From the Ashes. . .

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Long Painful Roads

Post by Byzannce »

Lord Momus’ words had hurt, they’d cut down to the bone, and beyond. Pslyder and Shard have invited me to live in their home rather than at the Center, yet I do not fit in there either. Three is a crowd in the best of times, and this certainly is not the best of times.

Progress comes though not fast enough. I am able to go abroad alone, but tire quickly. The wings I’d managed with my ‘brother’s’ help had taken hours to change back. I hadn’t managed a full shift, only a partial, and was so drained I couldn’t hold them up. It is humiliating. And yet, Pslyder is there for it all, and tolerates my frustration with good graces. Shard tries, though I think she is still uncertain of me and how long I will be in their care.

Their care.

Two words I never thought to associate with myself.

The Annex was not busy, and I slid through the heavy doors as someone else opened them. I was greeted by my erstwhile brother and his woman. Shard invited me to join them in the rafters, and I fleetingly wondered if she was simply taunting me, for there is no way I could have climbed up there on my own yet.

She dropped dark tendrils to me, “I can lift you up.”

Again the stinging humiliation of not being able to do something so simple as reach the rafters.

Psly lowered the ever present mirror shades, “who climbed?”

I frowned at him, “you flew, I cannot.” The words were bitter with frustration.

He grinned, and suddenly his thoughts formed in my mind, <you’re trying too hard, you know that.>

I gave him a dark look as I tentatively touched the tendrils Shard had lowered. After settling into the rafters with them, I glowered at him, *I am not trying too hard, I am not trying hard enough brother dearest.*

His good natured smile returned, <you are trying too hard. I made sure to build the body in such a way as to simply assimilate your form. By forcing it, you’re complicating the process. Just relax and let it happen, although, if you’re anything like me, anger will accelerate the process.>

I muttered something about having to be angry for a year at this rate.

We shared thoughts back and forth until Lord Momus appeared. He was dueling right away, but I told my brother I needed to see if I could get him to relent. Let me go home.

Pslyder’s thoughts were depressing, <Don’t. If he didn’t want you going home, I imagine there are more than one good reason. Aside from the fact that you can’t manage the journey right now in your present condition.>

But I have to go home. There is serious trouble, and I am doing no one any good here, and though they won’t say it, I am a burden to Psly and Shard.

He tilted his head, as though he could read even my shielded thoughts, “And what do you propose to do?”

I have no idea really, but I know there is something useful I could do.

Psly continued, <I may be new to this whole scene, but something that would cause a dragon, especially that dragon, distress, is something I’d rather avoid. Even at my best, which, you are not.>

There it was again. That pointed reminder that I am useless at the moment.

After I objected to just sitting out and waiting, Pslyder continued, <again, what do you propose you could do? Besides represent a potential hostage/casualty?>

Now I was truly angered. Even as a human, I could hide, watch vital areas, provide feedback on numbers and movement.

My new brother snorted, <You can barely make it to here under your own power. You can’t shift form. You can’t defend yourself. You would be at best a target. You have my memories, peruse them and find out what happens to non-battlefield casualties. I’ve seen images of you eating that aren’t as disturbing.>

I could feel anger welling up hotly at his thoughts. He believes I would be nothing more than fodder to torture. I muttered, “Only if I were caught. Who says’ I’d be caught?”

He reached up and took off the mirror shades and gave me “THAT” look. <A five year old half orc with a head cold could find you at the moment. Denial won’t do you any good sis. He placed you under my care, and that’s that.>

He’d told me I stank like a human! I swallowed the merlot, I don’t want his sympathy, and kindness. I want to go home! There had to be a way to convince Lord Momus.

He glanced at me, <are you sure you eally want to pursue that line of inquirey?>

I nodded, there was no way I wanted to sit on the sidelines nice and safe.

<Then tell me what you propose you could do that would keep you out of harm’s way>

I sighed inwardly. There was, in truth, little I could do.

<Sister… what you are right now is incredibly fragile according to his standards. He doesn’t deny you out of hate, or spite, but out of worry. Do you really think after his display at thinking you dead, he’d want to intentionally place you in danger? If you truly want to help him, help him by helping yourself.>

Rational arguments, how I hate them right now! Then a thought occurred to me. In my brother’s memories, there were bionic assists. Devices that could compensate for my weakened state. I asked him, but again he shot me down.

<Neither of our bodies will accept them anymore. We’re allergic, our bodies would reject them. Physically and forcibly. Case in point> and he showed me where the data jack had once been. It was gone.

He told me to look again at those memories to see how all that technology had been naught but a crutch. He told me that healing takes time, but I don’t have time.

I thought about asking at the Center. They might have answers that would work, but my brother was listening. <And you can stop that line of thought right there sister. That body has had all the alterations it can stand. The rest is up to you, and how patient you can be.>

*What harm is there in asking??* I was enraged, why NOT ask?

He turned slowly to look at me as Lord Momus walked toward him, <That’s something I hadn’t covered with you. Yes, some biological enhancements exist, but considering the work already done to that body, any more would completely undo it, and you would be dead.>

I frowned at him as Lord Momus spoke to Pslyder. “Th’ lady heah wanted t’talk t’ya Tass.”

Lord Momus looked straight at me, “about?”

I was instantly nervous. It’s not done, questioning one’s master, but I did, “Lord Momus, your decision, is there any chance I can convince you to change your mind and let me come back? I mean, there has to be something I can do to help.” I was pleading, but it didn’t matter. I couldn’t stay here and be useless.

“No.” was his one, crushing reply. At length, he continued, “when things settle on the Isles, then you may return.”

I lowered my head as he left.

