktor sat upon one of the three thrones placed at the longest table for feasting: His black and terrible with depictions of grotesque morbidity carved on the wooden frame. The legs of that object were starving, damned, skeletal souls climbing toward the heavens. Ghostly faces had drifted around that ebon furniture until the artist trapped their rolling smoke furls – preserving them like frozen nightmares on that dark seat of sovereignty. Wicked and twisted formorian creatures tried to stamp a few escapees back into their damnation (though a few less fortunate were pulled from those dark shadows only to be torn apart limb by limb and feasted upon by demons with leathery batlike wings).

Sylista deserved the regal matching throne with satin upholstery, which differentiated her ever so slightly as the ruling monarch that evening. Tori, though not expecting it, also had a smaller, shorter throne that was very much like her fathers’.

The demon had arrived while it was still early – before the party started. He wanted to be certain all the details were to Her satisfaction. Anything out of place or lacking a romantic storybook quality was either corrected by the infernal Fallen or ordered to be fixed with the sort of snappy tone that suggested he meant business. Rarely had Viktor gone so far out of his way for anyone less than family (which Sylista Shadowsoul had unexpectedly become). Soon enough golden lights were twinkling, illuminating a garden with padded seating and linen tablecloths. They were vanilla and crisp. The musicians were synchronous but not your typical string quintet – which made for an interesting variety when it came to melodic selections that evening.

Most of the walking paths went much further than people realized – and there were glass sculptures sometimes rooted right in the middle of a flowerbed (to accent its color or shape). Off to the right, past the dance floor and tables, there was an old tree with new boards lining one side – creating a floating ladder that one could use to climb to the lowest and strongest branch. It was so massive that five children sat there swinging their feet and talking, but a daring few did venture higher where there was only one step leading to unknown wonders, encouraging youth to exert themselves to reach the narrower, higher third and fourth tree limbs for a better view of nearby waves.

This old oak with younglings dangling from it like possums was not the one that lie across from the gazebo - secluded from all the festivities, like a reprieve for the overstimulated with that quiet picnic bench. This tree was among colorful poppies that brushed up against purple and blue beardtongues. Invading between these two species were several yellow missionbells that tied the hues together. They resembled the orange and pink shades of sunrise, the brightness of a full summer sun, and the gloaming shadows of an evening sunset - all in one landscape.

Vincent was still too young to spend significant hours exposed to the world – but he was dressed to the nines. A white onesie with a baby blue bowtie resembled a button up top even when it could not be undone. Pants were navy blue pinstripes made from the exact same fabric as his father’s own attire. Viktor and Vincent matched, complimenting one another (especially in those rare moments when both smiled at Sylista). The only time he left the arms of his father was when the Flameweaver bid him to surrender their son – so that she could bond with the infant. In those moments he observed the other guests.

The way Conner moved and smiled reminded Viktor of himself so very long ago. He recalled carousing at work, even singing (probably a lot worse) before life suddenly changed nearly two decades prior. After that, his career involved taking up arms and snatching up contracts. Now the business was just a front for something far more dangerous.

Keeping close and staying attentive, he watched three red butterflies descend and vanish. Standing up and moving near the gift table as if such a thing seemed suspicious, he made certain the wards were still in place – to ensure nothing brought his family harm should they touch it or manipulate those new treasures. It was at that point which he noticed the ice-cream maker and wondered idly who had brought that gift, as he had not seen Tenball set it down; however, he did look toward the floating monstrosity, squinting as if vaguely recalling a story Sylista had once told him. After that, he gave a single huffed note of laughter – then nodded politely to Maggie while returning to the thrones. He recalled cheering for her in the past. The demon sat down while the woman with black curls cascading down her back enjoyed her special celebration.

Anya was another familiar face and he gave her a slight upward tilt of his chin, a what’s up that made the scar upon his jawbone (and two more over his neck near the carotid artery) momentarily more obvious.

When Salvador came by, Viktor did a fairly good job of remaining expressionless – save for the sly twist at the edge of one lip. Since their last exchange he had not spoken a word to the man, and it seemed that evening was no exception. Malachite eyes glinted in the darkness, flashing in a predatory manner while the renown cage fighter (for that is how Viktor thought of the magical circles that healed combatants) – made a beeline for his private suite, Tito trailing behind him. There was nothing malicious in the mien of his actions! The demon simply wanted to remind Salvador that he admired the warrior’s self-discipline, but he knew secrets (and they were all safe).

