Challenge To The Overlord (2020 Summer Cycle All Ranks Tournament challenge grant)

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Challenge To The Overlord (2020 Summer Cycle All Ranks Tournament challenge grant)

Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

A thick white sheet of parchment was tacked to the corkboard with a black and gold pushpin. The message that it contained was written in an exceptionally precise left-handed script in black ink. A seal in black and gold wax with the impression in the wax of a panther head was at the bottom of the parchment.

Because I achieved second place in the recent Summer Cycle All Ranks Tournament, I will now utilise the test-free challenge to the Overlord that I was both awarded and earned in that Tournament. Therefore, I hereby issue an official challenge to the current Overlord, Hope Naharis, for the Mantle of the Overlord.

--Rachael Blackthorne
Prior custodian of Seaside, the Tenth Ring
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Re: Challenge To The Overlord (2020 Summer Cycle All Ranks Tournament challenge grant)

Post by Tippletoe »

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holder's acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!
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Re: Challenge To The Overlord (2020 Summer Cycle All Ranks Tournament challenge grant)

Post by Hope »

The following was scrawled on loose-leaf paper pinned beneath Rachael's challenge:


First and foremost congratulations on your performance in the All Ranks Tournament. That is impressive and it would be disingenuous to say otherwise. Given your challenge and the clear emphasis on things earned and tests: even if you challenged without a grant I wouldn't have tested you. I get the feeling you don't like me very much. I don't really care. Plenty of people don't like me and I like that. You don't have to like me but you do have to put respect on this name. Take your best shot.

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Re: Challenge To The Overlord (2020 Summer Cycle All Ranks Tournament challenge grant)

Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

A thick white sheet of parchment was tacked to the corkboard with a black and gold pushpin. The message that it contained was written in an exceptionally precise left-handed script in black ink. A seal in black and gold wax with the impression in the wax of a panther head was at the bottom of the parchment.

The current Overlord, Hope Naharis, and I will meet for the challenge for the Mantle of the Overlord on Sunday, October the 11th at 9 PM EST. The honourable Coordinator of the Duel of Swords, Conner Reid, will preside over the challenge.

--Rachael Blackthorne
Prior custodian of Seaside, the Tenth Ring
Prior custodian of Old Temple, the First Ring
Prior custodian of New Haven, the Thirteenth Ring
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Re: Challenge To The Overlord (2020 Summer Cycle All Ranks Tournament challenge grant)

Post by Conner Reid »

This challenge was a bit slow out the gate, but eventually it took place as planned.

The challenger, Rachael Blackthornie fought under a black and gold banner emblazoned with a panther and a wolf. Her Lord of Honor was her husband Ian Blackthorne, and her seconds were Warlady Amaris Silhaeven and Baroness Mairead Harker.

Defending her title was Overlord Hope Naharis. Hope fought under the white and gold Real Rhy'Din banner. Her people of honor were the Real Rhy'Din gang, and her second was Jaycy, the Baron of Old Market.

As the recipient of Challenge Grant from her fine performance in the All Ranks Tournament, Rachael was protected from any test by the Overlord. Overlord Hope selected a single-duel format for the challenge.

The fight began with Rachael jumping out with an early lead. But for every point the challenger scored, the Overlord was there with an answer. The pattern repeated through six rounds, with Rachael scoring a leading point, and Hope immediately tying it up. But in the seventh round, Hope found her first lead of the night, and she held onto it as the fighters traded blows in the final round.

Hope def. Rachael Blackthorne, 5 - 4 in 8 rounds.

Well-tried Rachael! Congratulations Hope, on your second defense!
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