Challenge for Dockside! aka G, gimme the loots!

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Napoleon Bonarat
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Challenge for Dockside! aka G, gimme the loots!

Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Since Jake gave me a challenge grant, and since I like Morgan and don't want to get her mad at me for challenging her loyal barons, I'm preparing to raid DOCKSIDE!

So, G, if you beat Apple, rest up and get ready to walk the plank!

Last edited by Napoleon Bonarat on Sun May 04, 2014 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Napoleon Bonarat
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

This challenge is valid!

First in Queue. I'll be the first to try and tackle G'nort, then comes Napoleon. If anyone else wants to give it a shot, feel free!
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Napoleon Bonarat
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

I predict we will duel on Saturday, May 10, 9 pm RT!
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Post by G »

Napoleon's prediction is correct. I've accepted the challenge and we're going to fight at the time he predicted. Amazing powers of clairvoyance!

Of course, this is based tentatively on my crushing Apple beneath the heel of my boot, but yeah. It's the next night should I do that. I've already sent my request for an agreed upon caller.

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Post by G »

Rena said yes! So she will be the caller!
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by Anubis Karos »

There was a time when the Baron would take on the second challenger instantly after the first. In one extreme case, Billy Ray Karnafexx defeated three challengers in a single night. And now? We have a Baron insisting on facing his queue two separate nights in a row. Of course, when said Baron was one of the three involved inKarnafexx's rampage, we should expect no less than decline.

~Anubis Karos

P.S: Did I mention that Billy Ray Karnafexx was knocked unconscious by me in the Outback?
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Post by G »

Really, Anubis? Because of all the times there were Baron queues, this happened only twice. Both times I was involved in them, and only once was I able to face the Actual Baron.

Any other times there was a Queue(And I'm sure there were), they were likely fought on different nights. So don't come here and try to spout some sort of historical nonsense like you know how Barons used to do things when clearly you don't. One incident that you happen to remember does not make it a regular occurrence.

Face it, you're a washed up has been who can not only just live in the past, but whose skill in Swords is now limited to writing idiocy on the cork.

Best in the World.

P.S. Did I mention Karnafexx probably knew how to get the challenge right on the first try? And how many times have you been laid out flat on your back in the Outback, which, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with the Arena? Moron.
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Post by G »

As an FYI, Rena had to cancel because she's beautiful, and Saturday is her "Let people gaze upon her beauty" night. Okay that's not why she cancelled, but she is beautiful. As an alternate option and one that should prove most entertaining..

I have contracted the Mighty Aristotle Kruger Allen to officiate this bout of epic proportions or what have you.

So, yay! That's providing I vanquish the formidable, yet fragile, Apple Anderson tonight.

K bye.
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Post by DUEL Anvil »

Nappy was there, So was G who opted for a single contest.

Code: Select all

More music because he feels it will be a queue heavy night. ( ) He’ll talk through this selection it’s just to add drama. Ladies and Gentlemen the following Challenge is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to ring Alloy, being led by his second Jake Thrash and his lady… er Bunny of Honor Lindy Hop a lop, Napolean Bonaraaaaat! Nappy will be fighting under the colors of the Dread Ship Lollipop, a pirate flag bearing the intimidating Yellow Smiley FACE!

His opponent tonight is the awesome, the megalific Baron of Dockside! There he is being led to the ring by his Second Grace Fig. His Lady of Honor in Absentia is Mercedes!  Let’s hear it for the one, the only Geeeeeeeee! G will be fighting under the Silver and Navy Blue of the Company of Dragons.

Alloy 1: Nappy's showing his aggressive side, maybe there's more at stake here than he was telling the world? G's very quick on the defense, have you ever seen a hammer so wielded? 

Too bad for G that he was blocking the wrong direction. I didn't know that Nappy could fly. (FCP/HC) 0-1 Nappy
Alloy 2: G's looking to score, his hammer is racing towards the PiRATe with a vengeance.

Nappy's thinking of all those plundered ships and saying a Seven Nation Army can't hold me back ( ) (LC/FCP) 0-2 Nappy
Alloy 3: That G is sure a fast one... surprising based on the size of his hammer... Nappy has the quick blade, probably because it's so tiny and cute.

G should have taken that move though and jumped around Nappy's low strike. (FSS/LC) 0-3 Nappy ( )

Alloy 4: G knows what Nappy knows about him... Everybody Wants Some ( )

Nappy's quick thrust is stopped short though because G says you can't always get what you want. (SH/Th) 1-3 Nappy

Alloy 5: Nappy's looking flashy tonight! G's looking to play a game. Seems like a Bad Romance to me...( ) (FDU/FLP) 2-3 Nappy

Alloy 6: Tremendous Action in the Ring!! G's ready to strike! Nappy's ready to retaliate! I saw the poster Nappy's Wanted Dead or Alive! ( ) Watch out for low flying PiRATes, G (FSS/HC) 2-4 Nappy

Alloy 7: G's got his hammer trained on Nappy... Nappy's rapier tip is thirsty for blood.

Nappy's striking way too low for G to stop that hit... Maybe they should read my shirt and blow me one last kiss? ( ) (SH/LC)

(Napolean Bonarat .def. G, 5-2 in 7, DoS)

"Here is your winner, and NEW BARON of DOCKSIDE! Napolean Bonaaaraaat!" He looks from Nappy to G. "Well reigned G, well dueled both of you."
Napolean Bonarat chose to become a Loyal Baron to The Overlady.
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

Morgan! You! The Overlord!

If you could stop looking at that cheesecake Anvil long enough, please note that I'm loyal. Please don't send someone to challenge me in July.

Also, please send to the Dread Ship Lollipop your appreciation for us declaring loyal to you. Most of us appreciate pastries, but Croc likes beef the best. Crayons are good too. And also anything shiny.

It's in your best interest.

Trust us.
Napoleon Bonarat
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