DoF Rules Updates Log

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DoF Rules Updates Log

Post by Goldglo »

This thread will track rules updates to the official rules page:
Last edited by Goldglo on Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Goldglo »


Opal section updated to add specifics about grace periods and timing.

Various wording changed for clarification (Victory by Emerald to Victory by Challenger, etc.).

Clause added that characters of Opal rank must remain active per the rules or lose the Opal rank.
"If you are thinking a year from now, sow seed. If you are thinking ten years from now, plant a tree. If you are thinking one-hundred years from now, educate the people."

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Post by DUEL Glo »

7/14/14 (these will be added to the Duel of Fists Rules of Rank soon, but are official as by virtue of being listed here).

Diamond Quest Rule Addition

Now that the Diamond Quest is over, we're going to implement the following which we've been discussing for a while. However, we elected to wait until after this DQ to give people a cycle to log a duel. The following rule addition comes into play immediately:

Rule addition: In order to enter the Diamond Quest, the entering character may not be inactive as defined in the Rules of Rank. Characters who are inactive may not enter or participate in the Diamond Quest.


Diamond Rule Addition

The following rule addition comes into play starting with the winner of Diamond Quest 79 (i.e. the winner of the DQ held in October, 2014):

If the Diamond falls into inactivity during their reign as Diamond, they will not be automatically stripped of the Diamond. However, the Diamond will be subject to the 'Emerald Gauntlet' - the same rules that apply if a Diamond falls below 15 WoL. If a Diamond falls into inactivity and additionally falls below 15 WoL later in their reign, they will face a 2nd gauntlet.


Generic Tournament Rule Addition

The following rule addition comes into play immediately:

In order to enter or participate in Opal tournaments or events where Opals are prizes, the entering/participating character may not be inactive as defined in the Rules of Rank. Characters who are inactive or who do not appear on the Standings may not enter or participate in these events.
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Re: DoF Rules Updates Log

Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

The following update and clarification to grace periods for Opal acquisition comes into play immediately:

Grace Periods

A seven-day grace period applies regardless of the method of acquisition of an Opal - challenge, tournament, or otherwise.

Day 1 of the seven-day or thirty-day grace period begins at midnight the day after challenge was scheduled to begin or the Opal was acquired (including tournament start time). The grace period ends at one second after midnight ET of the eighth or thirty-first day.

A challenge or tournament is considered to begin at the day and time listed on the message boards. If a challenge or tournament was scheduled to begin at 11:45 pm EST but does not actually begin until 12:01am EST the following day, 11:45pm EST is still considered the start time.

Example 1: A challenge or tournament begins at 9:00 pm EST on January 2. The Emerald wins and enters into 7-day grace. The grace period begins at 12:00 am on January 3 and ends one second after 12:00 am January 10th.
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Re: DoF Rules Updates Log

Post by Goldglo »

-------February 2021 Changelog-------

Major updates to the February 2021 rules are:

Update: Shifting the rules from a webpage to the Message Board forum*.
Reason: Brings the rules format/location in line with the Duel of Magic and Duel of Swords.
*Note: The webpage rules will likely be active for another day or two until the link can be changed to load the forum version; the forum-based rules are effective today, February 14, 2021, and override the web-based version while both are accessible.

Update: Altering the DQ-entry requirement to be wins-based rather than rank-based.
Reason: This change keeps DoF’s top title, which remains unchallengeable and obtainable only by winning a Diamond Quest, as an ‘endgame’ achievement, open to those who obtain the highest wins-based rank in the sport.

Update: Added language to clarify that characters who obtain 15 wins can enter the Diamond Quest, even if the most recent standings don’t reflect those wins (i.e. DQ is on a Saturday and someone gets their 15th win on the preceding Thursday)
Reason: Ensures that characters with at least 15 wins can enter a Diamond Quest and that DQ entry (from a wins-tracking standpoint) is not determined by the prior week’s standings.

Update: Qualifying the time period by when an Opal challenger must post the day, time and caller information for the upcoming challenge.
Reason: Previously, there was no timeframe set for this mandatory requirement.

Update: Removed language wherein Opals were referred to as a “title” instead of a “rank”.
Reason: As the terms have been sometimes used interchangeably, there was confusion as to what a title means vs. a rank. For DoF purposes, the Opal is considered a rank, not a title.

Minor updates to the February 2021 rules are:

Update: Punctuation changes, rewording for clarification purposes.
Reason: General cleanup/refinement.
"If you are thinking a year from now, sow seed. If you are thinking ten years from now, plant a tree. If you are thinking one-hundred years from now, educate the people."

--Kuan Tzu, 5'th century Chinese poet
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Re: DoF Rules Updates Log

Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

Fistmelda's Tusk format timing change:

Effective immediately, the format for the ART will be supplied to the holder of Fistmelda's Tusk as follows:

"A member of DoF Staff will supply the format options for the next ART to the holder of Fistmelda's Tusk no later than four (4) weeks before the ART scheduled date. The Fistmelda's Tusk holder will have up until 2 weeks prior to the ART to decide the format. If they do not decide by that time, the DoF Staff will select the format."

The Fistmelda's Tusk Details! post has been edited to reflect this change.
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