Barons Rings

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Capt Sneggle
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Barons Rings

Post by Capt Sneggle »

Personally I think that once a person wins a Baron's ring he/she should be immune from challenge for thirty days from the date the ring was won as posted in the official standings.

Also, in posted and sanctioned tournaments the Baron's ring should not be a prize to be pursued solely for the acquiring of points in a tournament.

If a person gives up the ring or has not defended it as per the existing requirements then the protocol in place for handling this should be used.

I do recall a time when the Baron's ring was a goal and not a gimmick to be used to feed a tournament.

Just my opinion
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Post by Jake »

Just to be clear, Hydra was not a *sanctioned* event. It was a player-run event.

Because it was a player-run event, the rules for scoring were entirely at the discretion of the player running the event.

If, for example, he made "slashing G in a duel is worth a dozen points" he's perfectly free to do that.

The same is true for any player-run event. Your event, your rules. It's optional whether people choose to participate.


If you are referring to two of the Baron rings being available in the upcoming WLT...empty Baronies have been prizes in WLTs for many years. There's nothing new about that.
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Post by Shadowlord »

I'm not sure what urged your words, Lorance-mun...but if the stripped Baronial rings aren't put in the WLT, they still have to be put in *some* tournament. I can think of no fairer, simpler way to handle the vacancies.

But the matter of respect for the titles is ultimately a player choice, no matter the events surrounding the title's acquisition. In my opinion, the tradition is to challenge those one thinks don't value the title, and take it from them.
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Re: Barons Rings

Post by PrlUnicorn »

Capt Sneggle wrote:Personally I think that once a person wins a Baron's ring he/she should be immune from challenge for thirty days from the date the ring was won as posted in the official standings.
A week I would agreed with you on, but not anything as lengthy as thirty days.
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

Most of what matters is the IC perspective. Some characters may not value the barony rings while others do. Using my characters as an example; King sees the rings / manor / titles as a way to make money - make herself more famous in the dueling world - help Team Beat Down. Nayun? Doesn't care any about the title itself. She only cares about the fight. I think Apple is the only character of mine that respects the titles.

OOC? Titles are there to be challenged for. This is a PVP game. At least to me, anyone should be allowed to challenge for any title as long as they - follow the rules, get the SoA / Rank, and have the time to show up and duel for it. It does not matter what their intent may be. They put in the time and effort to gain the ability to challenge; so they should be allowed to. Unless it's blatant harassment on an OOC level.

Also. I'd say if the 30 day immunity happened, you might as well get rid of the 10 SoA needed to challenge a barony. That is the difference between DoF / DoM to DoS. All sports should not be the same. You (Not really to you, but anyone), can challenge for a title at 2 WoLs and 2 weeks activity in DoM. This can be seen as having no respect for the titles by some who put more effort into their rank. In DoF you only need to become Emerald, be active on the standings without an (NE) next to your name, have not challenged in that month, and bam - you can challenge.

DoS requires not only activity but a duel win/lose/tie count to challenge for titles. Adding a 30 day grace period for new Barons would cut challenges most likely. Also; there is the Renegade / Loyal system in DoS. Something the other sports do not have. If a loyal does not like being challenged the day the standings are posted the same week they won their challenge? They can ask the OL to step in. Once they defend that month, the rest of that month is graced to them. If they defend on the 1st of September? They can't be touched until the 1st of October. Renegades? They chose their route and have no grace period.

It's fluff that allows for political RP. If there were no Renegade / Loyal system, no SoA required to gain a title, etc. Perhaps 30 day grace would be fine. But DoS is a completely different machine compared to the other duels.


As for challenges being worth points. Jake already covered that. Hydra is *not* officially part of RoH. It was a player driven tournament ( which hopefully will urge others to make player driven events / tournaments since they are fun :) ).

Also.. from what I've read from the forums way before I even came. The other events that I have seen Barony rings given away at had been non-WLT tournaments, which were basically the same as a WLT without the OL challenge grant. Or invitationals.

To make it easier for Callers / Coordinators / Etc. It's simply best to use the WLT.
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Post by G »

I recall a time when in order to duel, we had to pay 3 dollars an hour to connect if we wanted to play, making time and effort more valuable. Now, it isn't that big a deal.

Time passes, new era, new duelists, new RoH.
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Post by Andrea Anderson »

G wrote:I recall a time when in order to duel, we had to pay 3 dollars an hour to connect if we wanted to play
The horror.
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Post by Britania Grey »

Hey it was 2.95!
Capt Sneggle
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Post by Capt Sneggle »

Good exchange of thoughts on the topic. Thanks
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Post by Bane »

Britania Grey wrote:Hey it was 2.95!
He didn't have to pay. That's why he didn't know. ;)
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