My brother patted the sofa, <care to sit on the sofa? They made it for prolonged sitting.>

What I wanted was to cry. To go somewhere and sob until there were no more tears to cry, but that wouldn’t help.

Shard came back, seeking a duel. I couldn’t wield a sword, or fight hand to hand, but magic – I had to try. Shard was reticent, but she got into a ring with me.

After 3 rounds, I sank to my knees as her mage bolt hit. I couldn’t get up. There was nothing left. Pslyder growled, <Alright, just so the both of you know, I can feel that!>

Still panting hard, * I know*

Pslyder and I are connected, what one feels, so does the other. I’d learned that last night. From the distance of the Center to his home, we had enough separation that I’d not noticed, but last night was a different story. And tonight, we learned that he too feels it.

Shard finished me quickly, and I sat in the sand trying to collect enough energy to get up, but it took Shard’s help to regain my feet.

It was going to be a long, painful road back.
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Post by Shard »

Shard was ready for the tournament, but definitely not ready for the results. She was out in the first round, but, that didn't stop her from sitting beside the rings and watching everyone else fight.

A little too close to the rings.

Earlier, Brigath had given Amaltea some enchanted sand to fight with. While Shard was watching her match against Mystic, she got a face full blown by errant Island winds.

Shard's world darkened immediately. She called for Psly, and he was soon by her side, furious at Brigath for not helping her.

Her eyes, to everyone else, had faded to an ice blue color.

The drowess, Vasvrae, attempted to heal her twice, but Lloth did not give her blessing.

After the tournament was over, Brigath referred Shard and Pslyder to Topaz, who could have healed Shard's eyes.

But, she only said this... That the Twilight Isle had a reason for Shard to be blind, and she, for one, did not want to go against the Isle's wishes.

Pslyder carried Shard off of the Isle, and towards their home.

Shard laid against him... Her only thoughts were, "What does the Isle want me do? Is it because of my challenge? What have I done to deserve this?"
Take away the phantom and one sees nothing - one admits that himself. Yet take away seeing, and one sees a phantom - one forgets that.
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Home alone

Post by Byzannce »

Shard and Pslyder had been kind, but as the days wore on, I still felt like an outsider and a burden on them. Oh, they never said anything, and I know that my growth is on plan based on Psly's memories, but tonight my patience had worn thread bare, and I was glad to have the house to myself.

I'd been walking along the banister to work on my balance when it hit. Fury. Utter rage. Not my own, but my brother's. Something had shaken him to the foundations of his essence.

My balance faltered, and I landed hard on the floor below me. Pain raced up my legs as the echo of his rage reverberated through my thoughts.

I tried to touch his mind, but all I found was more anger.

Limping toward the door, grabbing the vair cloak, and my staff, I slipped into the darkness to try to find him before the rage made him do something he would regret. It was an anger I knew too well, and there was no time to lose.
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Post by Shard »

Shard didn't need to be told that the key had been given to her. As soon as it graced her hand, a few things happened.

For one, the darkness she had become accustomed to in the past week lifted, and she could see as well as, if not better than, she had before.

Shard smiled, and went into the bathroom to look at her reflection, and nearly fainted.

Her eyes were the color of liquid, a deep sapphire blue.

And her skin seemed to shimmer, a slight &#65279;iridescence that would have become a shell of some sort.

A few hours later, while she was in the shower, she felt something itching along her back. Pslyder knocked on the door, and ducked into the bathroom to talk to her, and stopped in shock.

"Shard, dear..."


"Since when do you have scales?"
Take away the phantom and one sees nothing - one admits that himself. Yet take away seeing, and one sees a phantom - one forgets that.
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Year in review.

Post by PslyderFTA »

Psly sat and pondered while overlooking the small plot of land surrounding his garage/factory/home/whatever you wanted to call it.

Recent renovations included a head-high stone wall surrounding the property, a small tower with balcony, which was where he enjoyed this view, and a small guest house, just in case of unexpected long-term company, such as his new sister. Not that she was annoying, but dragons, even new ones, tended not to be overly social with one another.

In this past year, his life had been turned around, flipped over, thoroughly puree'd, and otherwise different from before. His cybernetics? A thing of the increasingly distant past. His attitude? Currently travelling in the same direction. His love life? Just returned from a vacation in the islands. New Year's was hectic at times.

But Psly had all night to ponder other events. Bombings, criminal activity, new construction and developments. . .his network recorded everything it could possibly find, and it had taken Psly some time to sift through it all.

The question now was. . .why should he bother? Other than an outmoded sense of responsibility, it was perfectly clear that no one wanted his interference, as much as he might think they needed it. Should he simply wait this current generation out and hope for a better one in the future? He could now afford the long view, after all.

Besides, there was only one path available to those who would "save the world". . .and he'd been down that path, and didn't even remotely like what he saw.

"Very well. . ." he rumbled to no one in particular, "If the world wants me, it can damn well come find me."

Now the challenge was. . .how to keep himself occupied. Boredom was killer.
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Location: Rhydin

Post by Shard »

Shard sat in the Tower, leaning back in a rather comfortable chair of coral and sponge, with a book propped in her lap. Since she had some free time, she had decided to read up on the history of the tower itself.

Idly she fingered the key on a chain around her neck, staring at the various marine life that had flocked to the tower to peek at her. She smiled with thoughts of her vacation with Psly.

But now it was time to get back to business. She shifted in the chair, and went back to the book.

Something had nagged in the back of her mind the entire time she was away. Like there was something she had left unfinished.

Coming back, she still had been unable to place it, but her feelings led her to the tower for answers.

Where she found a large library, she had brightened considerably. Here may lie the answers she sought.

