Diamond Dakota's Deluxe Dueling Day

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Dakota Street
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:03 pm

Diamond Dakota's Deluxe Dueling Day

Post by Dakota Street »

Are you looking for an excuse to buy new and expensive clothing? Do you already own expensive clothing and are looking to show it off? Now, how about emulating our favorite fashionista and IFL champion Koyliak and wearing said fancy, expensive clothing while punching people? Then the Diamond has just the thing for you!

Saturday, March 15
8:00pm to 2:00am
Fancy-pants Party at the Outback!

Come over to the Outback on Saturday, March 15th during regulation hours wearing your Sunday Best! Then get in the rings and get to fighting! So not only will you dress to impress, but you'll fight to excite! Square up to show off! And other such sayings!

And if you show up dressed to kill (not literally, please do not actually try to kill anyone), you'll be entered into a raffle for fabulous prizes! Or maybe just one prize, it depends. Dakota's not rich, you know.

((Post your outfits below! Dice rolls will be used to determine raffle winners.))
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