Kabuki Kaijus FC Champions Parade

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Miyu Iwasawa
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Location: Kabuki Street or Toyako Onsen

Kabuki Kaijus FC Champions Parade

Post by Miyu Iwasawa »

On the morning of Friday February 17 the 2022 Dragon League championship will be celebrated with a parade moving through Kabuki Street and past Rappapa HQ. The parade will begin at noon following a special greeting from Kaijus full-back Miyu Iwasawa, and will be televised by Kabuki TV. A huge inflatable kaiju mascot will lead the parade, followed by a float carrying the 2022 team. A special guest reporter, Yuina Hirano from the Hanami Harmony idol group will lead the television program and interview revelers on the sidewalks. Many street vendors will be out, offering lunch specials and Kaijus merchandise.

(this is a board based event, feel free to post character outfits, mention of characters attending etc )
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