So she pulled up a chair, got herself some fresh water to drink, and began to read.
Take away the phantom and one sees nothing - one admits that himself. Yet take away seeing, and one sees a phantom - one forgets that.
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Post by Byzannce »

Whatever had set my brother off earlier was gone, but returning to his home didn't seem alluring either.

With determination, and nothing more, I set off for the bluffs. From there, I could work on shifting. Maybe it will take something dramatic for me to change, as it had for him once his body was altered enough.

There shouldn't be any need to wait for alteration, I am a dragon. The shift should be there. But it has not been. Perhaps if I leap from the bluffs.....

Shard had become a Keeper, and the two of them had enough to worry about. If I could shift, I could go home. They would be happy to be free of me lurking around their home.
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Head and Heart

Post by Byzannce »

I’d gone to the bluffs, stood upon the craggy rocks overlooking RhyDin. I’d tried to garner the courage to leap from them in an effort to force the change, but while the azure lines coil about my wrists, and run down my back and legs, there are no other tell tale signs of what I truly am.

If I leaped, I could wind up broken upon the rocky floor below. That would not help Lord Momus, and I suspect that were I to survive, I would never hear the end of it from my brother.

With a sigh of resignation, I returned to the city, and stopped in the Arena. By nightfall, I was exhausted, and leaning heavily upon the staff. Each step was done with deliberation and concentration rather than the fluid grace of my former life.

I found a place at the bar, pouring myself a glass of ale, and perching upon one of the bar stools to watch the duels, but my attention was not on the rings.

There was a flicker of the lights, which no one seemed to notice, but when they stabilized, Lord Momus has appeared within the room, and I froze in mid sip of my ale, slowly setting the glass down upon the bar.

He stood there a minute before I softly said, “Lord Momus?” His presence was surprising, and I had nothing to show for the weeks since I’d last seen him. He turned and looked at me. “It is good to see you this night Milord.”

He gave a slight bow and nodded, but said nothing. His attention once more upon the man known as Caleb, who was entering the ring with someone I have not seen before. Then he turned back to me and I asked him how things were going in the Isles.

He frowned slightly, then curled a lip as if to say nothing was good, and it was then that I realized this was a projection of the leader, and not his actual presence. He could not speak to me, despite being able to so most everything else as if he were actually here.

The image made its way toward me and I lowered my head at his scrutiny. I had no progress for him, and certainly he would not allow me to come home in this condition. I was startled at the touch, and he forced me to look him in the eyes.

He lifted a hand and pointed at me, the question was clear, how was I progressing? But I was not, and failure loomed large before me. I was ashamed, and my gaze fell to the floor, “I cannot change yet.”

He gave me an understanding smile, as though it was no more than he expected, and again Nitthogar’s words haunted me, “worthless.”

His hand tightened on my shoulder, as if to say it would happen, to give it time. He frowned at my obvious impatience, once again touching my temple, and then my heart. He could not convey words, but his meaning was crystal clear to me.

I nodded, “My head knows, but my heart does not accept.”

He frowned.

His message was clear, but I do not want to hear the message. I do not want to be dependent on anyone any longer.
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Post by Byzannce »

Pslyder has turned into a tyranical task master! The further his form changes, the harder he works me.

I took the evening to go to the Arena. I needed some time away from home and maybe I could try my hand at a duel once again.

I sat down at the bar, leaning the staff against it as I drank my ale. Stretching gingerly the sore muscled I had Pslyder to thank for. The rings were empty, but there was a lively conversation between someone called Rix and a woman the caller addressed as Charlie.

Charlie told Rix that she would rather kill a man than look at one since they are such troublesome beasts.

I don't know where it came from, but I spoke up, "Are you for hire?" Chuckling to myself, I could imagine my dear brother's reaction.

She slowly looked at me, "for hire? Only if the man is annoying enough."

I lifted my glass to her, "Oh, this one has been of late."

As I considered offering for a duel, Xenograg entered. His features were nearly perfectly rendered in the portrait I'd seen at the Temple. There could not be two, unless he had a twin brother about.

As he approached the bar, I asked him if he was the one called The Liberator, but he did not apparently hear me, and was soon deeply into discussion with an elven warrior I hadn't seen before.

I rolled an aching shoulder when a flickering of lights announced the appearance of Lord Momus. He moved toward me and I slid off the stool to properly greet the Lord of Dragons.

He eased me back onto my perch, a hand upon the troublesome shoulder. It felt very odd to have him do that, and I bowed my head quickly.

He was wan and tired looking, and as I asked him how things were going, he sighed and shrugged. "is there nothing I can do?" I feel completely helpless left here while they fight on alone.

He smiled and touched my forehead as if telling me to learn all that I could, and I told him that Pslyder was working me to death, but that it didn't seem to be enough. I had still not changed.

He chuckled and his hand squeezed slightly, relieving the ache that had been there when I had arrived.

It is true, my color is returning, there is blue tracing where all of my bones are, a rather odd appearance, but one that I am very happy to see.

Lord Momus seemed to be listening to Xenograg, and the elf, as before long he left me to go speak with them. He spent a few short minutes talking to the elf and the General before he returned. I stood again, and he seemed even more exhausted and I gave him a worried look.

He once again lifted his hand to my forehead, and heart, but this time there was a soft silver glow where his hand travelled, and then he touched his heart and head.

What happened next was incredible, and his voice entered my thoughts, as the aches all vanished, "if it time you understood why I cannot allow you to return yet.... it is time you understand why I wish you to stay here. It is time Sister that you understood your worth."

Light flooed into me as the knowledge of my race, and the powers of my birthright were revealed. It was shocking, and a bit overwhelming as my mind and heart captured that information.

