Challenge for FireStar

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Challenge for FireStar

Post by Kruger »

The Anvil strode through the Outback, glanced at the sign-up sheet for the DQ, and paused conflicted for a moment. Then he made his decision and pinned a message to the board.


There are things that need to happen, one of those is that I need to continue my personal journey. Fortunately for us, that leads me right to you. The Anvil challenges for FireStar.

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Re: Challenge for FireStar

Post by Goldglo »

This challenge is valid and may proceed.

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Nero Zhir
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Re: Challenge for FireStar

Post by Nero Zhir »

Posted beside Anvil's note:

Funny Man,

I'll tell you what I told the others who came for this. You need to harden your resolve. You enjoy lyrics and tales so I'll leave you with this.

Through the darkness of future past 
The magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds 
Fire walk with me.

Challenge Accepted
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Re: Challenge for FireStar

Post by Kruger »

Taped to the bottom of his original message was a statement of his intent to meet.

I would worry about that quote, but I don't live in Twin Peaks. I live in New Haven, but I have some places to sleep in the north woods, and in the marketplace. There's the tree house on Twilight Isle too. There's too many to write here, I'll stop by your office later at the outback and tell you all of them. I'll bring pictures, and tiny little sandwiches. But since we're doing quote time on the challenge board. The Anvil will leave you with this one... it's all about music, though I ad libbed a little at the end.

Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers.
One hundred million angels singin'.
Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettle drum.

Watch the horizon, the whirlwind is in the thorn trees.

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Re: Challenge for FireStar

Post by Kruger »

The Anvil and Nero have agreed to meet on Saturday, January 20th, @ 10:00 PM. RST (Eastern)

Caller to be announced.
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Re: Challenge for FireStar

Post by Kruger »

Eregor has agreed to officiate.
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Re: Challenge for FireStar

Post by Eregor »

Tonight I got to call for the FireStar challenge, and an exciting see of matches it was! We ended up with a full three-match challenge, with all three being fought in The Boiler!

Nero started off strong in the first match, with Kruger cutting away at his lead but never quite overtaking him, until a pair of point trades in rounds 6 and 7 wrapped it up.

Kruger Nero Zhir
1. FDO 0-1 LS
2. SN 1-2 SN
3. FDU 1-3 LS
4. FL 2-3 JB
5. eJK 2-3 FLP
6. JB 3-4 JB
7. LS 4-5 LS

In their second bout, it was Kruger who came out strong and held his lead up to the finish, tying up the challenge at one match apiece and taking us to three!

Kruger Nero Zhir
1. FAB 1-0 JB
2. FLP 1-0 FLB
3. LS 2-0 FDO
4. SN 2-1 FAB
5. SP 3-1 FL
6. CH 4-2 JB
7. JK 4-3 UC
8. FDO 4-3 FDO
9. JB 5-3 SN '

With the challenge even, it came down to who wanted it more, and that turnee out to be Nero. He took an early lead before the Anvil tied it up, but then sprang back ahead and denied Kruger any further points, wrapping it up with a well-placed punch to clinch the defense.

Kruger Nero Zhir
1. FeSN 0-1 JB
2. JB 1-1 SN
3. JK 1-2 FDO
4. FDU 1-3 FeFL
5. FL 1-4 FDO
6. UC 1-5 JB

Well tried, KRuger! Well defended, Nero!
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Re: Challenge for FireStar

Post by Misaki Ishikawa »

Two plastic bags are left at the Outback for Nero.

Note attached reads:
here my socials dm me with info to becom chat mod
I got you the red one cus you have the red rock
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