Forced Attrition

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Forced Attrition

Post by Querylon »

The Floor man sighed as he heard someone knocking at the front door. He had already been interrupted several times over the last hour in the midst of his duties to grab the door and open it wide. This time it was the girl Robert had warned him as he was leaving would arrive sometime after lunch he had opened the door to. TSC looked her over. Yes, that definitely had to be ‘her’. No other woman wearing such old fashioned faded clothing would appear at the Jasmine unless she was inquiring after a maids position. He stepped out of the way and courtly invited her to come in.

“Robert isn't here, he did mention you were coming. He is late. As usual.” TSC muttered the words and watched with short-lived satisfaction as they wiped the unsure half smile from the girl’s face.

“Greetings and a good day to you.” The floor man’s greeting was not what Querylon had hoped for. Robert had not been late to any of their meetings yet. “I am sorry to have interrupted your work. Did Robert happen to also mention anything he wanted me to do once I had arrived?”

“No.” TSC shook his head, “he said nothing to me. He intended to instruct you personally. Can I ask you a personal question?” That was certainly an odd request after so short an acquaintance and no introduction. Her mien turned curios and TSC started to ask his question but then he thought better of it and instead invited her to a seat in the parlor.
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Post by Querylon »

The room was pleasantly arranged with all Victorian style furniture. TSC sat down on one of the chairs and waved a hand at the couch opposite him. At his gesture Querylon stepped to the couch and seated herself gracefully. Her hands smoothened skirts that didn’t need it before they came to rest in her lap. She was nervous and didn’t hide it well.

“So, are you in love with him yet?” TSC fished around for a smoke in his pocket. He pulled a pack out offering it to her. The play of emotions rushing over her features was amusing and distressing to watch. This was supposed to be the last great hope of the Jasmine and all she managed to look was helpless and afraid.

Querylon was too surprised by the question to even consider sidestepping the subject in her reply. She shook her head in the negative at the offer of the smokes. “My emotions are firmly engaged.” She hesitated a moment before she added. “Yes, I have come to deeply care for Robert.”

The floor man rattled the pack till one of the cigarettes leaped from the container. Sticking it firmly between his teeth he removed his lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette with a high flame before snapping the lighter closed. He looked at her for a while longer while he puffed before he spoke again. “You know what we do here?”

She held one hand with her other to keep them from nervous play. “We are to sell entertainment with cards, billiards and or the companionship of the third floor girls.” Her eyes appeared to study a detail of the styled chair TSC is sitting on. The floor man’s wry grin was lost to her.

“I have never heard it put quite so delicately before. Tell me dear,” TSC interrupted himself and spit a bit of tobacco that rested in his mouth into a nearby ashtray, “does that bother you in anyway?”

“Why, is there anything that should something bother me?” It was TSC’s turn to be surprised. The girl was supposed to jump up screaming and run off, or at least not just sit there and calmly continue to make conversation. She was sweet of that there was no doubt. She would be a perfect Sunday school teacher but after hearing this response he knew she had to have been coached to give this answer. It would be impossible for this delicate rose to know how the wicked Jasmine grew in the wild.
“It doesn't bother you people selling themselves for money?” The floor man coughed.

“By that token I should also worry what your thoughts are as to how I have earned the coins needed to survive. The girls are doing what they are doing of their own free will, as do their customers. Just because I do not care to adopt a certain style of life for myself does not equal me approving or disapproving of one for another.” Her voice was steady, but the hands in her lap held another a little tighter. The small movement had not escaped TSC’s watchful eye.

“Well I can respect that answer, good answer. I can see why Robert likes you. Nice to look at, good attitude.” The floor man’s lips curled a bit. “It doesn't change the fact that you have no business here. But I admire your spunk.”

“Sir, I beg your pardon. You must be in error. My business here, as I understood and promised to Robert I would give it my best effort, is to work with you and him to make the Jasmine into the dream Robert has of her.” Querylon’s voice was firm and her eyes flashed a hint of green. She was not one to go back on her word and she would not let the man opposite her convince her otherwise.

“Well, that was extremely rude. Are you in any way qualified to do anything within this business?”

Querylon had apologized for disagreeing with him before she said so. She knew she had been as nice as was possible and he had been making that rather difficult. She decided to take his statement as an apology. Yet, the barb in his question still stung. “No, sir, not yet. The only thing I started out with in that regard is a sincere desire to help Robert attain his dream.”

“I had a dream like that too. It was all I ever wanted. Sadly though I didn't measure up and Robert replaced me.” The floor man smiled.
“With whom?” The question slipped from her lips before she could stop herself.

“With you dear.” TSC was still smiling. “I have known Robert for twenty years. He and I have been through hell and back together and now, I am to be replaced. Either for his so called love of the Jasmine or for his lust for you. Either way my dreams suffer. I am trying not to hate you, I try on general principle not to hate people Robert does that enough so I don't have to. But you will understand if I hate everything that you represent. Coffee?” TSC rose even though the girl declined his offer. “Well, then you can understand how I feel. I will work with you, you do not seem a total disaster. Yet until you prove to me that you can perform your functions better than me you will not find me overly hospitable.”

Querylon gave a thoughtful nod and a shaky smile. “It is my hope we will both come to find Robert was thinking of doing you a favor by inviting me to take some of the workload off your shoulders.” She paused briefly and then added more quietly. “I do appreciate your honest words.”

TSC acknowledged her words with a court nod. “Now if you will excuse me, Robert should be along directly.” TSC turned to leave the room and get back to his duties.

Querylon stared at TSC’s retreating back. A little smile came to her lips. She had managed to get him to promise his cooperation. After the insight he had given her into his thoughts – and she was certain he had not planned on divulging those thoughts to her either – that must have surprised the man as much as it had her. But he would not make it easy for her. She’d have to prove herself the asset Robert was so sure she would be before the floor man’s cooperation would be given other than grudgingly.

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