Lord Momus finally continued, "should I fail this task Sister, to cleanse our world of this taint which I have brought upon it, you will be the mother of the new race, the one who will guide and teach."

I paled, "but, but I cannot be - I'm not - well, I've got this influence of my brother..." My human taint would forever follow me. I couldn't found a new generation of dragons. Who would have me?

He looked at me long before saying, "you are now you. you are now whole. One can never stop learning, and you have learned something no other of our race has."

I cringed, what I had learned I would wish upon no other.

"But, you *have* learned."

I protested again, "but what dragon will want me with the human influence? Even Pslyder warned me of that."

He smiled, "when you are ready, they will find you."

I still cannot change, and Lord Momus asked me what I loved. To search my information and find the answer to my struggle to regain my true form.

Xenograg returned, and I indicated the man to Lord Momus. "Is that the one they call The Liberator?"

Lord Momus glanced at Xeno and then back at me. "He is called that by some, though I do not believe he knows why either."

"So is he a member of the Temple then?" It stood to reason he might be since his sword and portrait hang so prominently inside its walls.

Lord Momus shook his head, "no, he is not."'

"But if he is not a member of the Temple, why would he be enshrined there, and called Liberator?" The incongruity was perplexing.

"That is something youj may want to ask him Sister."

I nodded, "he seems busy and I simply thought you might know." I was not going to trouble the man over my questions, especially since it had been confirmed that he was the man in the portrait.

Lord Momus grabbed my wrist, "come". We waited as a discussion on the merits of a slash were resolved to the satisfaction of those at his table before Lord Momus bade me introduce myself. I did, and was surprised when Xenograg noted that he had seen me about. I blushed, "My time in Rhydin has been extended longer than expected Xenograg."

I noted humor in his eyes, as though I'd omitted something, but decided to ask my question rather than waste his time, "I was wondering if I may ask you a question?"

He smiled, "you may."

"Well, there is a portrait in the new Temple, the image looks strikingly like you, and I was wondering if you are The Liberator that they so venerate?"

His smile vanished, and his eyes grew cold. I'd managed to bring great anger to a man I'd just met. His wife however seemed greatly amused.

Taking a step back, I apologized for my error as Amaltea patted his arm, "yes sweetie, that portrait doesn't do you justice, but it's still a good image."

Xenograg looked up at me, "no, my apologies to you. What they do is against my wishes. My anger is with them."

I nodded, "They are an interesting group. I thought you were a willing member."

He shook his head, "I distrust everything about the Temple of Divine Light, and advise you to do the same."

Amaltea then said, "what happened is that Xenograg here destroyed Shakira a while back. So now they think of him as this grand savior."

I had heard the name of Shakira, but was not certain of the details. I glanced at Xenograg, "I do not trust them, but I 've been learning as much as I can since I'm stuck here for the time being." Turning to Amaltea, "And who was Shakira?"

She gave me a surprised look, "Shakira, well, she was a demon who won the title of Overlord and with it tried to control the city."

Glancing at Xenograg, "then why would you not be honored to be recognized?"

He glowered a bit, "for one, Shakira's 'daughter' is one of the Temple's founders and leaders."

I was clearly taken back, "a demoness' daughter runs the Temple and yet they claim to stand for the public service and good works?"

He nodded gravely, "you make my point for me Byzannce."

"There is a sword there, they claim it was yours." I continued, now very curious about this situation.

He frowned, "it is. They refuse to return it, my rightful property, to me despite numerous requests."

My frown matched his, "can you not request from the authorities that they require its return to you?"

"They recognize no authority above themselves and their White Lady." Xeno sounded almost bitter.

These were not the sorts of things I expected from an organization that had taken such a high profile work in the community.

Amaltea shrugged, "I do have to admit, they do good work and I have yet to see them do something wrong."

Xeno agreed, but pointed out that it was 'duped accolytes' doing the public works. "I honestly do not know what the ture goals of the Temple are. As I said, I distrust everything they say or do."

Amaltea started to gather her things in preparation to leave. "Despite my husband's dislike of the Temple, I still think that they are innocent until proven guilty."

Kalinda murmured, "Is not good done in the name of evil still good? Is not evil done in the name of good still evil? Let us do what is right and dispense with the naming of names."

I asked Xeno and Amaltea if they could be hinding behind the good works while worming their way into a strangle hold over the city.

Xenograg agreed, Amaltea said there was no proof. But sometimes, the proof comes too late.

The Temple would not return the sword because they deemed it a 'religious relic' and yet the owner has requested its return, even offered a reward for it.

Kalinda suggested hiring a thief or more to retrieve it, but Xenograg said it hasnot come to that yet.

They were preparing to leave I and I bade them good night. Tonight was illuminating in many directions.
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Post by PslyderFTA »

Another evening shift at the Annex over with, Psly glided home on the chilly winds, finally settling his ponderous bulk in the top of his new tower. Sealing the entrance against the chill with a bit of magic, he moved towards his "nest", a depression built into the floor and lined with cushions and pillows of a very strong weave, protected against his claws. It was getting wearysome to venture out and "play" anymore, for his size prevented him from relaxing and enjoying the bouts.

Soon, he thought, soon, I will have no other choice but to retire from the active portion of the sport, and settle for the administrative duties. At least then, I will have enough time for my research.

He researched several venues of late, including the various species of dracoforms. After all, it was time he accepted a few things. He grew up human, and was instinctively used to that, but he needed the same level of comfort with his new body.

After all, it's not like it was going anywhere.

He also did research on locations, knowing that if all else failed on the Isles, his sister would need the information. That, more than the exercise, would provide the drive to achieve her true form.
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Post by Byzannce »

Pslyder has been a relentless taskmaster, pushing harder each day in an effort to make me stronger, and I suspect to make me angry enough to change. I walked into the Annex to hear him teasing a young woman. “Or don’t I fall into the ‘safe’ category yet?”

