Fond Farewell

Posts pertaining to the Governor and other public works. Moderator will pass on to the next gov.

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Fond Farewell

Post by BardGallant »

Outside the Governor's Mansion - Sunday, September 24, 2023

Journalists and reporters are gathered outside the Governor's Mansion, cameras on tripods and in hands trained on a podium laden with microphones placed atop a small raised platform. Earlier that morning the people were tipped off that retiring Governor Sheridan "Dris" Driscol was scheduled to make a statement, finally, on the election. They and a bustling crowd of curious gossip-mongers have assembled, eager to hear why it is he decided not to run again, as well as anything else he might have to say.

The gates open and a shushing murmur rolls over the crowd. Dris squeezes out and into a tunnel created for him out of the bodies of numerous security personnel. Already the flash bulbs are popping, and he bares his teeth in a brilliant smile against the glare, a hand lifted to wave as he is escorted by his head of security (and life partner, Rhys Germain) safely up onto the little stage.

"Good afternoon, Rhy'Din!" Dris says cheerily into the microphones. Immediately, the news-gatherers erupt into inquisitive chatter, their voices piling atop each other and struggling to be heard. The Governor raises his hands. "Please, please. Settle down. I know you're all bursting at the seams with questions. We'll get to those, but only with some semblance of order. One at a time. In a moment."

The crowd quiets and every body leans forward, unnecessarily straining to hear him speak.

"Thank you all for coming," Dris says, now with less of a need to shout. "I know the first thing you want to know is why I didn't put my name on the ballot again this year, and that's simple. Candidate Ishikawa said it best herself at last night's debate." He pauses a moment to watch the hook snag their attention, and smiles wryly.

"Being Governor is hard work!" he declares, sounding a little exasperated. This is for comedic effect despite how serious he is, and he smiles still as he listens to the ripple of hushed laughter weave through the crowd.

"I have done so much for this city in the past year. So much that I've done out of love. For this place I call home. For all of you. We've had so many events!" He begins to count them off on his fingers. "A Citywide Trick or Treat, the Vehicular Expo, charity drives galore, the Holiday Sock Hop, the Governor's Ball, Pride Week, Children's Day, the Taste of Rhy'Din, and so many other magnificent parties besides! And whew!" he adds, swiping a wrist across his brow before slumping partly forward against the podium. "I. Am. Tired."

Another quiet ripple of laughter rolls through the crowd. Dris pushes himself back upright, still smiling.

"So I decided I deserved a break. It's time to let someone else take the helm for a while and drive our city through the next year of prosperity. Someone who, like me, has a lot of love for this city. Someone who wants to carry on with all our good works. Someone—"

"Governor Driscol!" One of the reporters interrupts him, raising their pencil. "Are you endorsing one of the candidates?"

"Well as a matter of fact, Marvin," says Dris, leaning one arm on the podium. "I was gearing up to do just that."

The crowd strains forward again, several of the news-gatherers asking who, who, who like a parliament of owls. Dris smiles as he leaves them hanging, allows the suspense to gather thickly between them. Then he plants his hands on the podium and pushes back, straightening his spine.

"I'm sure that this will come as no surprise to anyone, but I must say this wasn't as easy a choice to make as even I thought it was going to be. All three candidates last night were very intriguing, and many of their planned policies align. I imagine the people are going to find it difficult to decide on which one to choose on the ballot. I admit even I struggled this morning when the polls opened!"

Disbelief tangles with the rumble of murmured laughter. Many of the people exchange knowing and expectant looks with one another.

"I won't tell you who i voted for, but I will tell you that if there is any one candidate I personally endorse above the rest, it is Gatito Lindo!"

A dead silence follows his declaration. The crowd is holding their breath, as if expecting more than that. Dris breaks the silence with a merry laugh and slaps his hands down on the podium.

"Because of course I do, amirite?"

There are a few scattered chuckles and whispered laughs. Before the reporters can hound him with more questions, he raises a hand.

"In all seriousness, I do feel that candidate Gatito Lindo is the most qualified for the position. He has worked diligently alongside me in the Greater Government of Rhy'Din this past year as the Minister of Philanthropy. He has been a crucial ally in the planning and execution of many of the events I mentioned before. In the three years he has lived here as a citizen of Rhy'Din he has made his mark and touched the hearts of so many with his gentle paws." Dris places a hand over his heart. "Including my own."

A quiet awww echoes through those assembled, and Dris smiles.

"Gatito is family. Generous and kind and supportive beyond belief. I can think of no better person to take on the role of Rhy'Din's next Governor than he. A living legend. An icon of fashion and my personal friend. If you can't decide whose name to select when you're at the polls these next couple of days, than trust me. Trust in another year of peace and prosperity for Rhy'Din by choosing Gatito Lindo."

Crossing an arm over his chest, Dris brings his hand to the side of his mouth and grins, saying, "And just think of the parties he's going to throw!"

Laughter washes again over the crowd as he leans back. Pens and pencils raise alongside recording devices. Numerous news-gatherers start shouting for his attention. Dris raises his hands and backs away from the podium, shouting.

"Any further questions may be directed to my personal assistant, the lovely Berta Stallworth! Don't forget to get out there and vote! Thank you, Rhy'Din and good night!"

Dris steps backward off the small stage, into the helpful arms of his head of security (and life partner, Rhys Germain). As his personal assistant steps up to replace him, he is ushered back safely through the gates and disappears.
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