After Haru hurried off, Viktor offered to carry the presents nearer to the woman but made no big show of his own (more… public facing) gift for Sylista. Wrapped in various colorful packages decorated with paper feathers, there were four books stacked from largest to smallest.

The top novel happened to be the one with the thickest spine and a white leather cover. It looked used and if opened it would contain pages among pages of his handwriting. One of the middle books was slender with a glossy hardcover depicting an elvish princess playing her ocarina while a black dragon watched over her protectively. The princess was wearing earthy brown pants and a deep russet tunic complimenting their flowing green cape. The story was one meant to be read to children at bedtime. The third book had a leather cover with brass corner protectors and a beautifully carved heart upon it. Within there were photographs and dates, notes about memories correlated to the images which were captured, or tangible decorations like tiny metal plates or puffy stickers remarking words like love and dream. The last few pages were handwritten sheets of music (which the quintet waited for Sylista to see – before suddenly changing to that new song). The entire photo album looked handmade. Inside the front cover Tori and Viktor had written a warm message. The fourth book did not have a clearly printed title but inside there were instructions on what it was to be used for. The first line read: Love is terrifying and wicked, and you are turned on by dangerous things.

Sylista would likely keep that information private!

In addition to the books there was a slim black case that – when opened – revealed a rose gold locket very similar to the one she had been looking at when Viktor approached for their first civil conversation. On the chain, hanging in front, there was a small metal tag with the numbers 817.34375 and 149.40625 which, if traced upon a map, would lead to the Seaside playground near docks that were open for summertime.

On the inside lip of the locket, where the two sides would touch one another while closed, the following words had been scrawled clearly in true gold, “You have sadness living in places sadness shouldn’t live.

Inside the jewelry there were images of Tori holding Avitori, plus Viktor and Vincent (who was the main star, looking at the photographer with wide grey eyes full of confused wonderment and the smallest hint of a smile that meant nothing at his age). In a few months he would start to understand lips curved upward meant joy. For now, the newborn could barely see, and he did not yet recognize faces. He did know voices and often responded by arching his back and twisting toward her, when he could hear his mother speak.

Both Mik and Mari were mysteriously absent from the locket… as if they did not even exist in the eyes of a demon who knew their flesh, blood, and bone was more Mathian than himself. There was no trace of Felix or Paxton. No kindred. No Haru. The simple truth was there had not been enough space to include all the faces that should belong to her family. He would tell Sylista this information the first chance he got.

There was no card in the bag – but Viktor stood up like he had a plan. He moved toward a group of women at the end of the table. Gently, he eased Vincent into Betty’s arms. There was a new caretaker for the children, training under the watchful eye of that mature woman and the sprightly girl named Kelly. The new one was named Wen. She looked like she might be part of the family with that beautiful, long black hair and misty grey eyes that sparkled like seaspray or a bubbling surf crossing over sand.

Once his hands were free the man who wore a golden mask and an antique filigree crown with diamonds and blue precious gems, returned to the thrones – offering his hand to Sylista for a dance or two! Viktor rarely looked away from her eyes when twirling and gliding smoothly, in tandem. He always had a faint and hopeful smile on his face… so long as the Flameweaver was nearby.

When Dris cut in – the demon encouraged Sylista to enjoy the festivities while he spoke lightheartedly with Rhys and Mathian. This is when he warned the vampire about his crazy idea; Viktor had never done anything like this, for anyone else, ever before. In fact, for a man who was extremely private – what came next was as good as screaming from the top of the Eiffel tower (or so they would say back home).

Picking up a microphone he was certain to start softly and increase his volume as needed when slowly pacing away. “Welcome ladies, gentlemen, and those of you in between or outside of the gender spectrum entirely!