I lifted a brow and headed for the bar, “if anyone calls you safe, they’re nuts.”

The woman kept a wary gaze on Pslyder, “nobody does…”

Psly gave her a toothy grin, “yeah, but this one thinks I’m gonna eat her.”

“Y’might try,” the young lady retorted.

I flashed my brother a smile, “well, you might.”

Pslyder laughed, “nah, she’s gonna have that flavor.

I gave him a surprised look, “what flavor? And if you’re hungry enough, you won’t care.”

He stretched a bit. He was getting big, “hence the reason I make sure not to get that hungry. And while it was on a whim, and during a period of insanity, I have kissed this one’s father. That’s the flavor I mean.”

I blinked. “You kissed a male?”

“He wouldn’t shut up.”

I nearly laughed, “Geez, I didn’t find THAT memory!”

He growled at me, “You think I wanna remember that? Had it locked away for a while. But the smell brought it back.”

I grinned, “well, you do have some, shall we say, ‘interesting’ memories? Hard to say if you would or wouldn’t.”

With a grin that spoke volumes, “Indeed. Learn anything yet?”

Scoffing at him, “nothing I’ll want as a dragon,” and then I poured myself a glass of white wine. Heading for his recumbent position, I sat down on his tail, “I had a visitor last night.”

He perked up as the young woman stepped into the ring for a duel. “oh? Do tell.”

“Lord Momus came. He looks terrible.” I poked him with my staff, “and HE took away the pain YOU’ve managed to saddle me with given all your exercises.”

We talked about the unique events of the previous night, and I told him that I do not believe myself capable of what he’s requested should he fail. I toyed with one of his scales, “If things are really as bad as that, there won’t be enough dragons left to find one another.”

He smiled, “heh, reminds me of an old movie.”

“What movie?”

“Jurassic Park, and I quote, ‘Nature always finds a way’.”

But, that’s not always so, for extinction is the rule rather than the exception.

We talked about Xenograg and I told him about my faux pas. He told me that Xeno was cool, but a bit stuffy at times. I could see that.

I learned that Pslyder had been involved in the killing of Shakira. I hadn’t found those memories yet, but they might be helpful.

A tattooed female arrived and she appeared to be suffering from a nasty headache, but she stepped into the ring with a white robed woman from the very Temple we’d discussed last evening.

Pslyder had the unmitigated gall to insinuate that I needed his work regimen to keep me from getting pudgy. HA! “we’ll see who’s getting pudgy…. Step on a scale brother dearest.”

“Don’t wanna break’em, but hey, I still get my walking in.”

I snickered, “there’s an industrial scale across the road.”

Pslyder was distracted when Kalinda dropped her cloak revealing a rather tiny bikini top and loin cloth. I think the drool almost reached the floor. “Hush, you.” He told me as I teased him.

“Coward,” I told him

“Coward nothin’. I know how much I weigh.”

“Oh? Do tell,” I taunted.”

“More’n a cow.” He was still drooling over Kalinda’s attire.

“mmm, cows are tough, how many sheep?” I snickered as I took a sip of the wine.

“Heh, Anyone mentions all you can eat, they bleat.”

I laughed, “that much, hmm?” Sometimes his speech patterns lapsed into the southern boy slang, and I loved to tease him.

“Something like that, yes.” Abruptly he picked me up, as though weighing me, “But, I don’t think you’re getting pudgy… might actually be putting on some muscle.”

I slapped lightly at his taloned hand, “Hey now, you won’t do that when I can change Mister.”

“No, but then we’ll be practicing aerial combat.”

I flashed him a grin, “There I will have you, you do know that?”

He gave me a dagger like smile, “You might. Though I’m finding something out. Chasing hawks is fun.”

I smiled at him, “well, I flew my whole life, and yes, hawks are fun, but you should try chasing hummingbirds for sport, hovering and fly backwards are fun to watch.”

“I’m working my way up to that. It’d be good to practice those,” as he seemed to contemplate the new exercises.

Pslyder coughed hearing Kalinda, “oh gawd, not another nudist…”

Sylus snickered hearing him, “What’s wrong with that?”

The white robed woman was turning out to be a prude! Unseemly indeed!

Sylus chuckled hearing her explain why her body was ‘reserved’. “Aren’t the women who are normally a prude, the biggest freaks when you get them inebriated?”

Pslyder grinned, “Ah, alcohol. The great de-inhibitor. Wondrous stuff.”

I elbowed Psly, “Yeah, you would know brother dear.”

“Hey now, I never got any of mine drunk!” He gave me an indignant scowl.

“No, just high on endorphins.” His memories were replete with unique methods of pleasure.

“Again, hush. I’m still working my way up to how you got to yours.”

I simply grinned at him. ”You will never figure that out. And besides, there are more interesting things to study.”

“Figure what out? Seems like they just did a lot of fancy flying to me….” He was having fun now teasing me.

“Dragons are graceful flyers, but with practice, can amaze you.” I know he will be pondering that now that he’ll have to figure it all out in his new form.

He gave me a smile that spelled trouble, “One of these days, I’ll show you ‘showing off’.”

I grinned, “You know, you talk a good talk, and your memories are colorful, but how much of that is wishful thinking?”

“One of these days, you’ll be sorry I showed you.” He quipped.

Leaning forward onto my elbows, I simply smiled. It was not likely, but let him have his day dreams. As the rings emptied, I rose, heading back to the bar for a refill of my wine. Psly’s bass chimed up, “Hey, Sis? Mind getting me a refill?”

