Viewing profile - Falathiel Redleaf

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Falathiel Redleaf
Falathiel Redleaf
Character Race:
Anywhere she can see the stars.
Character Portrait:
Character Portrait
Flaxen hair and sky blue eyes, tallish and very strong. She seems just a little like a wild thing let off the chain. Her laugh, a bright musical thing, comes easily. Life in the wild of the world has given her compassion and light; through this lens, she tends to see the world with a cheerful eye. She favors greys and greens in her everyday clothing and is rarely without her long brown cloak and fingerless gloves of soft kid leather. A pair of small, elegant swords nest in their sheaths at her back.
It's the same old story, and one you probably know. A little elvish girl and her big brother went walking in the woods one day, and returned to their village to find it burning and everyone they knew and loved gone.

The boy and the girl survived together, and eventually found the tribe of uruk-hai that were responsible for the carnage. They could have wept. They could have taken darker paths and hidden from the world, frightened and scarred for all their days. Instead of succumbing to despair, the little elvish girl learned a wonderful lesson from her big brother: explosives can be deeply therapeutic.

They mourned. They learned. They grew.

Now, she travels, though she's not exactly sure what compels her to do so. Maybe she'll find it here. Maybe she'll just be another footprint in the dust: here today, swept away by tomorrow.

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Sun Apr 18, 2010 10:01 pm
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Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:39 am
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