In a warm manner he greeted, “We are happy to see you at Sylista’s thirty-fourth birthday party. Before dinner is served there are a few things I wanted to tell her majesty…” Viktor cleared his throat then continued, “They say, ‘The way they leave tells you everything’ but in your case, my Queen, I feel it was the way you showed up which happened to be most remarkable. You rolled into town like a firestorm meeting cloudburst. You persevered, pushed through adversity - and each new concept, every new object, was intensely considered, asked about, and studied with all the bright-eyed wonder of an innocent soul who saw this magical world for the very first time.” He chuckled when crooning, “You learned quickly. There was nothing you feared; Not even me!” He recalled fondly while casually moving a couple of feet – for emphasis (and to appear relaxed when all he felt was nervous). He had been extensively trained in public speaking. “No challenge was too great for Sylista. Here in Rhy’din you took your first real steps toward freedom and, though you stumbled a few times, you always climbed back up and continued onward. Your vigor and joy touched the lives of all these people here today. We all wish you a very happy birthday.

This was where his voice got sentimental - taking a deep breath and explaining to those present, “When I realized how hopelessly in love I was with Sylista, the kinda love you just cannot shake out of your spirit, I could not control my emotions any longer. It felt as if my heart might stop beating!” He gestured to his chest absentmindedly before sighing, “So… one evening as I prayed to the Goddess of Chaos, begging her to make some sense out of my agony, I heard the answer in my heart but not in my ears. I was driven by that whisper. I went to Seaside beach where we met. I ran there, literally ran…” he paused knowing nobody in Rhy’din would have seen him do more than walk briskly in all his other adventures, “… And in the middle of the night I confessed my love for her as if the sand and sea might carry my words to her – wherever she may be.” He made a small sound of amusement and did not rush explaining, “Much to my astonishment, from the water, as I finished telling the waves my truth, I saw a blast of heat bright as a quasar… and then she stepped free of the surf where I had not known her to be. The salt in her body must have become sugar.” In a cathartic tone he told the world, “She forgave me for how I grieved the loss of our child, and all of the terrible things I said before getting into a horrible traffic accident that nearly did me in. I was in a coma for a month and in rehab for another six weeks. She had not heard from me in all that time.

He had never told Sylista about that part.

Viktor laughed in a breathy and disbelieving manner, “By that point in my life - I knew I should have crumbled onto the sand for better reasons, like exasperation or relief… but have you seen this woman?! She brings the sun to its knees every single night. She had me on my knees in worship…” Viktor almost demonstrated the pose by lowering to a single knee instead of both, “… that evening at Seaside because I could barely stand – such was my desperation and gratitude.

The necromancer purred, “Loving you, I have discovered that your name is the strongest positive and negative connotation in any language. It either lights me up or leaves me aching for days. Since our reunion on the beach, I realized that I do not want to have you fill the empty parts of me Sylista.” He gazed in a tender squint toward the woman when empathically expressing, “I have found a way to be full on my own. I feel so complete I could light a whole city and now I want to have your hand in marriage because the two of us combined could set the world on fire.” He took a nervous breath, worried she might change her mind because of that public display. “Please marry me,” he asked while offering a closed, long silver box containing a single black feather and bead (so that it could be braided into her hair) instead of a ring or bracelet; Others had already chosen those means of romantic expression. The new gift was different from the quill and paper feathers, too.

This was not the first time he had asked – but adding on new details he suggested, “In six days… at the seat of power for this astonishing land? Anyone here could be welcome to join us if you say yes, but I am not certain I can survive another day without adjoining our spirits. If you marry me, when our time comes and our end is nigh, we will fear no evil knowing… as in life, whatever we face, it will be done together.

Viktor took a breath and sighed, “I could never say thank you enough times… for your patience, for your mercy, for your compassion while I struggled and settled – seeking ways to mend my wounds and heal from a lifetime spent in shackles. You are everything to me. You picked me up from darkness and saved what little light I have left in this withered heart of mine.

In a voice so heartfelt it quivered slightly toward the end – he told Sylista, “I love you. Happy birthday.” Though he wished for her to answer he gave the noirette time to think by announcing without standing up, “A toast!” He raised the glass of champagne he had been holding onto and teased, “To the only woman who has ever seen me in flannel… long life, good health. Cheers!

Last edited by Viktor Ravenwood on Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Birthday at the Rathskeller

Post by Michelle Montoya »

Michelle made a brief appearance, bringing a box of baklava and a small tin of loose leaf orange pekoe black tea for energy as a gift. The estranged knight arrived just in time to hear Viktor's speech and watch the proposal.

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Sylista Ravenwood
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Re: Birthday at the Rathskeller

Post by Sylista Ravenwood »

(I know this is super late and the event has passed... but it's Syl's birthday and I didn't post for her because technical issues. Sorry!!)