I looked at him, “what are you drinking?”

He told me ale, but was not specific, and I considered filling the pitcher with a dark lager for the fun of it. He finally told me the Badsider.

I rejoined Pslyder, and found myself offered for a duel by Kalinda. We agreed to a swords match, and as I rose, I shot Pslyder a look as the cloak slid to the floor. Painted on jeans and tee shirt proved there was no chance I was going pudgy! But, I was not as awe inspiring as Kalinda in her white bikini.

She came into the ring with a staff as I pulled twin dragon daggers, folding them against my fore arms as I faced off with her. The azure lines were clearly visible and traced the bone structure beneath my skin. It was a change I was most pleased to see. After the first round, she discarded the staff in favor of knives, and the fun began in earnest.

Kalinda was a wicked opponent, and sometime during that duel, another shift occurred. Though she never let on at what point, when I came out, the azure of my eyes was clearly draconic and not human. My surprise when I saw it later that night was immense, but it was another step forward.

Our match ended in my favor, and I found the woman’s eyes on me as I sat back down with my brother. I was checking out a wicked cut when I met her gaze. Pslyder brought me back to the present by patting a very tender shoulder, “she wields a wicked knife.”

She gave me a smile, “I dare say, your blades are none too dull.”

I grinned, “You would not wish me to meet you with less, would you?”

She gave me an almost sultry look, “I might be able to think of something.”

“Oh?” My curiosity was peaked.

Her finger tip rested against her chin as a ghost of a smile played on her lips, “Perhaps.”

I rose and headed for her table, “do tell.”

She signaled for another glass of wine, “yes, a few things I’d rather you faced me with. Though, I highly doubt you would appreciate such a public venue for that… battle.”

I smiled, this verbal spar could prove interesting. “Well, that depends.”


“What the stakes would be.”

She smiled, “Oh? You did not strike me as the type.”

I laughed, she had no idea what ‘type’ I was, and dragons do have a sense of adventure. “For the right stakes, rewards can be found in intriguing ways.”

She tilted her head, “Are we speaking of the same issue?”

Laughing, I asked her to tell me what she was talking about since we were both dancing around the issue and neither of us coming out and saying it plainly.

She looked at me, “Honestly?”

“There is very little that can shock me,” I said as I flashed a grin at my brother.

She smiled a devilish smile, “If that tongue was forked, and how well you used it.”

I laughed, “Not yet, but working on it. And it’s very dexterous.”

“Do you need someone with which to practice?” We teased back and forth for some time before she asked me if she should expect me at her place, or mine.

I glanced at Pslyder, “I suggest your place, I have a ‘big brother’.”

Pslyder was listening and tried to bury a smirk. “And I made you your own house, little sister,”

I winked at Kalinda, “nosey too.”

With that, I headed back for my cloak. Kalinda and I needed to get to know one another a little better.
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Post by Byzannce »

As I pushed open the doors to the Outback, I found Kalinda inside. For a human, she is rather lovely to look at and she greeted me with a cheery “Hello! Your brother still driving you like a slave?”

I headed for the bar to retrieve a glass of white wine, “absolutely.”

She smiled, asking me if a relaxation regimen was in order, and I smiled, “Perhaps, but we are making progress,” I admitted to her what I would never admit to Pslyder. “Hopefully this time he won’t see a need to shoot me out of the sky!” I winked and lifted my wine glass to her.

She blinked in pure astonishment. “He what?”

I laughed, she had no way of knowing about any of that history. “Well, making a long story short, the rat shot me out of the sky while I was trying to keep a dracolich from burning another building in the city. To him, a dragon was a dragon, and all were better dead.”

She remained silent in stunned amazement.

“Fate intervened, and the power backlash resulted in my taking up residence in his body… and with two consciences in one brain, it got a bit crowded.” I didn’t tell her just how much conflict we endured during our forced co-habitation.

Finally she found her voice, “then he is not your brother?”

I pondered that for a minute, “well, that’s complicated. In order to get me out of his body before my needs killed his needs, he arranged a cloned/modified body for me. So in essence, some of my genome is his, well, based off his, and now my own form is modifying the body further.” The technology that went into creating this shell for me to inhabit and change back into a dragon form from a human basis was incredibly complex, and even now I am not certain I understand it completely.

She nodded, but I could see she didn’t completely understand either, and so I added, “and my presence modified his form, so where there was only one, now there are two again.”

She frowned slightly, “so then you are one, made two.”

Her confusion was evident, and I was clearly not doing a good job describing what had happened. “So, I’m not sure what to call him, and he’s called me ‘sister’ since I re-awoke. We are two made one, divided again. Neither remains what we were before.” There had initially been on dragon and one human, and now there were two dragons with human influences.

“How eerie!” she exclaimed. “Have you found so many differences from before?”

If she only knew! “Many! For starters, I still cannot take my final form. Most distressing, and I have a new understanding of humans. I won’t take flying for advantage ever again.”

She nodded sympathetically, “I could not imagine losing something so dear.”

I sipped my wine thoughtfully. There are so many things I have learned since my ‘death’. “I had to get to know my killer, adjust to the restriction of living as a human, and not been able to indulge in my natural proclivities. This has caused many things. But he’s had major adjustments too.” I shrugged, Pslyder has gotten the better end of the deal in my view, “but, he still hasn’t learned how to properly enjoy lamb.”

She tilted her head, “oh?”

I grimaced, “no, he still wants it skinned and cooked.”

She gave me a shrewd look, “and may I assume you prefer yours on the hoof?”

I flashed her a smile, “nothing better than fresh lamb.”

She smiled hugely, “you may find most humans prefer their meats well cooked, or at least warmer than it may have been while still living.”

