The 114th Diamond Rules
(1) Have fun.
(2) Participate in the 'Quest'.
(3) Don't pee on the Fern.
The Quest
Objective: Gain as many points as possible.
Reward: 10,000 nobles for first place. 5,000 nobles for second place. 2,500 nobles for third place. [Only to be awarded if there are at least 5 participants, otherwise I'll adjust the payouts].
(1) Win a duel with a Spin-Kick. [10 points]
(2) Participate in a DoF challenge as a defender, challenger, or spectator. [8 points]
(3) Successfully use a leg-block and leap in the same duel, and win. [5 points]
(4) Win a duel without jabbing once. [5 points]
(5) Win a duel in the Fern. [3 points]
(6) Log a DoF duel three times in one week. [3 points]
(7) Duel the Diamond in DoF. [2 points]
(8) Duel an Opal in DoF. [1 point]
You can claim each quest item as many times as you want. This quest is retroactive starting Week 4 of this Cycle, just add your proof below.
Winner also gets these premium sparring gloves.
Stitch - 82
Delahada - 25
Koyliak - 18
Angelic - 10
Gatito - 9
Updated Sep 30th