If I was a cat...

Everything else, including the kitchen sink.

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If I was a cat...

Post by Elijah »

...I would have lost one of my 9 lives the other day.

I work as a professional stagehand, you know setting up concerts, theater, sporting events, conventions, etc. Anyway, I am currently working the opera, La Traviata as a matter of fact. I was doing a scene change between Act I and Act II and I took one step backwards and fell 12 feet into the orchestra pit, landing on a 1,000 year old Russian chello. The chello is fine, I am fine. Though I do have a nice purple bruise along the length of my arm and torso and I am very sore. I got up immediately and ran back up on stage and kept doing my cues for the scene change. The looks on people's faces was priceless as they were wondering where I went and then realized I was going on like nothing happen.

The last person to fall in the orchestra pit died, most usually end up hospitolized in lots of pain and broken parts. As I went to bed that night, I really felt the Grim Reaper came by and peeled off one of my 9 lives. It was like watching myself from accross the room like in cartoons when you see someone's soul leaving their body. I've been kind of depressed lately, but the last few days I've actually been happy and feel fortune I am alive.

FYI, A chello in the ass is not pleasent. I went to the bar afterwards to have a Guiness and watch the end of the hockey game with some friends. Ended up talkng to some girls only to find out they were some lipstick lesbians. But then I should have figured it out when one of them was wearing a shirt that read "Ovaries to the wall". Atleast the Avs won that day, nothing else seemed to go right for me that day.

Heh, now I am apart of the folklore of our local theaters. "Yeah, remember that one dude who fell in the pit on the chello and just got right back up on stage and kept doing his cues?"

I wish I had a woman in my life today to take care of my poor ole sore body. But unfortunately, I got to go back to work for another 12 hour day.
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Post by Tareth Thorn »

If I was a cat, I'd be solar powered, sleep all day and tear around like a maniac all night, and lay on my favorite person and purr a lot.

I guess not much would change. :lol:
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Post by Lisana »

Ouch ouch and OUCH is all I can say. I can imagine it was probably akin to the time I fell on the sax. That didn't feel to good either.

I think if I was a cat, I'd be even more dangerous then I am as a person. I doubt I'd purr very much but I'd sure enjoy the heck outta pouncing anything and everything that entered my domain. And I'd probably be down to my last life by now....::snickers::
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Post by Karen Wilder »

It's spelled Cello... As a Russian-born Cellist, I'm offended that you nearly harmed a precious musical instrument in that way! ;)
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Post by DUEL Wisp »

If you were a cat, you'd have landed on your feet! .... okay, somebody had to say it. :wink:

Seriously I'm glad you're not dead or broken or anything. :D
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Post by Onyx »

Ahhh contusion, I know thee well.

Ice and some anti-inflammitory pills (like advil). I bet you only lost half a life. ;)

And what do you mean *if* I was a cat...

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Post by Elijah »

Well its been almost a week now since I fell 12 feet onto a cello and the bruise on my body looks like a rainbow trout now. I got about 6-7 different colors of bruise and I ache alot.
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Post by Elijah »

It's still a good story that floats around the stagehand union crews among the theater venues nearly 9 years later. Thankfully, have not fallen off any more stages since then.
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