I gave her a conspiratorial grin. “Though I confess that now I prefer them right after they’ve been shorn rather than before they have had the hair removed. And yes, I’ve learned that. But they don’t realize how much they are missing.”

She smiled wider, “it may surprise you, but I have known a few dragons in my time.”

At my surprise, she nodded, “yes, my clan elders claim many among welcomed visitors to the city.”

I had suspicions about her tattoos and magic, perhaps tonight she would confirm them. “Where is your clan from?”

“I doubt you would know. I hail from a city called Heirloch.” She watched me for signs of recognitions.

I could feel my surprise show in my face. A place and city out of the mists of myth! “I have heard the name. I thought it was mythical, until recently.” The information Lord Momus had given me contained the lore of the Atlanteans, but I did not really expect to meet one. “Lost in the mists of time and distance. How many visitors have been there?”

She shed her cloak to reveal a dark, loose vest held together at the neck and waist, joined by a belted loin cloth of knee length purple velvet. “Several! Our markets were some of the biggest on the continent.”

There was a phoenix tattoo across the span of her stomach, neatly framed by the clothing she wore.

I dragged my focus back to the conversation, “I doubt many here would know it. But I could be wrong.”

She raised her wine glass to her lips. “That does not surprise me.”

Vincent arrived and was seeking a duel. He intruded upon our conversation, and I suggested she meet him in the ring to demonstrate why men feared the women of the Outback.

She leaned closer, and I could not resist reaching out to brush a fingertip over the phoenix tattoo, “I do like that tattoo.”

She whispered to me, “I was serious about that relaxation regimen.” She looked down, “thank you, that is my healing tattoo.”

The flesh of her midriff rose in goose flesh from my light touch. So sensitive.

“Logical choice for such a thing.” I smiled up at her.

I traced the drop of blood from the bleeding rose tattoo as she explained the rose was for minor healing and the phoenix was for dire emergency. “We hope the dire part can be avoided.”

She winked, clearly enjoying the contact. “It is how I avoid bruising in here, with the absence of the healing magic in the rings.”
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Post by Byzannce »

At a wise crack from Vincent, she loosed a panther to stalk the room. My fingers brushed the silken fur appreciatively. Our focus shifted to Vincent as he sought to impress the females of the room, I looked at Kalinda, “Our entertainment for the evening?”

She scarcely gave him a glance, “who? Him? Oh no, he has no endurance.”

I chuckled, “that will never do.”

Vincent took the bait, “and you would know that how?”

Kalinda smiled, “I have heard…. Stories.”

The panther purred as I pet it, “why is it that men never do have the endurance?” I was having great fun watching both Artemus and Vincent by now.

Kalinda gave a wistful sigh, “Oh, I plan to find one, eventually.”

I shrugged. “I suppose there may be exceptions, but like your panther here, it’s the females with the endurance to go the distance for…. Prey.”

She laughed, “while the males all laze about and preen, isn’t that right?”

I glanced at Artemus, “with very short bursts of activity.”

Leaning back against the bar, she continued, “now, we are being unfair. I knew this one man from my home town, now he was a lovely specimen.” Her sigh was replete with utter satisfaction.

Artemus couldn’t take it any longer, “careful you two, insulting one male is acceptable, but do not speak of one as representing the whole.”

I laughed merrily, “there are exceptions to every rule” and then focusing on Kalinda, “but what happened to that speciment?”

She looked very sad, “he left upon his own excursion.”

She was reticent to discuss him in public and promised me an accounting in private. “Suffice it to say he had muscles of granite, the endurance of a draft horse, and the attributes to match.” Her voice trails off into a slight giggle.

I lifted a brow, “well, the memories of my brother give me a frame of reference.”

She pulled her attention back from Vincent, “Oh? Then we have so many stories to share!”

I winked at her, “not that I want them for myself you know, but they were very, shall we say, colorful?”

She couldn’t help but giggle madly, “but they did provide a good frame of reference for the other evening, no?”

I closed my eyes with a smile, “of course, I’d have been at a loss without them.”

She moved closer, slipping an arm around behind me. The scent of her skin was warm and tantalizingly close. “Oh, then we simply must continue your education.”

I opened my eyes, looking up at her, “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

As she moved in for a quick kiss, my fingers slid along her wrist, and our talk shifted to the tattoos and their meaning. Her clan crest is a dragon entwined with a phoenix, but the one that interested me the most for the moment was the one on her neck, an eye shedding tears. My fingers slid over the symbol, and very softly I told her I should get one like it.

She purred, “You? You don’t need that.”

Her voice was soft and sultry as she trailed a finger along the azure line running up my arm, “not at all.”

Where as I felt it would be an asset to augment my short comings in the realm of human sensuality, Kalinda disagreed with me. I feel that not growing up human leaves me at a disadvantage, and Kalinda asked me how a dragon would go about trying to attract a mate.

There was a wistful tenor to my voice as I recalled for her aerial courtship. Dragons are sensuous creatures. We love to touch, and be touched, but things are different in this human form.

Kalinda said she didn’t see any deficiencies, but doubt resides in the back of my mind.

With that, she accepted Vincent’s invitation to fight and they proceeded into the pool. I love Kalinda’s easy going sensuality, it is intoxicating.”

At the end of their match, we headed back to the house my brother had built for me. The hot tub has become one of my favorite places.
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Post by Byzannce »

I walked toward a table near the rings as Kalinda exited a ring. She was stunning in a sapphire blue tabard, plated silver belt, and her smile was warm as she spotted me. “Byzannce! How lovely to see you tonight!”

Collecting my wine, I hugged her, “I will say the same to you Kali.”