Sylista had not known what to expect that night. When walking in with Vincent sleeping as she held him against her chest, she marvelled at the spectacular decorating that Gideon and Luna had done to the property. This place was her pride and joy (other than her children), and to see it so beautifully done up by her half-brother and one of her best friends took her breath away. The thrones, though, caused an eyebrow to arch, and obsidian curls swayed as a slow shake off her head occurred. She was smiling; a knowing look shared between Viktor and the birthday girl.

Tori handed a room key to Kelly and Wen to keep the infants in should they need a nap or some quiet time, especially the smallest of the three, and Sylista was hesitant to give up her son. Thanks to Kelly’s soothing words and reassuring presence, the new mother eventually allowed the nannies to take the children off to feed them and try to get them to have a short nap before Vincent was handed off to his father.

It was a good thing, too, for it was Salvador who greeted her first, her face lighting up when he came close. The happy shimmer quickly faded, porcelain cheeks staining red as he whispered his something else besides. The petite woman required a moment to catch her breath and, when he started walking away, her magic carried a whisper to his ear, a grin forming when his subtle answer came in turn.

It took her a while to find Mathian and Viktor after, not because she was far from them, but because she was stopped a few times by well-wishers. A quick word, hug, and giddy laughter were shared with each, the new mother enjoying the night so far, and the plan for the night was explained to each man. The vampire, of course, rolled his eyes and gave her an affectionate smile while Viktor seemed to hesitate at the idea before nodding in agreement. She bounced excitedly (though very carefully) on her gold Louboutin shoes and continued to socialize.

When spotting Conner, a bright smile lit up her face. She made a mental note to spend more Friday nights at the Red Dragon Inn… which rather quickly turned to a note to spend the weekend evenings at the Red Dragon Inn as her favourite Beholder was spotted gliding around. Both of them would be greeted, thanked, and asked if any introductions were needed.

Miss Harker was greeted with a hug if she accepted it, a whispered greeting during the embrace, though an audible thank you expressed followed by a compliment on how charming she looked. A similar greeting was shared with Anya: a hug if wanted, a thank you for granting Gideon access to the Tower of Earth library, and extra compliments given over the stunning black and silver shoes.

Dris and Rhys, her other best friends (and the recipients of every baby picture she had ever taken), had her rushing over to say hello, so her favourite bard and his boyfriend would not be looking long to find her. The flowers were beautiful, and Sylista ensured the two knew very well how much she loved them (both the flowers and the boys) before cheek kisses, hugs, and chit chat occurred. One of her children (if asked, the mother would say it was Mik) took the flowers and set them up in the office with the wine bottle next to it on the large desk at the back of the room.

The songs sung by Conner and Tito were new to the Runelord, though, would enjoy the genre as much as the birthday girl did.

Tori rushed to her mother’s side, the swishing of the black skirt announcing her arrival, and the teenager began dragging her away from guests, pulling her to sit in the satin-covered black throne only to have Viktor hold out his hand to dance mere seconds later. The intro of the song Tori had picked began with Viktor whispering in time, “let me be your hero,” which made cheeks flush and a giggle escape.
Sylista had never heard this song before (which she would be later informed the name was “Hero” by one Enrique Iglesias). However, she found the lyrics romantic enough that tears brightened the corner of happy eyes. “I love you," she stated clearly to the man who had surprisingly stolen her heart almost a year ago.

Dris, Rhys, and Tito would each get a dance or more if they wanted, and Mathian and Viktor would get as many throughout the night as they asked for (when she could find Viktor, that is).

Michelle, Sylista’s former mentor in magic, received a smile and a wave and, when she was about to stand to speak to her, Viktor’s speech started. The birthday girl paused and looked around the room at first, trying to see if anyone knew exactly what was happening as this was unexpected and well prepared! Seeing as much wonder from most of the guests, she settled and listened. There were moments of laughter, a lot of tears, and a few where a narrowed gaze and a lifted eyebrow expressed her amused annoyance, which was forgotten after the necromancer lowered to one knee and continued speaking, a weepy giggle slipping out when he mentioned fire. Laughing at his toast, she announced, “flannel was a good look for you!” Adding with a wavering whisper, the look on her face giving everyone in the room the answer to his question, “the answer is yes”.
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