We kissed before she stepped back, “do you like the outfit?”

I gave her an appraising look, “you are stunning in it.”

She smiled, “I wanted to get you something similar, and thought I’d see if the colors matched yours.”

I gave her a warm smile. I hope one day soon to have no need for human clothing. “Soon I hope to have no more need of them, but they are stunning on you.” I told her truthfully.

She giggled, “silly, what would you do if you had to change into human form again? Walk around bare?”

I laughed. Walking around bare wouldn’t bother me, but I suspect these humans would have difficulty with that kind of openness. “Well, I’m hoping not to take this form for a bit, but you’re right of course.” I prayed daily for the elusive shift. Just once, and I would stay in that form a good long time. I miss my old life. I miss being what I remember.

She sat down beside me, “how is the progress coming along?”

“Slow, but it’s there.” I admitted to her. “The information from my brother and from Lord Momus seems to be helping.”

She leaned closer, “so you plan to take me flying any time soon?”

Her double entendre was delicious as I leaned closer to her and caught the scent of her skin, “I hope so.” And then I kissed her quickly.

She giggled and moved closer still, “so I will be getting another tattoo soon.”

I linked my arm with her, “what kind of tattoo?”

She smiled, “I have not decided yet, though I was wondering….”. She put her elbows on the table and idly watched the rings a moment.

“Wondering about what?” I prompted her.

Kalinda was nervous, “would, umm, would you like to go with me when I do?” Her words were blurted out in a rush.

I reached out and threaded my fingers in her hair, “I would love to go with you.”

She stammered slightly, “I mean, you said you wanted one, and….” Her face lit in a smile as a caressed her.

“I do,” was my reply. She was worried about taking me away from my practice, and I had to ask her how long we would be gone.

“That depends. It might take anywhere from 2 days to a week to recover. It is not the most pleasant experience, I admit. There is a lot of pain about.”

I pondered. My brother shouldn’t object, why not? “I’m all yours, when do you wish to go?” as I toyed with a lock of her hair.

Kalinda smiled, “I got word the portal will open by the middle of next week local time.”

I watched as her hair unwound from my finger, “I will have plans in place to come with you.”

“Your brother will not be angered?”

I thought about it a bit. Strange things set him off, but I could see no harm in a short trip, “I don’t think so, but I will leave word of my plans.”

Her smile was brilliant, “Oh wonderful! I might even be able to introduce you to my teachers.”

An adventure one could only dream of. A chance to meet Atlanteans, and to see their tattoo magic up close! “An adventure in truth,” I said to her.

Kalinda grew thoughtful, “are you sure this is the tattoo you want?” as she pointed to the eye shedding tears.

I ran my finger tips lightly over the marks, “oh, yes,”

She shivered with a smile, “but there are others, and you don’t really need this one, do you? It is one thing to have someone want you of their own accord, and another to make them want you.”

I gave her a quizzical look, “have you a better suggestion?”

She stood, placing her hands upon the table, the line of tempting skin from shoulder to ankle only broken by the silver belt, her voice a sultry promise, “allow me to teach you how to spark desire in a normal way.”

I ran a soft hand down that exposed skin, over ribs and in at waist, to slide slowly over exposed hip, “I am a quick study.” Pslyder’s memories had found a home in my own.

Her breath caught in her throat, “indeed, then why would you need the tattoo?”

“Enhanced results, don’t you think?” I saw the tattoo as a means to heighten feelings rather than force.

She leaned closer, placing one hand on the back of my neck, the other on my shoulder, then leaned very close, “and what would you say if I used it on you this evening?”

I tilted my head at her, “I would say it is a valid lesson.”

She nipped lightly at my throat, “then shall we make use of that hot pool of yours?”

Images of the oversized hot tub flashed through my mind, as well as the sensuous promise of Kalinda’s words. “I would not have it go wasted….”

She nibbled a bit more, and I trembled as I reached up to run my fingers through her hair once more. We agreed to warm up together in the rings, and I rose to face Kalinda. Our match produced several rather nice slices in the fabric, exposing more skin, and some intriguing glances of other tattoos.
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Kalinda Acheron
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Post by Kalinda Acheron »

She giggled repeatedly as the dragonkin woman led her from the arena, the chill of the air reaching her bare skin inside the cloak. The remains of her clothing were even now most likely being retrieved by the serving staff to be used as rags for cleaning. The chill could not ease the fire burning in her blood, however.

She drew up alongside the woman several times during their walk back to the woman's home, egging her on by repeatedly walking in front of her, turning rapidly, and opening her cloak before sprinting ahead to wait in ambush, pouncing at her like a multicolored shadow from the bushes. Their bubbly laughter echoed throughout the night as they made haste towards Byzannce's home, and the warmth within.

Kalinda made sure to hang the cloak with care, as it was a gift from another friend, though her upbringing did away with any body shyness. She was just as comfortable wearing only a silver plated belt and sandals as she was fully clothed in multiple layers, if not more so. She was not quite yet able to activate all of her tattoos by concentration alone, though there were a few she was so accustomed to.

Soon enough, the laughter eased as she looked across the room at the woman, her eyes echoing the heat in her blood as she reached up to touch the tattoo the dragonkin woman wanted so much, her eyes closing as unfettered waves of wanton desire poured from her like a flood.

Soon, she would add another tattoo to the tapestry of her skin, and soon, would share that bond. The bond of power and pain intertwined. A perfect bond of friendship, formed from an experience shared by no other. And all too soon, her work would intrude upon the peaceful eden she had built around herself.
I Remember the words of the misguided fool
Do unto others as you'd have them do
Not an eye for an eye is the golden rule
Just leaves a room full of blind men.

Dave Matthews.
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